Sword & Shield **Official news only** DLC Crown Tundra 22nd October

I noticed the bargain guy is not actually fully tied to the time. You can find out "tomorrow's" bargain, and it will always be there until you next visit him regardless of when you do it (after the next day).
Hmmm... are we having an Ice/Psychic, Electric/Fighting and (likely) Fire/Dark trio?
I can see Articuno being Ice/Psychic with Levitate but I have a hard time seeing the other 2 lose their flying type. They are birds after all...

Well unless all 3 get Levitate as ability.

Flying/Psychic, Flying/Fighting and Flying/Dark however creates a pretty interesting trio if you think about it.
Is there any confirmation that the 3 birds are actually Galarian versions of Zapdos, Moltres & Articuno and not new Pokemon? I know it seems like a dumb question but just making absolutely sure. I believe I saw a translation for alternate names for the 3 somewhere though it didn't seem legit. I don't remember it being directly stated in an official source.
Is there any confirmation that the 3 birds are actually Galarian versions of Zapdos, Moltres & Articuno and not new Pokemon? I know it seems like a dumb question but just making absolutely sure. I believe I saw a translation for alternate names for the 3 somewhere though it didn't seem legit. I don't remember it being directly stated in an official source.
No direct confirmation, but it's difficult to see what they could be otherwise. Megas are long gone, they're far too different to be Gigantamax and they don't feel like evolutions/pre-evolutions either.
Gigantamax Venusaur and Blastoise to me are the the most compelling evidence that at least certain parts of these DLCs were directly conceived as responses to fan criticisms, in their case to complaints about Charizard receiving special attention. Now this is admittedly very subjective, but when I compare these designs to Gigantamax Charizard I get this feeling not of less effort, but of a greater struggle to create something unique compared to their Mega Evolutions and less inspiration/creative drive to do so, as if they were something that was never originally planned and they were kinda "forced" to make it happen. Again, I know this is a bold assumption to make off of purely subjective thoughts, and I don't expect anyone to change their minds off this, but that's the vibe I personally get.
I think we may be getting more lore on Xerneas & Yveltal in the DLC. The new Regis have dot patterns in the shape of an X and a Y, so there may be some sort of connection there or it could just be a coincidence. The only thing that throws me off is one of the new Regis looking like an Electric type and I don't know how that could be related to Xerneas. The Dragon looking one resembles Yveltal in it's color scheme though.
Gigantamax Venusaur and Blastoise to me are the the most compelling evidence that at least certain parts of these DLCs were directly conceived as responses to fan criticisms, in their case to complaints about Charizard receiving special attention. Now this is admittedly very subjective, but when I compare these designs to Gigantamax Charizard I get this feeling not of less effort, but of a greater struggle to create something unique compared to their Mega Evolutions and less inspiration/creative drive to do so, as if they were something that was never originally planned and they were kinda "forced" to make it happen. Again, I know this is a bold assumption to make off of purely subjective thoughts, and I don't expect anyone to change their minds off this, but that's the vibe I personally get.
Ehhhh....not too sure about that one. To me its similar to Mega Blaziken coming to XY a few years or so before swamp and sceptile got theirs.
There aren't really a large amount of interesting ways to make a design for "Blastoise+/Venusaur+". On one hand, you could blame the megas for sticking too close to the originals, on the other it shows that the designs aren't set up to really pair with their unique moves (hypothetical example: if Venusaur's grass moves grant sun [for chlorophyll], it could have a different flower based on a RL plant that generates heat for extra pollinator appeal [side note: these usually smell awful])
I can see Articuno being Ice/Psychic with Levitate but I have a hard time seeing the other 2 lose their flying type. They are birds after all...

Well unless all 3 get Levitate as ability.

