OMPL VIII - Discussion Thread

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if u get mad about this cry about it
These are my rankings that are 100% correct and anyone who disagrees is wrong

8th- The Money Magearnas
AAA: Dragonillis
BH: GL Volkner+dimrah
Camo: Matiss98+Dragonillis
MNM: gmansour20+Fardin
NFE: Crystalites
STAB: Funbot28
I'll start out by saying I don't think anyone had a "bad" draft this year. The Mages have some solid mains on their team, with top NFE, BH and Camo mains. This is pretty much where my praise for the team ends. This team isn't flexible at all, and is missing out on crucial support. Gman, while the cutest user, isn't going to mesh at all with Fardin so I can't expect much to come out of that tier. Who knows though fardin said he was gonna try hard so maybe the Mages can get some value out of that 3k. Additionally, while both are good picks, I can easily see both Dragonillis and Funbot being stretched too thin trying to support the team and falling short in their own tiers, both of which they're the only starters for. Volt+dimrah is a really good BH core at least, and pretty much the only tier the Mages have both a solid main and sub. This draft isn't bad by any means, but the lack of subs and flexibility in crucial tiers makes this team's risk factor way too high for my taste.

7th- The Klink Shamers
AAA: Pigeons+itsKimbo+Quantum Tesseract
BH: a loser+jasprose
Camo: DugZa+a loser
MNM: Quantum Tesseract+Pigeons
NFE: TonyFlygon+anime sans
STAB: betathunder
all around: LaBalladeDesCieux
subs: chait, lancer
Chloe doesn't have any OM contribution so she doesn't know how to draft. Period.
Unironically though, while Chloe managed to pick a solid draft, I am a little weary of this team due to the large amount of players, especially her biggest picks, who have barely touched Gen 8. a loser is a really solid BH and Camo player this gen, and was definitely a good purchase for Chloe who will be a great help. Pigeons is a solid pick for AAA/MnM as well, though I definitely see him playing AAA bc he is a whore for stall. LaBalladeDesCieux can play pretty much anything solidly if needed so Chloe's favorite drafting strategy of safety in numbers will probably pay off yet again. My issue comes in with QT and beta, who have played little generation 8 or only played randbats, and beta doesnt give 2 fucks about oms lol. Would love to see those two and this team as a whole do well, but I don't have the most faith.

6th- The Temper Tyrantrums
AAA: Racool
BH: SL42+Chessking
Camo: ? prolly mark
MNM: Skysolo
NFE: Ho3nConfirm3d
STAB: drampa
5 stab subs all around subs: Plas, Mark K, Akashi, The Number Man, Monsareeasy
Stop drafting so many players jesus you can't play them all. Above average mains in every tier but camo is a really nice draft, but Racool herself said she's probably not going to play half the weeks (though does anyone really believe her). This team is super cool honestly, though I think there is a real issue with how many people drafted. There's like 5 players who are known for heat sets and what not, so I do wonder how well this team will be able to seriously prep. This team could bring some of the coolest teams we've seen this gen, or just flop, and given the way dexit kinda killed creativity a good bit, I'm slightly leaning towards the latter. Confused why u guys bought chessking again also after kicking him from ur discord last year for being too annyoing lol... (EDIT: this mightve been someone else sue me)

5th- The Malevolent Misdreavuses
AAA: rozes
BH: SuperSkylake+tack
Camo: Euphonos+Chazm
MNM: Chazm
NFE: Tack
STAB: w0rd
subs: Lasen and abriel gabram
This draft is very straightforward and almost exactly what I expected from Chazm. I will say I was very confused when Chazm bought himself then proceeded to buy one of the most expensive Camo players and no real mnm sub, but otherwise Chazm managed to get 3 top tier players in rozes w0rd and euphonos as steals, though they still ended up being an expensive top heavy team. BH is probably the biggest weak link here, though I'm also not knowledgeable about nfe to say if it's bad.

4th- The Pandemic Parasects
AAA: Sabella
BH: sugarhigh+DF Shock
Camo: Sylveon
MNM: xZesty
NFE: TJ+85percent
STAB: Multi
People hate on this draft but it's actually really solid. Sabella hasn't really touched gen 8 AAA as far as I know, but with geerat's support, they'll probably do fine. Geerat literally 7-0s camo unless vs jrdn. Multi is top 3 stab players that actually play gen 8, and is incredibly valuable mnm support for xZesty, who's been playing mnm for 2 years now. Not sure about the NFE but TJ is really good and has support so I'm sure they're fine in that respect. sugar+df is alright bh ig but i'm not a fan of this core at all and is definitely their weak link. Cata did pretty good with this draft despite spending way too much money early, though similarly to Mage's, not having subs in tiers like Camo hurts a ton as they can't really move geerat to AAA if they need to.

