Pet Mod Mega Revolution


Mega being Revolved: Mega Latios
New Pokémon Name: Celarios (Celare, to conceal, + os)
Stats: 80 / 110 / 80 / 110 / 90 / 130 (BST 600)

Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Discharge, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Grounding Shock
Movepool Restrictions: - Calm Mind, Luster Purge, Psyshock, Roost, Recover, Mystical Fire
Niche: Since Latios has always been the offensive one of the pair, I thought I’d give him a typing that reflects his aggressive nature, and a Speed that fits his flavor. It becomes a threatening attacker on both spectrums, and its signature move allows it to muscle through Ground types after a Dragon Dance. It also has an excellent typing for Levitate, which is why I removed its healing options. It sets itself apart from other electric types thanks to Levitate and having a powerful secondary stab (sorry Koko). Physical sets can’t touch Ferrothorn, Tapu Bulu, and struggle with Baritaria, while Special sets get walled by Blissey and the likes.

BP: 70


Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10 (max 16)
Description: Super-effective against Ground types. (Basically a physical, electric-type Freeze-Dry. Kept the BP low so it wouldn't be too oppressive unboosted.)
EDIT: Bumped up the power to 70 and made it 100% accurate based on G-Luke's suggestion and running some calcs which were less impressive than anticipated.


Mega being Revolved: Mega Latias
New Pokémon Name: Celarias (Celare, to conceal, + as)
Stats: 80 / 80 / 130 / 90 / 110 / 110 (BST 600)

Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Scald, Hydro Pump, Sparkling Area, Flip Turn, Concealing Mist
Movepool Restrictions: - Calm Mind, Mist Ball, Psyshock, Mystical Fire
Niche: Since I made Latios an electric type for its aggressive nature, water seemed like a perfect fit here, as it also works with Latias' misty refraction flavor. It’s not bad defensively, especially with Levitate; its signature move allows it to stack roles as a cleric and defensive pokemon to free up a moveslot, which I felt was necessary to rival with other bulky waters. It’s very good at countering rain, can defog, and use its great coverage against tons of threats. You’ll notice I gave both Lati@s the pivot move of their respective typings.

BP: __


Accuracy: __
PP: 10 (max 16)
Description: Heals user by 25% and cures the user’s party of all status conditions. (Think of it as Jungle Healing + Heal Bell.)


Mega being Revolved: Mega Diancie
New Pokémon Name: Gemperial (Gem + Imperial)
Stats: 50 / 125 / 95 / 125 / 95 / 110 (BST 600)

Abilities: Magic Bounce
Movepool Additions: Accelerock, Superpower, Splinter Deluge
Movepool Restrictions: - Diamond Storm, Calm Mind
Niche: Now a potent attacker, Diancie can run either physical or special without one having a clear advantage over the other thanks to its new sig. Its stab coverage is still kinda garbage, which is why, depending on the set, it’ll enjoy Superpower, Earth Power, Mystical Fire, or a combination of those.

BP: 100


Accuracy: 95%
PP: 5 (max 8)
Description: Physical if the user’s Atk is higher than its SpAtk. (Photon Geyser clone).
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Mega being Revolved: Latias
New Pokémon Name: Latisylph (Latias + Sylph)
Stats: 110(+30)/80/100(+10)/130(+20)/90(-40)/90(-20) BST: 600
Typing: Dragon/Rock
Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Stealth Rock, Power Gem, Draconic Gems
Mega being Revolved: Latios
New Pokémon Name: Latisulfur (Latios + Sulfur)
Stats: 80/110(+30)/90(+10)/90(-30)/90(-20)/120(+10) BST: 600
Typing: Dragon/Poison
Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Poison Jab, Poison Tail, Poisonous Trigger
Mega being Revolved: Diancie
New Pokémon Name: Diamoner (Diamond + Miner)
Stats: 50/100/130(-20)/110(+10)/140(-10)/70(+30) BST: 600
Typing: Fighting/Fairy
Abilities: Magic Bounce
Movepool Additions: Aura Sphere, Detect, Vacuum Wave, Coaching, Moonlight, Diamond Fleet
Removed Moves: Moonblast

Diamond Fleet: This Pokémon throws a fleet of Diamonds to crash into the enemy. it has a 20% chance to lower the opponents Special Defense. Damage: 90, Accuracy: 100%, Type: Fairy, Attack Type: Special
Poisonous Trigger: This Pokémon poisons the foe, and causes them to only use attacking moves for 2 turns. Damage: None , Accuracy: 100%, Type: Poison, Attack Type: Status
This Pokémon shoots the opponent with gems full of draconic energy. it has a 50% chance to raised this Pokémon's Defense and it incorporates Dragon into it type effectiveness. Type: Rock, Accuracy: 100%, Damage: 95, Attack Type: Special
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Mega being Revolved: Mega Latias
New Pokémon Name: Altheias [altheia + 'as']
Stats: 130/80/110/80/110/90
Typing: Ice/Psychic
Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Freeze-Dry, U-Turn, Heal Bell, Encore, *Aeon Drain
Niche: Plays like a Slowbro/Slowking fusion, which, from OU, we know are already great Pokemon. In exchange for losing Regenerator, Altheias brings Wish and Defog to the table, letting it provide additional team support and offer incredible role compression. While it has fantastic bulk, it's poor defensive typing lets it down.

