Project Metagame Workshop (OM Submissions CLOSED)

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First time doing this. Please give me feedback.
The Types and Abilities of both teams are swapped. For example, if your first slot is Hydreigon and the opponent's is Gyarados, then your Hydreigon is now Water-Flying with Intimidate, while their Gyarados is now Dragon-Dark with Levitate.

OU Singles Metagame.

Should Items be swapped too? Or Stats?

Every Pokemon has a permanent Magic Bounce. Moves reflected by this Metagame can't be reflected twice, nor can this Magic Bounce be suppressed. Wonder Guard, Magic Guard, and Magic Bounce are banned.

OU Singles Metagame.

Should self given boosts be reflected too?
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First time doing this. Please give me feedback.
The Types and Abilities of both teams are swapped. For example, if your first slot is Hydreigon and the opponent's is Gyarados, then your Hydreigon is now Water-Flying with Intimidate, while their Gyarados is now Dragon-Dark with Levitate.

OU Singles Metagame.

Should Items be swapped too? Or Stats?

Every Pokemon has a permanent Magic Bounce. Moves reflected by this Metagame can't be reflected twice, nor can this Magic Bounce be suppressed. Wonder Guard, Magic Guard, and Magic Bounce are banned.

OU Singles Metagame.

Should self given boosts be reflected too?
Most Everything is in the style of Gen 1.
Fairy is now a special type.
The "Special" stat is the average of your Special Attack & Special Defense (unless it was introduced in Gen 1, then it gets that special stat)


Would this even WORK?
Most Everything is in the style of Gen 1.
Fairy is now a special type.
The "Special" stat is the average of your Special Attack & Special Defense (unless it was introduced in Gen 1, then it gets that special stat)


Would this even WORK?
This has been suggested many times in the past. If I remember correctly, it is able to be coded, but a lot of decision have to be arbitrarily made (What happens to Steel type? Dark type? And what the heck is "special" type?), which isn't characteristic of an OM. Furthermore, the Gen 1 meta is really limiting, removing moves, items, and abilities, and, as is always said in this thread, a limiting metagame is never fun. So, while this would work, it won't necessarily work well as a metagame. Sorry :(

When a pokemon NFE exceeds its limits, its spirit becomes so strong that a white aura surrounds its body, arriving in a form recently discovered by the experts who named it SPIRITMON.

Metagame's premise: A new form called "spirit" can be selected, composed only of pkmn that can still evolve (NFE), these pkmn have all 100 base stats and the Sheer Force ability, they also have white color and cannot be shinies. These pkmn cannot use items.

Potential bans and threats: Metagame that can be played on any tier (AG, UBER, OU, UU ...) following the rules of each tier.

When a pokemon NFE exceeds its limits, its spirit becomes so strong that a white aura surrounds its body, arriving in a form recently discovered by the experts who named it SPIRITMON.

Metagame's premise: A new form called "spirit" can be selected, composed only of pkmn that can still evolve (NFE), these pkmn have all 100 base stats and the Sheer Force ability, they also have white color and cannot be shinies. These pkmn cannot use items.

Potential bans and threats: Metagame that can be played on any tier (AG, UBER, OU, UU ...) following the rules of each tier.
Pet Mod workshop
Pet Mod submission

When a pokemon NFE exceeds its limits, its spirit becomes so strong that a white aura surrounds its body, arriving in a form recently discovered by the experts who named it SPIRITMON.

Metagame's premise: A new form called "spirit" can be selected, composed only of pkmn that can still evolve (NFE), these pkmn have all 100 base stats and the Sheer Force ability, they also have white color and cannot be shinies. These pkmn cannot use items.

