Project PU Player of the Whenever I Feel Like It 9: TONE114


is a Contributor Alumnus
Approved by WhiteDMist
OP stolen from Leer in RU, who took it from Lord Alphose and xzern in NU
Past Players of the Week: : Magnemite, galbia, gasquakee, scorpdestroyer, Simipour, Anty, Raiza, 2xTheTap

Welcome back to PU Player of the Week, an experience unlike any seen before (bar in every other tier and some OMs). This weekly thread hopes to capitalize and promote good players in the tier, while helping newer players by giving advice and showing effective strategies in the metagame.


Most Known For: PU QC team, PU Room Moderator, "Bitches Love Cannons", Pretty cool dude, One of the few people with numbers in their names that's remotely cool (haha kingler12345), Hosts PU Victim of the Week
Favorite Pokemon: Clawitzer (duh)
Most used Pokemon: Ursaring

For starters, what do you do in real life, and what are some of your hobbies?
I'm currently a college student working for my degree in Financial Mathematics and I do some math tutoring on the side (remidial high school stuff, nothing fancy.) My hobbies include hanging out with my friends, playing video games, or just playing football (the American version) or studying Math (i'm kind of a math junkie, but nothing too complicated.)

Where did TONE114 come from, and why haven't you removed the numbers yet?
Well the nickname "Tone" came from back when I was around 9 years old when one of my mom's friends would always call me Tone instead of by my actual name and then everyone started calling me by Tone so it pretty much stuck with me even through high school and now into college. As for the 114 part, Tone was taken when I tried to register the name, so instead of thinking up random numbers to add on, I just took my birthday (January 14th) and added it to the end and thus TONE114 was made. As for getting rid of the numbers, I more than likely will get rid of them. As to when I'll do that, I don't know yet.

How did you get into Pokemon Showdown!, and more importantly into the PU tier?
Well I wasn't the best battler, let alone teambuilder, so I decided to try looking up new battle strategies and I stumbled across Pokemon Showdown! around late 2013. I wasn't the best battler, much less a teambuilder, so I settled into the Competitive Tutoring room as I did play OU a lot when i first started playing competitively around the beginning of XY. Over the past year and a half, I met a bunch of great people who were willing to help me along as I tried to get better at battling as a whole. As for getting into the PU tier itself, I wanted to expand my knowledge beyond OU and I wanted to try out lower tiers since I'll be forced to run lesser known Pokemon which was fun to try out. The PU room just started out when I first joined back around the Musharna meta and the people I've gotten to know since then as well as the community have all been great and I've loved the tier ever since.

Now that we have the basics down, what are your opinions on the Linoone quick suspect?
Well it needs to go to be honest. It limits teambuilding as you always have to have a check like Kadabra or some physically defensive Pokemon dedicated to stopping Linoone, and even then Linoone can easier be paired with other sweepers to wear down its own checks much less having daul screen/memento support is all it needs to easily 6-0 unprepared teams on top the fact that ExtremeSpeed has higher priority than Sucker and Mach Punch so you can't even revenge kill it.

Moving on, what are your thoughts on the new drops?
Well the new drops have definitely changed things up for the tier. Exeggutor in part being one of the big drops, being able to perform multiple set from Specs, Life Orb, Sun sweeper, Trick Room sweeper, Harvest + resist berry, just an overall great Pokemon in general. Pawniard coming back will be pretty interesting as having a Pokemon with a good typing and combination of Knock Off and Sucker Punch, hazard stack as well as Dark Spam alongside Mightyena can make an immeadiate impact to unprepared teams. Bouffalant coming back brings a nice bulky attacker into the mix as it fit so well on balanced teams looking for a Grass immunity without relying so much on Zebstrika while having the ability to run a Swords Dance or an Assault Vest set. Gorebyss brings a very good Shell Smasher making it a very potent offensive threat after a boost, however this does come with being outsped by scarfers such as Mr. Mime and Rotom-Frost which Huntail has Sucker Punch for. Despite this, Gorebyss remains a Pokemon to look out. Lastly, Gothitelle doesn't really have that impact like the other drops do, however has a neat Mean Look + Calm Mind set which can surprise unprepared teams. Overall, the meta looks promising and I can't wait to see how it shapes up.

Speaking of the new metagame shifts, have any Pokemon seemed to raise in viability in your opinion due to them?
Well from a rising standpoint, Zweilous and Murkrow has been shown some love due to the shift as Zweilous is one of the few Pokemon that can switch into Exeggutor bar HP Fighting while Murkrow posesses Prankster Thunder Wave as well as good STAB options with Brave Bird and Sucker Punch and having HP Fighting for Pawniard.

On the same token, have any Pokemon seemed to drop in viability based on the drops?
As for drops, Raichu looks like the loser out of this as while it can pull a Choice Scarf set to act as a revenge killer, it is relatively weak without Life Orb plus Rotom-F can pull off such a set better due to a better STAB combination and higher Special Attack. Roselia has also taken a slight hit, but can still work just as well as before being a solid Water and Electric check.