Flying/Psychic, Flying/Fighting and Flying/Dark however creates a pretty interesting trio if you think about it.
Articun oseems to be floating and, if it is Psychic, that'd be an easy in for Levitate
Zapdos seems to specifically be a roadrunner and not really shown conventionally flying. I know our other roadrunner is Flying type but also everyone in the world has been making going "but whY????" over that. I don't think it would even get levitate.

Moltres is the only one who doesn't have a direct "out" to the flying aspect (it seems to literally be shown flying in its artwork) but it's also still clearly on fire. If the other two are ice/psychic & electric/fighting, though, I can't see them dropping fire. Just silently ignore it or represent it with one of those goofy "its the same ability but we gave it a different name" thing they keep doing.

So speaking of these legendaries...I've been thinking about the Crown Tundra's pokedex. First off it seems reasonable to believe that the three muskeeters and Regigigas are still in there, right? The former 3 are the only ones not even hinted at being in the dens but we know they're already in the game and Regigigas being intentionally left out feels like set up for a new Galarian Form. And meanwhile the UBs are probably off in their own category, we'll just leave them off for now.
But if so that kind of cuts into the Tundra's "100+ returning" pokedex by a large margin, huh? That'd be about 47-ish (I might've miscounted somewhere) pokemon and a fair chunk of those are probably meant to be "post game" or maybe just late game for the tundra since they're thrown into the depths of the new co-op mode (the birds & regi likely have special overworld stuff with the temples & trees).
I think...I'm going to be optimistic and say that there will be approximately 100 (probably a little less) normal pokemon accompanying them, since they'd probably want you to explore the standard OW tundra and see all kinds of returning pokemon just like in the isle of armor. Who knows, maybe it'll be 100 normals + 47 returning legends + 3 new ones (Regivolt, Regidrake, Calyrex) for a nice smooth 150 in the tundra?
Due to the announcement of the Expansion Pass I have updated the Galar Checklist with all the returning Pokemon shown in the Direct and the promotional materials:

Color code:
- Green: Pokemon is present in the Galar Pokedex,
- Dark Green: Pokemon has a Galarian Form,
- Blue: Pokemon is present in the game code, but absent from the Galar Pokedex,
- Yellow: Pokemon will be added to the game in the Expansion,
- Orange: Expansion Pokemon that has a Galarian Form.

Isle of Armor:
- Psyduck, Golduck,
- Slowbro-G,
- Magnemite, Magneton, Magnezone,
- Happiny, Chansey, Blissey,
- Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra,
- Azurill, Marill, Azumarill,
- Zorua, Zoroark,
- Larvesta, Volcarona,
- Fletchling, Fletchinder, Talonflame,
- Dedenne,
- Rockruff, Lycanroc.

Crown of Tundra:
- Nidoran-F, Nidorina, Nidoqueen,
- Nidoran-M, Nidorino, Nidoking,
- Zubat, Golbat, Crobat,
- Slowking-G,
- Elekid, Electabuzz, Electivire,
- Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein,
- Beldum, Metang, Metagross,
- Gible, Gabite, Garchomp,
- Cryogonal,
- Amaura, Aurous,
+ all showcased Legendaries.

I have decided to mark Nidoran-F’s line as confirmed even though we have not seen any of its members in the Direct. However, we have seen Nidorino and I am absolutely convinced that his female counterpart is going to appear alongside him in the Crown of Tundra Expansion. Magby and Tyrantrum lines are likely to make an appearance as well, due to the presence of their counterparts (Elekid and Aurous) in the promotional materials.

It is quite interesting that the Direct showcased almost all non-Mythical, non-UB Legendaries. The only ones absent are Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion and Regigigas. Curiously, the Swords of Justice are already coded into the base game. The presence of new Legendary Golems indicates that GF is planning to do something special with the Trio (or rather Quintet) Master and I sure hope it includes getting rid of Slow Start…

Intrestingly, Klara’s ribbon appears to be based on some alternate form of Dustox:


Additionally, Avery’s emblem shows two Twistedspoons. These things make it pretty likely that Wurmple and Abra lines are going to appear in the Expansion as well (probably Isle of Armor).
I can imagine Regigigas getting a useful ability instead of Slow Start as a hidden ability unlocked by certain conditions.