Potential bans and threats: Metagame that can be played on any tier (AG, UBER, OU, UU ...) following the rules of each tier.
If I'm reading this right, the NFE mons get a stat spread of 100 for all stats and Sheer Force, which is a simple change and does not constitute a pet mod. However, I don't know how interesting this would be as an OM, the ability change especially seems very limiting and I think widespread ability change OMs are discouraged.
If I'm reading this right, the NFE mons get a stat spread of 100 for all stats and Sheer Force, which is a simple change and does not constitute a pet mod. However, I don't know how interesting this would be as an OM, the ability change especially seems very limiting and I think widespread ability change OMs are discouraged.
Hmm, I followed the advice of DrPumpkinz and posted the idea on Pet Mod submission too. I really found the idea very interesting and would like tips on how to improve it.
Evo,. Connection
All pokemon get access to moves and abilities on a Pokemon line. So, for example, the eeveelutions would get access to abilities that another eeveelution has, which means you can have a Guts Sylveon with Thunderbolt. This is a OU metagame.

I could see Sylveon being a major threat, and a potential ban, now having access to a bunch of special attacks. It can run a lot of things, and have coverage over ALL of its weaknesses and resistances.

Do you think I should handle pokemon with split evolution lines differently?
this only really effects the eeveelutions; i believe everything else does not have a major change
In this metagame, the tiers are reversed. Pokemon either get a bst increase or decrease depending on their tier. This is an Uber metagame.
Uber: BS/1.5 (round down)
OU: BS/1.3 (round down)
UU: BS/1.1 (round down)
RU: No Change
NU: BS*1.1 (round up)
PU: BS*1.3 (round up)
Untiered/NFE: BS*1.5 (round up)
So, each of its base stats are Multiplied depending on your tier.

Pikachu would KILL in this tier, with the help of Light Ball and Nasty Plot. It would probably be as good, if not, BETTER than anime Pikachu.

How should I handle low-tiered pokemon that have items that boost their stats?
too similar to TS

Like Metronome battle, but Pokemon can only use struggle. This is that kind of meta where only people with a death wish or daredevils would do. Uber Meta.

Come on. Which pokemon would ACTUALLY shine in this meta.

Do you think that the name Struggling is a good name?
The pokemon with the best hp/atk/def and low speed wins, like melm and maro
if you ban something, something else is better, and there is just 1 (or a few) objectively good mons

Really hate new gen mechanics? Well this might be the OM for you.

Metagame gimmick: All changes of a mechanic are reversed back to its original state however Pokemon cant change.
For example...
Clefable keeps its fairy and special attack boost
The knock off it uses is only 20 base power.

This also means that crit rate isnt affected with speed because it affects the pokemon not a move or ability.
Team preview exists however if a move was introduced at or before gen 3 it reverts back to its original physical or special category however if it was introduced after that its unchanged

Bans:No clue but something that would be tested is arena trap
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this only really effects the eeveelutions; i believe everything else does not have a major change
I mean, Guts T-tar is a thing. So is Adaptability Milotic. Swift Swim Gyarados could do well on rain teams. Arena Trap Flygon, Fur Coat Eviolite Alolan Meowth, Moody Froslass, No Guard Escavalier, and more. So, not exactly true.
too similar to TS
Not really, as all tier shift does is add base stat points depending on your tier. This one multiplies/divides directly depending on the tier.
The pokemon with the best hp/atk/def and low speed wins, like melm and maro
if you ban something, something else is better, and there is just 1 (or a few) objectively good mons
Could you be a bit more clear on that one?
Not really, as all tier shift does is add base stat points depending on your tier. This one multiplies/divides directly depending on the tier.
The same concept though: evens the playing field for all mons by adjusting stats.

Could you be a bit more clear on that one?
I think he means it really limits what mons can be good (Melm=Melmetal, Maro=Marowak, if ur wondering abt that idk). Like always, a good metagame opens up more options for every mon, rather than limiting them.
I mean, Guts T-tar is a thing. So is Adaptability Milotic. Swift Swim Gyarados could do well on rain teams. Arena Trap Flygon, Fur Coat Eviolite Alolan Meowth, Moody Froslass, No Guard Escavalier, and more. So, not exactly true.
atrap and moody are banned
milotic is not offensive enough
i'm pretty sure gyara likes its vanilla abilities