Okay so, let's get back to you. How has your experience as a PU moderator affected you?
Sometimes it's a bit stressful as you have to maintain order or try to keep the conversation PU related, but I have enjoyed it to be perfectly honest. It feels good when people have questions to ask and you have the answers for them or to give some battling advice for those new to the tier. Overall its very rewarding and I like helping people out.

What is your favorite playstyle in the metagame?
Right now balanced/hyper offense are my favorite styles in this metagame. Hyper offense is fun as I can set the tone early with entry hazards and overwhelm my opponent with my hard hitters (as my old sample team can attest to), whereas with balance I have a sense of picking my options on how to win and work out a plan on how to achieve my goal.

In your opinion, who do you think has the best shot of winning seasonals?
That's a tough one as everyone that's left has a good shot of winning, though probably Megazard or Galbia would be my bet. Anty and Magnemite also has a shot from the loser's bracket bar they don't choke/get haxed or whatnot, tho It'd be nice to see someone who actually plays PU win to be honest.

What advice do you have to newer players in the tier?
For starters, the PU forum is a great place to get started with from the Viablility Rankings to the Sample Teams thread. Laddering also helps in getting a feel for the tier even though it isn't the most reliable source. Above all else, just remember to have fun. It's one thing that you want to learn the tier, but there have been plently of cases of losing to hax or extremely bad strategies that can easily rile people up and throw you off your game. It is difficult to think this way and it can easily cloud your judment, plus there's no sense in complaining over something you can't control. Long story short, use the forums to your advantage, don't be afraid to ask for help, and just have fun. That's the important thing.

Finally, do you have a team that sort of embodies you as a player, as well as the current metagame?


Well this team is one I've been tinkering with for a bit and the point of this team is to try to accomplish a sweep with either SubNP Ninetales or Coil Arbok. Mixed Life Orb Floatzel aids in this by providing speed and has Ice Beam to lure in Tangela and Gourgeist. Bouffalant provides a Sleep absorber as well as a bulky attacker which I really like having on teams like this. Stunfisk provides Stealth Rocks as well as a good switchin to physical attackers like Dodrio and Monferno. Mr. Mime provides a revenge killer and a Healing Wish user should any member of team becomes weakened. Lastly Arbok is here to act as a backup win condition, a Machoke switchin, and is running Shuca Berry for Stunfisk as this team is susceptable to Ground attacks. This team has a nice combination of bulk, priority, and speed which I really like making in this current metagame.
Ninetales @ Salac Berry
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Nasty Plot
- Fire Blast
- Energy Ball

Floatzel @ Life Orb
Ability: Water Veil
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Waterfall
- Ice Punch
- Aqua Jet
- Ice Beam

Bouffalant @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sap Sipper
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Return
- Earthquake
- Megahorn
- Pursuit

Mr. Mime @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Filter
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Dazzling Gleam
- Focus Blast
- Healing Wish

Stunfisk @ Leftovers
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
- Discharge
- Earth Power

Arbok @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Coil
- Gunk Shot
- Earthquake
- Sucker Punch

What are your thoughts on this week's interview? If you have extra questions for TONE114, feel free to ask them in the comments, and if you want a player interviewed, feel free to leave a post on my profile.
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What do you want to do once you get your degree?

Thoughts on challenges? Where do you want it to go after a ton of people quit and activity sorta petered off?

Thoughts on "Previous players of the week: Simipour"?
Why do you like cannons?
What Pokemon do you feel is most underrated?
What's the best part about PU?
Do you prefer the old PU metagame or the current PU metagame?
If you could change one thing about PU what would you change?
What's your favourite food?
What's your favourite TV show?
Finally, do you have a team that sort of embodies you as a player, as well as the current metagame?


Well this team is one I've been tinkering with for a bit and the point of this team is to try to accomplish a sweep with either SubNP Ninetales or Coil Arbok. Mixed Life Orb Floatzel aids in this by providing speed and has Ice Beam to lure in Tangela and Gourgeist. Bouffalant provides a Sleep absorber as well as a bulky attacker which I really like having on teams like this. Stunfisk provides Stealth Rocks as well as a good switchin to physical attackers like Dodrio and Monferno. Mr. Mime provides a revenge killer and a Healing Wish user should any member of team becomes weakened. Lastly Arbok is here to act as a backup win condition, a Machoke switchin, and is running Shuca Berry for Stunfisk as this team is susceptable to Ground attacks. This team has a nice combination of bulk, priority, and speed which I really like making in this current metagame.
Ninetales @ Salac Berry
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Nasty Plot
- Fire Blast
- Energy Ball

Floatzel @ Life Orb
Ability: Water Veil
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Waterfall
- Ice Punch
- Aqua Jet
- Ice Beam

Bouffalant @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sap Sipper
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Return
- Earthquake
- Megahorn
- Pursuit

Mr. Mime @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Filter
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psychic
- Dazzling Gleam
- Focus Blast
- Healing Wish

Stunfisk @ Leftovers
Ability: Static
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Toxic
- Discharge
- Earth Power

Arbok @ Shuca Berry
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Coil
- Gunk Shot
- Earthquake
- Sucker Punch
What do you do to not get 6-0'd by WP Golem with this team?