3rd- The Spinda Wheels
AAA: Megazard+vivalospride+ham5x (+:xavgb:)
BH: PinkDragonTamer+anaconja (+:xavgb:)
Camo: Havens+ham5x
MNM: xavgb+Jordy
NFE: blinkboy+King Leo V
STAB: xavgb? did he draft himself twice?
Subs: Alkione
can stresh stop being so good at everything please. He got so many steals this draft its ridiculous. I don't even know how to talk about these tiers either because with xavgb support how they losing lol but.. AAA players on this team are shockingly really strong because I could've sworn pre-draft stresh would've put himself in AAA. For a gen 7 BH slot, this team would be broken as fuck, but for gen 8 it's just solid. I said this ranking would be unbiased but I am always biased towards Havens in camo, solid pick and ham signed up for camo so that core could be really scary. Not sure what they're doing about STAB at all, stresh's support here is very valuable as he's another top 3 current stab player, but idk if he'll be able to play STAB with only jordy for mnm subs, otherwise this team would easily be #1.

2nd- The Crown Jewel Corviknights
AAA: Thinkerino
BH: MAMP+pileosand
Camo: MetaRiolu7
MNM: Andyb0y
NFE: Marjane+uhuhuhu7+DJ
STAB: Terracotta+Thimo
This is probably my favorite draft this year, that NFE dude who's name I forgot did really good and I'm really excited to see how they do. Drafting Andyb0y early to co-manage was a really smart move, and stealing MAMP for the 3rd annual MAMPboy500 core is a classic that can't really go wrong. Thinkerino is an AAA player I've heard a ton about so I'll definitely be excited to see how they do in a team tour, though it's also this lack of tour experience that hurt this slot a little for me. STAB and Camo are decent, though not super exceptional slots (Terra+Thimo again will 100% be bringing the heat, but idk how far that will take them). NFE has stinky marjane so obviously they SUCK... but dj and uhuhuhu7 along with a NFE manager rounds out to possibly one of the most solid NFE cores in the tour.

1st- The Head Honchkrows
AAA: jrdn+aesf
BH: highlighter+alternatif
Camo: Highlord+Alternatif+jrdn
MNM: Redflix
NFE: frisoeva+cam
STAB: aesf+cam
jrdn has been doing this for years now so he knows what he's doing. His draft went really well overall, and there's really no major complaints I have with this lineup at all. By virtue of being jrdn, he can support his team while 7-0ing whatever tier he plays. aesf is top in both STAB and AAA, and can support Camo as well, though with their camo I doubt he'll need to. NFE and MnM are really solid but not really as great as tiers jrdn and aesf can support well. The only worry I have with this team comes with BH, as idk what highlighter is doing in a BH where shed is banned and there's no ZygC to use Final Gambit with, but I'm sure he'll find some broken thing to abuse.

Overall I think this draft, while kind of odd, has net yet another pretty competitive tour, and hopefully it will be as close as last OMPL was.

also my signup was completely serious this was bias by the OM leadership to not include me, you are liars and CHEATS. p2 can sign up for oras ou and get put in the player pool but when I make you look I'm "memeing"... PATHETIC.
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If the corviknights win this tour I am nick naming my shiny corviknight "SBPC" in honor. I would do it for the other teams but the only one of you with a mon that is in gen 8 is klinks and though there is the original magearna in home , home trading is too whack for me to get my nat dex filled. Sorry not sorry.
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Welcome to the official berryrock power rankings

C Tier
8. Klinks
No matter whose power rankings you look at, I doubt the klink shamers will be placed high. I had a lot of faith in chloe's drafting, but now that I'm looking at her team it doesn't look stellar at all. A loser is good, but I've never seen him do anything too special that proves he's like >15k. Pigeons is the only other real standout player on this team, but even he hasn't been too active in MnM and I don't see him doing well in this tour, especially with most teams boasting a pretty good mnm player (see: chazm, stresh, redflix w/ jrdn support, andy, etc). They went with the "buy a lot of players so everyone can do something" strat, but nobody on this team really does anything. Beta is a meme and doesn't play gen 8, QT had an okay run in mnm open and he's had decent runs in past OMPLs but nothing too impressive, Tony doesn't care about OMs or this tour, kimbo is good at AAA but has never performed well in OMPL, etc. I think this team was strong until they drafted tony and it all went downhill from there, maybe except pigeons. Not expecting too much from the klinks this year, but I guess we'll see what happens.