anyways, there are so few cases (even if its more than just eevee) that its not worth it
Not really, as all tier shift does is add base stat points depending on your tier. This one multiplies/divides directly depending on the tier.
you still are adjusting stats of differently tiered mons, its a similar concept regardless
( and lilke tier shift, its likely that there's one tier to rule them all no matter what stat change you do)
Could you be a bit more clear on that one?
wait i was wrong
the best pokemon is shuckle. you outslow and go last before them. if you ban shuckle, you get the next slowest mon, and the next slowest, and so on. the slowest mon always wins and unlike met there's no crazy outcomes
species swap (name may need improvement, we have a lot of "swap" type oms already)

premise: it's gen 8 ou. for each pokemon species that you and your opponent share, the sets get swapped. for example, your clefable set would get swapped with your opponent's clefable set, and your urshifu single strike might get exchanged for your opponent's urshifu rapid strike. no additional bans are imposed.

i think that by making the swaps semi-reliable, the meta becomes more competitive than other swap-based metas. players are encouraged to come up with pokemon that can put up a fight in some matchups, but fail to perform key roles that would otherwise beat the team-- for example, a hazard reliant team might bring a corviknight lacking defog, and a water-weak team might even consider a defensive pelipper without drizzle just to completely screw over rain teams.

might enforce an "all pokemon must be level 100" rule so you cant bring something dumb like level 1 clefable, idk
Name: As One
Metagame premise: Fuse another Pokémon and get its (primary) type, +20 to all stats except HP, both move pools and both Abilities (primary of one and your choice of the other).
Example: Fuse Lanturn with Azumarill. Both Pokémon are primary Water type, so the fusion is pure Water type. The new stats are 125/78/78/96/96/87 and the Abilities are Sap Sipper (chosen from Azumarill) and Volt Absorb (primary of Lanturn).
Name: As One
Metagame premise: Fuse another Pokémon and get its (primary) type, +20 to all stats except HP, both move pools and both Abilities (primary of one and your choice of the other).
Example: Fuse Lanturn with Azumarill. Both Pokémon are primary Water type, so the fusion is pure Water type. The new stats are 125/78/78/96/96/87 and the Abilities are Sap Sipper (chosen from Azumarill) and Volt Absorb (primary of Lanturn).
How does the system decide that the stats are based on Lanturn + 20 rather than Azumarill + 20?

Even if there is a way to differentiate to get the stats you want, it might be chaotic to have a choice to create essentially two different pokemon from each combo. If this is a concern, l would suggest having the stats be based on the pokemon with the higher BST. That's what happens with Calyrex and the horses: the horse provides the stats but gets a boost to each from a weaker pokemon riding on it.

Also, why do you automatically get the primary ability from one but a choice from the other, and how do you decide which? Would it make more sense to just get the primaries of each (even if that makes it harder to get cool combos)? If you want to maintain some element of choice, maybe you should use the BST to decide that as well.
Also, why do you automatically get the primary ability from one but a choice from the other, and how do you decide which? Would it make more sense to just get the primaries of each (even if that makes it harder to get cool combos)? If you want to maintain some element of choice, maybe you should use the BST to decide that as well.
The ability can be set manually through the teambuilder. That's probably how the choice works.
Maybe have 20% of user's base stats (rounded down)? Caly has 80 in each non HP stat and having different base stats would be nice. +20 in every base stat doesn't change much,
Feels too much like overpowered inheritance regardless (move pools and abilities, just that you have access to both. having dual abilities does change things but not enough)
The ability can be set manually through the teambuilder. That's probably how the choice works.
I meant, how does the system decide which pokemon automatically grants the primary ability, and which one you get to choose the ability. I was suggesting to let the BST decide or just use the primary ability for both. Though since the best abilities are often secondary or hidden abilities, this does make it harder to make interesting combinations. I suppose you could choose the ability from both pokemon as well, but I think that could become chaotic.