The meme option is Speed Boost because of the obvious inversion of Slow Start, but even if the ability is only modestly useful, its statline is perfectly serviceable and it has a workable movepool except for losing reliable STAB.
I can imagine Regigigas getting a useful ability instead of Slow Start as a hidden ability unlocked by certain conditions.

The meme option is Speed Boost because of the obvious inversion of Slow Start, but even if the ability is only modestly useful, its statline is perfectly serviceable and it has a workable movepool except for losing reliable STAB.
I honestly kind of want a Regigigas-G whose ability is like...your stats are shit but improve for each different REgi on your team. There's 5 normals + Gigas now, go wild with it I say
I can imagine Regigigas getting a useful ability instead of Slow Start as a hidden ability unlocked by certain conditions.

The meme option is Speed Boost because of the obvious inversion of Slow Start, but even if the ability is only modestly useful, its statline is perfectly serviceable and it has a workable movepool except for losing reliable STAB.

At this point, even Telepathy would be a nice option.
Fuck landorus-therian is coming back

Out of curiosity, what could be reasonably done to Landorus Therian that would make it less centralizing?

Also you can dress up as Marnie, I’m gonna start my Shield run.

If you're the girl. Though obviously the boy gets to dress as Bede... no? Oh, right, Hop would probably be the obvious choice... also no? Leon? Piers? Okay, then who are the boys getting to dress as... ROSE?! Are the girls getting Oleana? No... that's such a strange match-up.

30 bucks feels like it is too much.


200 Mons isn't enough for such a huge price tag.

$30 bucks better than another $60. Like already this $30 content feels like it's more substantial then what USUM provided from SM which was a full price 3DS game. And there's always a chance they could throw in some free DLC stuff down the line.

Also, technically don't got to buy the DLC for the +200 Pokemon, that's a free download. If you have them from older games can just transfer them up with HOME and if you don't can trade another player (though without a GTS probably best to sent up a trade with someone here or on Reddit).

If it shows they are willing to fix the mistakes they did, even if it's through a DLC, I'm willing to support the idea.

I have a feeling for this gen and the next we're going to have a "give and take" going on. How far can GF push what and how much new content they can add that the player will accept to be added as DLC or would be angry wasn't included in the main game (or given as free DLC). Because I can easily see GF becoming a "push the game out early as we can patch it back in later" developer, if not from their own decision pushed by Pokemon Company wanting the new Pokemon ready to become merchandise.

I like this as an alternative way to make a third version. The whole "start a new save file and make this new version your main one" aspect to third versions always kind of bugged me. Really nice to see these games rounded out into something bigger and better as oppose to immediately heading out to a new version (and they could very easily get away with an entirely new version still).

That said, wouldn't mind some extra save slots...

"And rise the specter of the time Konami sold extra save slots?"

The expansion is already $30 regardless so I don't think asking for them to throw in extra save slots is too much.

"Complete" Pokémon games went from $40 to $90 within one fucking generation. Just like that...

Well, since the expansions are replacement for third versions, it's more like the "complete" experience went for a price of two games to the price of one and a half games. And even if they do a second round of expansions it would be back to a price of two games. However if they do a third round of expansions that's when you can start to argue the downside of DLC compared to third versions.

However, being realistic, I don't expect the expansion pass to last any too mach longer than the post game story did in sword / shield. I'm expecting 2 hours of additional story content at most per expansion pass.

BUT a potential of just having DLC means they could always add in more story bits, it just depends on how ambitious GF wants to be. Like they can add in some extra side stories concerning all the Gym Leaders. They could add in a batch of side quests like they had in USUM all over the place. They could even add in big story scenarios like with the post game episodes if they wanted to. Now main issue with this would it be something you got to pay for or a nice free DLC gift.

