Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

does anyone know if at the start of sword and shield mons like genesect/mkhang/deoxys etc will return to ou? i remember in 2013 they were dropped to ou at the start of xy, but for some reason at the start of sm nothing got unbanned other than aegislash greninja and hoopa. what's the policy regarding this?

also the only precedent for suspecting down from uber to ou in the past 5 years i can remember is when giratina got suspected in ou in like 2015 or smth, but that ended up being for april fools so does anyone know if suspecting down is accepted in the current tiering policy?
They most likely will, just like every other gen. Fwiw, Landorus-I and Genesect did actually drop, but got banned quickly. You're also forgetting Mega Mawile.
Are Autotomize Celesteela sets viable nowadays? I feel like physical ones with Groundium do a really good job at luring stuff like Pex, Magearna, and even Magnezone in since at +2 it can outpace even Scarf Magnezone and clap it with EQ.

For reference, this is the set I've been eyeing:

Celesteela @ Groundium Z
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Autotomize
- Earthquake
- Heavy Slam
- Fire Blast

Fire Blast 2HKOs Ferrothorn and always OHKOs Mega Scizor after rocks.

I know its claim to fame is its ridiculous bulk, but can this set work?
Are Autotomize Celesteela sets viable nowadays? I feel like physical ones with Groundium do a really good job at luring stuff like Pex, Magearna, and even Magnezone in since at +2 it can outpace even Scarf Magnezone and clap it with EQ.

For reference, this is the set I've been eyeing:

Celesteela @ Groundium Z
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Autotomize
- Earthquake
- Heavy Slam
- Fire Blast

Fire Blast 2HKOs Ferrothorn and always OHKOs Mega Scizor after rocks.

I know its claim to fame is its ridiculous bulk, but can this set work?

Hello to answer your question

Autotomize Celesteela sets aren't used any longer because the HO (Hyper Offense) it was found on (Webs) fell a lot in usage and viability. The only Set which is considered viable / used is the Specially Defensive set.
Offensive sets of jirachi are some what viable? Things like specs or calm mind Z move?
There are not any that I would consider viable. Some use Z-Celebrate or whatever the move is to give it +1 in every stat, but that's pretty sporadically seen and still quite bad in itself. Scarf is more of a utility and RKer than it is offensive, but if that counts, then it is used a bit.
Hello, I´ve been using this team Zard Y, Kartana, Koko, Reuniclus, Zapdos and Hawlucha and I don´t know if it´s solid enough.

I'm not sure if this is the correct thread for this, but I'll bite:

Zard Y Generally wants to be paired with some very solid Pursuit support and given the Koko+Hawlucha core I'd argue it's a little out of place compared to Zard X, which would fit better on a more offensive team. Koko+Hawlucha is a core that is way better-suited for more offensive teams but your Reuniclus pick goes against this almost completely by being more suited for Balance/Bulky Offense maybe? Zapdos can run an Agility+Electrium Z set to have a pretty significant offensive presence compared to its bulky but at that point you could probably do better with Thundurus-T. Kartana works on these offensively-inclined teams but it also depends on the set you're running.

Overall, though, we just don't know anything about that team based on your post. We can probably assume Koko is Screens, and we can definitely assume the Zard Y is a standard 3-attacks set with Focus Blast and Solar Beam for coverage. Hawlucha is also a very obvious one because it only really has one set, and Reuniclus might be Double Dance (Acid Armor+CM+Recover+Psychic/Psyshock). But the Zapdos set is a bit more ambiguous because you'd need a Defogger with this team if you're running Zard Y, and Kartana has a handful of sets that look the same in theory but play very differently (Scarf, Band, and SD+Z-move). You'd need to be more specific, and you'd probably need to post it in the RMT area instead of here.
Another dumb but probably not dumb question:

Is Groundium Z Protean Gren particularly good? I'm a big fan of Z-Dig's ability to clap Magearna and Toxapex with ease and it's a lure set that I'd argue does a pretty job at luring the two things you'd most frequently use to check Protean Greninja but it never really gets that much attention outside of a mention every now and again.

Does its ability to beat some of the most typical Greninja answers give it a use as an option? If so, would it deserve a mention alongside Low Kick+Fightinium for its analysis?
Another dumb but probably not dumb question:

Is Groundium Z Protean Gren particularly good? I'm a big fan of Z-Dig's ability to clap Magearna and Toxapex with ease and it's a lure set that I'd argue does a pretty job at luring the two things you'd most frequently use to check Protean Greninja but it never really gets that much attention outside of a mention every now and again.

Does its ability to beat some of the most typical Greninja answers give it a use as an option? If so, would it deserve a mention alongside Low Kick+Fightinium for its analysis?
I feel that kind of question is a little more for C&C, but I can respect erring caution on it.

