Pokémon Let's Go! - Pikachu and Eevee

To be on the cynical side, the "only reason" we have more footage is because of the new graphics they want to show off. Going from SM to USUM there's almost no reason to show off graphics for the sake of graphics. To be even more cynical, if they show off more now then they'll have less to show off later (that's a no-win scenario, but I probably wouldn't be so jaded if the first three months of USUM's pre-release cycle hadn't been so bone-dry).
the reason they showed so much footage was absolutely not to show off the graphics. Nothing shown was meant as a power show case and it wasn't the focus of anything they showed in the trailer or to the press. And there was loads of stuff they could have just saved for later.

also "they showed off more now so there's less to show off later!" is...that's not cynical its a conspiracy theory that leads nowhere
the reason they showed so much footage was absolutely not to show off the graphics. Nothing shown was meant as a power show case and it wasn't the focus of anything they showed in the trailer or to the press. And there was loads of stuff they could have just saved for later.
Gonna disagree with this. Pokemon has done graphics show-offs multiple times - in BW some of the first footage we got was the 'circular camera' in Castelia City (something none of the Gen 4 games ever pulled off), and in the XY Direct the first thing we see is seven different areas with six different camera angles before they ever get to the starters, and the voiceover practically says as much. The segment in the LGP/E trailer that quickly alternates between six different areas in Kanto without displaying any mechanics - what else is that supposed to be other than a graphics showcase?

also "they showed off more now so there's less to show off later!" is...that's not cynical its a conspiracy theory that leads nowhere
I was ambiguous, sorry. I meant
"if we get the same amount of stuff in LGP/E pre-release as USUM pre-release, then more now means less later"
, not
"they intentionally showed off more now so they can show off less later"
Gonna disagree with this. Pokemon has done graphics show-offs multiple times - in BW some of the first footage we got was the 'circular camera' in Castelia City (something none of the Gen 4 games ever pulled off), and in the XY Direct the first thing we see is seven different areas with six different camera angles before they ever get to the starters, and the voiceover practically says as much. The segment in the LGP/E trailer that quickly alternates between six different areas in Kanto without displaying any mechanics - what else is that supposed to be other than a graphics showcase?
Those types of things are always in trailers and its meant as "check out these locales you can visit". I mean one of the segments was the underground path. There's nothing amazing about that. It's the most simplistic area in the game with no special lighting (missed opportunity to have fancy "underground" style lighting like the random tunnel they made an explorable area in USUM). Is that really meant to be a graphical showcase, rather than just showing off areas, following pokemon and multiplayer, because if so hi game freak i have questions

Also SM had a significant style upgrade from XY but did not have the "graphical showcase" to its reveal. Its reveal was just logos! Then we had 2 months of n o t h i n g until I want to say April. Remember the corocoro that was just a 2 page spread of the box art but everything was covered in lens flare

My view of the graphics as "nice but not a marked improvement" might be coloring this because like, man, this sure is pokemon in HD but:
1. kanto is so flat and bland
2. the characters use cel shading but the pokemon now use the border-less style Go uses, which creates a visual disconnect that i think is kinda ugly
3. the pokemon models have been nice to look at but we know that because they're the same future proofed models we've seen for 5 years across 2 generations and 4 sets of 3ds-straining games
4. god is kanto boring to look at

So to me, they weren't showing off a lot of footage for the sake of graphics, it was for the sake of showing off the game as a whole alongside its assorted features. I mean I guess graphics are part of that, but my point remains there were ways to cut a trailer that would focus on that and not show off other things.
Has it been confirmed which team among Game Freak is working on Let's Go? Are we dealing with the younger B team for a fourth time in a row, the older A team (they haven't given us a game since XY), or some people on both development teams?
Not directly; they have said that the Switch game mentioned at E3 2017 (which we know is the A team) is the 2019 game, which is/was in development concurrently with LGP/E. This implies that LGP/E was developed by the B team, who probably started right around USUM's announcement.

Wasn't it the A team who developed SM? I had it in my head that the A team usually starts a generation because that requires the most rigorous development time, and then the B team finishes a generation.
Not directly; they have said that the Switch game mentioned at E3 2017 (which we know is the A team) is the 2019 game, which is/was in development concurrently with LGP/E. This implies that LGP/E was developed by the B team, who probably started right around USUM's announcement.