You all know roadrunner Zapdos is worth 30 bucks. Don't pretend otherwise.

If they ever add back in Ride Pokemon it better be an option.

Do you the returning Legendary Pokémon in Dens will be version Exclusive?

Probably, but you'll also likely be able join Den explorations from the other version so have access to the version exclusive Legendaries you don't have that way (like how you can join Raids for version exclusive Gigantamax).

So once you get past the shiny new and old things I still don't know if Pokemon Home will cost money. Also, gamefreak kinda lying about not adding in old pokemon as well the question did gamefreak create a problem to sell us back the solution?

For Pokemon HOME, yeah that's still annoying. If they aren't charging for it (or it and Pokemon Bank are sharing the same subscription charge) they shouldn't have a reason saying it by now to at least build up some more goodwill. However, if they are going to charge for it (in addition to Pokemon Bank's charge), I could see them saving that little sore point for when they do their big explanation of what HOME has to offer. So I would say the worry is still present. Okay, so apparently it will have a price. Though, as I suggested above, maybe it'll be combined with the Pokemon Bank subscription: $5 and if you already have Pokemon Bank subscription you'll get instant access to HOME.

As for GF lying about not adding back in old Pokemon... honestly I can see it going either way. Either them adding Pokemon via the DLC was a recent decision seeing how badly Dexit was OR Masuda running his mouth. I'm actually thinking it's the latter, I would be very surprised if this wasn't the plan all along to add more Pokemon via the expansions but they didn't want to spoil it. But instead of having a PR team carefully write a statement that'll both inform players of the dex cut but assure the other Pokemon aren't forgotten while tiptoeing around the expansion plan, they just had Masuda say whatever he wanted and outright lie. I'm now convinced that Masuda is a pathological liar and GF is perfectly fine having everyone know this so they can have him be their mouthpiece so they can hide their future plans.

Not everybody feels the need to buy literally every release.

Then don't buy the expansions. Not buying the expansions is just like not buying a third version.

Page 164:
people: *purchases ultra sun/ultra moon*
also people: wtf a $30 DLC? what are you? hitler?

Hey, you're right, I did buy USUM which was barely an update to SM.

I say GF owes everyone who bought USUM a free expansion pass!... Fine, half off... $10 off?... Not even $5?...

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Plus *all* the legendaries (several were shown, but they did say "all" in the Direct)

So, question about Lycanroc: will it's evolution still be version exclusive? Also would we still need a special Rockruff to get Dusk Form?

This is actually pretty big if you think about it. If they're gonna extend SWSH DLC to the end of this year, it most likely means we won't be getting new mainline titles this year either! I had a hunch seeing as it'd be weird to have DLC and a new thing in the same year, but this basically confirms it imo.

And it's more then welcome! Gives them extra time to work on the actual next title (which if they do for this generation would be the Sinnoh remakes so maybe 2-3 years, but if next game is the next gen I'd say 4-5 years).

Now the question is, are they gonna bring back all of the deleted moves? I need my hidden power back.

Well the Spheal family may like to have Ice Ball back, though everything else I don't think would be missed that much.

I'm looking forward to them re-releasing Zygarde

Oh geez, how are they going to work out the complications with it without the Zygarde Cube?

And what about Ultra Necrozma?

While it's a little disappointing this probably means Sword and Shield's base story will never get fleshed out (imagine if the game even remotely earned that super dramatic battle intro for Rose), overall I think this is a much better way forward than the typical third version stuff.

Well that's an interesting question, because through DLC they can technically add additional story bits to the plot. Of course, those who already played the game will not see those new elements unless they play the game again. Putting aside whether GF would do it or not (most likely not, to them they probably feel they told the "story" they wanted to tell so everything they do now is post game focused), here's a question for us players: would you play the game again to see an enhanced story?