Mega being Revolved: Mega Latios
New Pokémon Name: Nouios [nous + 'os']
Stats: 90/110/80/110/80/130
Typing: Flying/Psychic
Abilities: Levitate (unfortunately useless...)
Movepool Additions: Brave Bird, Hurricane, U-Turn, Earth Power, *Aeon Skip
Niche: Lugia and Xatu make you think this type combo is only good on defense, but Nouios shows how powerful it can be on offense as well. Dragon Dance + Brave Bird is scary. As a balancing factor, Dragon Dance sets are unable to break through Ground-immune Steels (such as Corviknight) as Earthquake can't touch them. Alternatively, sets choosing to go special have Hurricane to turn to for STAB with Calm Mind to boost. With a wider special movepool, this set doesn't have as much problem with Steels, but lacks the speed from Dragon Dance.

Altheia (truth) and Nous (mind) are the original children in Gnostisim, which is where the concept of 'eons' comes from.

Aeon Drain: This Pokemon drains the foe's health. [special Ice-type Giga Drain clone]
Aeon Skip: This Pokemon attacks using its speed. [special Flying type, Body Press clone but uses speed]
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Mega being revolved: Mega-Diancie
New Pokemon Name: Diachess (Diamond+Duchess)
Typing: Rock/Fairy
Stats: 90-100-100-125-90-95
Abilities: Magic Bounce
New Moves: Diamond Beam, Teleport
Movepool removals: Diamond Storm, Explosion, Gyro Ball
Niche: Powerful special attacker, that can set up with Calm Mind, set rocks and bring momentum to it's team with Teleport and Diamond Beam.

Rock type, 5 PP (8 Max), Special, 140 BP, 100% Accuracy.
This move hits two turns after being used. (Doom Desire clone)
Mega being Revolved: Latias
New Pokémon Name: Tenebras
Stats: 80/80/130/110/90/110
Typing: Dragon/Dark
Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Night Ball, Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Switcheroo
Movepool Removals: Mist Ball, Psycho Cut, Psyshock, Zen Headbutt, Trick
Type: Dark
Category: Special
Bullet Move
Base Power: 70
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 8
Effect: 100% Chance to lower target's special attack.
Niche: A physically defensive Dark type that can sponge knock offs. It can also run a Calm Mind setup set to help patch up its lower spdef and sweep.

Mega being Revolved: Latios
New Pokémon Name: Tenebros
Stats: 80/130/80/90/110/110
Typing: Dragon/Dark
Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Dark Blast, Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Switcheroo
Movepool Removals: Luster Purge, Psycho Cut, Psyshock, Trick, Zen Headbutt
Type: Dark
Category: Physical
Base Power: 70
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 8
Effect: 100% Chance to lower target's defense
Niche: A physically offensive dark type that can stallbreak thanks to its signature move lowering defense. With Dark Blast forcing switches, it has an easy time setting up Dragon Dance or crippling teams by removing their items with Knock Off.
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Mega being Revolved: Mega Latias (if you couldn't tell)
New Pokémon Name: Verias (Verus [lt. Open / Opposite of Latere] + as [feminin suffix]
Stats: 80 | 80 | 130 | 110 | 110 | 90 (600)

Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Magic Trick, Heal Bell
Niche: Verias is a alternate version of Latias. It gets an attacking Trick and alongside Draco Meteor, Aura Sphere and Mystical Fire, it can provide offensive pressure, while not giving up on defensive utility. Thanks to its physical bulky, typing and ability, it's a decent check to Kartana, Rillaboom, Urshifu-R, Blaziken, Hocusfocus, Stalagmitar, Heatran and Chargaryen. Those Pokémon have ways to threaten it, but it still has the bulk to take one hit, so that you can act according to the situation.


Mega being Revolved: Mega Latios (as if it wasn't obvious)
New Pokémon Name: Verios (Verus [lt. Open / Opposite of Latere] + os [masculine suffix]
Stats: 80 | 130 | 80 | 110 | 90 | 110 (600)

Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Mind Strike | Removed Dragon Dance
Niche: Verios is a mixed attacker that can take advantage of its great movepool to attack from either side of the spectrum. Latios outclasses it as a Specs user, but Verios can run a LO Scale Shot or CB set. It faces competition from Garchomp, who is bulkier, has SD and can threaten Corviknight with Fire Fang and therefore doesn't need to be mixed, but Verios has Recovery is faster and mixed isn't even a bad option since it has a fantastic special movepool and its usable 110 base SpA stat.


Mega being Revolved: Mega Diancie
New Pokémon Name: Diancess (Diamond + Princess)
Stats: 50 | 125 | 100 | 125 | 100 | 100 (600)

Abilities: Magic Bounce
Movepool Additions: Diamond Shield, Meteor Beam
Niche: Diancess is a decently offensive threat with the ability provide offensive teams some utility against other offensive or bulkier teams. Denying Hazards, Status and Taunts can be very useful when you have set-up threats or just happen to run against a team that depends on those reflectable moves. It's also a decent fit on sun teams, since it provides Stealth Rocks, while denying opposing rocks, and with it being able to fire off some strong move with Mystical Fire even getting a boost in Sun.

Signature Moves:
Basepower: 90


Accuracy: 100%
PP: 15 (max 24)
Effect: User swaps its held item with the opponents held item (Attacking Trick)
Basepower: 90


Accuracy: 100%
PP: 15 (max 24)
Effect: 10% Chance to lower opponent's defense
Basepower: -


Accuracy: -
PP: 20 (max 32)
Effect: Protects from damaging attacks. Contact: Sets Stealth Rock

Just saying, Scale Shot is a pretty bad move if it's not being backed by an attack boost. Just letting you know.

