Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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I'm looking for:
  • Porygon in a great ball
  • Hidden ability Aerodactyl (a cool ball is appreciated but any will do)
IVs and natures are irrelevant for both.
I can offer BP items or the following breedjects:
  • Beast ball Honedge (either 4 IVs or 3 perfect IV + zero speed)
  • Dusk ball Deino
  • Beast ball Alolan Meowth
  • Beast ball Growlithe
I can offer you the Aerodactyl from my Giveaway if you don't refuse against cloned Pokemon.
I'm looking for:
  • Porygon in a great ball
IVs and natures are irrelevant for both.
I can offer BP items or the following breedjects:
  • Beast ball Honedge (either 4 IVs or 3 perfect IV + zero speed)
I've got a Porygon in a Great Ball that I'd gladly trade for a 0 speed, x3 31-IV Honedge.

It is Naive and has the ability Trace. PM me if interested? The only catch is I can't do any trading for about six more hours.
They've banned 5,954 players for altered save data, which probably means hacked Pokemon (not sure if clones are included). Such players are banned from game sync, rating battles, competitions, and global missions. You'll get the error code 090-0212 if that's the case. Source.

EDIT: I'm guessing it only applies if you try to use these Pokemon online.
They've banned 5,954 players for altered save data, which probably means hacked Pokemon (not sure if clones are included). Such players are banned from game sync, rating battles, competitions, and global missions. You'll get the error code 090-0212 if that's the case. Source.

EDIT: I'm guessing it only applies if you try to use these Pokemon online.
Not sure if they can check whether something is cloned or not if the Pokemon itself is legal?
Not sure if they can check whether something is cloned or not if the Pokemon itself is legal?
Yep, it doesn't specify, they're just cracking down on "altered save data". Which could mean a lot of things, so it's understandable they don't want to specify what exactly it is.
since there eaperently is a way to breed normal and alohan form pokemon toegether and choose which fform you get with the everstone

are there any good egg moves that cna transfer between the different forms that they cant get any other way?
Now that Bank is upon us, does anyone have any of the following for trade? I would assume they would come from Gen 6 for the most part but happy to be proven wrong! Flexible on ball choices, since I suspect Metagross and Porygon are quite limited

- Shiny Jolly Metagross w/ Ice Punch
- Shiny Bold Porygon w/ Foul Play
- Shiny Timid Porygon
- Shiny Modest Horsea
- Shiny Adamant Growlithe w/ Close Combat & Morning Sun
- Shiny Modest Wingull

PM your interest, I have A LOT to trade for these.


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Looking for an adamant roggenrola and HA Timid Abra(would be nice if they are in cool balls).
Also looking for a spare Mew you might have from past events. PM me if you can trade and discuss what you want in return. Thanks in advance.
Im looking for either mew, diancie, genesect or celebi, have a spare hoopa with pokerus, a spare meloetta, a keldeo and a shiny mild gyarados . Thanks in advance!
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LF someone who can create a Kalos and Alola banner for my trade thread. PM me and we'll work something out.
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