Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 48 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Anyone have a spare shiny level ball timid pidgeot meant for mega pidgeot?

If you do, please pm me so we can work something out

I have a lot FT
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I have a porygon with sassy nature and 4 perfect ivs missing the attack and speed ones, should I keep to use it for battle spot or toss?
I have a porygon with sassy nature and 4 perfect ivs missing the attack and speed ones, should I keep to use it for battle spot or toss?
Neither; breed it with a ditto and get a better one.
Trainer-tip: You could preserve the Sassy nature, aim for 0 speed IVs and use it as a Trick Room setter.
Neither; breed it with a ditto and get a better one.
Trainer-tip: You could preserve the Sassy nature, aim for 0 speed IVs and use it as a Trick Room setter.
That's what I had been doing, but I keep getting the same outcome, I finally got one, but it had trace instead of download so I'm just gonna get the ability capsule
Does anybody have extra apricot balls they could trade? I need as many as possible, especially Lure and Level Balls. I could offer anything in my Trade Thread etc.
Looking for :
HA Timid Snivy with Glare, Mirror Coat and Synthesis(in generation 6 if possible)
Adamant Groudon
Shiny Adamant Sandile
Adamant Regenerator Ho-oh
Impish Celesteela

Some stuff I can trade :
Shiny Pokemon I recently hatched :
Timid Repeat Ball HP Ice Larvesta(25/0/30/31/31/31) - can provide bottle cap for the imperfect HP
Impish Dive Ball HA Bergmite(31/31/31/31/31/25) - can provide bottle cap for the imperfect Spe - EM(Mist , Barrier , Mirror Coat, Recover)
Jolly Beast Ball Beldum(31/31/17/31/31/31) - can provide bottle cap for the imperfect Def
Jolly Dream Ball Charmander(31/31/16/31/31/31) - can provide bottle cap for the imperfect Def - EM(Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse , Outrage , Flare Blitz)
Modest Friend Ball Grubbin(31/31/31/25/31/31) - can provide bottle cap for the imperfect SpD
Beast Ball Dewpider(25/31/31/31/31/0)- can provide bottle cap for the imperfect HP
Jolly Chimchar(31/31/31/31/31/31)- EM((ThunderPunch, Blaze Kick and Fake Out)
Friend Ball Naive Bagon(31/31/31/31/31/16) - EM(Dragon Pulse , Hydro Pump , Thrash , Dragon Dance)

Legendaries and Giveaways from Smogon :
Luxury Ball Shiny Timid Hp Ground Pidgeot lvl 100(Hurricane , Heat Wave , Hp Ground , U-Turn) Ev Spread 252 SpA/ 252 Spe / 4 Def
Repeat Ball Adamant Tapu Bulu lvl 100(Wood Hammer , Horn Leech , Stone Edge , Superpower) Ev Spread 252 atk / 252 Spe / 4 Hp
Fast Ball Timid Hp Ice Tapu Koko lvl 100(Thunderbolt , Volt Switch , Hp Ice , Dazzling Gleam) Ev Spread 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Fast Ball Naive Tapu Koko lvl 60 Untouched
Moon Ball Adamant Alola Marowak lvl 100(Shadow Bone , Bonemerang , Flare Blitz , Protect)
Beast Ball Adamant Buzzwole lvl 100 Ev spread 252 hp / 252 atk / 4 Def