That said, there are still interesting combos you can make even if just using primary abilities. This looks fun:

:ss/Aurorus: :Toxtricity:
Aurorus @ Life Orb
Ability: Refrigerate + Punk Rock
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Boomburst
- Overdrive
- Earth Power
- Rock Polish
Stats: 123/97/92/119/112/78
Typing: Rock/Electric (sadly not Ice/Electric)

I don't think it's too similar to Inheritance. The type mixing is huge. More important than the abilities actually.
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Metagame premise: Pokemon can give up an item slot for a non-native ability.
Potential bans and threats: Libero+Adaptability could be a serious threat. Merciless+Sniper could be dangerous too. Simple+Contrary could be deadly. Fur Coat+Ice Scales makes a defensive beast. Shedinja could pull off Wonder Guard+Magic Guard for a gimmicky set.
Questions for the community: How exactly do you think this meta would play out?
Okay I did some more sniffing around concerning the As One idea, and the more I look at it the more I'm convinced it will be completely unique from Inheritance. Yes, the act of attaching a movepool and ability to something with better stats does carry over, but it also shares characteristics from Shared Power, Camomons, and Cross Evolution. With every "As One" pairing, you are trying to design an ideal type combo, with two synergizing abilities, using one mon with good stats and another with good movepool. It's quite the feat and possibilities are endless. There is so much potential for sets that haven't been done before in other OMs.

I do still think that with so many components to be combined and synergized, there need to be some limits on what can be carried over. Namely:
  1. There should be a rule on which pokemon is the Rider and which one is the Steed (final stats are from the Steed, but buffed). My idea was that the one with the higher BST would always be the Steed, following the precedent with Calyrex and the horses, but we would still need a rule for resolving who is the Steed if they have the same BST. I think it is simplest to just not allow them to merge if they share the same BST--you wouldn't see a horse riding another horse, would you? Otherwise we could come up with something random, like the Steed is the one with the lower Pokedex #, but that feels too arbitrary.
  2. I think the meta will get too complicated if there is too much freedom to choose abilities. If you do get any choice at all, there needs to be a rule on which pokemon (the Steed or the Rider) automatically gives its primary ability and which one gives you a choice. Being able to pick the ability from the Rider is probably more interesting. However this still creates a ton of meta complexity when you're already combining types and movepools a la Cross Evolution and stacking abilities a la Shared Power. There is also no precedent for ability choice from Calyrex + Glastrier/Spectrier. For this reason I think that both pokemon should only ever be able to pass their primary ability. There are a few downsides to this, namely reducing/losing access to certain abilities that are mostly/entirely granted through the secondary/hidden ability slots, such as Drizzle and Drought, but overall I think this simpler ruleset will make a cleaner meta that still has more than enough options.
To prove my point that there are tons of exciting combinations even with this restricted ruleset, I have compiled a list of possible Steeds and Riders with the typing and ability that they contribute.

Steeds with Useful Abilities
These pokemon all have 600 BST, thus would almost always be Steeds
There are several other Steeds that can be well-utilized for typing, movepool, and stats, but have less useful abilities such as Pressure
:Mew: Psychic, Synchronize (used for movepool more than ability)
:Victini: Psychic, Victory Star
:Cresselia: Psychic, Levitate
:Latias:/:Latios: Dragon, Levitate
:Hydreigon: Dark, Levitate
:Dragapult: Dragon, Clear Body
:Kommo-o: Dragon, Bulletproof
:Salamence: Dragon, Intimidate
:Genesect: Bug, Download
:Volcanion: Fire, Water Absorb
:Heatran: Fire, Flash Fire
:Jirachi: Steel, Serene Grace
:Magearna: Steel, Soul Heart
:Metagross: Steel, Clear Body
:Landorus-Therian: Ground, Intimidate
:Tyranitar: Rock, Sand Stream
:Zeraora: Electric, Volt Absorb
:Goodra: Dragon, Sap Sipper