B Tier
7. Parasects
Don't be fooled by this team's low placement. The parasects are a pretty great team, but I'm just confused about some of their choices, especially spending like 30k on geerat + sabella. As for their individual picks, I'm not too confident in Multi's MnM game, but we'll see if this season turns out any different than his 1-4 OMPL VI run. Geerat and Sugarhigh were on fire last ompl, but again, they're both dead this gen so I'm not sure if they'll be ready vs their respective fields (if geerat is even put in AAA, I heard some rumors about him going into canmo but that's kinda confusing to me). The rest of the team looks pretty good, not absolutely stellar but it'll definitely hold up.

6. Misdreavuses
Although they come in at 6th on the list, the Misd's will pose a threat vs the rest of the field this OMPL. This team boasts a decent group of top-competition players including chazm himself for MnM coming off a super hot ompl last year. Euphonos was a weird pick since I've never really heard of this guy but apparently he's another top camo player. Rozes is another great pick up, and they're another reason why this season's AAA pool is so stacked. Their stab isn't looking too bad either, and chazm managed to pick up OM legend word (even though he's dead, but that's another criticism for another time) and one of my featured stab rookies abriel. This is probably the best non jrdn supported stab core, coming in a little above funbot's stab slot. NFE and BH are kinda covered with a mix of tack, skylake, and durza, but I'm not sure how well this will hold up. Lasen made a good bingo post so I think he was worth the money too. Overall, not a bad team: I wasn't expecting a lot from chazm, but he definitely impressed me.

5. Corviknights
I'm decently impressed. I originally placed SBPC at the bottom of my manager list thinking that his team wouldn't really be anything too great, but he made an incredible move of picking up andy and taking him as assistant manager early into the draft. This team is pretty well rounded imo and I can definitely see them going the distance this ompl. I think the only thing holding this team back from the top half is the lack of manager support: SBPC's knowledge (as far as I know) doesn't extend past NFE, and he needs to somehow beat already proven supporters like stresh and jrdn. Not a bad team by any means, but they have a lot to prove.

4. Tyrantrums
I really like this team, and I'm looking forward to an impressive season. OM and Drampa put together a super strong squad that looks like it's ready to give a lot of teams a run for their money. I don't have much to say about these players, but the tyrantrums are a good-value team with lots of good player support. Looking forward to another impressive, top-half season from OM and Drampa.

A Tier
3. Magearnas
Who let the french people get on the same team LOOOL. Dragonillis + Siamato is an absolutely broken core, and I have no doubt that these players will motivate each other to have stellar seasons this ompl. Funbot is one of the best supporters in the entire game, and I'm super confident in the Volkner + dimrah BH core since apparently dimrah is some crazy good 4 out of the top 5 on ladder bh player. Gman is gman, and there's no such thing as a gman overpay. Don't know much about Crystal but I've heard he's a good NFE pick. Fardin for 3k is an absolute steal since this guy is way better than people give him credit for. Super great team, and I wouldn't be surprised if they come out on top at the end of the season.

2. Spindas
While making this list I swear I moved the spindas up and down like 8x, I originally had them at 6th then 2nd then 4th, and now 2nd again. Stresh holds this team together 100%, and there's only one manager that offers better team support than him (see: S Tier). Stresh is going to put up a fight vs the MnM field, there's no doubt about that. Ham, although he doesn't have the best OMPL record, will definitely succeed with stresh support. PDT came out of a pretty great OMPL rookie season and there's no doubt he'll rack up another few wins to boost his ranking on the sheet. This same pattern extends until the end of their draft, with every drafted player (except maybe Alkione? idk that guy) being extremely solid, and only becoming even better with stresh support. I was skeptical at first, but this is an incredible team.

