Mafia vs Village Weeb Mafia: GAME OVER! Postgame in #504-505

Hi everyone I'm putting myself in charge of the village. If you have any qualms with this please private message me.

In other news, I need everyone to send me your result last night. If you didn't have a result PM me anyways. If you don't respond I will assume you are mafia. If you are mafia, you need not respond.



Da Letter El
TraceofLife -> rssp1
Tymano -> DeathByWobbuffet
Sorry I've already assumed you are mafia so I'm ignoring you unless you want to talk to me about your role (which I graciously gave you the opportunity to do so before you shut me down). You aren't in any position to make demands of me.
Hi everyone I'm putting myself in charge of the village. If you have any qualms with this please private message me.

In other news, I need everyone to send me your result last night. If you didn't have a result PM me anyways. If you don't respond I will assume you are mafia. If you are mafia, you need not respond.



Da Letter El
TraceofLife -> rssp1
Tymano -> DeathByWobbuffet

thank you
Haruno is probably mafia so I wouldn't bother talking to him. He wants to know my role to determine if I'm worth offing tonight.

I'm leading the village because I have twin's sheet and am relatively informed about the game so far. I'm interested in having discussions with people in order to make progress on this game. Someone like Haruno is more interested in making my life hard with "proof" while I am interested in sharing information in order to figure stuff out, like who we should lynch today. Someone like Haruno is likely to be mafia and since he's not going to share any info anyways, you're much more likely to make progress with me.

So please PM me. ty
I have twin's sheet. I am informed about the game.

Plz send results ty.

No seriously, you're full of shit Jalmont rather than spouting random bullshit. Prove it for once LOL you literally have done zero except demand results for no reason at all. After the fiasco that was dead mafia I expect better from you and mafia play. If you people want to be retarded and send him results with no reason to then I'm ragequitting this game because village is a lost cause LOL
OK I'll play along: there is apparently no reason to talk to me or you because we're both spouting random bullshit or something and because apparently there's no way for me to prove that I am informed about this game or anything like that even though I told you how I could prove that in our PM but whatever I'm playing along.

What do you suggest we do instead? What is your alternative? Let's ignore the long-term for a second. What do you suggest we do today? Have you even been thinking about this game? I haven't seen anything so far that suggests you are interested in the outcome of any lynch or any event until right now.
OK I'll play along: there is apparently no reason to talk to me or you because we're both spouting random bullshit or something and because apparently there's no way for me to prove that I am informed about this game or anything like that even though I told you how I could prove that in our PM but whatever I'm playing along.

What do you suggest we do instead? What is your alternative? Let's ignore the long-term for a second. What do you suggest we do today? Have you even been thinking about this game? I haven't seen anything so far that suggests you are interested in the outcome of any lynch or any event until right now.
easy, let rssp1 lead town. The only problem with him is he has a fetish for one of the worst pokemon in game, but other than that he seems well informed about the game and probably has twin's sheet.
so to make coordinating actions and remembering everyone's roles easier, people typically have an excel spreadsheet that they put all the information they know on. Town leaders use this to keep track of everything they need to know and amass all the claims they have, and give people who they believe are town access to the sheet. This allows leadership to transfer smoothly when a town leader is killed as another trusted town member can take the helm with all the information they were given.
Deadline's in about 12 hours and I'm not extending so get your asses in gear

Jalmont (2): Jalmont, Haruno
Mithril (3): UncleSam, Yeti, DaLetterEl
UncleSam (1): Mithril
Galap (1): Nomark
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I'm really tempted to lynch people who aren't responding to my private messages. Especially since that information could be really fucking important!

At this point, I think Mithril is sadly our best choice. His flip will reveal a lot of things, like if UncleSam is full of shit or not. I get the sense that a lot of you may be full of crap but I don't have any hard evidence or the means to do anything about it.

If you are village PLEASE PLEASE get in contact to me / respond to me.