Dexit discussion thread

Why are people on unironicly thanking Game Freak with the Hashtag #ThankYouGameFreak ? Right now it would be the worst possible time to thank them as a company. Though rethinking that, it may be justified
So I wrote a poem for Game Freak also thanking them. I hope you enjoy since never wrote one in my life 'till now
Thank you game freak for cutting over half the National Dex
Thank you game freak for removing Megas
Thank you gamefreak for removing Z-Moves
Thank you game freak for not being able to port Pokemon Models from LGPE despite it being a switch game
Thank you game freak for demanding me to pay 50% more than previously
Thank you for saving me 60 Euros
Maybe because people are super drained and tired of all thr spam, toxicty, harrassment, death threats, and rape allegations that caused a bunch of devs who are working to the bone to be depressed?

Just a hunch.
I found that it began from a Poketuber named mysticumbreon or something who wants to "spread positivity". That said, the timing couldn't be "better".
And those "death threats" were actually just speculation, although after the KyoAni tragedy, it does send some chilling note. But it's never really proven either.

On that note, Ohmori got lambasted as he retweeted one of those tagged post, with some angry Japanese fans going #F**kYouGameFreak.
Oh, btw, James Turner liked another tweet that calls reddit (which has been critical and mad) "indignant cunts".
So this has basically been going around in circles for some time now, but lets just make things crystal: dexit is a polciy from here on, like it or not, and HOME is going to be what makes or breaks a bunch of fans.

But yeah, as someone who has been in a few communities that have been targets of smear campaigns and mobs, you tend to get a bit bitter when hundreds of people starts banging at your door. I would be too. Im sure others would feel the same.
"But the way of playing is actually not very different from before with Pokémon Bank: until now you have always been able to meet only the pokémon of a certain region."

Except that the people who transferred very plainly did consider being able to use old Pokemon in the new games to be a significant gameplay difference. Seeing how they fare in the new metagame is fun, moreso when they're getting new mechanics to play with each generation. I love you, Game Freak, but this is impressively tone deaf.
I found that it began from a Poketuber named mysticumbreon or something who wants to "spread positivity". That said, the timing couldn't be "better".
And those "death threats" were actually just speculation, although after the KyoAni tragedy, it does send some chilling note. But it's never really proven either.

On that note, Ohmori got lambasted as he retweeted one of those tagged post, with some angry Japanese fans going #F**kYouGameFreak.
Oh, btw, James Turner liked another tweet that calls reddit (which has been critical and mad) "indignant cunts".
I have seen MysticUmbreon's video. The comment section is disabled funny enough.
I did see the Hashtag you mentioned, but from what I have seen is that Japanese fans complained Western fans using it and not Japanese fans using it themselves (though I don't read too much on Twitter). I know a few people that are tired of the "toxic positivity" people try to spread. I can certainly understand in situations like that where people prefer using strong words that others consider as offensive to express themselves. I remember when exaggerating was a normal thing to do without others always taking it as a personal attack.
"But the way of playing is actually not very different from before with Pokémon Bank: until now you have always been able to meet only the pokémon of a certain region."

Except that the people who transferred very plainly did consider being able to use old Pokemon in the new games to be a significant gameplay difference. Seeing how they fare in the new metagame is fun, moreso when they're getting new mechanics to play with each generation. I love you, Game Freak, but this is impressively tone deaf.
Also trying the new games with older gen starters was always fun.
I have seen MysticUmbreon's video. The comment section is disabled funny enough.
I did see the Hashtag you mentioned, but from what I have seen is that Japanese fans complained Western fans using it and not Japanese fans using it themselves (though I don't read too much on Twitter). I know a few people that are tired of the "toxic positivity" people try to spread. I can certainly understand in situations like that where people prefer using strong words that others consider as offensive to express themselves. I remember when exaggerating was a normal thing to do without others always taking it as a personal attack.
There are some who complained the westerners uses it to downhype (well, like many other people across the globe on the same side). But it did spark some anger to some who noticed Ohmori's retweet.
Yeah, this has been quite a civil war, and I think their reactions didn't help either (at least as of now, Ohmori less so, after Masuda and Bayleef debacle and that Turner's liked tweet, although still looking Oblivious.)
This can't get worse anyway, phew.

Maybe I am indeed Fuuma Kotarou for keeping up on all the chaos....
This is abhorrently bad PR. Almost as bad as Rian Johnson calling some fans manbabies on twitter for not liking the Last Jedi.

I get these guys are human, and receiving hate on a regular basis gets tiring. I'm pretty sure they are also pissed about the national dex leaks given that they wanted players to discover a lot of the new Pokemon while playing the game. However, blatantly insulting some fans via tweets or retweets is fracturing any good will fans have towards you.

The justification given in interviews for the cut features are also pretty bad. Inconveniencing the player and telling them to "just use this" is pretty condescending, and makes it really, really easy for people to rag on what should be a very good feature. Having played the older games and grindy gacha games, the new Exp Share is a fantastic addition that severely cuts grinding and lets me use more than six Pokemon per playthrough. However,, the interview just makes this feature seem like an inconvenience (which, given how many other games sell crap like EXP boosters for money, is crazy). Why do I need to deposit all my Pokemon in the PC when I could just turn off the Exp. Share in past games?
This is abhorrently bad PR. Almost as bad as Rian Johnson calling some fans manbabies on twitter for not liking the Last Jedi.

I get these guys are human, and receiving hate on a regular basis gets tiring. I'm pretty sure they are also pissed about the national dex leaks given that they wanted players to discover a lot of the new Pokemon while playing the game. However, blatantly insulting some fans via tweets or retweets is fracturing any good will fans have towards you.