S Tier
1. Honchkrows
Absolutely the best possible outcome for this OMPL. Highlighter seems like a risky buy until you realize that he has jrdn support LOOOL. Literally everyone I know would be motivated to play with jrdn support. Aesf had an incredible season last time around, and another season with jrdn means another winning season on the sheet. Idk who redflix is, but apparently he's super solid at mnm. This team is just back to back super solid players who are going to go above and beyond because of their manager.
All Cam wanted was to have the least shit OMPL experience possible, and he definitely got what he wanted.
TI's biased and uninformed power rankings:

1) The Pandemic Parasects
Very strong and well-balanced team. They have a mix of everything. From a top OM player atm (Multi), solid current gen players, as well as legendary past gens players. Not to mention Catalystic as manager bringing it all together. If they can work well as a team, they will make playoffs for sure. This is my pick to win.

2) The Head Honchkrows
This is very similar to something I would draft, and for good reason. It is no doubt a solid team on paper. However, from experience I can tell you that it is dependent on all players giving it their 100% throughout the OMPL. Any hiccups, and this team is in trouble. It's a risky strategy going all in on big players without strong backups, but one that can pay off.

3) The Money Magearnas
Another solid team. Not as good as Head Honchkrows, but very good starters in most slots. Fardin is a questionable draft though...

4) The Klink Shamers
People seem to be underrating this draft. BH and NFE are solid. LBDC is one of the newer AAA players but has already shown potential from recent OM tours. IMO the new generation favors itsKimbo and he was someone I would have drafted myself. If this pair can be managed well, they'd do a job in AAA. Speaking of which, Pigeons is an all-rounder and will provide support for most formats, such as for QT in M&M. The remaining slots will do fine as well. I must say tho, willdbeast > jasprose.

5) The Crown Jewel Corviknights
Most slots are fine and this team definitely has the potential to finish higher but it depends on how much their players give. I'm going to assume the worst tho based on past experiences.

6) The Temper Tyrantrums
Pretty good draft, despite being ranked 6th. No standout player but money was spent evenly on most slots and the bench. Seems to be lacking a Mix and Mega main though, which could be their downfall.

7) The Spinda Wheels
Too many gaps in this team. Apart from blinkboy, I feel every other slot will just do okay. MZ and PDT might pick up wins in AAA and BH, respectively. Camo and STAB is even less likely. Stresh and team tours is a bad combination.

8) The Malevolent Misdreavuses
Not a lucky start for Chazm as manager. At first glance, it looks okay. But the starters need support. And the support is terrible.

I apologize in advance if anyone takes offense to my rankings.
TI's biased and uninformed power rankings:

1) The Pandemic Parasects
Very strong and well-balanced team. They have a mix of everything. From a top OM player atm (Multi), solid current gen players, as well as legendary past gens players. Not to mention Catalystic as manager bringing it all together. If they can work well as a team, they will make playoffs for sure. This is my pick to win.

2) The Head Honchkrows
This is very similar to something I would draft, and for good reason. It is no doubt a solid team on paper. However, from experience I can tell you that it is dependent on all players giving it their 100% throughout the OMPL. Any hiccups, and this team is in trouble. It's a risky strategy going all in on big players without strong backups, but one that can pay off.

3) The Money Magearnas
Another solid team. Not as good as Head Honchkrows, but very good starters in most slots. Fardin is a questionable draft though...

4) The Klink Shamers
People seem to be underrating this draft. BH and NFE are solid. LBDC is one of the newer AAA players but has already shown potential from recent OM tours. IMO the new generation favors itsKimbo and he was someone I would have drafted myself. If this pair can be managed well, they'd do a job in AAA. Speaking of which, Pigeons is an all-rounder and will provide support for most formats, such as for QT in M&M. The remaining slots will do fine as well. I must say tho, willdbeast > jasprose.

5) The Crown Jewel Corviknights
Most slots are fine and this team definitely has the potential to finish higher but it depends on how much their players give. I'm going to assume the worst tho based on past experiences.

6) The Temper Tyrantrums
Pretty good draft, despite being ranked 6th. No standout player but money was spent evenly on most slots and the bench. Seems to be lacking a Mix and Mega main though, which could be their downfall.

7) The Spinda Wheels
Too many gaps in this team. Apart from blinkboy, I feel every other slot will just do okay. MZ and PDT might pick up wins in AAA and BH, respectively. Camo and STAB is even less likely. Stresh and team tours is a bad combination.

