Pet Mod SylveMons (Discussion Phase)

Obstinacy - Tauros (-Anger Point), Braviary (-Keen Eye), Primape (-Vital Spirit), Linoone (-Gluttony), Mudsdale (-Own Tempo),Vigoroth (HA), Lycanroc-Midnight (-Vital Spirit) | Haxorus (-Mold Breaker), Lucario (-Steadfast) (gonna be keeping an eye on these)

Blaze/Torrent/Overgrow/Swarm - Current distribution

Morning Sun - Current Distribution + Blaziken line, Seviper, Serperior, Rayquaza, Salandit Line, Salamence line, Sceptile line, Druddigon, Budew Line, Fomantis Line, Lycanroc-Dusk, Helioptile Line, Petilil Line, Cottonee Line, Bellossom | Charizard Line

Moonlight - Current Distribution + Lycanroc-Dusk, Noctowl, Nidoran Line, Cleffa Line, Igglybuff Line, Skitty line, Munna Line, Marowak-A, Chingling Line, Gligar Line, Sneasel Line, Ninetales-A, Diancie

Synthesis - Current Distribution + Cottonee Line, Phantump Line

Bug Bite - Current Distribution - Scyther Line

Incinerate - Current Distribution

Pluck - Current Distribution + Aerodactyl, Rattata-A Line, Fletchling Line, Yveltal, Torchic Line,
Oh god, Mega Rayquaza has good recovery now

Let's see what we got, then:


Teach it how to dance and be ready for a sweep. If you clear fairies on the other field, it can spam 238 BP Outrages with the risk of getting killed by a Rocky Helmet, Iron Barb or Rough Skin. Not much to say here, because you can just see why it is so fantastic.


Musharna already was a pretty good mon in the current meta (Never thought I'd say that), but now it has a way to direct heal itself, keeping it's bulky role in a pretty good position.


Incinerate under Sun oughta hurt. And, if it keeps Morning Sun, that's even better.


Screw this goddamn dream duck, it's somehow more annoying to take down than before.


STAB on a special Fire Knock Off. That sounds honestly pretty good for the fatness of this mon


Light Ball Togedemaru is simply a beast. With Wild Charge now having 150 BP, and being able to not only Fake Out but U-Turn when needed, Togedemaru is pretty strong. It also laughs at Koko now, with Lightning Rod and a fantastic Electric / Steel type.


While certanly not a fantastic mon now, it is pretty cool. Considering it has Rock Polish, a Sash + Polish set can make it decently fast. I'm not sure what moves people run on Lycanroc, but it can do things like this if it's at 1% HP:
252+ Atk Lycanroc-Midnight Stone Edge vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 433-511 (61.5 - 72.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Lycanroc-Midnight Brick Break vs. 252 HP / 88+ Def Ferrothorn: 220-260 (62.5 - 73.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Lycanroc-Midnight Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 192+ Def Toxapex: 181-214 (59.5 - 70.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Lycanroc-Midnight Stone Edge vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 186-220 (55.8 - 66%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Not the most impressive thing ever, but when you consider we are talking about Lycanroc, you can see why these damages are notable. That is, unless you want to run SD instead, which is risky due to Lycanroc-Night being rather slow.


With the adition of Eviolith, Vigoroth may see some usage every now and then. It has Endure as well, making it easier to rech the 1% HP without much risks. Shame it is too fast to use Trick Room, but it still hits hard enough when at low health (Harder than Lycanroc-Night even).


Both of them can abuse their respective recoil STABS to get on low HP. Tauros, being the fastest unboosted Obstinacy user, can fire off Double-Edges like crazy. On the other hand, Braviary can use the tipical Brave Bird. Of course, both would need another STAB move, because when they are at low HP, Recoil is not an option. But other than that, recoil spam sounds cool.


Do not let this thing fool you. Belly Drum is a free 50% boost to every move + maxed out attack. Couple that with STAB Extreme Speed and you're in for one hell of a Priority Abuser. Coverage is not missing either - Seed Bomb, Stomping Tantrum, Gunk Shot, Play Rough and Shadow Claw are all somewhat viable, specially after the boost (Making Stomping Tantrum even stronger than Earthquake, and can OHKO Max Hp. Steel / Ghost Stakataka). Overall, a great improovement.


STAB Reversal Obstinacy sounds crazy. It hits, what, roughly 400 BP before stab when at 1% HP? That's really the only thing I wanted to point out about it, tho Endeavour might be a cool move to use if you can't OHKO the foe so that your next mon can revenge kill it


It has now a 135 BP Bug Buzz. However, Volcarona's problem usually comes from coerage, so not sure how much this will help.


I can see these as the only users of Torrent in the meta. Others would prefer to either Mega Evolve or would always use another ability (Considering Samurott's new ability). I don't think any of them will be of extreme relevance, but are definetly better than before.


This, however, has barely any reason for Flash Fire anymore. Now it will always use Blaze instead since Flash Fire would require being hit by Fire to work, and has essentially the same boost. Easy upgrade that makes it have a respectable Eruption


Reliable recovery is a pretty sweet thing for Mega Venu to gain. Can do it's stally role better now.


Tang suffers from bad Sp. Def, and Regen on both makes Synthesis almost useless, but it's a good new trick under their sleeves


Not really relevant, but can finally pull of a better tanky offense role


All can finally have a more reliable way to gain HP back - Be it for stall, tanky offense or longevity. Again, not sure if it will be that much relevant, but it's certanly something to remember.


Major buff, honestly. It's the stalliest of the Eeveelutions (95 | 110 | 130), and with a recovery move now, and foul play, Umbreon probably will rise a bit


STAB Pluck with Tough Claws sounds like a good deal to me.


"Hey, how about we give Zapdos a flying-type Knock Off? It's not like Zapdos was good already or something"
Seriously, this looks amazing on paper. May suffer 4MSS tho.


Oddly enough, Empoleon out of all things can benefit from Pluck: Fighting-Types no longer switch in so safely due to a super-effective hit that removes their item.


Remember when I said it would probably run something alongside Brave Bird for recoil sets? Pluck is a great option, tho a bit gimmciky. Substinacy (As I am now calling Substitute + Obstinacy) can also use Pluck for not having to run a flying STAB with recoil

Bug Bite

Just some bugs that appreciate the stronger new STAB. Most of them had either X-Scizzor, Lunge or Leech Life as their best Bug move, but now they are much more respectable, specially for being able to cripple switch-ins


With Forecast + Sun Team, you can do something with this


...what the hell did I just do to stall?


Misdreavus hits harder with Eviolith, but speed is important. Ghost / Fairy is a great STAB combo, and it has some fine moves to abuse it with (Although both Shadow Ball and Dazzling Gleam are kinda weak). Won't be a top-tier mon but at the least it has a pretty good reason to be used now, as it's the only Specially Oriented Ghost / Fairy mon


Bug / Dragon is a pretty cool combo. It is resisted by Fairy and Steel, but Tinted Lens is a bless. It'd probably also carry Shadow Ball for Stakataka.


Fantastic type combo. Not only as it resists tons of stuff, but now it can hit Fairies as well. Also, now Goodra is no longer the only single-typed sudo-legend


Just some few examples of dragons who can fire off Draco Meteor to get to that sweet +2 Sp. Atk and then proceed to deal high damage with their other STABs


Above but for Overheat instead of D. Meteor


Obvious V-Create is obvious. Has to give up Z-Celebrate, tho.


Special mention to these two due to Unburden being a thing.


Meteor Shower + Poison STAB sounds like a good deal to me.


Can pick between Overheat or Close Combat


Clanging Scales sounds cool... But probably not worth giving up Clangorous Soulblaze

Can't think of a set specialized to Hot Potato, but what it can do is screw up item-based strategies (Specially in a meta where Eviolith and Light Ball sound promissing). Tho the new Knock-Offs may mess up Hot Potato a bit, and in a meta with Z-Crystals, Mega Stones and other unremovable items (Like Meloetta's or Darmanitan's), as well as Forecast's stones being irremovable, it sounds a bit more gimmicky to use it. Still, retty good item to mess the foe, if anything a bit double-edged since the foe can give it back to an undeired mon of yours.

Not sure how to bulid Weather Teams, but since we get things like Forecast's boost and Weather Crystals, building a team with Hail sounds solid. Specially with Aurora Veil around. In case you're not up against Trick Room, this can really turn some tables in the game. Alolan Sandslash is also hilariously fast under Hail.


Much like Pirouette Meloetta, Darmanitan-Zen just couldn't find much opportunities to change forms, and couldn't use it's bulk to max potential due to only activating at 50% HP. With this item, and the fact that it can now have Sheer Force, Darm-Z is a pretty nice mon to use. Speed is messed up - Isn't that fast but not quite slow enough for TR, but it still has a huge Sp. Atk of 140, and impressive bulk at 105 | 105 | 105. Misses on the Coverage department, tho, but Sheer Force Psychic boosted by Rage Candy Bar deals loads of damage to most things. Not a fantastic mon, but it is still good.

