SPOILERS! Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Data Dumps

Something that just hit me is Luxray's Level Up Moves sucking after Level 20 isn't a very big deal because you can buy Thunderbolt TMs. (Making TMs single use but giving out multiple of the best ones was a mistake since it ruins the point of making them single use and makes TMs cheaper to buy.) Its 120 Attack is nice if you can use it, but 95 Special Attack is still pretty good and Volt Switch is very nice for when you need to switch to something that has a movepool. Still a problem for me though because I need to use a TM if I want Swagger because it's Level 72 instead of DP's Level 28... There's some small but good reasons I'm not completely sure if I want this game or want it to burn in more fire than it has. (They had their chance to live down Sinnoh's Fire type problem, but no, they had to make Magby version exclusive.)
Nah, the TMs are the best way of splitting the difference. In early gens, TMs like EQ were an actual limit on your team. Using a Rhydon in RBY was a good way of nerfing yourself, since that meant nothing else could have that necessary coverage. Gen V's infinite TMs solve that problem, but they make it too easy to toss coverage onto your mons for one E4 fight and then swap their moves to something else for the next one. Making TMs infinitely available, but they cost money to use multiple times, fixes that problem.

Does anyone know if they're doing the same thing this time that they did with Headbutt/Rock Smash in Gen II? Where you have to find the TMs in the wild before they're available for purchase?
I'm talking about ones who change based off of which version you have

Aliister - Gengar
Bea - Machamp
Melony - Lapras
Gordie - CoAlOsSaL

Idea: Make Gordie the Dragon type trainer with a GMax Dragonite as his ace, and just have Raihan be an all-rounder Weather gym leader with Coalossal. That way that pair of Gym leaders matches the original Kanto Elite Four's. Coalosal would probably fit Raihan better anyway, as a part of his Weather team, since he benefits from both Sandstorm (Sp. Def boost) and Sun (Fire moves get powered up)
You could also just give Geordie an Aerodactyl or a Tyranitar, both of which are mons Lance has used in the past. Aerodactyl is more iconic for him so that's what I'd go with, but it depends on what they have for GMax ideas.

That said, Raihan being both Weather and Dragon and Double was too many things. I like them trying to make him more challenging, but it would have been better if some of the other leaders were Double battles or used Weather abilities and he was allowed to be more focused.
ILCA: develops the game in Unity
Wooper: "I am the trainer now."

Does anyone know if they're doing the same thing this time that they did with Headbutt/Rock Smash in Gen II? Where you have to find the TMs in the wild before they're available for purchase?
Correct. I'm pretty sure I've seen the former HMs only at the Battle Tower, but I dunno if they're available for sale before that. I doubt it though. People already ain't gonna drop BP for Rock Smash, imagine if they had the option to just drop cash on it instead. Literally wasted slots. :psysly:

Nah, the TMs are the best way of splitting the difference. In early gens, TMs like EQ were an actual limit on your team. Using a Rhydon in RBY was a good way of nerfing yourself, since that meant nothing else could have that necessary coverage.
This is true.

You do get multiple TMs off Leaders and the like, if I recall, 3 from the HM sources, 5 from Leaders. However, as far as I've seen, the overworld TMs (Like EQ and Rock Tomb) are only one apiece.

Compared to Gens 5-7, and even as a TR in SwSh, EQ's value hasn't been this high since OG DP itself.
Even though in a way, it literally is. After all, BDSP is a remake of DP. :psysly:
wait, so where are you able to rebuy TMs from then?

I've heard you can exchange them in the Grand Underground for Spheres that you mine, though I cannot confirm if that's true or not.

If they are, then this definitely reminds me of Galar's TRs in the Wild Area where you exchanged Watts you got from Raid Dens in exchange for TRs, except this time you do so in Sinnoh's Grand Underground in exchange for Spheres.
Now, I dunno if this falls into wishlisting, but besides Shell Smash Torterra, what are other missed opportunities/losses movepool-wise?
Quiver Dance Lumineon (first damn thing I checked for)
Gunk Shot Weezing (my boy has been deprived of physical STAB since the physical/special split itself)
Dodrio lost Jump Kick and didn't get High Jump Kick to replace it. Yeah, it got Lunge, but even still...