Wasn't it the A team who developed SM? I had it in my head that the A team usually starts a generation because that requires the most rigorous development time, and then the B team finishes a generation.

I assume the same:

1) Veterans finish developing Sun and Moon.
2) Veterans start developing the traditional Pokemon game for Switch. Youngsters start developing Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
3) Veterans are still developing the traditional Pokemon game for Switch. Youngsters finish developing Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon start developing Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee.
I assume the same:

1) Veterans finish developing Sun and Moon.
2) Veterans start developing the traditional Pokemon game for Switch. Youngsters start developing Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
3) Veterans are still developing the traditional Pokemon game for Switch. Youngsters finish developing Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon start developing Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee.
I feel like we're underestimating the lengths of gamedevelopment a bit here

It's possible this was either an A-team title or they're totally changing their internal development standards. A mix of teams as they become available.
But thinking team B put out 2 titles in 3 years, one of which is on the switch, is a bit...off.
AFAIK in an interview, Masuda mentioned that Lets Go has been in development for 2 years now, while gen 8 has been in development since "Before the Switch was announced", which would be around 3-4 years when the games come out next year (my guess is 3, but that vague statement could leave things open). Makes me wonder if Gamefrreak has grone enough where they have more than one B team, or maybe their structure is a bit more amphorphous now a days, similar to how Nintendo's studios opperate.
AFAIK in an interview, Masuda mentioned that Lets Go has been in development for 2 years now, while gen 8 has been in development since "Before the Switch was announced", which would be around 3-4 years when the games come out next year (my guess is 3, but that vague statement could leave things open). Makes me wonder if Gamefrreak has grone enough where they have more than one B team, or maybe their structure is a bit more amphorphous now a days, similar to how Nintendo's studios opperate.
Or they simply started with concept art that soon. Hell, if they recovered one of the Gold Beta mons they could claim they started development since before the GB Advance was announced
Huh, LGP/E confirmed demo-able/playable at E3. Count me surprised; I was expecting it to be like last year where USUM wasn't mentioned at all (they only showed off Pokken DX and the "Switch is coming" announcement).
Huh, LGP/E confirmed demo-able/playable at E3. Count me surprised; I was expecting it to be like last year where USUM wasn't mentioned at all (they only showed off Pokken DX and the "Switch is coming" announcement).
Makes sense when you realize they would want to show off the "new features" and systems. USUM wasn't really structured to allow that, most of its changes were small and sectionalized until the climax
now the press can play, use the joycons to throw balls, get a feel for how the on-field encounters work, use multiplayer, ride pokemon and probably use the pokeball go+
Ishihara from the Pokemon Company gave an interview to Famitsu. While the image is too blurry and it won't be released until June 7th (tomorrow), someone put together a list of important points so allow me to translate it below (to the best of my ability):

  • We are able to release this game now at this timing because we started working on it when the Switch was released. We feel that our games can help move the platform further.
  • Throwing Poke Balls using the Joy-Con makes the capturing process and feeling in PLG very different.
  • Co-op makes capturing Pokemon easier.
  • We are considering releasing new Pokemon. We didn't just want to do a remake of Pokemon Yellow, we wanted to add new elements such as new Pokemon.
  • We want players who began playing Pokemon because of Pokemon Go to want to play the next Pokemon game, too.
  • Even though there are voices of "this isn't Pokemon anymore!", we feel that those opinions will change once you start playing the game.
  • We are considering making connecting the Switch with a smartphone a special case. Right now there are no plans to standardize this for future games.
  • The Pokemon game that we are planning to release in the second half of 2019 is going to be different from PLG. It will be a game that both beginners and veterans can look forward to.
  • It was tough to make it as hands-on as it has always been on the Switch. (honestly not sure about this one)
  • The graphics are better, too.
  • Something to do with it being easy to tell that it's a game with continued GameFreak traditions?
  • We want to create completely new games that include features and elements that fans have been waiting for for a long time as well as one with many new Pokemon.
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Which is, honestly nothing unexpected.