Dive ball bold ha mareanie(spit up, haze , stockpile , swallow)
Beast Ball ha jolly Gible (outrage)
Alola Ha Adamant beast ball Geodude(autotomize)
Love/Luxury Ball Ha timid vulpix(encore , moonblast , freeze-dry)
Bold/adamant fast ball / level ball growlithe(burn up , double edge , morning sun , close combat)
Modest Heal Ball cyndaquil(double kick)
Dive Ball ha adamant sandshrew(icicle crash)
Beast ball jolly beldum
Moon Ball modest Deino
Dive ball calm feebas(mirror coat)
Nest ball ha modest exeggcute(synthesis)
Moon ball ha jolly rockruff(fire fang , thunder fang , thrash , sucker punch)
Ha Adamant Dratini(extreme speed)
Moon ball adamant crabhawler
Beast Ball Bold Sandygast(Destiny Bond , Amnesia , Swallow , Stockpile)
Friend Ball Bold Chikorita(counter , leech seed , leaf storm)
Moon Ball Adamant Cubone(Belly Drum , Chip Away , Iron Head , Perish Song)
Moon Ball Adamant Roggenrola(Heavy Slam , Curse , Rock Tomb)
Jolly Bounsweeet(play rough)
Modest Nest Ball Ha Bulbasaur(giga drain)
Dive Ball Modest Wingull(Wide Guard)
Dream Ball Quiet Solosis(Confuse Ray , NIght Shade , Helping Hand , Acid Armor)
Net Ball Modest Ha Psyduck
Beast Ball Modest Horsea(dragon rage , muddy water , disable , dragon breath)
Nest Ball Relaxed Ferroseed(Spikes , Stealth Rock , Leech Seed , Seed Bomb)
Timid Fast Ball Pichu (Electric Terrain, Fake Out, Charm , Encore)
Modest Moon Ball HA Litwick(Acid Armor , Heat Wave , Clear Smog , Endure)
Beast Ball Quiet Honedge(Metal Sound , Destiny Bond , Shadow Sneak , Wide Guard)
Heavy Ball Modest Gastly(Clear Smog , Disable , Psywave , Perish Song)
Moon/Friend Ball Quiet/Modest Grubbin (Harden , Endure , Mud Shot)
Dream Ball Sassy HA/non-HA Porygon
Dive Ball Impish HA Bergmite(MIst , Barrier , Mirror Coat , Recover)
Impish Hippopotas(Slack off , Whirlwind)
Hp Ice Timid Repeat Ball Larvesta
Brave/Adamant Beast Ball Dewpider
Timer Ball Brave Makuhita(Bullet Punch, Helping Hand , Feint, Wide Guard)
Dream Ball Jolly Charmander(Flare Blitz , Outrage , Dragon Dance , Dragon Pulse)
Friend Ball Careful Larvitar(Dragon Dance , Stealth Rock , Pursuit , Iron Head)
Ultra Ball Jolly/Adamant Sandile(Pursuit , Fire Fang , Thunder Fang)
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Best way to make money after beating the game? Going on a TM grind but funds seem to be an issue going forward.
Looking for :
Timid Snivy with Glare, Mirror Coat and Synthesis(in generation 6 if possible)
Adamant Groudon
Shiny Adamant Sandile
Adamant Regenerator Ho-oh
Impish Celesteela

Some stuff I can trade :
Shiny Pokemon I recently hatched :
Timid Repeat Ball HP Ice Larvesta(25/0/30/31/31/31) - can provide bottle cap for the imperfect HP
Impish Dive Ball HA Bergmite(31/31/31/31/31/25) - can provide bottle cap for the imperfect Spe - EM(Mist , Barrier , Mirror Coat, Recover)
Jolly Beast Ball Beldum(31/31/17/31/31/31) - can provide bottle cap for the imperfect Def
Jolly Dream Ball Charmander(31/31/16/31/31/31) - can provide bottle cap for the imperfect Def - EM(Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse , Outrage , Flare Blitz)
Modest Friend Ball Grubbin(31/31/31/25/31/31) - can provide bottle cap for the imperfect SpD
Beast Ball Dewpider(25/31/31/31/31/0)- can provide bottle cap for the imperfect HP
Jolly Chimchar(31/31/31/31/31/31)- EM((ThunderPunch, Blaze Kick and Fake Out)
Friend Ball Naive Bagon(31/31/31/31/31/16) - EM(Dragon Pulse , Hydro Pump , Thrash , Dragon Dance)

Legendaries and Giveaways from Smogon :
Luxury Ball Shiny Timid Hp Ground Pidgeot lvl 100(Hurricane , Heat Wave , Hp Ground , U-Turn) Ev Spread 252 SpA/ 252 Spe / 4 Def
Repeat Ball Adamant Tapu Bulu lvl 100(Wood Hammer , Horn Leech , Stone Edge , Superpower) Ev Spread 252 atk / 252 Spe / 4 Hp
Fast Ball Timid Hp Ice Tapu Koko lvl 100(Thunderbolt , Volt Switch , Hp Ice , Dazzling Gleam) Ev Spread 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Fast Ball Naive Tapu Koko lvl 60 Untouched
Moon Ball Adamant Alola Marowak lvl 100(Shadow Bone , Bonemerang , Flare Blitz , Protect)
Beast Ball Adamant Buzzwole lvl 100 Ev spread 252 hp / 252 atk / 4 Def