And this one is more of a weird decision in terms of the Pokémon's lore than any sort of practicality, considering it does still have access to the move, but... they took Dream Eater off of Drowzee and Hypno's level-up movepool, and then put Hypnosis on there 3 times. Like... after the fandom's been calling them out on Drowzee and Hypno not getting Dream Eater by leveling up even though eating dreams comes as naturally to them as Hypnosis itself... and then after they actually do it, they take it right back at the first opportunity. Like... really? Same deal with Muk and Moonblast- that was such a good pick for it because of how Grimer as a species is said to have come to be, but then they just take it away again...
Yes. As soon as you get to Floaroma, right after Roark. This is confirmed.

Now, I dunno if this falls into wishlisting, but besides Shell Smash Torterra, what are other missed opportunities/losses movepool-wise?
Quiver Dance Lumineon (first damn thing I checked for)
Gunk Shot Weezing (my boy has been deprived of physical STAB since the physical/special split itself)
Dodrio lost Jump Kick and didn't get High Jump Kick to replace it. Yeah, it got Lunge, but even still...

And this one is more of a weird decision in terms of the Pokémon's lore than any sort of practicality, considering it does still have access to the move, but... they took Dream Eater off of Drowzee and Hypno's level-up movepool, and then put Hypnosis on there 3 times. Like... after the fandom's been calling them out on Drowzee and Hypno not getting Dream Eater by leveling up even though eating dreams comes as naturally to them as Hypnosis itself... and then after they actually do it, they take it right back at the first opportunity. Like... really? Same deal with Muk and Moonblast- that was such a good pick for it because of how Grimer as a species is said to have come to be, but then they just take it away again...

Also, Magmortar not learning Aura Sphere and Dark Pulse and Dragon Pulse and getting something like Mega Launcher as an ability is a loss opportunity since gen 6.
Electivire not being Electric/Fight and not getting things like Drain Punch, Close combat...with Iron Fist.
Luxray not getting Dark typing...and the list can go on.
Quiver Dance Lumineon (first damn thing I checked for)
Gunk Shot Weezing (my boy has been deprived of physical STAB since the physical/special split itself)
Dodrio lost Jump Kick and didn't get High Jump Kick to replace it. Yeah, it got Lunge, but even still...

And this one is more of a weird decision in terms of the Pokémon's lore than any sort of practicality, considering it does still have access to the move, but... they took Dream Eater off of Drowzee and Hypno's level-up movepool, and then put Hypnosis on there 3 times. Like... after the fandom's been calling them out on Drowzee and Hypno not getting Dream Eater by leveling up even though eating dreams comes as naturally to them as Hypnosis itself... and then after they actually do it, they take it right back at the first opportunity. Like... really? Same deal with Muk and Moonblast- that was such a good pick for it because of how Grimer as a species is said to have come to be, but then they just take it away again...
I don't think they took any of the LGPE learnsets in mind for the learnsets in these games. It seems all to be modified SwSh or USUM learnsets, depending on the pokémon.

As for Drowzee and Hypno, their learnsets suffer from ILCA's reluctance to either shuffle around moves or cut down the length of learnsets. The last slot with Hypnosis is at level 37, which may have been a little early for Drowzee/Hypno, but that could have been easily fixed by moving up some later moves and put in Dream Eater in a later slot. Also, Drowzee's level-up learnset could have easily been trimmed down instead, since it didn't really need more moves (other than Dream Eater) as compensation for those that have been cut. Its learnset is already pretty long (it learns moves every four levels and yet its learnsets goes into the 60's), and Hypno doesn't even change level-up pattern after evolution since the learnset already goes on for so long already.

And as a matter of fact, ILCA did cut lengths of learnsets or shuffled around move order for other pokémon. It's just that in those cases, it's usually one move at most that have been cut (like Bellsprout and Weepinbell losing their last level-up slot) or have been moved to an earlier level-up slot (Spearow/Fearow learning Assurance where Pursuit used to be, and Take Down taking Assurance's old slot).