Perhaps one of my favorite buffs so far. I personally always hated that the Pika Clones never got anything, but now they have power. The following is what their base stats roughly look like when holding a Light Ball:


20 | 130 | 15 | 120 | 35 | 60


35 | 128 | 40 | 149 | 50 | 90


60 | 230 | 55 | 230 | 80 | 110


60 | 219 | 50 | 240 | 85 | 110


60 | 130 | 50 | 200 | 85 | 95


60 | 149 | 40 | 219 | 75 | 95


60 | 139 | 70 | 139 | 90 | 95


55 | 200 | 60 | 200 | 60 | 103


67 | 165 | 57 | 212 | 67 | 101


65 | 245 | 63 | 130 | 73 | 96

As you can see, most of them are more of Glass Cannons (Except Pachirisu... idk what the fuck that thing is trying to do). Raichus, Emolga and Togedemaru are the ones with better Speed + Offenses. Alolan Raichu under Electric Terrain sounds devastating. Most of these also get Fake Out and Quick Attack, all get Nuzzle (Making switching into them harder than it should) and some other weird coverage (and maybe even utility) moves. Notable moves for each:

Raichu-K: Brick Break, Extreme Speed, Focus Blast, Fake Out, Quick Attack, Signal Beam, Surf, Thunderbolt, Nuzzle, Volt Tackle, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Encore, Nasty Plot

Raichu-A: Thunderbolt, Storked Sparksurfer, Extreme Speed, Fake Out, Focus Blast, Knock Off, Nuzzle, Psychic, Psyshock, Volt Switch, Volt Tackle, Wild Charge, Nasty Plot

Minun: Thunderbolt, Nuzzle, Quick Attack, Signal Beam, Volt Switch, Grass Knot, Wild Charge

Plusle: Thunderbolt, Nuzzle, Quick Attack, Signal Beam, Volt Switch, Grass Knot, Wild Charge

Pachirisu: Thunderbolt, Gunk Shot, Nuzzle, Quick Attack, Seed Bomb, U-Turn, Volt Switch, Wild Charge

Emolga: Aerial Ace, Knock Off, Nuzzle, Pursuit, Quick Attack, U-Turn, Wild Carge, Air Slash, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Taunt

Dedenne: Nuzzle, Play Rough, U-Turn, Wild Charge, Grass Knot, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch

Togedemaru: Fake Out, Fell Stinger, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Nuzzle, Poison Jab, U-Turn, Wild Charge, Zing Zap, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Spiky Shield

Also, fun random fact: Mandibuzz gets Knock Off, Pluck AND Incinerate. That's one birb who hates items right there. Give it Klutz
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Can I just say I'm in love with this rat? It hits insane power if it holds a Light Ball. As to what it can do with that? Firstly, it appreciates the new Wild Charge having 150 Base Power. It can also carry Fake Out for doing something useful, Iron Head for dual STAB and then either scouting with Spiky Shield, pivoting with U-Turn, using Fell Stinger for snowballing, Nuzzle for crippling Switch-Ins, or Endeavor + Sturdy (Has to run Zing Zap as an Electric STAB if you're running Sturdy tho, otherwise it'd be redundant). All of it's abilities have their value - Lighting Rod grants it switch-ins (Tho being part Steel already helps with that), Sturdy lets it live a hit, which can destroy most things that would hope to OHKO it but get 2HKO'd back. Iron Barbs is less useful, but discourages the foe's mons with things such as Fake Out or Extreme Speed.

Here's some calcs:
252 Atk Togedemaru Fake Out vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 96-113 (13.6 - 16%) -- possible 7HKO
252 Atk Togedemaru Wild Charge vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 532-627 (75.6 - 89.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 Atk Togedemaru Wild Charge vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Stakataka: 208-246 (63.8 - 75.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 Atk Togedemaru Fake Out vs. 212 HP / 44 Def Heatran: 33-39 (8.7 - 10.3%) -- possibly the worst move ever
252 Atk Togedemaru Wild Charge vs. 212 HP / 44 Def Heatran: 366-432 (97.3 - 114.8%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Togedemaru Wild Charge vs. 252 HP / 24 Def Sableye-Mega: 325-384 (106.9 - 126.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Togedemaru Fake Out vs. 248 HP / 200+ Def Rotom-Wash: 51-61 (16.8 - 20.1%) -- possible 7HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Togedemaru Wild Charge vs. 248 HP / 200+ Def Rotom-Wash: 288-339 (95 - 111.8%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Togedemaru U-turn vs. 248 HP / 200+ Def Rotom-Wash: 90-106 (29.7 - 34.9%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Togedemaru Iron Head vs. 244 HP / 12 Def Gliscor: 175-207 (49.7 - 58.8%) -- 16% chance to 2HKO after Poison Heal

252 Atk Togedemaru Iron Head vs. 248 HP / 212+ Def Tangrowth: 136-162 (33.7 - 40.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 Atk Togedemaru U-turn vs. 248 HP / 212+ Def Tangrowth: 160-190 (39.7 - 47.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

Sure, can't spam Wild Charge unless it wants to suicide, but hits decently hard. This trash thing from PU now 2HKOs Chansey, OHKOs Lead Blocker Mega Sableye sets, and makes Stakataka not whitch in safely. Praise the volleyball rat.
Obligatory Discussion post from me (AP covered most of the important stuff, but there's still some stuff)


Druddigon @ Leftovers / Rocky Helmet
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Dragon Tail
- Toxic / Glare / Taunt
- Stealth Rock / Taunt / Gunk Shot
- Morning Sun
FINALLY, THIS THING CAN PULL OFF A DEFENSIVE SET. With those wings, it really should've gotten Roost, but this is close enough. With some nice tools in Glare, Stealth Rock, Taunt, two phazing moves, and Rough Skin makes Druddi kinda like TankChomp, but without an immunity and with a better defensive typing. Also, Sheer Force sets appreciate not being worn down as fast.

Nidoqueen (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 116 HP / 252 SpA / 140 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sludge Wave
- Earth Power
- Moonlight
- Ice Beam
Speaking Sheer Force, this bulky powerhouse lso now won't die as fast, which is fun. EVs outspeed 16 Spe Lando and OHKOes it with Ice Beam.

Heracross @ Flame Orb / Choice Scarf
Ability: Guts / Swarm
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bug Bite
- Close Combat
- Knock Off / Protect / Stone Edge / Earthquake
- Facade / Protect / Stone Edge / Earthquake
That's some damage.

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Moonblast
- Moonlight
- Stealth Rock
- Incinerate

Unfezant @ Life Orb
Ability: Air Stream
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- U-Turn
- Return
- Pluck
- Night Slash

Fearow @ Life Orb / Choice Band
Ability: Sniper
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pluck
- Return / Quick Attack
- Drill Run
- U-turn

Archeops @ Choice Band / Shell Bell
Ability: Defeatist
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pluck
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- U-Turn / Roost
The last 3 mons all sorely lacked Brave Bird (and weren't named Aerodactyl) and now all have a cool new STAB option to destroy things with. Archeops at least had Acrobatics, but now it can hold a boosting item or something like the new Shell Bell for longevity.

Haxorus @ Focus Sash
Ability: Obstinacy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake / Reversal
- Poison Jab
- Dragon Dance
This can get off a free DDance and then sweep through teams with 1.99x and 1.5x damage boosts to all moves, +1 Speed with a decent speed tier, and enough coverage to break through most checks. In return, it gets revenge killed extremely easily, obvious.
If any suspect tests are needed (especially in preparation of PMGS), THIS is the one.

Lucario @ Focus Sash
Ability: Obstinacy
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Reversal
- Extreme Speed
- Meteor Mash / Crunch
- Swords Dance
Yeah, this thing gets Reversal. And priority to kill revenge killers. The Smash Bros. reference is awesome, but if it comes to it, the chopping block is always open, my friend.

Durant @ Choice Band
Ability: Swarm
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Bug Bite
- Iron Head
- Stone Edge
- Superpower
If you hated missing with Hustle, well here you go.

Delphox @ Life Orb
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Incinerate / Fire Blast
- Psyshock
- Grass Knot
- Calm Mind
Magic Healing is cool to counteract Life Orb recoil but THIS is where the power is, ladies and gentlemen. It boasts secondary STAB and more speed over Typhlosion and it could do some damage.

Incineroar @ Choice Band
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Flare Blitz
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Earthquake
I mean, when you're forced to use Blaze, might as well make the most of it.

Decidueye @ Decidium Z / Life Orb
Ability: Overgrow
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Spirit Shackle / Shadow Charge
- Leaf Blade
- Shadow Sneak
- Swords Dance
I mean, when you're forced to use Overgrow, might as well make the most of it.

Torracat @ Eviolith
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Flare Blitz
- U-turn / Leech Life / Return
- Shadow Claw
- Fake Out / Swords Dance
85 Attack with Eviolith, 90 Speed, and high powered STAB. I mean, it's something, right?

Darmanitan-Zen @ Rage Candy Bar
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Fire Blast
- Psychic
- Focus Blast
- U-turn
This is a really cool Trick Room mon. Being able to have Sheer Force in Zen Mode means that you are shooting out ludicrously powerful Fire Blasts, RCB-boosted Psychics, and Focus Blast to rip through teams with. Plus, U-Turn is fun for pivoting utility.

Sceptile @ Blue Herb
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leaf Storm
- Energy Ball
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Focus Blast
Hey, mini-Serperior with more power and speed, how would like to destroy stuff with a 1-time +2 special Attack boost and Unburden? Well, just eat this weird blue plant and happy sweeping buddy!

Togedemaru @ Light Ball
Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Wild Charge / Zing Zap
- Iron Head
- U-turn
- Toxic / Zen Headbutt
Yeah, with essentially Huge Powe- oh, what's that? AquaticPanic posted about Togedemaru while you were typing, reinforcing how terrifying this is with calcs and everything?... Oh

Raichu-Alola @ Light Ball
Ability: Surge Surfer
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Psyshock
- Focus Blast
- Nasty Plot
Who wants to take a hit after a Nasty Plot? Who wants to take this one if it's in Electric Terrain? Who wants to attempt to revenge kill this in Psychic Terrain?