8) The Malevolent Misdreavuses
Not a lucky start for Chazm as manager. At first glance, it looks okay. But the starters need support. And the support is terrible.

I apologize in advance if anyone takes offense to my rankings.

I'll be honest, The Immortal choked the draft.
Official Unofficial Power Rankings Power Rankings
4. The Immortal:

After two disappointing years of his teams letting him down, veteran manager The Immortal has come up with a unique new strategy for the eighth installment of Other Metagames Premier League: not drafting anybody this time around! Gone are the days of drafting hamhamhamham for around 15k only for him to go 2-5 two years in a row, or having his most expensive players end the season with a middling record yet again.

Instead, since his power rankings have been so brutally inaccurate the last few years, The Immortal has acknowledged that managing and accurate power rankings might have been a little too much for him to handle all at once, and has switched full-time to his true passion: ranking teams.

In the last few years of ranking playoff teams low before inevitably losing to them later in the season, The Immortal has shown true potential when it comes to scouting the caliber of the playerbase of the Other Metagames community. While he followed his usual trajectory of rating the team with highlighter very highly in the rankings, he threw a curveball into the mix by simultaneously ranking Jrdn's team all the way in 2nd place. Since past OMPL experience is actually one of the few factors that TI actually takes into account (as you can see by stresh's team's ranking), I can imagine that former OMGS winner and two-time playoff manager Jrdn might be a little scared this year, as the majority of his teams power the past few years has been generated off of rivalry, rage, and the intent and purpose of proving The Immortal wrong. Will Jrdn's honchkrows be able to overcome this giant hurdle and make playoffs for the third consecutive year, or will The Immortal be wrong on his power rankings yet again?

3. Regirock:

rr's power rankings this year come with a clearcut vendetta against the often-discriminated against class of “non-mainers”, ranking the three teams with TonyFlygon, Sabella, and Rozes as the lowest three teams in his rankings, respectably. Despite the fact that any one of the three of them has more high presusre teamtour experience, trophies, and tier diversification than the rest of the playing field combined, along with tons of skill and proven dedication to boot, regirock has taken the stance that if a user doesn’t meet the quota of an undisclosed number of lines in the OM discord per month, they therefore cannot build a functional team or play a solid game of Pokemon on their own. This is because it is a well known fact that skill between Other Metagames and standard tiers does NOT in fact transfer, and all tournament players are required to leave their past experience at the door, even if they’ve proven that they can perform well in Other Metagames tours in the past.

A devout member of the Church of Stresh themselves, regirock has also taken the stance that stresh can singlehandedly carry his team to a victorious season as Jrdn seemed to do two years in a row. Regirock is also a firm believer that the third year manager Jrdn's Honchkrows look the strongest this year, which is a completely valid take given the caliber of their team. However, he has the Parasect’s surprisingly low and the Magearnas surprisingly high compared to the other rankers on this list.

2. In The Hills:

Despite being absolutely unfairly shafted from the draft himself, In The Hills has put together a decent power ranking this year, despite his immediate claim in his first paragraph that no team has had a “bad draft” in this iteration of Other Metagames Premier League. Speaking of support, In The Hills has joined the masses in the crowning of the new Other Metagames Pope, also known as the Infallible Support from Stresh Fart. While stresh has performed astoundingly well recently, many people seem to believe that if stresh crafts a team with his own two hands, all of his power and skill will be magically imbued into the team for anybody who wields said team to use. However, rumor has it that the caveat for this power is that he himself cannot call upon it in his own OMPL games, as he has already given all of it away to his teammates, truly showcasing the selflessness of stresh in putting the team above himself.

Acknowledgement of the Corviknights Draft being saved by an early Andyboy pickup was a keen and astute observation, and In The Hills has certainly earned himself some OUPRPR points from it. Despite the fact that I was not even mentioned on the roster of my team, In The Hills has managed to produce a mostly-better-than-the-rest-yet-also comfortably-below-average Power Rankings this OMPL.