I also think having such a powerful effect, Magic Trick should probably have a much weaker BP.

names are generic, I know, I couldn't think of anything else. Again, let me know if I need to make changes.
Mega being revolved: Diancie
Name: Aetheryst
( Aether + Amethyst )

View attachment 325729
: View attachment 325727 / View attachment 325728
Ability: Magic Bounce
New Moves: Earthquake, Recover, Bulk Up, Accelerock, Thunderbolt, Ice Punch
Negated Moves: Diamond Storm, Mystical Fire, Calm Mind
Signature Move: Luminous Lob
The user launches 2 crystalline spheres at the target which explode on impact. With each successful use, the user gains +1 hit. If the user misses, they do not gain or lose a hit. Caps at 5. Resets if the user switches.
BP: 30
Type: Fairy
PP: 24
Accuracy: 95
Category: Special
Starting Amount: 2
- Ballistic
Stats: 50 / 130 / 90 / 130 / 90 / 110

Description: I wanted to do something fun with Diancie. I think having a fairy/ground type would be a neat addition to the meta, being able to counter common walls such as heatran, buzzwole, toxapex and possibly blissey. It has a load of coverage as well as a new addition, Bulk Up over calm mind. Similarly Diancie can't use its signature move with CM because its physical, and Aetheryst can't use its signature move with Bulk Up because its special. If you're running specs with its signature move you're going to kill about anything that comes your way, because each time you use it it just gets stronger. I thought this would be a fun and less serious addition, but it can still hit very hard after a few uses. I think it's main role would be an offensive setup sweeper, warding off status and hazards with magic bounce.

I hope you can still like these two despite them not being dragon/psychic
Mega being revolved: Latias
Name: Refractias
( Refract + Latias )
View attachment 325741
Typing: View attachment 325753 / View attachment 325737
Ability: Levitate
New Moves: Discharge, Charge, Electro Ball, Flash, Wild Charge, Volt Switch.
Signature Move: Refraction
Negated Moves: Mist Ball, Draco Meteor
The user sends a beam of energy into the air and chases after it, guiding its path using refractions. After 2 turns the attack hits but when the user switches the attack timer will pause until they return.
BP: 100
Type: Electric
PP: 16
Category: Special
Stats: 80 / 110 / 120 / 110 / 120 / 70.

Description: Latias pokedex entries talk about it being able to reflect light and conceal itself. What if it used that light in combat? That's what this sub is. Electricity isn't light but its close enough, we don't have a light type. It's new move allows it to either stay in, and launch electric future sights, or switch out and launch them later. It works as a pretty good defogger with a ground immunity, reliable recovery, and a way to punish the target for switching in. Want a crazy combo? Charge + Refraction.

Mega being revolved: Latios
Name: Aerios
(Air or Aerodynamic + Latios).
View attachment 325743
Typing: View attachment 325751 / View attachment 325754
Ability: Levitate
New Moves: Iron Head, Flash Cannon, Bullet Punch, Iron Defense, Body Press.
Negated Moves: Luster Purge, Draco Meteor, Dragon Dance
Signature Move: Jet Crash
The user accelerates immediately and crashes into the target. The user's speed is used in damage calculation.
BP: 80
Type: Steel
PP: 16
Accuracy: 100
Category: Physical
- Makes contact
Stats: 80 / 130 / 80 / 90 / 110 / 110

Description: Similarly with latias, Latios has pokedex entries talking about something in specific that I incorporated into the sub. Jets. It says how latios can overtake jets with its speed and fly past them, so It might as well be one right? Basically just spam agility with this thing and you're good to go. With jet crash, its a speed based body press which allows you to eliminate pokemon left and right after using it. I deleted dragon dance because it'd be too strong with it IMO, with high speed and attack it becomes too much to handle. Role? Agility Sweeper.

Not sure I understand how the Latias signature works, it's weaker Future Sight but you have to be in or it won't hit? Seems alot less useful than FS for obvious reasons.

I think the Diancie sub would have been fine if it were Rock Fairy, but Ground Fairy is such a potent STAB combo, the signature move becomes much more spammable when u can hit all of the resiss with SE secondary STAB, the coverage also there for smacking the very few outliers. Either the typing or the sig and coverage should be swapped.

Mega being Revolved: Mega Latios
New Pokémon Name: Celarios (Celare, to conceal, + os)
Stats: 80 / 110 / 80 / 110 / 90 / 130 (BST 600)

Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Discharge, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Grounding Shock
Movepool Restrictions: - Calm Mind, Luster Purge, Psyshock, Roost, Recover, Mystical Fire
Niche: Since Latios has always been the offensive one of the pair, I thought I’d give him a typing that reflects his aggressive nature, and a Speed that fits his flavor. It becomes a threatening attacker on both spectrums, and its signature move allows it to muscle through Ground types after a Dragon Dance. It also has an excellent typing for Levitate, which is why I removed its healing options. It sets itself apart from other electric types thanks to Levitate and having a powerful secondary stab (sorry Koko). Physical sets can’t touch Ferrothorn, Tapu Bulu, and struggle with Baritaria, while Special sets get walled by Blissey and the likes.