Yanmega @ Blue Herb
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Bug Buzz
- Giga Drain
- Protect
I'm so happy we made this happen.
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Blaze 252+ SpA Choice Specs Typhlosion Eruption (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Blissey in Sun: 616-726 (86.2 - 101.6%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO after Leftovers recovery

Just let that sink in.

Oh and Chansey? Well, there's 3 new ways to remove items so it'll probably be better to actually run Blissey anyway.
Well, discussion has slowed, so it's time to do some stuff!

SylveMons Ubers and LC Theorymonning
(I accidentally hit send, so LC is unfinished rn)

SylveMons (OU) hasn't been coded yet, so obviously neither of these are a focus, but hey, might as well do a tiny bit of discussion, eh?
Oh Arceus help us all...

Dialga @ Room Extender
Ability: Time Warp
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold / Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Atk (/ 0 Spe)
- Roar
- Recrystalize
- Flash Cannon / Incinerate
- Stealth Rock
So, Trick Room has its own setter in Ubers in Dialga. With a great defensive typing, newfound reliable recovery in Recrystalize, Stealth Rock and Roar support, and great bulk, Dialga makes Trick Room a premier threat. And, while it has good 90 base Speed, that's actually pretty low by Ubers standards, so it can abuse Trick Room, too. Here's a list of some of the abusers of Trick Room in Ubers:

Okay, not much, but at the very least, Necrozma-DM is already a huge threat and being able to drop Rock Polish in favor of bolstering its great bulk can be great for it. Also, Zygarde-Ccango all in with Coil rather than having to pack Dragon Dance as well. Not to mention, other TR abusers can rise up to challenge the gods, like Eviolith Lampent (who wants to try switching into Shadow Ball, Overheat, HP Ice, huh? Literally just Kyogre, Palkia, and Ho-Oh (maybe Groudon, too).

Rayquaza @ Blue Herb
Ability: Air Lock
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Dragon Ascent
- V-create / Extreme Speed / Morning Sun
- Earthquake / Extreme Speed / Morning Sun
- Dragon Dance
oof. Just make sure to use V-Create/D before DDancing up, okay?

Deoxys-Attack @ Blue Herb
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Psycho Boost
- Superpower
- Knock Off / Fire Punch
- Extreme Speed / Fire Punch
Y'know how Deoxys is so frail that it probably can't set up? Yeah....

Groudon @ Red Orb
Ability: Drought
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Precipice Blades
- Roar
- Incinerate

Marshadow @ Photocopier
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Shadow Sneak
- Spectral Thief
- Drain Punch
- Ice Punch / Rock Slide
This is 100% a gimmick, but if you switch into something with a stat boost, like Speed, for instance, you can then outspeed (possibly) and steal their boost, essentially doubling your boost. This would be a hilarious form of setup sweeper.
In more viable news, Technician means 112.5 BP STAB Drain Punch, 112.5 Elemental Punches, 112.5 BP Rock Slide, and even 105 BP Shadow Claw.

Ho-Oh @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 204 Def / 52 SpD
Impish Nature
- Sacred Fire
- Pluck
- Recover
- Toxic / Whirlwind
This is fine. Also learns Incinerate, but why give up Sacred Fire for it?

Xerneas @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Fairy Aura
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Fairy Charge
- Close Combat
- Rock Slide
- Hidden Power [Ground]
131 Attack will no longer go to waste.... this set isn't viable at all, but, y'know.

Blaziken @ Life Orb
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpA
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Flare Blitz
- Low Kick
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Swords Dance
Blaziken is one of the slowest things in Ubers and Blaze just got buffed, so here we go. I mean, you're never using this over Mega Blaziken, so why not? Solid C- rank right here, bois.
This is honestly the more interesting of the two SylveOMs to me, since more stuff has been given to LC mons rather than Uber mons.

(Please excuse bad EV Spreads on some mons, I don't know a lot about how to get optimal spreads)
Okay, so this item.

As most of you know, LC does allow for the use of Eviolites, making the top threats usually semi-bulky powerhouses with a few exceptions like Gastly, Diglett, and Abra. With Eviolith coming into play, the basically counteracts the Eviolite and creates a bit of a mindgame. Pokemon like Mienfoo all of a sudden have an option to become stupidly powerful or keep to its original sets. I honestly don't know if this is a good or bad thing (I'm leaning towards bad, but I'm not an LC wiz, so...).. Obviously, SylveMons isn't even coded yet, so we may never have to have the conversation in the future, but still something to think about.

The sets posted will include Eviolith. This isn't confimation that if SylveMons LC became a thing it would be legal, however.

Baltoy @ Eviolite / Room Extender
Ability: Time Warp
Level: 5
EVs: 196 HP / 76 Def / 196 SpA / 36 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin

Munna @ Eviolite / Room Extender
Ability: Time Warp
Level: 5
EVs: 236 Def / 60 SpA / 156 SpD
Relaxed Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Teleport / Baton Pass
- Healing Wish
- Dazzling Gleam
- Moonlight

Natu @ Eviolite / Room Extender
Level: 5
Ability: Time Warp
EVs: 196 HP / 76 Def / 116 SpA / 76 SpD / 36 Spe
Bold Nature
- Psychic
- Roost
- Heat Wave
- U-turn / Teleport
Ah yes, Time Warp shows its face down here, too. We have the mini versions of Claydol and Musharna down here, doing what they do in fully evolved form, though with the possibility of having to extra TR turns to account for bulk. Natu is basically Celebi but without Stealth Rock or Healing Wish, but it's an interesting enough pivot setter I suppose.

Baltoy @ Room Extender / Focus Sash
Ability: Time Warp
Level: 5
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 196 HP / 116 Atk / 196 SpD
Careful Nature
- Explosion
- Stealth Rock
- Magic Coat
- Rapid Spin
This is another way to get up Trick Room, by basically being a Trick Room version of Onix.

Elgyem @ Eviolith / Eviolite / Room Extender
Ability: Time Warp
Level: 5
EVs: 236 SpA / 236 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Psyshock
- Nasty Plot / Teleport
- Shadow Ball / Recover
- Signal Beam
And then, of course, we have Elgyem, reprising it's bigger version's role as an offensive TR setter, with a high Special Attack and Nasty Plot at its disposal, as well as coverage for Psychic and Dark-types.

Timburr @ Eviolite
Ability: Guts
Level: 5
EVs: 116 Atk / 156 Def / 236 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
- Knock Off
- Bulk Up
Guess which Top Tier LC threat gets buffed because of Trick Room? THIS GUY!

Honedge @ Eviolite / Eviolith
Ability: Knight's Blade
Level: 5
EVs: 76 HP / 116 Atk / 116 Def / 140 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Shadow Claw
- Stalwart Sword
- Sacred Sword / Rock Slide
- Swords Dance / Pursuit
With good Attack and strong moves, 2 of which are boosted by Knight's Blade, Honedge is looking like a pretty decent TR sweeper. With a Brave nature and 0 Speed IVs, it even hits 6 Speed, which outslows almost everything in LC, making it an even better sweeper.

Spritzee @ Eviolite
Ability: Aroma Veil
Level: 5
EVs: 212 HP / 36 Def / 172 SpA / 76 SpD
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Wish
- Sludge Bomb / Protect / Hidden Power [Fire]
- Moonblast
- Nasty Plot
Spritzee did get Nasty Plot in USUM and it now has a pretty cool offensive typing in Fairy/Poison, so this could be interesting.

Mudbray @ Berry Juice / Eviolite
Ability: Stamina
Level: 5
EVs: 116 HP / 196 Atk / 36 Def / 156 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Earthquake
- Heavy Slam
- Rock Slide
- Close Combat
OO: Thunder Clap
Who tryna test my Stamina?

Corphish @ Eviolith / Eviolite
Ability: Adaptability
Level: 5
EVs: 196 Atk / 76 Def / 236 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Crabhammer
- Aqua Jet
- Knock Off
- Swords Dance

Cubone @ Thick Club
Ability: Battle Armor
Level: 5
EVs: 36 HP / 196 Atk / 76 Def / 196 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Bonemerang
- Knock Off
- Rock Slide
- Fire Punch

Munchlax @ Berry Juice
Ability: Thick Fat
Level: 5
EVs: 236 Atk / 36 Def / 236 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Return
- Earthquake / Fire Punch
- Pursuit / Fire Punch
- Recycle
This is the fastest thing in the tier in Trick Room at 4 Speed (which, hilariously, is only 1 less than its base Speed). It warranted a mention is suppose.

Klink @ Eviolite / Eviolith
Ability: Technician
Level: 5
EVs: 236 Atk / 36 Def / 116 SpD / 116 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Shift Gear
- Gear Grind
- Wild Charge / Thunder Clap
- Facade / Substitute
This looks fun.

Chinchou @ Eviolite
Level: 5
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 76 HP / 212 Def / 152 SpA / 60 Spe
Bold Nature
- Scald
- Volt Switch
- Rinse Off
- Heal Bell
Chinchou got Rinse Off, which is cool. It does have to give up either Heal Bell or Ice Beam to use it, but still a cool buff nonetheless.

Pichu @ Light Ball
Ability: Lightning Rod
Level: 5
EVs: 36 HP / 200 Atk / 76 SpD / 196 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Wild Charge
- Fake Out / Volt Switch
- Hidden Power [Ice] / Volt Switch
- Grass Knot / Volt Switch
So, Wild Charge from this thing is going to kill, like, half of the tier (I don't have calcs to back that up, but I'm probably right.), soooooooooo this thing is a little suspect. Has the defenses of wet tissue paper, though.