They are related to Xerneas and Yveltal somehow. Each one has an X and Y dot pattern on them and they both are colored just like Xerneas and Yveltal

That's a bit of a stretch. Regi-Electric's color scheme doesn't match Xerneas and Regi-Dragon's dot pattern only looks vaguely like a "Y".

As for the accusation of greediness: What GF is doing is nothing new: make a whole product, then divide it up into parts so they can charge more. They count on the playerbase being too addicted to Pokemon to realize they're either paying more for less (no DLC) or more for the same (yes DLC)

As for the accusation of incompetence: Most companies I presume would be able to port their own damn models that were made specifically to be forward-compatible.

My take: they're not greedy... but their incompetence makes them look it. I don't want to yet have my opinions cross over the "they're doing this just to make more money" line just yet because if that's the case they could have done way more dubious monetization methods and done them earlier.

No, I think them now deciding to do DLC is most likely due to them having to rush the game out so there's a LOT of stuff these DLC expansions have that was meant to be in the base game. If Pokemon Company and Nintendo were breathing down GF's necks as many people want to say they were to get these games out, I could see at some point GF having a crisis meeting where they won't make the deadline if they want to put in everything they have planned so finally decided to bite the DLC bullet. Infact I could very well see this being part of the same meeting where they decided to do Dexit, one easily leads into the other (either they couldn't port every Pokemon as they wanted to which got the DLC discussion going or other factors made them consider DLC and decided to use it as an excuse to make a limited dex).

I guess Kubfu still gets handed to you, but the website says that which form it evolves into is dependent on choices you make throughout the story, so we might still have to do something to get the particular form we want (though it could just be something super simple like being given the choice of tutoring Kubfu a special dark vs. water move).

If I were to make a prediction, I'd say that Kubfu would have a quirk with its movepool that every Level it learns a move it actually gets a choice of two, one which fits into each Style. Like at Level X it learns both Sky Uppercut & Arm Thrust, Level Y learns Sucker Punch & Aqua Jet, & Level Z learns Superpower & Close Combat. Then at a Level, depending on how moves it knows that more fits one style over another, it'll evolve into that Style (Sky Uppercut, Sucker Punch, & Superpower would count toward Single-Strike; Arm Thrust, Aqua Jet, & Close Combat would count toward Rapid-Strike).

The new Regis are so cute. They look so much smaller than the original trio. I'm curious how the lore ties that whole family together.

Regigigas went on a bender, woke up the next morning seeing it made two new Regis, and tried to hide its accident by shoving them in an abandoned temple in Galar.

Something I thought of: If every single legendary is coming back, I feel like there's a pretty decent chance every starter could return as well. They're just as, if not more iconic to their regions as the respective legendaries.

Either has each expansion give out a set of Starters from another region (I can see Isle of Armor having the Johto Starters while Crown Tundra having the Sinnoh Starters, maybe include another group just to have them in there) or have a third or fourth expansion that focuses on the Starters and other "rare" Pokemon (maybe like a hidden breeding grounds place).

Worth noting that we don't yet have confirmation of Regigigas (weird exception given the Regis' prominence), any previously unannounced Mythicals, or any of the UBs. I know the latter groups aren't technically legendaries, but still worthy of note.

(That means Ubers is losing Primals, Megas, Arceus, Darkrai, Deoxys, Genesect and Shaymin-S.)

Maybe Regigigas would have a special Den where you need to have all 5 Regi registered in your Dex in order to have it appear. They did similar ideas for certain Legendaries in the Ultra Space Ride, needing to have some of their members or Legendaries they command before you can challenge them.

For Mythicals, probably going to be added behind the scenes but would need to wait for an Event to get them (aside hacking for them, or someone spoofing a Raid battle with them).

Like with the Starters above, I can see them having a later expansion which focuses on Ultra Wormholes and the Ultra Beasts... WE CAN MAYBE GET SOME NEW ULTRA BEASTS!!! Another idea is maybe having an added mechanic where rarely a Den will actually become an Ultra Wormhole (probably would be an addition to the Crown Tundra as then they can have you exploring their Ultra Space).