BP: 65

Category: View attachment 325869
Accuracy: 90%
PP: 10 (max 16)
Description: Super-effective against Ground types. (Basically a physical, electric-type Freeze-Dry. Kept the BP low so it wouldn't be too oppressive unboosted.)


Mega being Revolved: Mega Latias
New Pokémon Name: Celarias (Celare, to conceal, + as)
Stats: 80 / 80 / 130 / 90 / 110 / 110 (BST 600)

Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Scald, Hydro Pump, Sparkling Area, Flip Turn, Concealing Mist
Movepool Restrictions: - Calm Mind, Mist Ball, Psyshock, Mystical Fire
Niche: Since I made Latios an electric type for its aggressive nature, water seemed like a perfect fit here, as it also works with Latias' misty refraction flavor. It’s not bad defensively, especially with Levitate; its signature move allows it to stack roles as a cleric and defensive pokemon to free up a moveslot, which I felt was necessary to rival with other bulky waters. It’s very good at countering rain, can defog, and use its great coverage against tons of threats. You’ll notice I gave both Lati@s the pivot move of their respective typings.

BP: __

Category: View attachment 325870
Accuracy: __
PP: 10 (max 16)
Description: Heals user by 25% and cures the user’s party of all status conditions. (Think of it as Jungle Healing + Heal Bell.)


Mega being Revolved: Mega Diancie
New Pokémon Name: Gemperial (Gem + Imperial)
Stats: 50 / 125 / 95 / 125 / 95 / 110 (BST 600)

Abilities: Magic Bounce
Movepool Additions: Accelerock, Superpower, Splinter Deluge
Movepool Restrictions: - Diamond Storm, Calm Mind
Niche: Now a potent attacker, Diancie can run either physical or special without one having a clear advantage over the other thanks to its new sig. Its stab coverage is still kinda garbage, which is why, depending on the set, it’ll enjoy Superpower, Earth Power, Mystical Fire, or a combination of those.

BP: 100

Category: View attachment 325874
Accuracy: 95%
PP: 5 (max 8)
Description: Physical if the user’s Atk is higher than its SpAtk. (Photon Geyser clone).

Due to the nature of physical Electric STAB, I think it's fair to keep Grounding Shock at regular Freeze Dry power.

Mega being Revolved: Latias
New Pokémon Name: Latisylph (Latias + Sylph)
Stats: 110(+30)/80/100(+10)/130(+20)/90(-40)/90(-20) BST: 600
Typing: Dragon/Fairy
Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Draining Kiss, Fairy Wind
Mega being Revolved: Latios
New Pokémon Name: Latisulfur (Latios + Sulfur)
Stats: 80/110(+30)/90(+10)/90(-30)/90(-20)/120(+10) BST: 600
Typing: Dragon/Poison
Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Cross Poison, Poison Tail, Poisonous Trigger
Mega being Revolved: Diancie
New Pokémon Name: Diamoner (Diamond + Miner)
Stats: 50/100/130(-20)/110(+10)/140(-10)/70(+30) BST: 600
Typing: Fighting/Fairy
Abilities: Magic Bounce
Movepool Additions: Aura Sphere, Detect, Vacuum Wave, Coaching, Moonlight, Diamond Fleet
Removed Moves: Moonblast

Diamond Fleet: This Pokémon throws a fleet of Diamonds to crash into the enemy. it has a 20% chance to lower the opponents Special Defense. Damage: 90, Accuracy: 100%, Type: Fairy, Attack Type: Special
Poisonous Trigger: This Pokémon poisons the foe, and causes them to only use attacking moves for 2 turns. Damage: None , Accuracy: 100%, Type: Poison, Attack Type: Status

I think your Latias sub should be a different typing, as of right now it heavily steps on Mega Altaria's toes as a bulky Dragon Fairy type.

As for Mega Latios, It needs better stab options outside of Cross Poison (this is a terrible move nothing uses it).

Mega being Revolved: Mega Latias
New Pokémon Name: Altheias [altheia + 'as']
Stats: 130/80/110/80/110/90
Typing: Water/Psychic
Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Scald, Flip Turn, Heal Bell, Encore, *Aeon Drain
Niche: Plays like a Slowbro/Slowking fusion, which, from OU, we know are already great Pokemon. In exchange for losing Regenerator, Altheias brings Wish and Defog to the table, letting it provide additional team support and offer incredible role compression.

Mega being Revolved: Mega Latios
New Pokémon Name: Nouios [nous + 'os']
Stats: 90/110/80/110/80/130
Typing: Flying/Psychic
Abilities: Levitate (unfortunately useless...)
Movepool Additions: Brave Bird, Hurricane, U-Turn, Earth Power, *Aeon Skip
Niche: Lugia and Xatu make you think this type combo is only good on defense, but Nouios shows how powerful it can be on offense as well. Dragon Dance + Brave Bird is scary. As a balancing factor, Dragon Dance sets are unable to break through Ground-immune Steels (such as Corviknight) as Earthquake can't touch them. Alternatively, sets choosing to go special have Hurricane to turn to for STAB with Calm Mind to boost. With a wider special movepool, this set doesn't have as much problem with Steels, but lacks the speed from Dragon Dance.

Altheia (truth) and Nous (mind) are the original children in Gnostisim, which is where the concept of 'eons' comes from.