Gastly @ Life Orb
Level: 5
Ability: Ethereal Fist
EVs: 200 SpA / 80 SpD / 200 Spe
Timid Nature
- Haunting Scream
- Sludge Bomb
- Drain Punch / Fire Punch
- Substitute
oh no

Salandit @ Poisonium Z
Level: 5
Ability: Corrosion
EVs: 36 Def / 192 SpA / 36 SpD / 220 Spe
Timid Nature
- Sludge Bomb
- Fire Blast / Incinerate
- Hidden Power Grass
- Flame Charge
How does this unblockable Z-Move taste?

Meowth-Alola @ Eviolith
Ability: Technician
Level: 5
EVs: 236 Atk / 36 SpD / 196 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Fake Out
- Parting Shot
- Gunk Shot
This is the only thing that has the ridiculous combo of Technician + Knock Off, hitting for 146.25 BP before STAB and removing an item. Luckily, this thing's Attack is absolute trash, but still.

Wingull @ Eviolith
Level: 5
Ability: Rain Dish
EVs: 36 Def / 236 SpA / 236 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hurricane
- Scald
- Jetstream / Pluck
- U-turn
Now the thing with a STAB combo that nobody switches into now also revenge kills. Just what we needed. Its original set ran Knock Off, so Pluck exists as a better version, too.

I made a Discord! Here, we can discuss the meta and do all the other things a Discord is good for, so join here:

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is open!
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Name: Hyper Beam and clones
Existing Move?: Y
Category: Unchanged
Type: Unchanged
BP: Unchanged
PP: Unchanged
Effect: User has to recharge after using the move, unless it successfuly KOs a foe.
Priority: 0
Misc.: Unchanged
Z-Move: Unchanged
Niche: High risk high reward moves. Basically retain their early gen mechanics.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Uhhhh... Almost everything already gets them lol

Itallic are the ones which I'm rather in doubt of wether to add or not

Prismatic Laser: Arceus (It gets nearly every other Recharge move, incluiding Roar of Time)

Roar of Time: Old distribution

Hyper Beam / Giga Impact: Old Distribution

Rock Wrecker: Both Geodudes, Aggron, Regirock, Gigalith line, Carracosta, Rampardos, Terrakion, Arceus, Tyrantrum, All Lycanrocs, Minior, Glalie, Landorus, Torterra, Mamoswine, Swampert

Frenzy Plant: Arceus (Gets Hydro Cannon and Blast Burn but not Frenzy Plant for some reason), Silvally (It's a mini Arceus and has Grass Pledge, another move "signature" to Starters), Simisear, Simipour

Blast Burn: Silvally, Simisage, Simipour, Ash Greninja

Hydro Cannon: Silvally, Simisear, Simisage

Name: Astonish
Existing Move?: Y
Category: Physical
Type: Ghost
BP: 40
PP: 24
Effect: 100% flinch chance
Priority: +3
Misc.: First turn only
Z-Move: 100 BP
Niche: Allows for a Ghost-Type Fake Out clone on much needed things.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Current distribution is fine. Maybe Stakataka to fit the new Ghost-Type.

Name: Rollout / Ice Ball
Existing Move?: Y / Y
Category: Physical / Physical
Type: Rock / Ice
BP: 120
PP: 16
Effect: Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards.
Priority: 0
Misc.: Contact.
Z-Move: 190 / 190
Niche: Good STAB for either types.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Currently, most mons that get Rollout aren't even Rock-Type, so let's add more Rock-Type users to the list. As for Ice Ball... Barely anything gets it. So, add more users in general to Ice Ball.

Rollout: Armaldo, Avalugg, Baltoy line, Bounsweet, Cryogonal, Drillbur line, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Carbink, Rockruff, Roggenrola

Ice Ball: Castform, Crabominable, Cryogonal, Cloyster line, Glalie, Regice, Sneasel Line, Mamoswine, Blastoise, Wailmer line, Omastar

Name: Submission
Existing Move?: Y
Category: Physical
Type: Fighting
BP: 150
PP: 24
Effect: 50% Recoil
Priority: 0
Misc.: Contact.
Z-Move: 200
Niche: Great improvement to be alongside Wild Charge when it comes to being a Head Smash clone. Now it can finally live up to what stadium says about it being "The strongest fighting move".
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Current + Emboar, Hitmontop at the least. Submission is an extemamly restricted move for some reason.

Emboar (Learns Flare Blitz, Head Smash and Wild Charge already. (Also the fact that the move's description in RSE was "A reckless body slam", Emboar being able to learn Body Slam and has Reckless as an ability, being the only one with this combo who doesn't get the move)), Hitmontop (Only hitmon to not learn it), Bewear, Chesnaught, Crabrawler, Hariyama, Hakamo-o, Pangoro, Throh, Sawk, Meloetta

Also everything that could learn it as a TM from Gen 1 to now get it naturally

Name: Flame Body / Effect Spore / Cursed Body / Static / Poison Point
Existing Ability?: Y
Effect: Always activate now; Poison Point makes Toxic Poison instead.
Niche: For no reason, the old effect only had a 30% chance to activate, while most, 1f not all, other contact-activation abilities had a sure chance of activating. Cursed Body is probably the best
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Old distribution?

Name: Keen Eye
Existing Ability?: Y
Effect: Moves used by this Pokémon always hit
Niche: It's a one-sided No Guard, what's not to like? (Needs a bit of a redistribution, tho)
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: I'm not sure what exactally, but holly hell does this ability need more users.

Houndour line (-Unnerve), Manectric line (-Static), Talonflame?, Swellow?, Dodrio (-Run Away), Swanna (Replaces Hydration, since it lost Keen Eye to the new Flying Weather ability), Zebstrika?

Name: Big Pecks
Existing Ability?: Y
Effect: This Pokémon's Def and Sp. Def are raised by one for each of it's stats that are lowered by a foe
Niche: It's now a defiant clone, making the ones with Big Peck have a cool way to boost their defenses.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Current + Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres (Ability #2), Noctowl, Skarmory (-Keen Eye), Togekiss?

Name: Gale Wings
Existing Ability?: Y
Effect: This pokémon's Flying-type moves have their priority increased by 1.
Niche: Whoever played Gen 6 knows this thing is good. With the priority control in the meta, it becomes more balanced.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Other than Talonflame, we could give it to things like Fearow, Swanna and Pidgeot.

Pidgeotto and Pidgeot (-Tangled Feet), Fearow line, Farfetch'd (-Inner Focus), Swellow line, Swanna (-Hydration), Braviary (-Sheer Force), Unfezant (Female only? Could be like a Meowstic situation where the male has one ability and the female has another)

Oricorio could be an option too but idk about that one.

Name: All signature items (Stick, Light Ball, etc. Eviolite/lith do not count)
Existing Item?: Y
Effect: Cannot be removed if their holder is the respective species the item is supposed to work with (Basically, Farfetch'd cannot have it's Stick removed from it, and this follows to other mons)
Fling Effect: Unchanged
Removable via Knock Off?: N (Correct holders) / Y (Else)
Ignored by Klutz?: N (Correct holders) / Y (Else)
Niche: You thought the new knock offs an Hot Potato could mess with the mons that rely on specific items? Well, too bad. This would make it less of a risk to run said items.

Name: Graduation Scale
Existing Item?: N
Effect: If holder is a Wishiwashi, it becomes School Form and will not change back. It's ability becomes Intimidate rather than Schooling. Water moves are boosted by a 1.2x factor
Fling Effect: 50 BP | Lowers foe's Attack by one stage
Removable via Knock Off?: N
Ignored by Klutz?: Y
Niche: Here comes the Trick Room Fish God. Continuing the idea of an item allowing a mon to change to a rather unused or gimmicky form, Graduation Scale comes around for Wishiwashi to play around. With a pretty low Speed, great offenses, and bulk that is even close to that of Toxapex's (Incluiding the bad HP part, unfortunatly), as well as a resistance to Gyro Ball, and a boost to it's Water Moves, AND Intimidate, this thing really shows why people call it the Demon Of The Sea

(Would making it double the healing that Aqua Ring provides be too much?)

Name: Type Clutcher
Existing Item?: N
Effect: If a hit against the foe is not very effective, it's damage is boosted by 1.3x
Fling Effect: 40 BP | Double damage if the hit was Not Very Effective
Removable via Knock Off?: Y
Ignored by Klutz?: Y
Niche: Mini Tinted Lens in item version. Helps mons who usually don't go all-out attacker due to support options or whatever else they may be running that take moveslots, limiting their coverage options. With this, they fear less the NVE damage output when building their moveset.

Name: Ring Target
Existing Item?: Y
Effect: If a Pokémon holds this item, it will ignore any type-based immunity
Fling Effect: 10
Removable via Knock Off?: Y
Ignored by Klutz?: Y
Niche: Allows for an item version of Scrappy for whoever may want it.


