Postgame Acid City's Trouble [Day 4/End: City Win! 4/10 Players]

I could see Blszade playing like this as motivated scum so I would not write him off as an active player, so please read his actual words guys

So far he's intentionally skipped past all the fluff phases where scum try to worm themselves in without having to interact with other players about the game or spew their partners, and I see that as positive in such a setup heavy game
King_, what setup questions do you have that you wish to ask publicly? Why does the setup concern you more than the players?
Honestly, I want to know if anyone got Info we could work with. But that's not going to happen since it's day 1. Setup concerns me more because I'd rather find out a strategy on how to win as I can't player meta on forums yet. Although the random lynches off the bat could be because of info, but I'm probably overthinking since you guys say this is a random lynch day. As for the lynch I'd rather at least wait a day and feel everyone out.
I am joke voting, and I don't think acidphoenix needs to be afraid of the 5 man turbowagon lol. Votes can be changed, and I will as the game progresses vote people I find suspicious, this doesn't mean I don't update my assumptions as more people contribute and vote others. More than anything, the vote is a representation of a committed current opinion.

It sounds like you just want to talk about setup but don't have any actual questions or content concerning it which is strange.

You're also pretty concerned about player meta when you've interacted with at least half this game's participants plenty. Why don't you ask yourself what about each of the players you know would help you distinguish their behavior, or if you don't think you know a lot, what you wish you knew? Ask questions when you see something odd, ask others what they think of your interpretation. People will come forward with cop checks or similarly relevant info whether you wait for them or not.

I'm also interested to hear what Buttered_Toast, DLE, and those who haven't seriously posted yet have had to say.
Acidphoenix (1) - Blazade.
Blazade (1) - Acidphoenix.
Da Letter El (1) - Jalmont.
Jalmont (1) - Da Letter El.

Acidphoenix was voted first and all votes are tied, therefore Acidphoenix is in danger of lynching.
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Cancerous gets town points for a post that reads genuine Cancerous troll

jalmont gets scum points because he is literally gamethrowing by voting for the last hope for the village. Didn't like tone of the jumpluff vote either; even in rvs it feels weird to phrase anything as "fmpov clearly scum" so early on.

general questions to get people started if they have no idea what to talk about:

1. if anyone was effected by a negative role that could be mafia aligned, should they claim it? yes/no/why
2. assume you're controlling night kills and night starts now. Who is your night kill? why?
If this post is srs I have raisins to believe we are both good so I won't return the favour

Anyway I have school and will be working. I'll be back later.

Atm interested that butteredtoast bothered to @ us all and is mia despite actually interesting posts appearing after he did.

Hi there. ButteredToast is a god damned adult with a god damned job who can't be on all the do dah day. So excuse me for being absent. I'll be active enough, but I am also not available 24/7. Tomorrow I work 3-10 EDT and I'll be working until 9-4 EDT on Saturday and Sunday so don't expect me to be active during that time period.

I tagged you all because the host didn't do so. I also want to play a game of mafia instead the sit-on-our-ass-fia that AM2 turned out to be. :) I'm not leading the village in any shape or form, and saying that because I made the first post and alerted people that I am is a bushel of bananas.

I'm still reading the thread and taking my notes. If there are more questions, I'll get to them.
Hi there. ButteredToast is a god damned adult with a god damned job who can't be on all the do dah day. So excuse me for being absent. I'll be active enough, but I am also not available 24/7. Tomorrow I work 3-10 EDT and I'll be working until 9-4 EDT on Saturday and Sunday so don't expect me to be active during that time period.

I tagged you all because the host didn't do so. I also want to play a game of mafia instead the sit-on-our-ass-fia that AM2 turned out to be. :) I'm not leading the village in any shape or form, and saying that because I made the first post and alerted people that I am is a bushel of bananas.

I'm still reading the thread and taking my notes. If there are more questions, I'll get to them.
lmao town
I added a feature which was intended for future games, but seeing that the smugglers are rather weak for the limited amount of players I have added it now.

Refer to the new Rule 15 in the first post.
(If you want to spoil yourself, there will be methods to counter this as citizen.)

I hope you all understand, I won't be changing roles or anything important mid-game so don't worry.
Alright seems like my current thing and rushing (I'm using a xbox 360 with an outdated Internet Explorer, I can only use computers until 10 PM.) made me cause confusion.

I meant that only smugglers can talk privately during day phases, since this is the thread and is public. That doesn't really apply here.

Rule 15 has been updated, I'll extend the day for this. Sorry guys.
I don't scumread King_ yet, I simply find his posts to be characteristic of his personailty. He was a hard read in DBZ without evidence so I want to get a better sense of his motivations. Town or not, he's kind of giving himself excuses to hang back which is the PokeguyNXB special.