Aeon Drain: This Pokemon drains the foe's health. [special Water-type Giga Drain clone]
Aeon Skip: This Pokemon attacks using its speed. [special Flying type, Body Press clone but uses speed]

For Latias you need to either cut into it's bulk (it's kind of amazing as is right now) or pick a much more exploitable defensive typing. 130/110/110 bulk on a Water Psychic type is kind of wild. Quite honestly 130/110/110 bulk is wild period, so please look into that.

Mega being Revolved: Latias
New Pokémon Name: Neutram
Stats: 80/80/130/110/90/110
Typing: Dragon/Fairy
Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Shining Blast, Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss, Moonblast, Play Rough
Movepool Removals: Confusion, Mist Ball, Psycho Cut, Psyshock, Zen Headbutt
Type: Fairy
Category: Special
Base Power: 80
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 8
Effect: 100% Chance to lower target's special attack.
Niche: A physically defensive fairy type that can sponge knock offs and stop sweep from dragon dance sweepers, notably from its counterpart, Neutrom. It can also run a Calm Mind setup set to help patch up its lower spdef and sweep.

Mega being Revolved: Latios
New Pokémon Name: Neutrom
Stats: 80/130/80/90/110/110
Typing: Dragon/Dark
Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Dark Blast, Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Sucker Punch, Switcheroo
Movepool Removals: Luster Purge, Psycho Cut, Psyshock, Trick, Zen Headbutt
Type: Dark
Category: Physical
Base Power: 80
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 8
Effect: 100% Chance to lower target's defense
Niche: A physically offensive dark type that can stallbreak thanks to its signature move lowering defense. With Dark Blast forcing switches, it has an easy time setting up Dragon Dance or crippling teams by removing their items with Knock Off.

See what I said about Dragon Fairy types on Main Mon here.

The Latios one looks kind of strong, as Dark type Fire Lash backed up by Latios's surprisingly good physical movepool + boosting may make it spiral out of control. I request a sort of balancing out here.

Voting starts in 48 hours, giving you lots plenty of time to adjust! See ya!
huh voting is closing later
guess i will make a sub

Mega being Revolved::diancie-mega:
New Pokémon Name: Diamonress
Stats: 100, 75, 75, 125, 125, 100
Typing: Rock, Fairy
Abilities: Magic Bounce
Movepool Additions: none but diamond storm is removed
Custom Move: Sparkling Shot; 40 BP, 100 Accuracy, 16 PP, Fairy Type, Hits twice and ignores Protect and Screens
Niche: just an random sub i made
Belated congrats to Gyltia, El Cadaver, and abismal. I'm glad to see my Psychic mon streak broken even if Psychic Surge would have been nice (maybe).

As it was, I really needed the week break, especially since I conveniently didn't any good ideas for this slate as it was. This is even more true with Latias and Latios being understandably chained together, which is going to make voting on those entries rather tough; there are definitely entries where I would vote for one twin but not for the other.

Oh well. These should be my final votes. Stay safe everyone:

:latios-mega: and :latias-mega: Lati-Twin-Megas: abismal, Gyltia, Ema Skye
:diancie-mega: Diancie-Mega: Lapzaplerq, Gyltia, Magmajudis
You guys love making me work, huh?
It's not even AFD anymore, so I can't do a joke. Well Played, G-Luke.


  1. Gyltia
  2. abismal
  3. Mossy Sandwich

  1. Lapzaplerq
  2. Magmajudis
  3. abismal
Latios and Latias: Absimal, Gylthia, Lapzaplerq
Diancie: ViZar, Magmajudis, kakaks

Voting will end in six hours, so if you haven't voted now is your chance!


Mega being Revolved: Mega Latios
New Pokémon Name: Celarios (Celare, to conceal, + os)
Stats: 80 / 110 / 80 / 110 / 90 / 130 (BST 600)

Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Discharge, Volt Switch, Wild Charge, Grounding Shock
Movepool Restrictions: - Calm Mind, Luster Purge, Psyshock, Roost, Recover, Mystical Fire
Niche: Since Latios has always been the offensive one of the pair, I thought I’d give him a typing that reflects his aggressive nature, and a Speed that fits his flavor. It becomes a threatening attacker on both spectrums, and its signature move allows it to muscle through Ground types after a Dragon Dance. It also has an excellent typing for Levitate, which is why I removed its healing options. It sets itself apart from other electric types thanks to Levitate and having a powerful secondary stab (sorry Koko). Physical sets can’t touch Ferrothorn, Tapu Bulu, and struggle with Baritaria, while Special sets get walled by Blissey and the likes.

BP: 70

Category: View attachment 325869
Accuracy: 100%
PP: 10 (max 16)
Description: Super-effective against Ground types. (Basically a physical, electric-type Freeze-Dry. Kept the BP low so it wouldn't be too oppressive unboosted.)
EDIT: Bumped up the power to 70 and made it 100% accurate based on G-Luke's suggestion and running some calcs which were less impressive than anticipated.


Mega being Revolved: Mega Latias
New Pokémon Name: Celarias (Celare, to conceal, + as)
Stats: 80 / 80 / 130 / 90 / 110 / 110 (BST 600)

Abilities: Levitate
Movepool Additions: Scald, Hydro Pump, Sparkling Area, Flip Turn, Concealing Mist
Movepool Restrictions: - Calm Mind, Mist Ball, Psyshock, Mystical Fire
Niche: Since I made Latios an electric type for its aggressive nature, water seemed like a perfect fit here, as it also works with Latias' misty refraction flavor. It’s not bad defensively, especially with Levitate; its signature move allows it to stack roles as a cleric and defensive pokemon to free up a moveslot, which I felt was necessary to rival with other bulky waters. It’s very good at countering rain, can defog, and use its great coverage against tons of threats. You’ll notice I gave both Lati@s the pivot move of their respective typings.