New Type: Bug / Ghost
New Moves: Shadow Charge, Shadow Claw, Astonish, Confuse Ray, Destiny Bond, Night Shade, Phantom Force, Shadow Sneak, Will-O-Wisp, Memento
Ability Changes: Dry Skin ---> Cursed Body; Damp ---> Prankster
Rationale: You know Parasect. I know Parasect. Everyone knows Parasect: Basically just a zombie bug. Almost every entry mentions how the bug is pratically dead and the shroom controls it. So, let's take that one step further, and make it a Bug / Ghost (Mushrooms tecnically aren't supposed to be Grass anyways)
Competitive Value: Being basically the only Bug / Ghost that doesn't die in one hit, Parasect has a cool nieche in having an unique type. Not only that, but by gaining Prankster, it has Priority Spore, being able to set-up afterwards. It isn't the best thing ever, but being part Ghost would be a great improvement for it, and would make sense flavor-wise


New Type: Electric / Grass
New Moves: Absorb, Giga Drain, Grassy Terrain, Leaf Storm, Leech Seed, Mega Drain, Sleep Powder, Solar Beam, Stun Spore, Synthesis, Poison Powder
Rationale: It is a tree made of wires. Both it's Japanese and US names contain "Tree", and it learns some Grass-Type moves already
Competitive Value: Dual STAB already greatly helps it. Can use Z-Sleep Powder instead of Hypnosis for a more accurate move with the same Speed Boosting effect, and the rest if just strong moves overall to be used as STAB


New Type: Grass / Dragon
New Moves: Flamethrower, Draco Meteor, Dual Chop, Outrage
Come on, everyone has heard at the least once that Serperior should've been part Dragon. With most reptile-like mons being part Dragon, Serperior should be too.
Competitive Value: Come on, Contrary Draco Meteor. It also now has Flamethrower, so Serperior has at the least some sort of coverage.


New Type: Ice / Rock
New Moves: Stone Edge, Ancient Power, Head Smash, Power Gem, Rock Blast, Rock Slide, Rock Polish, Stealth Rock, Earth Power, Spikes, Shell Smash
"Its actual body is a rock that isn't particularly hard. Glalie absorbs moisture from the air and drapes itself in an armor of ice." - Ultra Moon

"Glalie has a body made of rock, which it hardens with an armor of ice. This Pokémon has the ability to freeze moisture in the atmosphere into any shape it desires." - Ruby

Glalie is a rock. Is that enough reasoning?

Competitive Value: Better STAB combo than pure Ice, tho not the best either. Shell Smash was added because it has an ice "Shell" that coats it's body. With that, Glalie becomes a pretty dangerous sweeper, with hard-hitting Double-Edges and Head Smashes. Earthquake is coverage.

Would making the Simis part normal in adition to their current type be a good idea?

I'll be sure to check the discord later.
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Existing Ability - No
Effect - Ignores the effects the current battlefield
In Depth Effect - When this pokemon is on the field, the effects of the following moves are removed: Trick Room, Wonder Room, Magic Room, Electric Terrain, Psychic Terrain, Grassy Terrain, Misty Terrain, Harsh Sunlight, Rain, Hail, Sandstorm and Air Stream.
Competitive Value - Allows mons to remove the effects of all of the above, without actually removing them, meaning they're still on the battlefield, but they don't add any effects. This means if a mon with Electric Surge switches in, it will work like Electric Terrain's still up. This helps some mons that could do without terrains, weathers, or the meta breaking Trick Room. Seriously, we need some sort of counter to it...
Potential Receivers - Slowbro, Slowking, Jynx, Xatu, Grumpig, Uxie, Mespirit, Azelf, Oranguru,

Name Meaning - "Jnana is the state in which someone is clearly awake and aware of the world as it is, as distinct from the world as it is described. In other words, in the state of Jnana, you stop thinking. That is to stay you stop talking to yourself and symbolising to yourself what is going on. You simply are aware of what is."

Type Changes


New Moves - Toxic Spikes, Poison Jab
Abilities - Unnerve / Poison Point / (Intimidate)
Rationale - Vespiquen already learns 2 moves that are usually only learned by Poison types, Venoshock and Poison Sting. It also shoots poisonous needles in Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, so why it isn't poison type is beyond me. Intimidate is there because it fits with the other abilities of regular Vespiquen, Unnerve and Pressure. I replaced Pressure with Poison Point, moved Unnerve to a regular ability and made Intimidate the HA because why not. The moves are kinda self explanatory.
Competitive Value - With the Bug / Poison typing, it can now function better as a tank for multiple reasons. 1) It's no longer destroyed by SR. It still doesn't like them, but it deals with them a lot better. (2) It no longer has a weakness to the most prominent move combo in the game, Boltbeam, takes rock types a lot better (Not a good idea to switch into it though). (3) It's now immune to the likes of Toxic. On the downside it is weak to Psychic type moves, but with all the buffs, this is a minor drawback. It can now use Defend Order and Heal Order well in a stall set, AV Sets can now run things like Power Gem to help with Fire and Flying types, and it can even attempt a sweep with Hone Claws (Although it's pretty bad at it).
Name: Noble Roar
Existing Move?: Y
Category: Unchanged
Type: Unchanged
BP: 20
PP: Unchanged
Effect: Same as before, except the roar part actually forces a switch. The forced in mon has their attack stats lowered by 1 stage
Priority: -6
Misc.: Unchanged
Z-Move: Unchanged
Niche: Limited availability sound move that gives an edge to force switching.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Distribution's a bit low. Maybe regal roarers? Arcanine with Intimidate sure will force a lot of extra switches, especially with stronger Morning Sun. The Johto trio seem worthy, but does Suicune really need a way to ensure its tankiness is higher?

Name: Howl
Existing Move?: Y
Category: --
Type: Dark
BP: Same
PP: Same
Effect: Lowers enemy attack by 1, and raises users by 1
Priority: 0
Misc.: None. Sound based for what its worth. If it fails to lower attack, it fails to boost user's.
Z-Move: Unchanged
Niche: Howl sucks. By being both Growl and a +1 attack, it means setting up in the face of a 'counter' can be a lot easier to pull off.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Current distribution is low, but Arcanine and Entei will sure enjoy this huge buff.

Name: Seed Bomb
Existing Move?: Y
Category: Unchanged
Type: Unchanged
BP: Unchanged
PP: Unchanged
Effect: 50% chance to seed Target.
Niche: Leech seeds are sweet, but their ability to be spread is incredibly limited.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Current distribution is good, really good. You might see it on something like Mantine for its seed utility the way Amola uses Scald despite SpAtk being its weaker stat.

Name: Meditate
Existing Move?: Y
Category: Unchanged
Type: Unchanged
BP: Unchanged
PP: Unchanged
Effect: Increases Atk and SpDef 1 stage and halves Psychic and Ghost damage
Niche: Fighter and Physical Psychics enjoy added resistances or weakness nullification.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: To be honest, kinda Shit. A few new mons would put this move to great use.

Name: Blunderguard
Existing Ability?: N
Effect: Only able to be hurt by NvE moves (excludes natural immunities)
Niche: For Shedinja's enjoyment. The guessing game can really take foes by storm.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Only Shedinja! Anything else is bordering on insane!

Name: Iron Fist
Existing Ability?: Y
Effect: On top of a 20% damage boost, punch moves always strike Fairy types Super Effectively
Niche: Iron Fist is outclassed fully by Tough Claws. All IF moves are boosted by TC as well. While the moves are more limited, all hitting fairy means that Fire Punch is 4x effective vs. Tapu Bulu and Magerna, Thunder Punch 4x vs Tapu Fini, Ice Punch 4x vs Mega Altaria and Tapu Bulu, and the Fight Moves are enjoying 1 less resistance. It's called IRON fist so it should break cute fairies.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: It's disbursement is okay. Pangoro likes how its Dual STAB is less resistable.

Name: Poison Touch
Existing Ability: Yes
Effect: Becomes poison -ATE
Niche: Poison granted might be a nerf over normal depending on who gets it and who you ask. However, contact poison could be worse than the status you mean to inflict.
Potential Pokémon with Ability: It's distribution is low, but not bad. Maybe Remove Alola Grimer/Muk to give the regular dark-less version a reason to feel useful. It'll get interesting mileage on Seismotoad. Dragalge has better things to do. The Poison/Fight frog has better things to do with the always awesome Dry Skin.

Weezing - Poison/Steel
New Moves: Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Recrystalize
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Name: THICC Thick Fat.
Existing Ability?: Yep
Effect: Halves Ice- and Fire-type damage. The user is inmune to Burns, Freeze and Hail damage.
Niche: While the mons that already got it really liked having a semi-resistance to Fire and Ice (both really conmon offensive types), i'm really sure that not being hindered by Burns and Freeze, probably the most annoying status effects of the game. Also, more Pokemon are going to benefit from it and I was lazy to make another version of it :]
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Everything that learnt it before + Dragonite, Hippopotas line, Grimer line (+Alola forms), Goodra, Crabominable, Wailmer line, Guzzlord (?)

Name: Mega Launcher.
Existing Ability?: Yeah
Effect: Boosts the power of Pulse and Ballistic moves by 1.5x.
Niche: The number of moves boosted by the original ability was pitifully little, so the new users of the ability may find it more useful now.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Old distribution + Magmortar, Kingdra, Octillery, Magearna, Genesect, Volcanion.
Name: Round.
Existing Move?: Yep


BP: -
PP: 20
Effect: Base Power increases proportionally to the user's happiness. Round's Damage formula is Base Power = Pokemon's Happiness / 2.5, allowing it it reach a maximum of 102 Base Power when the user's happiness is highest.
Priority: 0.
Misc.: Sound based.
Z-Move: 160 BP Breakneck Blitz.
Niche: Specially oriented Normal mons apreciate having a strong STAB Special attack, also, -ate abusers enjoy having a stronger move than Hyper Voice.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Old distribution (basically almost every Pokemon lol).