I think a lot of the strange issues with the BDSP learnsets would have been fixed if they had gotten reworked SWSH-style, since now a lot of the changes feel rather ham-fisted. I wonder if it was caused by a lack of time from either GF or ILCA, or if ILCA weren't allowed to make sweeping changes to learnsets (though they did give Probopass Body Press as a completely new addition, that wasn't a compensation for a removed move :smogduck:).

Edit: Also, I don't think High Jump Kick would have been fitting as replacement for Doduo, Stantler etc. High Jump Kick is described in-game as a knee kick, rather than a dropkick like Jump Kick. However, Close Combat would have fit both Doduo and Stantler nicely imo.

I like that Lunge got some distribution outside Bug-types, but it doesn't make up for the lost Fighting-type coverage.. :psysad:
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On rotating 30 mons: I am worse. I never keep a fixed team. I have weird challenge like rules for myself:
1. I have to try catch everything I encounter unless I already have a member of that evolutionary line (I need multiples for split evolutions)
2. I can prepare my team before a boss fight, but after every boss fight, I have to replace at least half my team with my lowest level mons. O mist keep the resulting team until I am ready to prepare for the next boss fight.

Yes, I need to grind a lot
Now, I dunno if this falls into wishlisting, but besides Shell Smash Torterra, what are other missed opportunities/losses movepool-wise?
The return of TM 06 Toxic but only giving it to Mew and Pokemon that could already learn Toxic is salt in the wound for its loss in SwSh. They should've replaced the TM with anything else. Anything. If they had to keep it, they could've at least given it to every Poison type and anyone that can learn Toxic Spikes.
Am I the only one here that was really annoyed to see they kept all the old DP teams at first, then saw the rematches and thought that this had the best designed teams ever? For me this isn't just because of the high quality, but also because I think the team at ILCA that made the boss fights have done this as their way of saying something like this:

"We hate giving you these ridiculously type-deviating teams from over ten years ago more than a certain group of you will hate facing them. But please don't blame us, blame Game Freak for giving you such a rubbish Pokedex way back in the originals. You see those rematches? If we were designing the Pokedex and allowed to do our own brand new boss fights for the main game we'd have given you teams like this."

"Now would you consider letting us do the boss battle teams in the next instalment please?"

If they really are thinking that then they are genius, and I hope that Game Freak does consider letting them do the fights for the next games. As others have said, odd how the two games that have the best-thought out boss fights are the two that Game Freak hardly touched, isn't it?
I know that this is just a coincidence but I love the fact that the lvl 100 boss in this game (Shadow Giratina) is a Ghost-Type, therefore, immune to the age old FEAR sets. Just kinda funny to me that the strongest boss in the game actively counters that cheesy strat.
Does anyone want to make a video of using a Scrappy Taillow and sending it to this guy with a raised eyebrow emoji? :P
I know that this is just a coincidence but I love the fact that the lvl 100 boss in this game (Shadow Giratina) is a Ghost-Type, therefore, immune to the age old FEAR sets. Just kinda funny to me that the strongest boss in the game actively counters that cheesy strat.
Scrappy Taillow, though.

Am I the only one here that was really annoyed to see they kept all the old DP teams at first, then saw the rematches and thought that this had the best designed teams ever? For me this isn't just because of the high quality, but also because I think the team at ILCA that made the boss fights have done this as their way of saying something like this:

"We hate giving you these ridiculously type-deviating teams from over ten years ago more than a certain group of you will hate facing them. But please don't blame us, blame Game Freak for giving you such a rubbish Pokedex way back in the originals. You see those rematches? If we were designing the Pokedex and allowed to do our own brand new boss fights for the main game we'd have given you teams like this."

"Now would you consider letting us do the boss battle teams in the next instalment please?"

If they really are thinking that then they are genius, and I hope that Game Freak does consider letting them do the fights for the next games. As others have said, odd how the two games that have the best-thought out boss fights are the two that Game Freak hardly touched, isn't it?
I was honestly OK to see them keep the D/P lineups. I actually like that Volkner had Octillery as a way around Ground-types, or that Candice's team wasn't automatically obliterated by Fighting or Rock.