Steeds/Riders with Useful Abilities
These pokemon have 580-570 BST, so they can easily be either Riders or Steeds
There are several others that can be utilized for typing, movepool, or stats, but have less useful abilities
:Tornadus-Therian: Flying, Regenerator
:Tornadus: Flying, Prankster
:Thundurus: Electric, Prankster
:Thundurus-Therian: Electric, Volt Absorb
:Azelf:/:Uxie: Psychic, Levitate
:Articuno-Galar: Psychic, Competitive
:Zapdos-Galar: Fighting, Defiant
:Blacephalon: Fire, Beast Boost
:Buzzwole:/:Pheromosa: Bug, Beast Boost
:Celesteela: Steel, Beast Boost
:Kartana: Grass, Beast Boost
:Nihilego:/:Stakataka: Rock, Beast Boost
:Xurkitree: Electric, Beast Boost
:Guzzlord: Dark, Beast Boost
:Tapu Bulu: Grass, Grassy Surge
:Tapu Lele: Psychic, Psychic Surge
:Tapu Koko: Electric, Electric Surge
:Tapu Fini: Water, Misty Surge

Riders that provide an offensive boost (some of these can be Steeds)
:Porygon-Z: Normal, Adaptability
:Urshifu:/:Urshifu-Rapid Strike: Fighting, Unseen Fist
:Naganadel: Poison, Beast Boost
:Toxtricity: Electric, Punk Rock
:Copperajah: Steel, Sheer Force
:Darmanitan: Fire, Sheer Force
:Barbaracle:/:Lycanroc-Dusk: Rock, Tough Claws
:Conkeldurr:/:Machamp:/:Throh: Fighting, Guts
:Aurorus: Rock, Refrigerate
:Malamar: Dark, Contrary
:Ninjask: Bug, Speed Boost
:Araquanid: Water, Water Bubble
:Wailord: Water, Water Veil
:Togekiss: Fairy, Hustle
:Corsola: Water, Hustle
:Doublade: Steel, No Guard
:Galvantula:/:Butterfree: Bug, Compound Eyes
:Tyrantrum: Rock, Strong Jaw
:Boltund: Electric, Strong Jaw
:Drednaw: Water, Strong Jaw
:Dhelmise: Ghost, Steelworker
:Zoroark: Dark, Illusion
:Bisharp: Dark, Defiant
:Raichu-Alola: Electric, Surge Surfer
:Dunsparce: Normal, Serene Grace

Riders that offer defensive or supportive abilities (some can be Steeds)
:Arcanine: Fire, Intimidate
:Gyarados: Water, Intimidate
:Krookodile: Ground, Intimidate
:Stoutland:/:Tauros: Normal, Intimidate
:Hitmontop: Fighting, Intimidate
:Persian-Alola: Dark, Fur Coat
:Bewear:/:Dubwool: Normal, Fluffy
:Blissey: Normal, Natural Cure
:Roserade: Grass, Natural Cure
:Altaria: Dragon, Natural Cure
:Trevenant: Ghost, Natural Cure
:Ferrothorn: Grass, Iron Barbs
:Druddigon: Dragon, Rough Skin
:Sharpedo: Water, Rough Skin
:Volcarona: Bug, Flame Body
:Magmortar:/:Talonflame: Fire, Flame Body
:Electabuzz:/:Raichu:/:Manectric:/:Emolga: Electric, Static
:Stunfisk: Ground, Static
:Grimmsnarl: Dark, Prankster
:Whimsicott: Grass, Prankster
:Klefki: Steel, Prankster
:Salazzle: Poison, Corrosion
:Magnezone: Electric, Magnet Pull

Riders that provide immunity (some of these can be Steeds)
:Rotom: Electric, Levitate
:Flygon: Ground, Levitate
:Cryogonal: Ice, Levitate
:Bronzong: Steel, Levitate
:Claydol: Ground, Levitate
:Vikavolt: Bug, Levitate
:Weezing:/:Weezing-Galar: Poison, Levitate
:Lunatone:/:Solrock: Rock, Levitate
:Haunter: Ghost, Levitate
:Lapras:/:Vaporeon:/:Poliwrath::Politoed:/:Dracovish:/:Arctovish:/:Jellicent: Water, Water Absorb
:Heliolisk: Electric, Dry Skin
:Maractus: Grass, Water Absorb
:Jolteon:/:Dracozolt:/:Arctozolt: Electric, Volt Absorb
:Lanturn: Water, Volt Absorb
:Electivire: Electric, Motor Drive
:Pincurchin: Electric, Lightning Rod
:Centiskorch:/:Flareon:/:Ninetales: Fire, Flash Fire
:Chandelure: Ghost, Flash Fire

