Pet Mod Branched Potential v2: Turtonator, Golisipod, Tsareena [VOTING IS OPEN!!]

Name: Suidreem
Prevo: Shiinotic (Use Shiny Stone)

Height: 5'11" | 1.8 m
Weight: 133.4 lbs. | 60.5 kg
Abilities: Illuminate / Effect Spore // Comatose (HA)
Stats: 90 HP / 60 ATK / 80 DEF / 110 SPA / 115 SPD / 45 SPE [BST: 500]

New Moves: Mystical Fire
Removed Moves: none
Flavor/Design: Enriched on the life force drained from its victims, this pokemon has grown to be much larger than regular Shiinotic. It's feet have transformed into multiple root like limbs branching out from under it, which it uses to crawl forward or entangle its prey. Often before lulling it's foes to sleep, it will cry out its name, "Suidreem".

Competitive Description: n/a

Name: Perishroom
Prevo: Shiinotic (Reach level 45 while holding a Life Orb)

Height: 4'09" | 1.4 m
Weight: 9.1 lbs | 4.13 kg
Abilities: Weak Armor / Effect Spore // Perish Body (HA)
Stats: 80 HP / 45 ATK / 110 DEF / 125 SPA / 50 SPD / 90 SPE [BST: 500]

New Moves: Shadow Claw, Hex, Shadow Ball, Nasty Plot
Removed Moves: none
Flavor/Design: Unable to nourish itself using the life force of others, Shiinotic begins consuming its own life force, losing its luster and its mushroom cap begins to shrink. It's appearance becomes tall and bleak, and while it is thin it is very nimble.

Competitive Description: Perishroom is a frightening sweeper with Spore + Nasty Plot. While it is not very fast, weak armor can help it tremendously as it definitely wants a boost to its speed. Grass/Ghost is pretty solid coverage, however is easily stopped by Magneboom. Outside of Spore NP it can perform a little niche bearing a good speed tier to put opponents to sleep with, and an okay amount of bulk.
Name: Misteerie

Height: 3'0" | 0.9 m
Weight: 10.1 lbs. | 4.6 kg
Abilities: Levitate // Prankster (HA)
Stats: 100 HP / 60 ATK / 85 DEF / 90 SPA / 85 SPD / 75 SPE [BST: 495]

Added Moves: Encore, Trick-or-Treat, Stored Power
Removed Moves: none
Flavor/Design: Misteerie are much more powerful pranksters than Misdreavus. They use much more supernatural forces such as curses to toy around with their victims. No matter how much you endure, Misteerie will never grow tired, and the intensity of each curse will only grow as their mischief continues.

Competitive Description: Misteerie is a little ghost that plays a little niche in doing little pranks to cause your little ol' self a little suffering. Simply put, Misteerie like to do a little trolling. Ghost is a fun defensive typing, especially Pure-Ghost, and what's more is Prankster Will-o-Wisp, Curse, Destiny Bond and much more leaves the opponent never wanting to deal with it again. Its sole purpose is to annoy the opposition as much as possible. It's got a lot of great utility, like Taunt or Memento, and it can run various status moves in conjunction with Hex. Misteerie can do a little pushing as well! Offensive sets aren't too bad, its still got Calm Mind or Z-Trick-or-Treat, and Stored Power lets it benefit from those moves greatly. Misteerie is completely walled by dark types so don't be afraid to send them in. If it wants, it can prepare a Perish Trapping set with Encore and Mean Look, similar to how Misdreavus used to play in Gen 3.
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Name:Wizmagis(Note:Male only,evolves from male Mismagius)
Height:1 m
Weight:5 kg
Abilities:Levitate(Electric Surge)

New Moves:Volt Switch
Removed Moves:Nada
Flavor/Design:A dark blue-purple,hat has yellow shapes or smth

Competitive Description:Specs/Scarf user
Name:Miswitchus(Note:Female only,evolves from female Mismagius)
Height:0.9 m
Weight:4.8 kg
Abilities:Levitate(Potion Master*)
Potion Master:This Pokemon's Special moves have a 30% chance to Poison

New Moves:Sludge Bomb,Sludge Wave,Recover
Removed Moves:Nada
Flavor/Design:Witch go brrrr

Competitive Description:A good bulky attacker.NP+2 Attacks or Recover+3 Attacks are probably best.

Name: Miscreemus (Ms. + Scream + us suffix)

Height: 1.5 m (4'92")
Weight: 5.2 kg (11.4 lbs)
Abilities: Pixilate
Stats: 65/65/115/115/65/115 (540 BST)
New Moves: Moonblast.
Flavor/Design: Evolves from Mismagius, after leveling up knowing Hyper Voice.