1. GL Volkner:

Despite being an obvious shitpost without a shred of intent of accuracy, GL Volkner, "The Flint Simp” formerly known as VoltDarkrai has managed to put together power rankings that are somehow better than the rest of the attempts in this thread. This is not by nature of his Power Rankings being particularly good, but rather the others looking so subpar and inconsistent. It seems that GL Volkner has adapted the TI strategy of not doing anything at all, and if it worked well enough for him to claim first place on the PRs, maybe it will work for TI going forward as well.
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Welcome to the Power Rankings for the 8th edition of OMPL! This is the second edition of these power rankings, with the goal of these rankings to hype up the upcoming few weeks and give a representation of where each team is believed to stand in relation to the other teams. To obtain these rankings, for every single Tier, we have asked 1 person from each team to rank everyone not on their team in that tier. To further reduce bias, the highest and lowest scores from each tier were removed when calculating the stats. The calculation for the total score is determined by the sum of scores for each tier; first place gets 8 points, second place gets 7 points, etc.

So complicated ties were actually surprisingly common but I decided to break it by first the 5 rankings in the middle going from low to high, then the lowest rank, then the highest rank.
Even though the whole system serves to be as unbiased as possible, it does not mean these rankings will be predicative of final results! If you or your team end up low on this power ranking, please don't take it to heart; this tournament is meant to be fun and it is up to you to prove opinions wrong! However, if you feel that your pride hinges on these rankings, you may feel free to voice your complaints here and they might be answered.

A big thank you to the following users who helped in the contribution for rankings: Jrdn Andyboy anime sans Quantum Tesseract Marjane uhuhuhu7 Gurpreet Patel (Sent you a Friend Request) Racool rozes Chazm PinkDragonTamer xavgb GL Volkner

Here are all the Player Rankings:
3RacoolGurpreet Patel (Sent you a Friend Request)Matiss98MultiAmmiratoreHo3nConfirm3dCam
4Sabellaa loserEuphonosChazmFrisoevaTerracotta
6DragonillisGL VolknerDugZaSkysolouhuhuhu7Funbot28
8Quantum TesseractTack :]AkashiFardin85percentvivalospride
Here are the Team Rankings:
1The Head Honchkrows38
2The Crown Jewel Corviknights30
3The Malevolent Misdreavus28
4The Klink Shamers26
5The Spinda Wheels25
6The Pandemic Parasects25
7The Temper Tyrantrums24
8The Money Magearnas20
For more details, feel free to click here or the title for detailed rankings.

Pretty proud that I was able to get this out before week 1 started! Don't know if I'll try to organize write-ups but if enough people express interest in writing I can try to set something up.

Hope we have a great OMPL!
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Ok everyone, tour's over, shut it down, I have 100% Accurate Predicts™

Introducing almost totally random predicts courtesy of The Almighty Helix Fossil. I'm really biased, so this is fair and also better than actually putting in the effort to learn about people outside of bh. Reach out to me if you want access to the actual sheet. Free Gen 7 BH.

8. Spindas (0-7): The Spindas will have a tough tour. Perhaps they were streshed a bit too thin.
7. Pandemic Parasects (2-5): The Parasects will also have a disappointing tour, but unlike the Spindas they'll actually win two weeks. Next year, please choose between the pandemic and OMPL games to be the one reason I stay at home glued to my computer for 8 weeks at a time.
6. Misdreavuses (4-3): The Misdreavuses will have a decent run this OMPL. IDK Chazm is nice I guess. As for their BH slot, I've only ever seen Skylake play, I've heard good things about Abriel Gabram but who the hell is Tack? I'm sure they'll do fine.
5 .Tyrantrums (4-3): I guess they win ???*
4. Corviknights (4-3): MAMPTHECHAMP
3. Honchkrows (4-3): Jrdn + aesf + rusty BH player = win
2. Mags (5-2): Sure they might have actually placed 2nd but they're really here because GMansour liked one of my posts once and that's a good enough reason for them to be here anyway.
1. Bedroom Blisseys Klink Shamers (5-2): I looked forward to Chloe managing again but her team didn't do well either. People hate on this draft but wtf they have QT/Loser what could go wrong? [Funny joke about tours players not giving a shit about OMPL haha likes pls]

Lord Helix's Magii's Very Accurate OMPL Predictions
or: The Only Person Ever Predicting Stresh's Team Going 0-0-7​

OMPL VIII Helix Predictions Data.PNG

OMPL VIII Helix Predictions Results.PNG

Note: Some links don't exist because I had to use alternate names (Magearnas -> Mags) so things like this don't happen. It's bad because no ties but by the time I realized how to implement them I was too far in to copying and pasting to care.

Edit: Fixed attachments
Edit 2: Chessking caught an error (Klinks and Tyrantrums were flipped, instead of doing the work properly again I just flipped them back.
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