Riders that are primarily added for typing or movepool, but still offer an ability with situational use
:Milotic: Water, Marvel Scale
:Tentacruel: Water, Clear Body
:Toxapex: Poison, Merciless
:Shuckle:/:Crustle: Bug, Sturdy
:Aggron:/:Skarmory: Steel, Sturdy
:Gigalith: Rock, Sturdy
:Sawk: Fighting, Sturdy
:Gengar: Ghost, Cursed Body
:Froslass: Ice, Cursed Body
:Marowak-Alola: Fire, Cursed Body
:Cradily: Rock, Suction Cups
:Octillery: Water, Suction Cups
:Pangoro: Fighting, Iron Fist
:Golurk: Ground, Iron Fist
:Gastrodon: Water, Sticky Hold
:Slowbro:/:Slowking:/:Whiscash: Water, Oblivious
:Mamoswine:/:Jynx: Ice, Oblivious
:Eldegoss: Grass, Cotton Down
:Pyukumuku: Water, Innards Out
:Scrafty: Dark, Shed Skin
:Pupitar: Rock, Shed Skin
:Dragonair: Dragon, Shed Skin
:Aerodactyl:/:Onix:/:Sudowoodo: Rock, Rock Head
:Marowak:/:Rhydon: Ground, Rock Head
:Steelix: Steel, Rock Head
:Shelgon: Dragon, Rock Head

To show the vast potential of these pokemon in action, let's look at a few example combinations for one pokemon:
We all know from Skarmory, Celesteela, and Corvknight what an awesome defensive typing Steel/Flying is, and in this, we can create multiple exciting versions by crossing Tornadus-T--a pokemon with Regenerator in the primary slot--with a Steel pokemon. Let's look at some options using Tornadus-Therian as a Steed:

:ss/Tornadus-Therian: + :Copperajah:/:Doublade:/:Klefki:
Stats: 79/120/100/130/110/141
Typing: Steel/Flying
Ability1: Regenerator

Sheer Force + Life Orb
Movepool Options boosted by SF: Flash Cannon/Iron Head, Air Slash/Hurricane, Heat Wave, Earth Power, Play Rough, Rock Slide, Sludge Wave, Additional Options not boosted by SF: U-turn, Heat Crash, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Brick Break/Superpower,
By using Copperajah as a Rider, Torn can deal impressive damage while simultaneously having great longevity from its typing and Regenerator

No Guard, Leftovers or Choice Specs
Movepool Options boosted by NG: Hurricane, Steel Beam, Iron Tail, Heat Wave, Focus Blast, Rock Slide, Toxic
Another approach for dealing high damage from a defensive typing. It can choose to err on the defensive side to make use of fully accurate Toxics and confusion chance from reliable Hurricane, or take a wall-breaking approach. It can even use Steel Beam as a nuke that it can largely recover from thanks to Regen.

Prankster, Leftovers
Priority Support Options: Spikes, Defog, Substitute, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Switcheroo
With Klefki, Torn-T can fully lean into its defensive capabilities to make use of a multitude of priority supporting moves.

Now let's look at a set with Tornadus-Therian as the Rider

Stats: 100/120/120/120/120/120
Typing: Flying/Steel
Ability1: Serene Grace
Ability2: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Iron Head
- Stealth Rock
- Wish
- U-turn
I made a set this time to demonstrate a specific role-- with Torn-T riding on Jirachi, it can pass large Wishes to its teammates while healing itself due to Regenerator, while also having the potential to be obnoxious through Serene Grace Iron Head.

