The Official Smogon Pizza Toppings Tiering Thread: 10th Anniversary Edition

you been on duolingo over lockdown lad?
I saw your sig pic before your post so i legit thought you were either legit/jokingly suggesting ear as a topping.

Anyway, artichoke belongs in A tier, and minced garlic in S.

Are we including dips? Because sometimes I just dump the following on my pizza instead of dipping and they're cash

Ranch dressing for B tier
Garlic butter for A tier

Ranch is degenerate on any food, but shame on you for unironically dipping pizza. Although now that i see you mentioned garlic butter, I might be willing to convert to dipping.
I've been going with choriço over pepperoni lately and it has honestly been LIFECHANGING. A-rank easily.
Agreed, Chorizo to A tier.

If anybody is wondering what choirzo is , its essentially a spicy sausage. (Or at least at Jets, where I work sadly)
Getting this out of the way, Pineapple on Pizza? Scrumptious. Should be Low B at minimum.
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jelly beans.

EDIT: you know what, in general I think we are undermining the value of the confectionery pizza, especially with its historical importance


The Pizzatron, circa 2004
Therefore I have taken it upon myself to rank the confectionery toppings. Ahem:

S Rank

A Rank
Jelly Beans

B Rank
Strawberry Laces
Fudge Cubes

C Rank
Anything chocolatey. Great if you don't use chocolate sauce, subpar otherwise.

D Rank
Bubblegum (can't blow bubblegum pizza bubbles)

Don't fucking belong on a pizza so don't ask about them
Gummy Bears
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What about Gummy worms, Sharks, Butterflys, a sugar covered gummy people(Sour Patch Kids)
gummy worms and gummy people do not belong on a pizza as per the list I posted

sharks and butterflies are not confectionery and therefore I cannot comment on them.
Mushroom - ends up here due to sheer popularity, despite it being a relatively mellow flavor.

depends on the type of the mushroom imo. there's this italian place near me that has truffle + smoked mozzarella pizza and I'd rank it a solid A+. pretty expensive though unfortunately :(
depends on the type of the mushroom imo. there's this italian place near me that has truffle + smoked mozzarella pizza and I'd rank it a solid A+. pretty expensive though unfortunately :(

Mushrooms are great. They don't have a strong taste, but a yummy undertaste that compliments other toppings. Smoked pizza is always great.
Shrimp from unranked to B-Tier
I think shrimp is the best pizza topping for seafood lovers. Goes well especially with garlic. High amount of people allergic to it kinda sucks though.

Bacon to A-Tier.
Bacon good, that fatty taste goes well with cheese. Besides, who doesn't like bacon (besides vegans and vegetarians)?

Also I think mozzarella cheese should be separated from extra cheese. It's the best type of cheese for pizza and deserves its own ranking (S-Tier).

Not a fan of pepperoni and thought of proposing to move it down but I'd probably get a lot of hate for that so nahhh.