Residays here with the true host dedication, wow. You couldn't make me update on an Xbox 360 on Internet Explorer if you paid me, and you have to admire the clear attention he's paying this game. Real step up over Fire and Ice. I don't think anyone's "IN DANGER" when there are like 2 days left though :P

Buttered Toast I want to know what you personally find noteworthy, rather than try and lead you with a question right now. This goes for Cancerous, acidphoenix, King_, Dullagamur too.

OK Jalmont was trolling, but there was a N0 in this game so I had to make sure and the tone of that was weird as DLE mentioned. As for DLE's question, off the top of my head I can only think of hooked but that's a good example and I can't see a reason why hooked targets should claim, most of the quick scenarios I see just hand more info to the mafia without really any benefit to the village.
1. if anyone was effected by a negative role that could be mafia aligned, should they claim it? yes/no/why

It's case by case, but I'd say yes in the majority of cases. Why is because it can't do any harm. The mafia knows who attacked who already, so it's not giving them any information. For the village, it helps us to know what role is in the game and to check lies in future cycles when we need too. There are about 1000 different roles in the OP and I don't remember half of them, but I'm sure that one of them was something like a watcher for the village who could give us a mafia lynch at somepoint.

Not speaking up now might not mean speaking up at all. And unless there is an explicit reason why you shouldn't claim you were targeted, I'd say you'd need to. The mafia can lie and make up an action and say that they were hit by something, but if they do in later rounds they'll be caught in the lie.

2. assume you're controlling night kills and night starts now. Who is your night kill? why?

I'm assuming that by night kills, you mean anti-village and not a vig.

The act of choosing a target is delicate. Obviously, I'd want to go for the big guns and get a big name off the board. Someone like DLE who has the mafia experience to lead the village to a quick victory and catch me or my team if I have a team, quickly. But going for him is risking losing a kill because of his experience and the clout around his name, he'll have the highest likelihood of being protected. The player who is inactive or inexperienced is the one least likely to be blocked, but at the same time they're low reward. Yeah, they might be a good role, but if they're inactive or inexperienced they won't use it well to begin with and will probably get themselves lynched. They're also the ones most likely to be fooled and manipulated later on in the game.

So, my target would probably be someone in the middle. Someone like Cancerous or Ullar who have mafia experience but who won't probably be protected. Seems like the best risk/reward ratio.
IF I was Mafia, I wouldn't go for the "Good Players" but look for maybe who would be wise enough to pretend and not be a PR or depending on the play style seem like a Power Role. But for now maybe I'd kill one of the first few voters just for the off chance that they could have a PR.
IF I was Mafia, I wouldn't go for the "Good Players" but look for maybe who would be wise enough to pretend and not be a PR or depending on the play style seem like a Power Role. But for now maybe I'd kill one of the first few voters just for the off chance that they could have a PR.
Just remember, 5/10 roles are citizen a.k.a vanilla
Buttered Toast I want to know what you personally find noteworthy, rather than try and lead you with a question right now.

I don't keep game notes on a document, I have a notebook I scribble things in oldschool pencil and paper. Really, I just have two pages with you guy's names in them and just write down things that happen and post numbers for later so I'm not searching the thread. There really isn't much in the notebook now besides just my impressions of you guys. We're just now exiting the joke stage of the game and taking direction.

That's what I meant by notes.

What I find significant is nothing really. Just trying to figure out your guys playstyle and where your head is at in this thread and what direction you're trying to go. People that have a pointed endgame to people wasting time with off task mumbojumbo. I want to know who is actively making an effort to playing the game and who is already overwhelmed by the walls of text and discussion. Stuff like that. I don't see any real merit to nitpicking players first few posts outside trying to create discussion by doing so.
Jalmont man, this is going to be another one of these games where you read completely scummy to me because you do these quirky non-nonsensical things like trying to halt/sidetrack meaningful discussion that might lead somewhere because it forces people to think and respond.

Like... every game it happens.
Ugh BT, why do we have to disagree on gamespec.

All that stuff you just mentioned about us figuring out what roles in the game? That's good for the mafia too. It's also better for the mafia, and easier done from the informed position the mafia sits in. The mafia will know which hooks etc came from them, so if people claim hooks etc that didn't come from them, suddenly they know about a town hooker etc (and one person it can't be). In some cases they'll be able to sus out investigative or later on protective or power roles from what didn't work and that's really bad.

So no. Those people should probably not claim those results. There's no reason it can't happen later, and in an order that will catch lying scum in a similar fashion. I'm not going to replay DBZ and engage this for 10 more pages.

BT explicitly not having anything to comment on is frustrating, DLE starting a gamespec discussion is frustrating, Jalmont being curt and unhelpful is frustrating. I'll get back to all this tomorrow.