Name: Double Hit/ Double Kick / Dual Chop / Gear Grind / Twineedle
Existing Move?: Yeah
(all of them)

BP: 50
PP: 10
Accuracy: 90%
Effect: Hits twice.
Priority: 0.
Misc.: Makes contact (except Twineedle).
Z-Move: 100 BP Breakneck Blitz / All-Out Pummeling / Devastating Drake / Corskrew Crash / Savage Spin-Out.
Niche: High powered STABs for physical attackers that can break past substitutes.
Potential Pokemon With This Move:
-Double Hit:
Old distribution + Minccino line, Meloetta.
-Double Kick: Old distribution + Meloetta.
-Dual Chop: Old distribution + Charmander line, Necrozma (Ultra)
-Gear Grind: Old distribution + Magearna, Genesect.
-Twineedle: Old distribution + Buzzwole, Wimpod line, Genesect.

Name: Facade.
Existing Move?: Yep


PP: 20
Effect: Base Power doubles if the user is burned, paralyzed, or poisoned. Ignores the effects of these status when uses the move and passes the status to the target. The latter effects won't occur if the user has the abilities Guts, Flare Boost, Quick Feet, Poison Heal or Toxic Boost
Priority: 0.
Misc.: Makes contact.
Z-Move: 140 BP Breakneck Blitz
Niche: Makes the move useful for either offensive mons with STAB on it (including physical -aters) or supportive/fat mons that lack any way to cure their status or inflicting any other status than Toxic by theirselves.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Old distribution (basically almost every Pokemon lol).

Name: Parabolic Charge / Draining Kiss
Existing Move?: Yeah


BP: 75
PP: 10
Accuracy: 100%
Effect: Recovers 50% of damage dealt.
Priority: 0.
Misc.: Makes Contact (Draining Kiss)
Z-Move: 140 BP Gigavolt Havoc / Twinkle Tackle
Niche: Neat offensive STABs that also keep their users healthy.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Idk, but both Attacks fit very well at alll the Pokémon of each of their typing :p


New Moves: Pursuit, Fire Punch (it learns Fire Blast, Flamethrower and Fire Fang, soooo)
Abilites: Same as before
Rationale: Well, first of all, Steel didn't make sense at all (well, a bit of, as they're supposed to be steel horns, but then GF lost its point). Second, the thing what is based on is creepy af (the futakuchi-onna, a woman with a mouth on her back, and third, look at their Pokedex entries ;-;
"A cunning and terrifying Pokémon, its cuteness makes opponents let down their guard—and then it swallows them whole with its huge jaws."
"It has an extremely vicious disposition. It grips prey in its two sets of jaws and tears them apart with raw power."
"Its two sets of jaws thrash about violently as if they each had a will of their own. One gnash from them can turn a boulder to dust."
Aren't the best arguments in the world, but it should be at least considered.
Competitive Value: Well, Fairy/Dark isn't as good defensibly as Steel/Fairy, but it is MUCH better offensibly. Priority STAB on Sucker Punch helps it to patch its mediocre speed, and Knock Off is nice for hindering switch-ins.
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Name: Magical Aura
Existing Ability?: No
Effect: Upon switch-in, Magic Room is set-up for 5 turns (8 when the Room Extender is held). (Slight update to Magic Room itself, but due to the nature of the items Relic Charm and Rage Candy Bar being similar to the Primal Orbs, they still activate in Magic Room).
Niche: Makes Magic Room actually usable, as the opponent's items become useless while the user can hold a Z-Crystal or Mega Stone (or be a Mega) and feel nothing. The more important thing, however, is that rooms replace other rooms, which means that this counteracts Time Warp.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Fennekin, Misdreavus, Mega Slowbro (the only Psychic or Fairy Mega that doesn't already have a useful ability), Gothita line, Psyduck line, Cutiefly line

Name: Liquid Voice
Existing Ability?: Yes
Effect: This Pokemon's sound moves are now Water-type and do 1.2x damage.
Niche: Turns this-ate clone into something actually useful. Also, by giving it to Pokemon who's abilities are actually released, this ability can actually be used.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Popplio line (still unreleased?), Vaporeon, Lapras, Tympole line, Politoed, Gorebyss

Name: Misty Malice
Existing Ability?: No
Effect: While Misty Terrain is in effect, this Pokemon's Special Attack is boosted 1.5x.
Niche: Gives some offensive use for Misty Terrain in this Grass Pelt clone.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Ribombee, Mr. Mime, Aromatisse, Primarina, Some Pokemon that learn Mist (Masqerain, Lapras, Cryogonal, etc.)

Name: Psycho Haven
Existing Ability?: No
Effect: While Psychic Terrain is in effect, this Pokemon's Special Defense is boosted 1.5x.
Niche: Gives some defensive use for Psychic Terrain, expanding on preventing priority moves by making benefactors even harder to revenge kill and makes it easier for them to set up.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Raichu-Alola, Natu line, Meowstic-M, Ralts line (excluding Gallade), Bellossom, Happiny line, Spritzee line
Name: Aura Sphere
Existing Move?: Yes
Category: Special
Type: Fighting
BP: 90
PP: 32 Max
Effect: Never misses, 10% chance to lower the opponent's Special Defense by 1
Priority: 0
Misc.: Affected by Bulletproof
Z-Move: All-Out Pummeling (175 BP)
Niche: I reverted Aura Sphere to its old base power of 90 and added a soetimes handy secondary effect (which will also make it Sheer Force boosted), but most importantly, this can be redistributed to give Pokemon that are forced to rely on Focus Miss a good Fighting-type Special move.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Original distribution + Most Fighting-types and some things with Focus Blast (Golduck, Gengar, Magmar & Magmortar, Exploud, Deoxys, Darmanitan, Zoroark, Meloetta), Espeon, Pidgeot

Name: Hot Tag
Existing Move?: No
Category: Status
Type: Fighting
BP: --
PP: 32 Max
Effect: The user switches out. It's replacement has their highest non-HP stat raised by 1.
Priority: 0
Misc.: N/A
Z-Move: Restores the replacement's HP
Niche: This move gives momentum like the other self-switching moves and allows the user's teammates to sweep, dent something, or setup upon switch-in, which is really nice.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Litten line, Hawlucha, Makuhita line, other stuff

Name: Fire Lash
Existing Move?: Yes
Category: Physical
Type: Fire
BP: 80
PP: 24 Max
Effect: Lower's the opponent's defense by 1.
Priority: 0
Misc.: Contact
Z-Move: Inferno Overdrive (160 BP)
Niche: Just give it to more things, it's such a cool move, but only Heatmor learns it and Heatmor isn't very good.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Just give it to more things

Name: All-Terrain Blast
Existing Move?: No
Category: Special
Type: Normal
BP: 50
PP: 16 Max
Effect: 100% Accuracy, does double damage in terrains and becomes the same type of the terrain.
Priority: 0
Misc.: Affected by Bulletproof
Z-Move: Breakneck Blitz (160 BP (Weather Ball is apparently 160)), will turn into the appropriate Z-Move that matches the terrain (this is also how Weather Ball works).
Niche: You know that Mega Camerupt set that uses Nature Power when paired with Tapu Koko or Bulu in order to launch a powerful coverage move (or if your name is Yoshiblaze, with Specs Prankster Whimsicott)? This is that, but stronger for most Pokemon and can't be taunted. This allows for cool synergy between with Tapus.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: The Tapus and Pokemon that learn terrain moves, some other stuff
Name: Mimic Orb
Existing Item?: No
Effect: When held, the first move that the holder is targeted with gets added to this Pokemon's moveset until switched out. Displays the same message as Mimic does when activated
Removable via Knock Off?: Yes
Ignored by Klutz?: Yes
Fling BP: 30
Niche: A fun item that grants a fifth move when the holder is hit by move. Switch the holder in a on an unsuspecting opponent (trust me, nobody would expect this) and steal something like Earthquake to add a way to deal damage, Strength Sap (FREE NUPTUP/her friendly cousin Bellossom) in all of its broken glory, U-Turn so you can pivot out yourself, and more! Plus, who doesn't want a fifth move?.... That can be used more than once.

Pokemon: Gorebyss
New typing: Water -> Water/Psychic
New Moves: Psyshock, Dazzling Gleam, Hyper Voice
Niche: With the amount of Psychic moves it already learns (one of only 5 non-Psychic-types to learn Barrier and Amnesia), this makes sense. Competitively, its Shell Smashing ways get a bit of a buff, with useful secondary STAB in Psychic that can annihilate Toxapex as well as added coverage in Dazzling Gleam to take out its new Dark weakness.

Pokemon: Huntail
New typing: Water -> Water/Dark
New Moves: Knock Off, Liquidation, Pursuit, Brick Break
Niche: Huntail as a Dark-type could be interesting, with Knock Off and Sucker Punch, Huntail can dent a lot of things after a Shell Smash.
Name: Hyper Beam and clones
Existing Move?: Y
Category: Unchanged
Type: Unchanged
BP: Unchanged
PP: Unchanged
Effect: User has to recharge after using the move, unless it successfuly KOs a foe.
Priority: 0
Misc.: Unchanged
Z-Move: Unchanged
Niche: High risk high reward moves. Basically retain their early gen mechanics.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Uhhhh... Almost everything already gets them lol

Name: Astonish
Existing Move?: Y
Category: Physical
Type: Ghost
BP: 40
PP: 24
Effect: 100% flinch chance
Priority: +3
Misc.: First turn only
Z-Move: 100 BP
Niche: Allows for a Ghost-Type Fake Out clone on much needed things.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Current distribution is fine

Name: Rollout / Ice Ball
Existing Move?: Y / Y
Category: Physical / Physical
Type: Rock / Ice
BP: 120
PP: 16
Effect: Lasts 2-3 turns. Confuses the user afterwards.
Priority: 0
Misc.: Contact.
Z-Move: 190 / 190
Niche: Good STAB for either types.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Currently, most mons that get Rollout aren't even Rock-Type, so let's add more Rock-Type users to the list. As for Ice Ball... Barely anything gets it. So, add more users in general to Ice Ball.