Finally, there are also some Pokemon that may present programming problems in As One. Some rules or restrictions may be needed for these.
:Porygon2: Normal, Trace
:Aegislash: Steel, Stance Change
:Cofagrigus: Ghost, Mummy
:Runerigus: Ground, Wandering Spirit
:Mimikyu: Ghost, Disguise
:Cramorant: Flying, Gulp Missile
:Morpeko: Electric, Hunger Switch
:Eiscue: Ice, Ice Face

EDIT: This is fairly minor, but if this OM gets approved, a decision would also need to be made on how the As One pairing is displayed on Showdown. I think that if showdown can only show the image of one pokemon, it would actually be the Rider that gets displayed, since the two official pairings are both referred to as forms of Calyrex, rather than forms of the Steed, even though the stats are based on Glastrier/Spectrier.
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There should be a rule on which pokemon is the Rider and which one is the Steed (final stats are from the Steed, but buffed). My idea was that the one with the higher BST would always be the Steed, following the precedent with Calyrex and the horses, but we would still need a rule for resolving who is the Steed if they have the same BST. I think it is simplest to just not allow them to merge if they share the same BST--you wouldn't see a horse riding another horse, would you? Otherwise we could come up with something random, like the Steed is the one with the lower Pokedex #, but that feels too arbitrary.
Absolute Disagree on this. Random example, but why should I have to be told that my Sceptile has to ride the Urshifu period? If said Sceptile can already be ridden on in certain contexts, why can't the Urshifu also do the riding?

I honestly think it's more complex to limit it like this when it can be as simple as setting the species as the rider and using some other field to set the ridee. Not to mention, BST isn't everything in Pokemon.
I think the meta will get too complicated if there is too much freedom to choose abilities. If you do get any choice at all, there needs to be a rule on which pokemon (the Steed or the Rider) automatically gives its primary ability and which one gives you a choice. Being able to pick the ability from the Rider is probably more interesting. However this still creates a ton of meta complexity when you're already combining types and movepools a la Cross Evolution and stacking abilities a la Shared Power. There is also no precedent for ability choice from Calyrex + Glastrier/Spectrier. For this reason I think that both pokemon should only ever be able to pass their primary ability. There are a few downsides to this, namely reducing/losing access to certain abilities that are mostly/entirely granted through the secondary/hidden ability slots, such as Drizzle and Drought, but overall I think this simpler ruleset will make a cleaner meta that still has more than enough options.
I stated it before I'll state it again:

We can just have the rider pick from one of their abilities. Then the primary from the ridee's is then used. Most people will be using high stat ridees anyway, so why limit ability choice in the first place if the option for one to not be limited exists?

:Porygon2: Normal, Trace
:Cofagrigus: Ghost, Mummy
:Runerigus: Ground, Wandering Spirit
Give these abilities the same interaction as they do with As One; absolutely no interaction at all. On a mon not as one, interacts with the only ability. Receiver, while not listed, should behave the same way.
:Aegislash: Steel, Stance Change
:Eiscue: Ice, Ice Face
If these guys are the ridee, the stats change according to the form. As the rider, the abilities are purely asthetic. Zen Mode, while not listed, should behave the same way.
:Mimikyu: Ghost, Disguise
:Cramorant: Flying, Gulp Missile
:Morpeko: Electric, Hunger Switch
These abilites don't interact with stats in any way, so they should be able to function regardless of whether or not the mon is the rider or ridee. Cherim's sunshine form, while not listed, can be grouped here as well.
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There is also no precedent for ability choice from Calyrex + Glastrier/Spectrier.
I'm pretty sure it would be Calyrex. The actual fusions are considered to be alternate forms of Calyrex, so recreating them into this meta would look something like this:

Spectrier (Calyrex) @ Life Orb
Ability: Unnerve
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Psyshock
- Shadow Ball
- Pollen Puff

Since the rider is what you work with in the teambuilder, selecting its ability would be simple.
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