BP: __

Category: View attachment 325870
Accuracy: __
PP: 10 (max 16)
Description: Heals user by 25% and cures the user’s party of all status conditions. (Think of it as Jungle Healing + Heal Bell.)
Mega being revolved: Mega-Diancie
New Pokemon Name: Diachess (Diamond+Duchess)
Typing: Rock/Fairy
Stats: 90-100-100-125-90-95
Abilities: Magic Bounce
New Moves: Diamond Beam, Teleport
Movepool removals: Diamond Storm, Explosion, Gyro Ball
Niche: Powerful special attacker, that can set up with Calm Mind, set rocks and bring momentum to it's team with Teleport and Diamond Beam.

Rock type, 5 PP (8 Max), Special, 140 BP, 100% Accuracy.
This move hits two turns after being used. (Doom Desire clone)

Now, for the 'final' slate....we come full circle. We started this Pet Mod with starters, so now we end with...

Slate 13: Hoenn Starters

:ss/sceptile-mega: :ss/blaziken-mega: :ss/swampert-mega:


- All 3 mons are treated as regular evolutions, and can have up to +50 bst to distribute.
- Sceptile-Mega must keep its Grass typing; Blaziken-Mega must keep its Fire typing; Swampert-Mega must keep its Water typing.
- Two abilities max for each Pokémon.

Don't be stupid with Blaziken. Please.

This is it! I hope you all have fun!
Mega being Revolved: Mega Swampert
New Pokémon Name: Burrowcean (Burrow+Ocean, subject to change)
Stats: 110/130/95/85/95/70 [BST 585]
Typing: Water/Ground
Abilities: Torrent/Swift Swim
Movepool Additions: Shore Up
Niche: It can still do its rain sweeper thing with very similar offensive prowess as before, but now it also has really nice defensive utility with Shore Up (please) and a great utility movepool. Water/Ground is a super good defensive type and it fills out really nicely here, giving us a solid, versatile threat that can fill several roles depending on the team. More to come, I’ll probably post the other two at some point and write a longer description here.
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Mega being Revolved: Mega Sceptile
New Pokemon Name: Misvile (Missile + Vine)
Stats: 80/85/85/125/85/120 [BST: 580]
Typing: Grass/Dragon
Abilities: Overgrow | Lightning Rod
Movepool Addition: Draco Meteor, Earth Power, Power Gem
Niche: Fast Special Wallbreaker, probably does best with Choice Spec.
Mega being Revolved: Mega Blaziken
New Pokemon Name: Sweeblast (Sweep + Blast)
Stats: 90/130/70/130/70/90 [BST: 580]
Typing: Fire/Fighting
Abilities: Blaze | Speed Boost
Movepool Addition: Dark Pulse, Drain Punch, Sludge Bomb
Niche: Wallbreaker on the both side, has Swords Dance for physical set-up, Work Up is best special set-up here which is better run Choice Spec.
Mega being Revolved: Mega Swampert
New Pokemon Name: Terrath (Terra + Wrath)
Stats: 110/130/90/95/90/70 [BST: 535]
Typing: Water/Ground
Abilities: Torrent | Swift Swim
Movepool Addition: Aqua Jet, Gunk Shot, Knock Off
Niche: Physical Swift Swim Wallbreaker, able to run Choice Band set, Bulk Up set, and Stealth Rock set.
I don't know why but these 3 really make me think really hard about their names.
it looks like a christmas tree with glowing ornaments
Name: Scellume (Scepter + Illume/Illuminate)
Mega Revolved: :sceptile:


Abilities: Overgrow / Lightning Rod
New Moves: Volt Switch, Taunt, Thunder Cage, Thunderbolt, Earth Power, Zing Zap.
Stats: 70 / 85 / 83 / 115 / 85 / 142
HP: 70 -> 70 (+0)
Attack: 85 -> 85 (+0)
Defense: 65 -> 83 (+18)
SpAtk: 105 -> 115 (+10)
SpDef: 85 -> 85 (+0)
Speed: 120 -> 142 (+22)
BST: 530 -> 570

: Fast offensive pivot, works well with specs and is okay at trapping the opponent. Even though its not part dragon, it's still kind of cool IMO. Grass electric is an interesting combo because it works well against a few pokemon that are common, such as Toxapex, Corviknight, Regieleki, Slowcone, Slowbro, Tapu Fini, Swampert, Pelipper, and potentially more. With Thunder Cage / Leech Seed / Taunt, it can stop blissey from setting up too easily, or stop pokemon from setting hazards. It provides decent support for your team, being able to apply status or seed quickly and then switch out into another pokemon. If it want's to stall against a pokemon to rack up more damage before switching, it has the ability to do so thanks to synthesis and its high speed. It's not great but it can stand off against heatran with Earth Power, all you really have to do is use the aforementioned strategy of stalling with Chip Damage. You can also run a Dragon Dance set too as an option, might not be as reliable but it has a decent movepool to work with.
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Congrats to Gyltia and Magmajudis. Also thanks to G-Luke and the other council people for this (and for that Google spreadsheet I only finally noticed).