Name: Submission
Existing Move?: Y
Category: Physical
Type: Fighting
BP: 150
PP: 24
Effect: 50% Recoil
Priority: 0
Misc.: Contact.
Z-Move: 200
Niche: Great improvement to be alongside Wild Charge when it comes to being a Head Smash clone.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Current + Emboar, Hitmontop at the least. Submission is an extemamly restricted move for some reason.

Name: Flame Body / Effect Spore / Cursed Body / Static
Existing Ability?: Y
Effect: Always activate now
Niche: For no reason, the old effect only had a 30% chance to activate, while most, 1f not all, other contact-activation abilities had a sure chance of activating. Cursed Body is probably the best
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Old distribution?

Name: Keen Eye
Existing Ability?: Y
Effect: Moves used by this Pokémon always hit
Niche: It's a one-sided No Guard, what's not to like? (Needs a bit of a redistribution, tho)
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: I'm not sure what exactally, but holly hell does this ability need more users.

Name: Big Pecks
Existing Ability?: Y
Effect: This Pokémon's Def and Sp. Def are raised by one for each of it's stats that are lowered by a foe
Niche: It's now a defiant clone, making the ones with Big Peck have a cool way to boost their defenses.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Current + Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres (Ability #2), Noctowl, Skarmory (-Keen Eye), Togekiss?

Name: Gale Wings
Existing Ability?: Y
Effect: This pokémon's Flying-type moves have their priority increased by 1.
Niche: Whoever played Gen 6 knows this thing is good. With the priority control in the meta, it becomes more balanced.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Other than Talonflame, we could give it to things like Fearow, Swanna and Pidgeot.


New Type: Bug / Ghost
New Moves: Shadow Charge, Shadow Claw, Astonish, Confuse Ray, Destiny Bond, Night Shade, Phantom Force, Shadow Sneak, Will-O-Wisp, Memento
Ability Changes: Dry Skin ---> Cursed Body; Damp ---> Prankster
Rationale: You know Parasect. I know Parasect. Everyone knows Parasect: Basically just a zombie bug. Almost every entry mentions how the bug is pratically dead and the shroom controls it. So, let's take that one step further, and make it a Bug / Ghost (Mushrooms tecnically aren't supposed to be Grass anyways)
Competitive Value: Being basically the only Bug / Ghost that doesn't die in one hit, Parasect has a cool nieche in having an unique type. Not only that, but by gaining Prankster, it has Priority Spore, being able to set-up afterwards. It isn't the best thing ever, but being part Ghost would be a great improvement for it, and would make sense flavor-wise


New Type: Electric / Grass
New Moves:
Competitive Value:


New Type: Grass / Dragon
New Moves:
Competitive Value:


New Type: Ice / Rock
New Moves:
Competitive Value:

Would making the Simis part normal in adition to their current type be a good idea?

I'll be sure to check the discord later.
Part fighting would probably be better.
Name: Traveler
Existing Ability?: N
Effect: Moves that switch out the user gain one priority.
Niche: Aids Volt-Turn teams and scouting and makes such pokemon less dependant on scarves. Also adds a safety net for uncertain predictions.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Lati@s, Rapidash, the Legendary Beasts, Zygarde, Celebi, Absol

Name: Pre-emptive
Existing Ability?: N
Effect: Raises Speed one stage when facing an opponent whose STAB moves would do supereffective damage.

Niche: Aids with scouting, revenge killing, sweeping and coverage moves.

Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Primeape, Tauros, Liepard, Persian, Delcatty, Absol, Xatu, Chimecho, Brongong

Name: Scavenger
Existing Ability?: N
Effect: Gains the benefits of the opponent’s leftovers and berries.
Niche: Allows you to take advantage of opposing items while using a different one.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Poocheyena-line, Mandibuzz-line, Trubbish-line

Name: Chorus
Existing Ability?: N
Effect: When another pokemon on the field uses a sound move, this pokemon immediately uses the same move.

Niche: If you survive a boomburst or hyper voice, you can hit hard right back without wasting a turn. You can also punish parting shot.

Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Chatot, Bronzong, Exploud, Seismatoad, Wigglytuff, Meloetta, Krikitune, Chimecho, Ninjask, Noivern, Toxicroak

Name: Reverberate
Existing Move?: N
Category: Special
Type: Psychic
PP: 15
Effect: Sound based move with the same BP as the last move to hit the user.
Priority: Standard
Misc.: Fails if the user has not been hit by a damaging move or i the last move that targeted the user was a status move.

Z-Move: Has the same BP as the Z-move of the move copied.
Niche: Allows you to punish high powered moves you survive. Slap on a focus sash to take full advantage.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Chatot, Bronzong, Exploud, Seismatoad, Wigglytuff, Meloetta, Krikitune, Chimecho, Ninjask, Noivern, Toxicroak, Shedinja, Bastoidon, Mew, Sudowoodo, Slowbro, Slowking, Starmie, Claydol, Banette, Cofafrigus, Gengar, Clefable, Mimikyu, Wormadam, Stunfisk, Castform

Name: Concoct
Existing Move?: N
Category: Status
Type: Poison
PP: 5
Effect: Badly poisons opponent, raises all stats of user other than accuracy and evasion by one stage each, heals user by 50% of maximum heath and equips user with Berry Juice.

Priority: Standard
Misc.: Fails if the user has not consumed a berry.
Z-Move: Succeeds despite no berry having been consumed, but does not equip user with Berry Juice.
Niche: Has synergy with Belch and pokemon with high defences but poor HP. Allows pokemn a second wind with greater power.

Potential Pokemon With This Move: Shuckle, Blissey, Audino, Pyukumuku, Snorlax, Swalot, Muk, Weezing, Goodra, Gastrodon, Magcargo, Greninja, Accelgor, Starmie, Golurk, Aromatisse, Vaniluxe, Swirlix, Mandibuzz, Marrowak, Delphox, Florges, Comfey, Alakazam, Musharna, Exeggutor, Tropius, Mismagius, Gourgeist, Treevenent

Name: Makeover
Existing Move?: N
Category: Status
Type: Fairy
PP: 5
Effect: Transforms the opponent’s item into a Choice Scarf.

Priority: Standard
Misc.: Fails if the user is holding an item that cannot be knocked off. Succeeds if they are holding no item.
Z-Move: Raises Special Defense one stage.
Niche: Allows you to choice lock your opponent and ruin their item strategies without sacrificing an item of your own.

Potential Pokemon With This Move: Tapus, Gardevior, Gallade, Milotic, Ninetails, Marowak, Mandibuzz, Marrowak, Delphox, Florges, Comfey, Alakazam, Musharna, Aromatisse, Starmie, Greninja, Blissey, Timburr-line, Machamp, Mienshao, Hitmonchan, Mr. Mime, Granbull, Primeape, Farfetch’d, Tauros, Miltank, Exeggutor, Liligant, Bellosum, Sunflora, Mincinno, Furfrou, Bewear, Mimikyu, Dusknoir, Mismagius, Throh, Sawk, Luvdisc, Arceus, the creation trio, the weather trio, Silvally, Meloetta, Magearna, Meowstic, Jynx, Sigilyph, Gourgeist, Treevenent, Grumpig

Name: Roast
Existing Move?: N
Category: Special
Type: Fire
PP: 5
Effect: Consumes the user’s berry and the opponent’s item. Gains the benefit of the user’s own berry, and the opponent’ berry if it was holding one. Heals an extra 10% damage. Raises Defense and Special Defense 1 stage each. 110 BP.
Priority: Standard
Misc.: Fails if the user is not holding a berry. Does not consume items that cannot be knocked off.

Z-Move: 185 BP Inferno Overdrive.
Niche: Synergises with belch, is a powerful move that encourages berry use and provides a nice Z-move.

Potential Pokemon With This Move: Shuckle, Snorlax, Swalot, Magcargo, Aromatisse, Swirlix, Mandibuzz, Marrowak, Delphox, Alakazam, Mismagius, Magmortar, Groudon, Moltres, Rapidash, pokemon with Flame Body, Rayquaza, Hawlucha, Gourgeist

Name: Demolition Bomb
Existing Item?: N
Effect: When a Room, Terrain or Pledge effect is active, this item is consumed, all Rooms, Terrains and Pledge effects end and all pokemon on the field lose half their current HP.

Removable via Knock Off?: Y
Ignored by Klutz?: Y

Fling Info: 70 BP. Burns opponent.

Niche: A way to ruin opposing field strategies or to use suicidal tactics to get rid of an annoying wall.

Name: Eggshells
Existing Item?: N
Effect: When the user is hit by a contact move, this item is consumed and theopponent lowers their Speed, Attack and Special Attack one stage each.
Removable via Knock Off?: Y
Ignored by Klutz?: Y

Fling Info: 20 BP.
Niche: A way to stop a sweep, force a switch or just cause annoyance.

Name: Fragile Mirror
Existing Item?: N
Effect: When the user is hit by a damaging attack, this item is consumed, the attacker takes 50% recoil and lowers their critical hit ratio by one stage and the user raises their accuracy and critical hit ratio one stage each.