Though I still would love to have the "overworld visible wild pokemon" to stick as mechanic....
  • We want to create completely new games that include features and elements that fans have been waiting for for a long time as well as one with many new Pokemon.

This one worries me as it practically confirms these features won't be on regular Pokemon games =/
**waiting for a long time**

Please gamefreak make my dreams come true, kill IVs so I never have to have one box full of 30 of the same mon ever again ;_;
**waiting for a long time**

Please gamefreak make my dreams come true, kill IVs so I never have to have one box full of 30 of the same mon ever again ;_;
You're right! Remove IVs entirely so that Stakataka can't ever boost its Attack again!

wait no don't do that please don't
I think the new games look fine, but I was most relieved that they didn't ruin the battle system. Pokemon Go integration is ok unless they make it extremely vital to the storyline, which wouldn't be too good in my opinion.
Yo so they showed Let's Go at Treehouse, and something stuck out to me that I posted in a more general video game forum.

When Pikachu leveled up to 9, it seems to have impossible stats! Here's the stats at level 9:

29 HP
25 Atk
14 Def
22 SpA
19 SpD
30 Spe

So unless I fucked up the math, these stats are totally impossible at level 9, since Pikachu requires way too much investment in Atk, SpA, and Spe to reach those stats in one build.

So what I'm saying is: Gamefreak either removed the EV cap, or buffed the starter Pikachu's stats by quite a bit! Here's a fantasy scenario assuming new EVs (doubt it lol, but Im curious)

Fantasy base stats (assuming a Lonely nature like the picture posted below, and stat ranges assuming little to no EVs and perfect IVs)

HP: 35 -> 41-54
Attack: 55 -> 85 - 90
Defense 40 -> 46-51
Special Attack 50 -> 79-84
Special Defense 50 -> 63-67
Speed 90 -> 124-128 (holy shit that's a huge increase)

lol Pikachu might actually be a functional glass cannon with those and light ball, unlike the slow turd it is now!
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Yo so they showed Let's Go at Treehouse, and something stuck out to me that I posted in a more general video game forum.

When Pikachu leveled up to 9, it seems to have impossible stats! Here's the stats at level 9:

29 HP
25 Atk
14 Def
22 SpA
19 SpD
30 Spe

So unless I fucked up the math, these stats are totally impossible at level 9, since Pikachu requires way too much investment in Atk, SpA, and Spe to reach those stats in one build.

So what I'm saying is: Gamefreak either removed the EV cap, or buffed the starter Pikachu's stats by quite a bit! Here's a fantasy scenario assuming new EVs (doubt it lol, but Im curious)

Fantasy base stats (assuming a neutral nature)

HP: 35 -> 41
Attack: 55 -> 96
Defense 40 -> 40 (lol)
Special Attack 50 -> 79
Special Defense 50 -> 63
Speed 90 -> 124 (holy shit that's a huge increase)

lol Pikachu might actually be a functional glass cannon with those and light ball, unlike the slow turd it is now!
I just noticed this as well, and I don't think it has EVs:

Note the little green hexagon in the middle of the stats, with a lighter green hexagon directly surrounding it. In Gen 6/7 the inner hexagon represented your stats, while the outer hexagon was stretched out according to the EVs in each stat. New Pokemon with little to no EVs would have that outer hexagon just look like an outline, like with this Pikachu, since there's not enough EVs to noticeably stretch it out. So I think this Pikachu has minimal EVs.

Also lending some credence to it being an alternate form: the experience. 419 total EXP at Level 9 means it has the Medium Slow EXP curve, rather than the Medium Fast curve normal Pikachus have. Medium Slow is the curve the starters have.
Note the little green hexagon in the middle of the stats, with a lighter green hexagon directly surrounding it. In Gen 6/7 the inner hexagon represented your stats, while the outer hexagon was stretched out according to the EVs in each stat. New Pokemon with little to no EVs would have that outer hexagon just look like an outline, like with this Pikachu, since there's not enough EVs to noticeably stretch it out. So I think this Pikachu has minimal EVs.

Except... EVs are not always visible. You need to press Y to see them.

And besides, they also said Candies are in this game, which work as stat boosts.