This last one--unless we suddenly do the Ubers-only mons--is going to be the most difficult just because of how linear this feels, but these are definitely appropriate mons to end on for all of this. Personally I'm going to be a bit boring--shocker, I know--with this one since it seems weird to nix the starter abilities and the other ability has to be the mandatory ability. Shame that said mandatory ability is overpowered on Blaziken and underpowered on Sceptile, but we'll make do I guess. I might fiddle around with the stats of these slightly, but I doubt I'll make any big changes.

Stay safe regardless.

[EDIT #1: Just a minor edit to fix the typos I somehow still always miss despite all my (apparently subpar) proofreading. That and clarifying Explodiken's etymology, including finally acknowledging the obvious "chicken" pun in Blaziken's name that somehow vacated my mind yesterday. That's all for now.]


Mega being Revolved: Sceptile-Mega
New Pokémon Name: Fernotomize ("fern" + "autotomize"; the lightest of puns on "ferro-")
Stats: 80 HP / 90 Atk / 75 Def / 120 SpA / 90 SpD / 130 Spe (+10 HP / +05 Atk / +05 Def / +15 SpA / +05 SpD / +10 Spe = +50 BST)

Abilities: Overgrow / Lightning Rod (hidden ability)
Movepool Additions: Autotomize, Electro Ball, Flash Cannon, Meteor Mash, Power Gem, Steel Beam (might be problematic but every Steel type has it yadda yadda)
Niche: A fast clean-up mon that's sort of like Kartana on the special side except a) it's faster, b) more specially oriented (obviously), c) can't muscle past opposing Steels nearly as easily since Fernotomize would have to rely on Focus Miss, and d) doesn't automatically snowball. So, you know, not really like Kartana at all. [/dissimile] Still, I feel like that's basically the best comparison since the only other (fully evolved) Grass/Steel would still be Ferrothorn, and being a lesser version of a highly threatening, borderline obnoxious mon but on the other side of the attacking spectrum is definitely nothing to scoff. At the very least, it's definitely preferable to either obviating or being obviated by Arbosaur if this remained Grass/Dragon. It also can switch into Electric types relatively easily without its typing being almost redundant to that now while also not auto-dying to Ice Shards despite (still) being faster than anything that actually gets Ice Shard.

It seems a bit overkill given its already high speed, but it fits both with Sceptile-Mega's flavor of apparently having a detachable tail--[insert resistance to obvious joke here]--and with wanting this to not outspeed Beedrill-Mega's revolved self automatically; I also (for now) wanted it to speed-tie Gyltia's Manectric-Mega since I'm a masochist like that. Just one Autotomize (and likely Life Orb) helps it clean up most things that would want to switch in against it depend on its coverage that aren't called "Blissey" or "Chansey", though needing Autotomize in the first place means it will have to drop coverage for something. This also seems fairer than just giving it Bullet Punch even though for some reason that's the only common physical Steel attack that has 100% accuracy besides Smart Strike, which is apparently horn-based annoyingly enough. Finally, it fits with becoming lightly Steel--those defenses barely got buffed after all--and seems fairer than giving it STAB on Electro Ball, which would have been redundant with abismal's entry anyway. Yay?

(Also writing its name that many times will finally help force me to stop erroneously calling it "automotize", which isn't even a word. [/deep shame])


Mega being Revolved: Blaziken-Mega
New Pokémon Name: Explodiken ("explode" + "ken", a Japanese word for "fist"; ...also a pun on "chicken"...obviously >_>)
Stats: 90 HP / 135 Atk / 80 Def / 125 SpA / 80 SpD / 70 Spe (+10 HP / +15 Atk / +10 Def / +15 SpA / +10 SpD / -10 Spe = +50 BST)

Abilities: Blaze / Speed Boost (hidden ability)
Movepool Additions: "...You get nothing! You lose! Good day sir!"
Niche: Still basically a powerful cleaner and set-up threat, but it basically has to actually take its time to build up speed rather than just needing one turn to Swords Dance or simply murder an already weakened mon and snowball from there anyway. Now it still gets outsped by max Speed, Timid Nature Regieleki at +2 and also Speed-ties with (my) Swampert-Mega('s revolved form) in rain at +2. I was admittedly going to just dump its boosts solely into defensive stats, but then I realized that now Blaziken can technically use Evolite anyway, which both obviates that approach and may be problem in and of itself. Regardless, this at least doesn't have as much Atk as it got as a Mega. Yay?


Mega being Revolved: Swampert-Mega
New Pokémon Name: Moramphib ("morass" + "amphibian")
Stats: 110 HP / 125 Atk / 100 Def / 90 SpA / 90 SpD / 70 Spe (+10 HP / +15 Atk / +10 Def / +05 SpA / +00 SpD / +10 Spe = +50 BST)