Removable via Knock Off?: Y
Ignored by Klutz?: Y

Fling Info: 60 BP.

Niche: This punishes a sweeper or wallbreaker and may force a switch while giving you a better chance to hit with low accuracy moves and even fish for crits.

Name: Glue
Existing Item?: N
Effect: On contact, changes the opponent’s ability to Sticky Hold and prevents them from consuming, dropping or handing over their item.

Removable via Knock Off?: N
Ignored by Klutz?: Y

Fling Info: 20 BP. Replaces opposing item with Glue.

Niche: Ruins ability and consumable item based strategies.

Pokemon: Comfey

New Typing: Fairy/Grass

Justification: It collects flowers and knows several Grass moves.

Niche: Gains an immunity to powders an Spore and deals better with Ground, Rock and Water types.

Pokemon: Ferraligatr

New Typing: Water/Dragon

Justification: It is a crocodilian and those are associated with dragons.

Niche: Becomes neutral to Grass and Electric.

Pokemon: Dragonair (and Dratini)

New Typing: Dragon/Water

Justification: It lives in water. It probably would have had this typing if GF wasn’t afraid of the typing at the time.

Niche: Gains a neutrality to ice.

Pokemon: Chimecho

New Typing: Psychic/Steel

Justification: Is a metal bell.

Niche: Deals with Fairies better, is immune to poison and resists Stealth Rock.
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Name: Vindictive
Existing Ability?: N
Effect: Holder's Attack stat is raised by 3 if it receives passive damage.
Niche: Well, widely applicable, is a way to counter hazards and statuses.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Mankey line, Throh, Sawk, etc.

Name: Belch
Existing Move?: Y
Category: Special

PP: 5-8
Effect: Before using the move, if holding a berry, the user consumes its held Berry without taking benefits from it. Then it can use the move every time it wants.
Priority: Standard.
Misc.: Cannot be used if user doesn't hold a Berry or hasn't consumed any.
Z-Move: 195 BP Acid Downpour
Niche: High BP Special Poison-type move.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Current distribution+Goodra, Nidoqueen, Dragalge
i come bearing memes

Name: Survival of the Golems.
Existing Move?: N
Category: Status
Type: Rock
PP: 5 (max 8)
Effect: Once this move is used, for the rest of the game, the user's team will transform into Golems with Sturdy upon switch in. The user also transforms on use. After 30 turns has passed since the move was used, the opponent's team automatically faints so the user wins. Incredible.
Priority: 0.
Misc.: N/A
Z-Move: Fully heals the user.
Fling Info: How do you fling a move?!
Niche: This move sucks but enables some funny meme teams and is probably satisfying to pull off. Not that you ever will.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Golem, Landorus-T, Groudon, Regirock

Name: Soul Drain
Existing Ability?: N
Effect: When this Pokemon receives fatal damage, if there is at least 1 other Pokemon on its team, it will ignore the damage and be restored to full health. At the end of the turn, it will then be forced to switch out, and its replacement will automatically faint. Selfish.
Niche: Sacrifice weakened teammates to keep this Pokemon strong.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Gengar, Banette, Chandelure, Trevenant
Part fighting would probably be better.
I'm not sure, they fit both, but with part fighting they'd just be outclassed by Keldeo / Breloom / Infernape. Being part normal, their only competition would be Bibarel (lol) / Sawsbuck / Pyroar, which would give the simis some reason to be used (And would open up for a more varied movepool since Normal-Types get wide coverage). I'll try to decide until the next slate so I can submit them later
Name: Noble Roar
Existing Move?: Y
Category: Unchanged
Type: Unchanged
BP: 20
PP: Unchanged
Effect: Same as before, except the roar part actually forces a switch. The forced in mon has their attack stats lowered by 1 stage
Priority: -6
Misc.: Unchanged
Z-Move: Unchanged
Niche: Limited availability sound move that gives an edge to force switching.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Distribution's a bit low. Maybe regal roarers? Arcanine with Intimidate sure will force a lot of extra switches, especially with stronger Morning Sun. The Johto trio seem worthy, but does Suicune really need a way to ensure its tankiness is higher?

Name: Howl
Existing Move?: Y
Category: --
Type: Dark
BP: Same
PP: Same
Effect: Lowers enemy attack by 1, and raises users by 1
Priority: 0
Misc.: None. Sound based for what its worth. If it fails to lower attack, it fails to boost user's.
Z-Move: Unchanged
Niche: Howl sucks. By being both Growl and a +1 attack, it means setting up in the face of a 'counter' can be a lot easier to pull off.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Current distribution is low, but Arcanine and Entei will sure enjoy this huge buff.

Name: Seed Bomb
Existing Move?: Y
Category: Unchanged
Type: Unchanged
BP: Unchanged
PP: Unchanged
Effect: 50% chance to seed Target.
Niche: Leech seeds are sweet, but their ability to be spread is incredibly limited.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Current distribution is good, really good. You might see it on something like Mantine for its seed utility the way Amola uses Scald despite SpAtk being its weaker stat.

Name: Blunderguard
Existing Ability?: N
Effect: Only able to be hurt by NvE moves (excludes natural immunities)
Niche: For Shedinja's enjoyment. The guessing game can really take foes by storm.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Only Shedinja! Anything else is bordering on insane!

Name: Iron Fist
Existing Ability?: Y
Effect: On top of a 20% damage boost, punch moves always strike Fairy types Super Effectively
Niche: Iron Fist is outclassed fully by Tough Claws. All IF moves are boosted by TC as well. While the moves are more limited, all hitting fairy means that Fire Punch is 4x effective vs. Tapu Bulu and Magerna, Thunder Punch 4x vs Tapu Fini, Ice Punch 4x vs Mega Altaria and Tapu Bulu, and the Fight Moves are enjoying 1 less resistance. It's called IRON fist so it should break cute fairies.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: It's disbursement is good. Pangoro likes how its Dual STAB is less resistable.

Name: Poison Touch
Existing Ability: Yes
Effect: Becomes poison -ATE
Niche: Poison granted might be a nerf over normal depending on who gets it and who you ask. However, contact poison could be worse than the status you mean to inflict.
Potential Pokémon with Ability: It's distribution is low, but not bad. Maybe Remove Alola Grimer/Muk to give the regular dark-less version a reason to feel useful. It'll get interesting mileage on Seismotoad. Dragalge has better things to do. The Poison/Fight frog has better things to do with the always awesome Dry Skin.

Nothing yet.
Give Shedinja Magic Guard too so that it is broken on Pokébilities has an actual mind-game gimmick

Also people I wanna hear some thoughts in an idea I had but not sure if I should do it or not: Would making Fury Cutter and Echoed Voice become Outrage clones be dumb? I think they make less sense than Rollout / Ice Ball (The other two I turned into Outrage clones) since in those moves the explaination would be that the user rolls uncontrollably and then gets dizzy, but I'm not sure if it fits FC / EV (Specially since a lot of things that get Fury Cutter aren't even Bug-Type)
Also people I wanna hear some thoughts in an idea I had but not sure if I should do it or not: Would making Fury Cutter and Echoed Voice become Outrage clones be dumb? I think they make less sense than Rollout / Ice Ball (The other two I turned into Outrage clones) since in those moves the explaination would be that the user rolls uncontrollably and then gets dizzy, but I'm not sure if it fits FC / EV (Specially since a lot of things that get Fury Cutter aren't even Bug-Type)
Not thr best fit in the world, but not the worst.
Name: Sacred Shield
Existing Move?: N
Category: Status
Type: Fighting
PP: 16
Effect: Prevents anything from working on the user that turn. If the opponent makes contact with the user after this move is used, it has its stat changes ignored until the end of the next turn.
Priority: +4
Z-Move: Restores the user's negative stat changes.
Niche: A tool to stop setup sweepers from barreling through your team for a turn.
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Pokémon that get Sacred Sword (Swords of Justice and Aegislash line)
Name: Shadow Sky
Existing Move?: Y
Category: Status
Type: Dark
PP: 8
Effect: Summons Shadow Sky for 5 turns (8 if holding a Shadow Rock). During Shadow Sky, Dark and Ghost type moves deal 1.5* damage.
Priority: 0.
Z-Move: Increases Speed by 1 stage.
Niche: A weather, back from XD, to increase the power of Ghost and Dark type moves (the two types have practically the same coverage).
Potential Pokemon With This Move: Ghost and Dark types, Dugtrio line, Poliwhirl line, Rapidash line, Magnezone line, Farfetch'd, Tauros, Lapras, Legendary Birds, Lugia, Swellow line, Manectric line, Lunatone, Solrock
Name: Shadow Surge
Existing Ability?: N
Effect: Summons Shadow Sky upon switching in.
Niche: Allows Shadow Sky to be summoned immediately, letting Pokémon use the power boost easier.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Lugia, Solrock, Lunatone

Name: Lurker
Existing Ability?: N
Effect: Doubles this Pokemon's Speed under Shadow Sky.
Niche: The ability to abuse within Shadow Sky.
Potential Pokemon With This Ability: Chandelure line, Gengar line, Mega Banette (over Prankster), Sneasel and Weavile
Name: Shadow Rock
Existing Item?: N
Effect: Extends duration of Shadow Sky from 5 turns to 8.
Removable via Knock Off?: Y
Ignored by Klutz?: Yes?
Niche: It extends the time of Shadow Sky. More time for stronger moves and faster mons with Lurker.
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