What now where incantations of unmeasured power, that could be either bad or good, depending on what seems to be solely luck or fortune, are now ear shattering, gut wrenching screams that sound like someone shouting in latin after stubbing their toe.

Miscreemus resembles a banshee-like mismagius, with its mouth agape and its "cape" ragged.

Competitive Description: Choiced/Set Up Sweeper, Wall? (Will-o-Wisp)

Name: Miscrinus (Ms. + Screen + us suffix)

Height: 1.3 m (4'26")
Weight: 5.2 kg (11.4 lbs)
Abilities: Iron Barbs
Stats: 115/115/65/65/115/65 (540 BST)
New Moves: Recover, Play Rough, Spirit Shackle, Light Screen, Reflect, Mirror Coat, Shadow Claw.
Flavor/Design: Evolves from Mismagius, after making contact with a Mega Sableye in a battle (being hit or hitting it with a contact move).

The gems in Mismagius "chest" started shining when it came in contact with a Mega Sableye in a battle. In the days that came after that, Mismagius slowly grew Spikes, and the gems in its chest grew larger, and shined brighter. After several days passed, Mismagius enveloped itself in a red, fulminating light, from which emerged Miscrinus.

Miscrinus resembles a larger Mismagius, which has grown spikes al over its body, specially and the end of its "arms", and "hat", and the gems in its chest now produce a hologram which resembles Mega Sableye's gem, and is able to stop most specials attacks with it.

Competitive Description: Special Wall, Tank, Stall.
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Mismagius' Evolutions:

Liquid Voice
Eerie Spell, Boomburst, Snarl, Ice Beam, Blizzard

Eerie Spell, Moonlight, Moonblast, Psyshock, Cosmic Power, Heal Block

Brione's Evolution:

Aerial Ace, Swords Dance, Giga Impact, Liquidation, Stomping Tantrum, Rapid Spin, Flying Press, Low Sweep
Tidal Tango - 165 BP - Water Type - Physical - Requires Flip Turn - Combines Flying in its type effectiveness.
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Name: Myceliusp
Typing: Dark / Fairy
Abilities: Illuminate / Infiltrator / Flash Fire
Stats: 80/55/100/120/110/50 (515 BST)

New Moves: Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Earth Power, Will-O-Wisp, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Calm Mind, Nasty Plot
Removed Moves: None

Flavour/Design: Myceliusp have long inspired hatred in researchers and trainers alike; they prefer being left alone in dark, slightly damp forests, so any attempts to remove them from this environment often leads to it getting incredibly violent. Intruders to their forests will often find themselves drawn deeper into the forest by its strange, ethereal glow, and then put to sleep by its spores

Primary Roles: Special Sweeper (Nasty Plot), Wallbreaker
Competitive Description: A strong special sweeper, utilising its unique STAB combination and perfect coverage to threaten teams. Its bulk and immunities allows it multiple opportunities to switch in and threaten to setup or render a foe useless with Spore. Flash Fire allows it to switch in more consistently against the many Fire-types of the tier, while Infiltrator gives it a more positive matchup vs offensive teams that utilise dual screens and substitute. Illuminate is a chad option for chad players

Name: Agarimus
Typing: Poison / Fairy
Abilities: Poison Point / Effect Spore / Corrosion
Stats: 100/85/100/60/90/90 (515 BST)

New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Spirit Break, Toxic Spikes, Corrosive Gas, Aromatherapy
Removed Moves: None

Flavour/Design: Although often used as characters in children's picture books due to their cute, friendly appearance, approaching one is ill-advised; Agarimus are incredibly territorial. They're often found in packs of up to 20 members, siting in a circle around their territory. Folklores suggest that those who broach their circle will be trapped inside forever unless they carry iron, though in reality the Agarimus pack will simply attack the intruder with highly corrosive liquids

Primary Roles: Defensive Pivot, Defensive Support
Competitive Description: A fast defensive support mon, which aims to weaken opponents with Strength Sap + Spirit Break and spread Toxic Spikes or Toxic, with the aid of Corrosion. Also Spore. It has some additional utility options between Corrosive Gas and Aromatherapy to provide additional disruption or support respectively
Submission Feedback

Yeah that's right fellas, time for some sub feedback!
Please make any necessary changes to your submissions before submissions close

Name: Hypnomagius (hypno meaning sleep)
Typing: Ghost/Dark Abilities: Comatose
Height: 1.1 m
Weight: 4.4 kg
Stats: 105 HP / 50 Atk / 70 Def / 85 SpA / 125 SpD / 80 Spe [BST: 515]
Hypnomagius currently has a BST of 515, while Mismagius has a BST of 495. Please remove 20 BST from Hypnomagius