The justification given in interviews for the cut features are also pretty bad. Inconveniencing the player and telling them to "just use this" is pretty condescending, and makes it really, really easy for people to rag on what should be a very good feature. Having played the older games and grindy gacha games, the new Exp Share is a fantastic addition that severely cuts grinding and lets me use more than six Pokemon per playthrough. However,, the interview just makes this feature seem like an inconvenience (which, given how many other games sell crap like EXP boosters for money, is crazy). Why do I need to deposit all my Pokemon in the PC when I could just turn off the Exp. Share in past games?
Tbf, looks like he unliked it as of now. So it's good. Or damages already done.
But I still worry of GF needing some reality check at times. Masuda's retweet was the first to make me concerned of this, and Exp.Share "answer" being another example.

Oh well, I can only pray to Arceus for the best for GF (of course not in the simplest way)....
I'm all in favor about the idea of the Exp. Share being permanently on... but that response was terrible. Even something as simple as saying something like "This implementation of the Exp. Share had a very positive reception so we've decided to make it a baseline feature; the positives outweigh the negatives" or pretty much anything else, would be better than what they actually said.
The James Turner retweet was really a clumsy blunder no matter how you look at it... even if the content was positive a lead designer really shouldn't be using his official Nintendo social media account to support calling a subset of fans c**ts. Especially given that it's #wholesome family-friendly Nintendo.
What did James Turner do?
If anyone uses their account to like a highly vulgar post, it's perfectly normal to criticize them for doing so.
True, but let's not pretend that these people cant ever be allowed to apeak their mind or like stuff that mixes with their views. If the fans are allowed to be bitter, so can the other side. Im more than used to producers and devs calling people out, liking a tweet with a few bad words is nothing in comparison.
Fair enough.

In a different subject, since this policy doesnt seem to be going away anytime soon, is this thread going to be open forever? Or is it going to close after a few months?
He's still a representative of TPC regardless. He shouldn't be stirring up any shit.

It's extremely unprofessional.
I think what bothers me the most is this idea is that in wveryone has to put up with the virtol and not show any sign of their own frustrations. Theyve been criticized for being to PR and now criticized for not being family friendly or something.

Im used to people like Harada (tekken producer) calling people out and not taking shit from people. Im honestly surprised no one has snapped already.
I think what bothers me the most is this idea is that in wveryone has to put up with the virtol and not show any sign of their own frustrations. Theyve been criticized for being to PR and now criticized for not being family friendly or something.

Im used to people like Harada (tekken producer) calling people out and not taking shit from people. Im honestly surprised no one has snapped already.
I don't follow the tekken community, but my guess is Harada doesn't get any flak because the community is mostly on his side. If Masuda roasted some dude when X and Y were coming out, for example, the community probably wouldn't care because they're hyped for the game. It's a double-standard, but that's why its important to Have good PR, listen to the community if an issue is as massively divisive as this, and backpetal on decisions that have pissed fans off, even if its a shitton of work to do so. If that's not possible, then a proper, in-depth explanation is needed to justify the action with concrete examples.
I think what bothers me the most is this idea is that in wveryone has to put up with the virtol and not show any sign of their own frustrations. Theyve been criticized for being to PR and now criticized for not being family friendly or something.

Im used to people like Harada (tekken producer) calling people out and not taking shit from people. Im honestly surprised no one has snapped already.

I think it's more the avenue in which the response is being given. Venting in-person to friends shouldn't be seen as unprofessional, nor should posting something to a private social media account (though of course either isn't bulletproof if someone leaks something to the public).

But in this case, it's his public Twitter account, in which he himself writes "Pokémon designer and Art Director of Pokémon Sword and Shield at Game Freak." as the first line in his bio. If I work for Company X, what I say about Company X and its consumers still reflects on the company even if I do it on my own time. There's definitely more nuance involved if, for instance, I say something on a private Twitter account that I don't associate with the company, but in this case it seems fairly cut-and-dry.

For the record, I agree that attacking the game creators personally over the changes Pokemon has made over the last few generations is going too far. However, in this case the issue is the message that is being sent by the designer's action, not something about the person himself: he is making himself seem dismissive of a subset of fans and essentially telling them either that he is aware of their grievances and does not care about them, or he does not understand their grievance and does not care to. The professional response to online vitriol is to not engage, or if you're feeling particularly masochistic, to try to reason with them. In no way is it the right play to antagonize them, unless you don't care about losing that subset of the fanbase (ie: when you have a supportive fanbase that is on your side and you're arguing against a few critics whose opinion you really don't care about). But even in that case, it sends a clear message that you don't care about those critics and their opinions, which in this case means that you don't care about fans who are against some of the changes made this generation.
I'd easily shell out $ for a "Home" that is basically Pokemon Box + Battle Revolution* + Pokedex Pro 2. I think that would ease limiting mainline games to regional dexes, while still having an outlet for a full dex competitive scene and being the online comp hub. This multi-purpose Home could have been handled by a separate team, so the main dev team could actually focus on environments that don't look kinda bad, and fleshing out a region/plot/gameplay/etc. And, they could have launched Home with only 400 'mons, with +100 free updates over time until everyone is in, and then future updates are made easier.

They dropped the ball majorly by making Home a cloud PC with nothing to do. 50% of your Pokemon will just sit there until... who knows when.

*with rental 'mons if you don't have access to previous generations etc.
Do we know what Home even is yet? All I can find online is "It's pokemon bank with trading" and nothing else announced since then