Favorite scarfer?

Have you ever watched the office? If so, favorite character? If not, are you mentally insane?

What do you think the meta would be like if we had garbodor back?

Any big plans for after college?
favourite drink?

suggest a (1!) good album? y/n

on a scale of one to seven, how much do you miss poliwrath?

what books have you read recently? what books would you recommend, if someone asked?

analysis (or maybe make it calculus) or algebra?
What do you want to do once you get your degree?

Thoughts on challenges? Where do you want it to go after a ton of people quit and activity sorta petered off?

Thoughts on "Previous players of the week: Simipour"?
After college, I'd like to pursue a career of being a Math teacher. I like helping other people out and I believe becoming a teacher fits me well.

I like the Challenges room, I just wish it wasn't so dead all the time or full of random spammers, I'd like the room to be among the most active of rooms, but it won't be easy regarding the number of people that left over the past couple of months.

Dundies is a cool guy in all honesty, though needs to learn to stop choking matches away when it matters most.
Why do you like cannons?
What Pokemon do you feel is most underrated?
What's the best part about PU?
Do you prefer the old PU metagame or the current PU metagame?
If you could change one thing about PU what would you change?
What's your favourite food?
What's your favourite TV show?

It isn't that i like cannons, its more of a Hellsing Abridged reference that I kept bring up among my friends, so it pretty much stuck with me.
For me its probably the teambuilding aspect. Its fun experimenting with different sets and coming up with new ideas which is pretty cool.
I prefer the current metagame probably because it feels the most balanced to me, but I still miss Piloswine though ;_;.
I'd probably bring Carracosta back without Shell Smash. Offenesive tank costa sounds cool and having an additional Normal check is nice to have.
Fried chicken, roti and curry are definetly my favorite food hands down.
I have a lot of favorite shows, The Big Bang Theory is probably my favorite. NCIS: New Orleans, CSI: Miami and The Office are other shows I liked watching.
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As for getting rid of the numbers, I more than likely will get rid of them.


edit: to stay on topic, what other video games are you into? :)
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What do you do to not get 6-0'd by WP Golem with this team?

Favorite scarfer?

Have you ever watched the office? If so, favorite character? If not, are you mentally insane?

What do you think the meta would be like if we had garbodor back?

Any big plans for after college?
Well the Ground weakness is noticable, however if my opponent decides to lead with Golem and I see no other Pokemon that gets Stealth Rock, I can lead with my Arbok and get an Intimidate off then either Coil or Gunk Shot to break the Sturdy, then go for Sucker Punch. If Arbok faints, then Floatzel can just come in and click Aqua Jet.

Favorite scarfer would probably be Mr. Mime. Rotom-F is a close second, and Chatot third.

Seen all the episodes. My favorite is a toss-up between Pam and Jim, Jim mostly cause I can relate to him being mild-mannered and a bit of a prankster myself.

If Garbodor came back to PU, I might as well just pack my bags and move to Spike City cause that's all you'll be seeing out of it. It was so stupid how easily it got up Spikes and Toxic Spikes while being bulky enough to take physical hits while rocking Rocky Helmet + Aftermath. I'm glad its gone.

Not quite yet, but like I said I do plan on becoming a Math teacher in the future, so I'll probably continue my studies or take a vacation somewhere outside of the US.

edit: to stay on topic, what other video games are you into? :)
Other than Pokemon, I like some sports games like FIFA and NBA 2k16, fighting and shooting games aren't really my thing as I suck at them, I do play Smash on the 3DS, though I'm far from the best (main Bowser aka Randy Orton and Captain Falcon, sometimes Ike, Charizard, and Fox as well.)
favourite drink?

suggest a (1!) good album? y/n

on a scale of one to seven, how much do you miss poliwrath?

what books have you read recently? what books would you recommend, if someone asked?

analysis (or maybe make it calculus) or algebra?
Probably something like Iced Tea or apple cider, but when the holidays roll around, its all about the eggnog lol.

Thats a tough one as my tastes in music are all over the place, one of my favorites would be "Discovery" by Daft Punk.

Probably a 3 not because I used it much even when it was here, It kept a lot of things in check and the last thing I want to do is hinder my teambuilding process by slapping Poliwrath on a team and calling it a day despite what it can do.

I read it a while back during high school, but "Underworld" by Don Denillo was a great read for me especially considering I wasn't much of a reader back then, but I would definetly give it a try. "Breath, Eyes, Memory" by Edgewidg Danticat and "The Mismeasure of Man" by Stephen Jay Gould are other good books I'd consider reading. I also consider "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and It's All Small Stuff: Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life" by Richard Carlson as a good read. It's good for not letting trivial things get to you. Sure it may not apply to Pokemon as much, but it helped me out back when I used to get upset over missing moves or losing to hax.

My favorite part of math is probably the process to solving the problem. There's so many ways to solve problems and sure the process to solving them might be messy, it feels great once you find the answer.