Name: Amavarus (Amanita [basically the family with toxic mushrooms] + avarus [greedy in latin])
Typing: Grass/Poison
Height: 1.4 m
Weight: 11.5 kg
Abilities: Effect Spore/Triage/Gluttony
Stats: 91 HP / 45 Atk / 104 Def / 110 SpA / 120 SpD / 40 Spe [BST: 510]
New Moves: Belch, Corrosive Gas (2)
Removed Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss, Moonblast (3)
Flavor/Design: You do not want to know how many poisonous mushroom articles I went through. I imagine that due to consuming too much energy (so ingame Shiinotic evolves into Amavarus by leveling up at level 30s), it turns greedier and greedier for more. Hence the name Amavarus. Mainly based on "destroying angel" mushrooms. (yes thats the actual name.)
Amavarius, since it's current an evolution of Shiinotic, needs a counterpart (so that it's actually a branch and not just a regular evolution lol)

Name: Mismutus
Typing: Ghost / Poison
Abilities: Unstable Reaction / Corrosion
Unstable Reaction: The user's moves with 40 or less base power force the target to use Explosion if damage from a move affected by this ability would cause the target to have less than 25% of their max HP remaining
After council discussion, we've elected to veto Mismutus on the grounds of its custom ability, Unstable Reaction. While a neat idea on paper, it was decided that the idea of KOing another Pokemon at 25% HP was simply too strong, and attempts to nerf this overcomplicated the ability. For this reason, we ask that you remove Unstable Reaction

Name: Suidreem
Prevo: Shiinotic (Use Shiny Stone)

Height: 5'11" | 1.8 m
Weight: 133.4 lbs. | 60.5 kg
Abilities: Illuminate / Effect Spore // Bad Dreams (HA)
Suidreem uses Bad Dreams, an ability that is currently not allowed to be distributed. Please remove it from your submission


Name: Miscreemus (Ms. + Scream + us suffix)

Height: 1.5 m (4'92")
Weight: 5.2 kg (11.4 lbs)
Abilities: Pixilate
Stats: 65/65/115/115/65/115 (540 BST)
New Moves: Moonblast. boomburst?
We'd like to ask that you remove Boomburst from Miscreemus. I know its currently struck through on your initial post but please remove it regardless to prevent any confusion amongst voters and coders

Name: Miscrinus (Ms. + Screen + us suffix)

Height: 1.3 m (4'26")
Weight: 5.2 kg (11.4 lbs)
Abilities: Filter
Stats: 115/115/65/65/115/65 (540 BST)
New Moves: Recover, Play Rough, Spirit Shackle, Light Screen, Reflect, Mirror Coat, Shadow Claw.
Flavor/Design: Evolves from Mismagius, after making contact with a Mega Sableye in a battle (being hit or hitting it with a contact move).
Likewise, we recommend that you remove Filter from Miscrinus, as we believe its current bulk is too much with the additional defensive boons from Filter

... And that's it! Nice subs this slate fellas! Also,
24 Hour Warning for Submissions!
Please make any necessary changes before the day is up.
Have a cool day!
Submissions are now Closed!

Excellent subs as usual this slate fellas, let's cut to the chase and
open up voting!
Name: Hypnomagius (hypno meaning sleep)
Typing: Ghost/Dark Abilities: Comatose
Height: 1.1 m
Weight: 4.4 kg
Stats: 85 HP / 50 Atk / 70 Def / 85 SpA / 125 SpD / 80 Spe [BST: 495]
New Moves: Night Daze, Snarl, Hypnosis (3)
Removed Moves: Rest, Nasty Plot, Facade, Uproar (4)
Flavor/Design: An evolution of Mismagius. I imagine that due to the many hallucinations it's caused to people, with a Moon Stone it falls into a deep sleep and evolves into Hypnomagius. Forever in a sleep for the rest of its life, though still wary and conscious of its surroundings. Natural Mismagius would hate this, but a Mismagius who trusts their trainer will willingly evolve as per the trainer's wishes, that trust giving them sweet dreams from time to time. (i like sappy stuff okay). There's no inspo for this btw I just made it up on the spot-
Compeititive Description: A special defense tank that cannot be affected by status thanks to Comatose. It would be really helpful in spreading its own status effects, inflicting some damage, and of course stall. It's fairy weakness is something to be wary of since it has no coverage against them, but that special defense stat might at least help them survive since only one fairy move is physical.

