Sword & Shield **Official news only** DLC Crown Tundra 22nd October

So I was just watching Wolfe's Glick's recent wideo about series 7 VGC, and something very interesting caught my attention.
For Series 7, Pokémon that were banned in Series 6 will return, making all Pokémon that were legal in Series 5 usable once again. Although Mythical Pokémon remain excluded, many Pokémon from The Crown Tundra will now be allowed—including a large number of Legendary Pokémon, though some of them will not have Crown Tundra Pokédex numbers.

Wolfe was mainly concerned with legendaries centralizing VGC, but that line at the end that I bolded is what interests me. I think this means that only the legendaries associated with the various episodes will be in the dex, while the rest that are only available through the legendary thrift store special raid thing won't appear in the dex.

Speaking of those episodes, I also realized something else, but I think it's a datamine spoiler. Maybe it's not a datamine spoiler anymore. I've been holding off on watching the recent trailer because I don't want my first experience of that music video to be with only one earbud.
Y'know how Silvally was in Galar's base dex for some inexplicable reason? How everyone was confused as to why the fuck this Ultra Beast slayer was in Galar, where there are no Ultra Beasts to be found? Well, one of the episodes has to do with Ultra Space. I do not think that is a coincidence.
So I was just watching Wolfe's Glick's recent wideo about series 7 VGC, and something very interesting caught my attention.

Wolfe was mainly concerned with legendaries centralizing VGC, but that line at the end that I bolded is what interests me. I think this means that only the legendaries associated with the various episodes will be in the dex, while the rest that are only available through the legendary thrift store special raid thing won't appear in the dex.
That's what I figured, too. If for no other reason than to avoid the feeling of like 40+ empty spaces in your dex that requires going through a lengthy co-op mode.
Speaking of those episodes, I also realized something else, but I think it's a datamine spoiler. Maybe it's not a datamine spoiler anymore. I've been holding off on watching the recent trailer because I don't want my first experience of that music video to be with only one earbud.
Y'know how Silvally was in Galar's base dex for some inexplicable reason? How everyone was confused as to why the fuck this Ultra Beast slayer was in Galar, where there are no Ultra Beasts to be found? Well, one of the episodes has to do with Ultra Space. I do not think that is a coincidence.
I think its a coincidence because the person who gives you Type Null gives you lore about it: they were trying to use its (or rather, Silvally's) type changing abilities for various mundane purposes.
it would not at all surprise me if Silvally goes 100% unmentioned throughout the entirety of the UB episode.

Now if I was going to conspiracy its because they might have thought Eternatus was a UB (WHICH IT TOTES IS THO) but they couldn't figure out the power of friendship to make it useful
As long as you can get Gigantamax Melmetal in Sword/Shield that is fine. I don't see why they wouldn't allow it to transfer into the games themselves.

Do we have a date for the new hat Pika?
6:42: *HEAVY SIGH* Of course Gigantamax Melemetal was going to be an exclusive give by transferring a Pokemon from GO to HOME. Then again, this sounds like the easiest way to get both a Meltan and Melmetal so maybe I should just download GO to get these two... :blobtriumph:
To be fair considering from their wording all you need is one single transfer... it's annoying but definitely a very small hassle, probably 10 minutes work at best?
I’m assuming it works similar to how Dynamaxing a Pokémon in a raid goes: the host gets to make their decision first, and then it goes down the party based on who joined first. That is, unless the game treats all the Pokémon in the Legendary Dens as rentals besides the “end boss” itself.

That's what I'm thinking and, if so, that's a bit worrisome. From just screenshots it looks like there will be no way to communicate with other players, so I can see plenty of occasions where one person takes a Pokemon even though another person in the party could have used a better Pokemon OR you thought someone would take the Pokemon but they decide to pass it up (and when you're using rental Pokemon with suboptimal movesets going up against a Legendary that could be a problem if you end up going in with a not good party).

I'd hope at the very least they'd make it so if someone decides to swap out a Pokemon they'll then be moved to the bottom of the queue so you don't have the team leader or the 2nd person to join claiming all the newly caught Pokemon.

I think its a coincidence because the person who gives you Type Null gives you lore about it: they were trying to use its (or rather, Silvally's) type changing abilities for various mundane purposes.

it would not at all surprise me if Silvally goes 100% unmentioned throughout the entirety of the UB episode.

Now if I was going to conspiracy its because they might have thought Eternatus was a UB (WHICH IT TOTES IS THO) but they couldn't figure out the power of friendship to make it useful

Maybe, but being how you were just given Silvally and they mentioned they were using it for a mundane purpose, I wonder if it's not Silvally that Macro Cosmos wanted but just the knowledge how to make an artificial Pokemon. We see how Macro Cosmos has essentially turned the Rotom species into a battery/operating system for their technology, now imagine what more they could do if they could just make a Pokemon into what they want it to be. And unlike other artificial Pokemon like Porygon which is completely digital (and likely how to make them is protected by Silph Co.) and Golett family which are supernatural (and likely knowledge to make them has been lost), Silvally is a flesh & blood creature with cybernetic enhancements (that is programmable if the Memories are anything to go by) thus more easier to understand & controllable. But I think discussion is for another thread like the Mystery and Conspiracy thread.

As long as you can get Gigantamax Melmetal in Sword/Shield that is fine. I don't see why they wouldn't allow it to transfer into the games themselves.

Do we have a date for the new hat Pika?

Well the Gigantamax Melmetal is a gift from HOME so it is directly going into SwSh. If you mean why can't any Pokemon from GO just be transferred directly into SwSh it's likely because SwSh doesn't have the system to "reprogram" the GO Pokemon to give them IVs (& EVs?), Ability, and Moves, but HOME does.