That being said - it's valid, especially because some teams lean a bit on Toxapex to help them against Ash-Gren. As far as being an option on the analysis? Personally I would say so, but I can't really speak on behalf of OU QC and would rather say fuck Leo instead.
what do you guys think is a good check to protean gren? sorry if this is a dumb question, but was really curious about pokemon that can counter it (perhaps a scarf set?)
Koko is generally a good soft check to non-Scarf Protean Greninja but it loses to Scarf if it's packing Gunk Shot. Similarly, Celesteela can check a lot of different variants but gets torn wide open by Waterium and particularly physical Fightinium sets. Toxapex and Magearna can beat non-Groundium sets with little difficulty but both get bopped by the somewhat uncommon Groundium Z (I guess you could run Extrasensory for Toxapex too but that's not really a thing this generation since Mega Venusaur isn't that good).

There's no clear-cut way to cover all variants of Greninja until you know which one your opponent is running. Tangrowth is arguably the "best" Greninja check as a whole but even that has no business switching in on Ice Beam or Gunk Shot, especially given that an unlucky status effect from the latter effectively cripples Tangrowth for the rest of the game. So try your best to scout for its potential sets with something decently bulky that wouldn't get OHKOed by an untransformed Battle Bond variant and you MIGHT have a better understanding of what it could be running, but as a whole it's hilariously hard to check and impossible to counter until you know what it's running.
I'm wondering, why unbanning regular blaziken isn't a thing yet.
Baton Pass is gone and Speed Boost as an ability doesn't seem as oppressive anymore as it used to be in earlier generations.


it is the typing, the speed boost itself and the setup move in swords dance.
It is very hard to revenge kill if you get a speed boost + a SD up and with archetypes like Webs, Dual Screens and Veil the doability of revenge killing it isnt managable anymore.
Webs makes it that even scarfers can be slower than +1 speed boosted blaze, also Veil and/or Koko Screens allow Blaze to survive certain hits, which can be used to revenge it. If it goes to +2 with its speed boost there is no real counterplay anymore alongside with an SD boost - also it doesnt need Life Orb to counteract to its longevity, it can run a multitude of possible Z moves: Inferno Overdrive, Continental Crush, Tectonic Rage and All Out Pummeling. Speed boost Blaziken is just too tough to deal with currently.
I'm wondering, why unbanning regular blaziken isn't a thing yet.
Baton Pass is gone and Speed Boost as an ability doesn't seem as oppressive anymore as it used to be in earlier generations.
This would be a complex ban, and Smogon tries to avoid doing such as much as possible. Another example of a complex ban would’ve been banning Zygarde from having Thousand Arrows in its moveset rather than banning Zygarde as a whole, which is what happen instead.
This would be a complex ban, and Smogon tries to avoid doing such as much as possible. Another example of a complex ban would’ve been banning Zygarde from having Thousand Arrows in its moveset rather than banning Zygarde as a whole, which is what happen instead.
How is it a complex ban? They aren't calling for unbanning Blaze Blaziken. They're wondering if non-mega Blaziken, Speed Boost and all, would be healthy in OU.
This thread isn't the place to talk about potential unbans / suspects. There are no immediate plans to unban Blaziken due its sheer versatility and access to Speed Boost, Swords Dance, Work Up, Z-Moves, 120/110 offenses, etc. If you have any more questions feel free to PM a moderator about it, but let's drop the discussion on it now.

Rules of the thread:
  • Do NOT talk about dropping Pokemon from Ubers. This is not the place for that. PM a council member if you want more information.
Why do people run a pinch berry on volcarona now? Also, in what situations would you choose to use this set? Is it only when you simply cant afford to give up a Z move on another member? What spread/moveset is usually used with this item?
Why do people run a pinch berry on volcarona now? Also, in what situations would you choose to use this set? Is it only when you simply cant afford to give up a Z move on another member? What spread/moveset is usually used with this item?
i often run it when there's another z move user already, because buginium is a lot better i feel. but wiki berry is nice for set up opportunities and also ash gren's shuriken. as for the spread, the standard offensive spread or the standard bulkarona spread are both fine, depends if u want a fat volc or an offensive one
I saw the SD + explosion normal gem Lando-T being used by FMG against Empo in SPL semifinals, and it seems like a fun set to use, so does anyone have a spread/moveset for it?
Why isn't there a D rank on the vr for the unviable uubl pokemon such as conkeldurr that are stuck in limbo and aren't ranked or for pokemon that are ou by usage, but not viable? (Note that the D-rank would be for unviable pokemon)
Why isn't there a D rank on the vr for the unviable uubl pokemon such as conkeldurr that are stuck in limbo and aren't ranked or for pokemon that are ou by usage, but not viable? (Note that the D-rank would be for unviable pokemon)
To add on to what Sedertz said, UUBL pokemon aren’t even OU, so your hypothetical is kind of irrelevant. Them being in limbo means nothing to us. Had there been any OU by usage Pokemon that weren’t ranked, then we would consider D rank.