Abilities: Torrent / Swift Swim (hidden ability)
Movepool Additions: Steel Roller
Niche: Much like with Explodiken, this is basically just a toned down version of the actual Mega that's slightly more bulky. I didn't even bother increasing its Special Defense just because regular Swampert can now use Eviolite if it wanted to do so. There's really not much to say about this sadly beyond that other than that I'm tempted to give it Aqua Jet, but that would likely be overkill. Shrug. I'm not thrilled about this one, which makes it a lame one to end on and which is admittedly a large part of reason I gave it Steam Roller just to have some actual variation. At least with Steam Roller it has an interesting niche against (or with) Tapus (and Rillaboom) without needing to depend upon Rain. Yay?
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Mega being Revolved: Scepile
New Pokémon Name: Junglizard (Jungle+Lizard)
Stats: 90(+20)/65(-20)/85(+20)/125(+20)/85/130(+10) BST: 580
Typing: Grass/Dragon
Abilities: Thick Fat HA: Lightning Rod
Movepool Additions: Psychic, Earth Power, Jungle Healing, Flamethrower
Mega being Revolved: Blaziken
New Pokémon Name: KFClick (KFC+Click)
Stats: 80/120/100(+30)/100(-10)/100(+30)/80 BST: 580
Typing: Fire/Rock
Abilities: Sturdy HA: Speed Boost
Movepool Additions: None
Mega being Revolved: Swampert
New Pokémon Name: Seapert
Stats: 100/110/120(+30)/75(-10)/120(+30)/60 BST: 580
Typing: Water/Dark
Abilities: Swift Swim HA: Iron Fist
Movepool Additions: Crunch, Dragon Dance, Bullet Punch, Mach Punch
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Mega being Revolved: Mega Sceptile
New Pokémon Name: Jungyle (jungle + reptile)
Stats: 70 / 110 / 75 / 140 / 75 / 110 (BST 580)

Abilities: Overgrow / Lightning Rod
Movepool Additions: Draco Meteor, Dragon Tail, Sludge Bomb
Niche: Mega Sceptile always suffered from being a mega, because that meant no access to Draco Meteor; that’s now fixed. Rather straightforward, it will want to spam very powerful Leaf Storms and DMs, with Focus Blast as his only coverage to hit steels. Think of it as a specially oriented Kartana, since it has a similarly bad Stab combo and the same speed tier, which is why I wasn’t scared to give it a high special atk. The ability to absorb volt switches is nice I guess, as it allows you to not run a ground type if it doesn’t fit your team. Overall, it’s a powerful special breaker that can also run fun physical set-up sets, though the number of Dragon Dancers we’ve added might make that irrelevant.


Mega being Revolved: Mega Blaziken
New Pokémon Name: Inferken (Inferno + Chicken)
Stats: 80 / 125 / 85 / 125 / 85 / 75 (BST 575)

Abilities: Blaze / Speed Boost
Movepool Additions: Darkest Lariat, Dark Pulse
Niche: I wanted to make a Fire / Flying fusion, but I don’t think we can make better ones than Chargaryen or Pidgeastroph, so I went with the only other typing that made sense to me. It pretty much plays like Blaziken, Swords Dance and Speed Boost go brrr, or you can go special with a specs or life orb if you’re quirky that way. Few defensive pokemons check it but it’s not without answers.


Mega being Revolved: Mega Swampert
New Pokémon Name: Mudalwart (mud + stalwart)
Stats: 100 / 130 / 100 / 90 / 100 / 65 (BST 585)

Abilities: Torrent / Swift Swim
Movepool Additions: Fishious Rend just kidding.
Niche: Fairly straightforward, Mega Swampert will always be good. It’s slow enough that I think picking Barraskewda over it can actually make sense if you want speed control over raw power. Other than that, not much to add.
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My subs :P

Mega being Revolved: Mega Sceptile
New Pokémon Name: Foliaptile (foliage + reptile)
Stats: 70 HP / 100 Atk / 75 Def / 140 SpA / 85 SpD / 110 Spe (BST 580)

Abilities: Overgrow | HA: Lightning Rod
Movepool Additions: Draco Meteor, Calm Mind, Dragon Tail
Niche: Foliaptile is a wallbreaker, utilizing Calm Mind to boost the power of is strong STAB options and flex it's solid coverage in dual STAB + Focus Blast to bully bulky teams. It can also opt for Choice Specs to hit hard right off the bat. It's not as fast as base Sceptile but with as hard as it naturally hits + CM it isn't too much of a loss.

Mega being Revolved: Mega Blaziken
New Pokémon Name: Conflagraken (Conflagration + Chicken)
Stats: 80 HP / 125 Atk / 75 Def / 135 SpA / 80 SpD / 80 Spe (BST 575)

Abilities: Blaze | HA: Speed Boost
Movepool Additions: N/A
Niche: Instead of being physically based like it's prevolution, Conflagraken heavily learns into SpA sets with its new 135 SpA. It can still pull off Swords Dance well (even better than Blaziken probably) but it faces much of the same problems it's base form has (80 base speed on an offensive mon isn't spectacular, even with Speed Boost, and lack of SpA boosting options make that set struggle versus fat.). Even so, it's still a strong anti offense pick.

Mega being Revolved: Mega Swampert
New Pokémon Name: Bogchamp (Bog + Champ)
Stats: 110 HP / 130 Atk / 90 Def / 95 SpA / 90 SpD / 70 Spe (BST 585)

Abilities: Torrent | HA: Swift Swim
Movepool Additions: Weather Ball
Niche: Rain has never been better with the return of its premiere Swift Swim sweeper, in the form of Bogchamp. While technically bulkier than Swampert, it's the better defensive mon with it's access to Eviolite. But even ignoring that, Bogchamp's power under rain is spectacular. It also adds another solid offensive SR setter in place of Seismitoad on teams, and that can always be helpful.
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