And new Pika Hat (Hoenn) code is P1KAADVANCE.

Do you they'll patch max soup when Crown Tundra releases so that any Melmetal can Gigantamax?

My bet is no, and If they do it wouldn't be until much later (like when they're about to release the next gen).

To be fair considering from their wording all you need is one single transfer... it's annoying but definitely a very small hassle, probably 10 minutes work at best?

I know, but I still don't wanna. Nothing against GO, it's just not for me so I don't like feeling I have to download it just to get a Pokemon there's no way else of getting (yeah, I could trade, though I don't think anyone would trade their only Gigantamax Melmetal).
I could see the dynamax adventures being a thing of only keeping the final pokemon (the legendary), which goes to everyone. The rental pokemon are just that, rentals; and who gets what pokemon in the middle only matters in terms of team composition since you don’t keep it after. If that is how they’re doing it... I honestly think it’s pretty smart and captures the feeling raids should have been giving. Actually having the dungeon preceding the boss.
I could see the dynamax adventures being a thing of only keeping the final pokemon (the legendary), which goes to everyone. The rental pokemon are just that, rentals; and who gets what pokemon in the middle only matters in terms of team composition since you don’t keep it after. If that is how they’re doing it... I honestly think it’s pretty smart and captures the feeling raids should have been giving. Actually having the dungeon preceding the boss.

Hmm... maybe to get through the Den. Still, when facing the Legendary, would rather use one of my Pokemon. Maybe they could have had you use your own Pokemon when facing the Legendary, but since you'd want to keep your Pokemon fresh until then you use rental Pokemon to battle through any encounters when adventuring through the den. The best of both worlds.
Nah that just kinda makes the rentals feel pointless and robs you of a challenge. I think it’s more interesting this way; testing the skills of both you and your teamwork by seeing how you use the tools laid out before you.

Well, I'll leave that point pinned on the wall until I experience a few Dyanamx Adventures and see how well the Rental Pokemon do against the Legendaries. Sure it sounds like a good challenge, but let's not forget the tests they did of Legendary Raids and the problems people had with defeating them even with their own Pokemon (Zeraora eventually people came up a strategy for but if I recall Mewtwo was a harder beast to take down).
Well, I'll leave that point pinned on the wall until I experience a few Dyanamx Adventures and see how well the Rental Pokemon do against the Legendaries. Sure it sounds like a good challenge, but let's not forget the tests they did of Legendary Raids and the problems people had with defeating them even with their own Pokemon (Zeraora eventually people came up a strategy for but if I recall Mewtwo was a harder beast to take down).
The entire design ethos is different!
Literally everything else about how they're handeled is so wildly different from the pokemon you can bring in to the amount of leg work you have to put in to the entire central gimmick of the mode to the fact you can capture them. There is no reason at all to assume that they are going to make you do 50 god damn runs of dynamax adventures, which at MINIMUM require 2 runs additional battles before then and probably way more than that before you even reach the legendary, and then trhow something even approaching Mewtwo/Zeraora's level of difficulty.

Like I know we on this forum give gamefreak constant shit over everything but there is no given reason to think the Mewtwo & Zeraora raids are indicative of ANYTHING.
Mostly I'm boggled by how people went from complaining that raids are too easy and boring, to complaining they can't use their overpowered pokemon to breeze the new raids.

The internet never changes :mehowth:

And no, before you try to argue, you always have to remember that this game has to be balanced for casual players, not veterans that play pokemon since 20 years and have had a competitively ready arsenal for years.
You can't make legendary raids "mewtwo/shinyzeraora level difficulty" because that'd more or less cut off a huge chunk of the player base off on top of murdering the chances of anyone who can't or doesn't want to play online.
And no, before you try to argue, you always have to remember that this game has to be balanced for casual players, not veterans that play pokemon since 20 years and have had a competitively ready arsenal for years.
Well, no, it doesn't. That's a choice. It just makes more money if it is.
Weird how seemingly nobody has considered the possibility that this could very well be a Battle Factory kinda deal where the Pokemon and movesets get better as you progress further
Hey I've been thinking they will!
The first set of rental pokemon are all kind of bleh, but then the very first pokemon yo uget, while a clefairy, has a HA and a variety of useful TM moves. I'm sure that as you progress through the dens the pokemon will get a lot better, very quickly.

The issue will just be juggling who gets what pokemon, sadly.
I could see the dynamax adventures being a thing of only keeping the final pokemon (the legendary), which goes to everyone. The rental pokemon are just that, rentals; and who gets what pokemon in the middle only matters in terms of team composition since you don’t keep it after. If that is how they’re doing it... I honestly think it’s pretty smart and captures the feeling raids should have been giving. Actually having the dungeon preceding the boss.

I'll definitely be feeling smart when I encounter a shiny midway through a raid, add it to my team, and tearfully hand it off to the rental guy after one battle against Mesprit or some other throwaway Legendary.
If it’s a rental system I doubt there will be a shiny chance
Pokémon is such a good well made game

Eh, I wouldn't say having a Shiny show up for a random rental Pokemon, Battle Tower trainer, or the game introduction is necessarily an example of bad programming. It's not like them having a Shiny meant you lost an opportunity to get a Shiny, it's just a random roll-up.

Though it be neat if they had programmed a feature where, if a shiny was rolled up for a non-catchable Pokemon it would bank that roll for the next wild Pokemon you encounter.
Though it be neat if they had programmed a feature where, if a shiny was rolled up for a non-catchable Pokemon it would bank that roll for the next wild Pokemon you encounter.
God if only.
Personally, I'm more curious as to if they're gonna do something interesting with Regigigas in terms of movepool/ability (hahahahahaha please, let me dream) literally anything to make it a bit more viable.