Dive ball bold ha mareanie(spit up, haze , stockpile , swallow)
Beast Ball ha jolly Gible (outrage)
Alola Ha Adamant beast ball Geodude(autotomize)
Love/Luxury Ball Ha timid vulpix(encore , moonblast , freeze-dry)
Bold/adamant fast ball / level ball growlithe(burn up , double edge , morning sun , close combat)
Modest Heal Ball cyndaquil(double kick)
Dive Ball ha adamant sandshrew(icicle crash)
Beast ball jolly beldum
Moon Ball modest Deino
Dive ball calm feebas(mirror coat)
Nest ball ha modest exeggcute(synthesis)
Moon ball ha jolly rockruff(fire fang , thunder fang , thrash , sucker punch)
Ha Adamant Dratini(extreme speed)
Moon ball adamant crabhawler
Beast Ball Bold Sandygast(Destiny Bond , Amnesia , Swallow , Stockpile)
Friend Ball Bold Chikorita(counter , leech seed , leaf storm)
Moon Ball Adamant Cubone(Belly Drum , Chip Away , Iron Head , Perish Song)
Moon Ball Adamant Roggenrola(Heavy Slam , Curse , Rock Tomb)
Jolly Bounsweeet(play rough)
Modest Nest Ball Ha Bulbasaur(giga drain)
Dive Ball Modest Wingull(Wide Guard)
Dream Ball Quiet Solosis(Confuse Ray , NIght Shade , Helping Hand , Acid Armor)
Net Ball Modest Ha Psyduck
Beast Ball Modest Horsea(dragon rage , muddy water , disable , dragon breath)
Nest Ball Relaxed Ferroseed(Spikes , Stealth Rock , Leech Seed , Seed Bomb)
Timid Fast Ball Pichu (Electric Terrain, Fake Out, Charm , Encore)
Modest Moon Ball HA Litwick(Acid Armor , Heat Wave , Clear Smog , Endure)
Beast Ball Quiet Honedge(Metal Sound , Destiny Bond , Shadow Sneak , Wide Guard)
Heavy Ball Modest Gastly(Clear Smog , Disable , Psywave , Perish Song)
Moon/Friend Ball Quiet/Modest Grubbin (Harden , Endure , Mud Shot)
Dream Ball Sassy HA/non-HA Porygon
Dive Ball Impish HA Bergmite(MIst , Barrier , Mirror Coat , Recover)
Impish Hippopotas(Slack off , Whirlwind)
Hp Ice Timid Repeat Ball Larvesta
Brave/Adamant Beast Ball Dewpider
Timer Ball Brave Makuhita(Bullet Punch, Helping Hand , Feint, Wide Guard)
Dream Ball Jolly Charmander(Flare Blitz , Outrage , Dragon Dance , Dragon Pulse)
Friend Ball Careful Larvitar(Dragon Dance , Stealth Rock , Pursuit , Iron Head)
Ultra Ball Jolly/Adamant Sandile(Pursuit , Fire Fang , Thunder Fang)

If you manage having a hard time, I can get you a Snivy. Doesn't have Glare though seeing as I only breed my starter from Black/White for GTS trading so you'd have to get the Egg move on your own. Let me know if that helps you out at all though.
can someone give me a link to a giveaway that has 0IV speed ditto in gen 7. I just lost my phone and I don't have my computer so I'm posting this using my 3ds and it's hard to do.
Best way to make money after beating the game? Going on a TM grind but funds seem to be an issue going forward.
You've got a few options:
  • Pokepelago: Trasure Hunting every other day should net you several items that you can sell for cash.
  • Breaking the Boulders at Poni Coast; sometimes they'll drop a Star Piece or Comet Shard, which you can sell for cash as well. Bonus point is that you can do this everytime you leave the area and comes back.
  • Rematch the Elite Four; with an Amulet Coin ( + Happy Hour/Celebrate ) this is the most reliable way to make $$$, but gets stale real quick.
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You've got a few options:
  • Pokepelago: Trasure Hunting every other day should net you several items that you can sell for cash.
  • Breaking the Boulders at Poni Coast; sometimes they'll drop a Star Piece or Comet Shard, which you can sell for cash as well. Bonus point is that you can do this everytime you leave the area and comes back.
  • Rematch the Elite Four; with an Amulet Coin ( + Happy Hour/Celebrate ) this is the most reliable way to make $$$, but gets stale real quick.

One thing. The move Celebrate has no effect on prize money.
Best way to make money after beating the game? Going on a TM grind but funds seem to be an issue going forward.
You've got a few options:
  • Pokepelago: Trasure Hunting every other day should net you several items that you can sell for cash.
  • Breaking the Boulders at Poni Coast; sometimes they'll drop a Star Piece or Comet Shard, which you can sell for cash as well. Bonus point is that you can do this everytime you leave the area and comes back.
  • Rematch the Elite Four; with an Amulet Coin ( + Happy Hour/Celebrate ) this is the most reliable way to make $$$, but gets stale real quick.
You can also do the Pyukumuku chucking at the Hano Beach for $20000 daily. While there, in the northern part are rustling spots that may yield wild Staryu which you can use Thief on to collect Stardust or Star Pieces and may occasionally drop them after battle as well. It isn't a heck of a lot, but it is a guaranteed $20000 daily for very little effort.
How do Egg moves breed again? It's been a good 6 years since I've played competitive not casual and I'm looking to breed my previously non-alolan female Nintetales with an Alolan male Ninetales (if that's possible) and pass down my egg moves while keeping the Snow Warning and the egg moves too. Tips?
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