1. Do you think the new Regi's will have inversed stats of their physical and special attacking stats, or will they be completely different stats entirely? What do you speculate they will be?
2. For the 3 new forms of the legendary birds, what do you speculate their typing to be, I've already made my guesses which I will reveal later on.
3. Out of the mons I've just mentioned, who has your favourite design?

Already answered the first two but I'll give my thoughts on them again, maybe even add to them.

1. With the original three Regi covering defensive distributions I see these two ones going a bit more offensive. That said they'd probably still want them to be defensive as well so predicting:

Move Variations: Shock Wave (Level 1 & 7), Calm Mind (Level 37), Discharge (Level 43)
Hidden Ability: Volt Absorb

Move Variations: Dual Chop (Level 1 & 7), Bulk Up (Level 37), Dragon Rush (Level 43)
Hidden Ability: Marvel Scale

2. Galarian Articuno I've seen a few good recommendations: Ice/Steel, Ice/Psychic, & Ice/Ghost. However it would need to be given the Levitate Ability as it's losing its Flying-type.
Galarian Zapdos I was set on Electric/Ground but there is a case for Electric/Fighting. Also it's no longer flying so doesn't need to worry about making up for a loss ground immunity.
Galarian Moltres though, I think it'll actually remain Fire/Flying but we're going to see significant changes elsewhere like stats & movepool.

3. Galarian Zapdos, I just want to ride around the Wild Area on its back.

Since the PMD discussion has been kinda overshadowed, I wanna bring up something interesting about it: The fact they feature Mega Evolution in Rescue Team DX rather than, say, Dynamax.

This could mean one of two things:

1. This game has been in development for a long time, at least before Dynamax was conceived and decided to be pushed as a centerpiece of Gen 8.

2. TPC and co. are fully aware of how popular they are and want to keep them relevant parts of the franchise going forward.

I'm personally more inclined to Option 2. Don't lose hope, Mega Evolution fans!

I think it's more that it's far simpler to add in Mega Evolution since the Pokemon doesn't grow 50+ feet tall.

Apparently the Red Orb and Blue Orb got new art in the PMD demo, too.

Does it look like what they do now in ORAS?

The website mentions that "The Isle of Armor expansion will allow you to help some of the Pokémon traveling with you gain the ability to Gigantamax". Makes sense but I'm still surprised.

WAIT, WHAT?! YES! Thank you, GF! Having the only way to get a Gigantamax was by catching them through Raids was a stupid idea, I would gladly do a more complex method (but hopefully not too complex, maybe better word was one that takes a bit more time) than hoping to not only win the Raid but the ONE CHANCE we're given to capture it works and the whole battle wasn't for naught.

Smeargle. It's been more and more of a legacy problem.

I also doubt we'll get Vivillon for a loooong time.

How is Smeargle a legacy problem?

Vivillon may not come back for a long time... OR when it does come back they'll give it even MORE forms. A form for every country, the wing pattern based on the national flags! MUAHAHAHAHA!

"That's evil"! It's Pokemon 666 for a reason.

What i'm saying is i wish gamefreak actually cared about this bloat because it's kind of annoying. More rotom catalogs, please

I think they need the following. First, we need a new section of the bag called "Catalogs" which is just a collection of all the item Catalogs (or they can make it a "Key Item" which is nested in the "Item" section). With that done have the following Catalogs:

Plate Catalog (for Arceus's Plate)
Memory Catalog (for Silvally's Memories)
Artifact Catalog (for any other item a Legendary needs to do something like Groudon & Kyogre's Orbs, Shaymin's Gracidea, Genesect's Drives, etc.)
Incense Catalog (for the Incenses)
Evolution Catalog (for any item that specifically only exists to evolve a Pokemon)

Any others?
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