Name: Mismutus
Typing: Ghost / Poison
Abilities: Unstable Reaction / Corrosion
Unstable Reaction: The user's moves with 40 or less base power lower one of the target's stats, chosen randomly.
Stats: 80 / 80 / 80 / 120 / 80 / 120 [BST: 560]
New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Venoshock, Frost Breath, Poison Jab, Overheat, Eerie Spell
Flavor: Mismutus is inspired by the classic image of an alchemist, constantly experimenting with transmutation magic, as well as that of Lavos from Warframe, a more modern take on alchemists who simply uses all the elements in the game.

Justification: This is very much inspired by M4A's Mega Mismagius, I really like the flavor of an alchemist whose experiments often result in explosions. I also like the idea of executes, instantly killing enemies who dare to have their HP below a certain threshold. Combining those 2 things and we get Mismutus, who deals large amounts of damage with powerful STABs boosted by Nasty Plot, and then once the opponent is at or below 25% max HP, executes them with a Shadow Sneak.
Name: Mismaidius
Typing: Ghost / Fairy
Abilities: Levitate / Magic Bounce
Stats: 100 / 80 / 100 / 80 / 100 / 100 [BST: 560]
New Moves: Rapid Spin, Healing Wish, Wish, Moonblast, Teleport, Spikes
Flavor: maid ghost with broom for sweeping. it sweeps up hazards and dumps them in the trash, which happens to be on the opponent's side of the field.

Justification: Nice cleric and defensive pivot with a lot of utility.

Name: Misteerie

Height: 3'0" | 0.9 m
Weight: 10.1 lbs. | 4.6 kg
Abilities: Levitate // Prankster (HA)
Stats: 100 HP / 60 ATK / 85 DEF / 90 SPA / 85 SPD / 75 SPE [BST: 495]

Added Moves: Encore, Trick-or-Treat, Stored Power
Removed Moves: none
Flavor/Design: Misteerie are much more powerful pranksters than Misdreavus. They use much more supernatural forces such as curses to toy around with their victims. No matter how much you endure, Misteerie will never grow tired, and the intensity of each curse will only grow as their mischief continues.

Competitive Description: Misteerie is a little ghost that plays a little niche in doing little pranks to cause your little ol' self a little suffering. Simply put, Misteerie like to do a little trolling. Ghost is a fun defensive typing, especially Pure-Ghost, and what's more is Prankster Will-o-Wisp, Curse, Destiny Bond and much more leaves the opponent never wanting to deal with it again. Its sole purpose is to annoy the opposition as much as possible. It's got a lot of great utility, like Taunt or Memento, and it can run various status moves in conjunction with Hex. Misteerie can do a little pushing as well! Offensive sets aren't too bad, its still got Calm Mind or Z-Trick-or-Treat, and Stored Power lets it benefit from those moves greatly. Misteerie is completely walled by dark types so don't be afraid to send them in. If it wants, it can prepare a Perish Trapping set with Encore and Mean Look, similar to how Misdreavus used to play in Gen 3.

Name:Wizmagis(Note:Male only,evolves from male Mismagius)
Height:1 m
Weight:5 kg
Abilities:Levitate(Electric Surge)

New Moves:Volt Switch
Removed Moves:Nada
Flavor/Design:A dark blue-purple,hat has yellow shapes or smth

Competitive Description:Specs/Scarf user
Name:Miswitchus(Note:Female only,evolves from female Mismagius)
Height:0.9 m
Weight:4.8 kg
Abilities:Levitate(Potion Master*)
Potion Master:This Pokemon's Special moves have a 30% chance to Poison

New Moves:Sludge Bomb,Sludge Wave,Recover
Removed Moves:Nada
Flavor/Design:Witch go brrrr

Competitive Description:A good bulky attacker.NP+2 Attacks or Recover+3 Attacks are probably best.


: Miscreemus (Ms. + Scream + us suffix)

Height: 1.5 m (4'92")
Weight: 5.2 kg (11.4 lbs)
Abilities: Pixilate
Stats: 65/65/115/115/65/115 (540 BST)
New Moves: Moonblast.
Flavor/Design: Evolves from Mismagius, after leveling up knowing Hyper Voice.

What now where incantations of unmeasured power, that could be either bad or good, depending on what seems to be solely luck or fortune, are now ear shattering, gut wrenching screams that sound like someone shouting in latin after stubbing their toe.

Miscreemus resembles a banshee-like mismagius, with its mouth agape and its "cape" ragged.

Competitive Description: Choiced/Set Up Sweeper, Wall? (Will-o-Wisp)

Name: Miscrinus (Ms. + Screen + us suffix)

Height: 1.3 m (4'26")
Weight: 5.2 kg (11.4 lbs)
Abilities: Iron Barbs
Stats: 115/115/65/65/115/65 (540 BST)
New Moves: Recover, Play Rough, Spirit Shackle, Light Screen, Reflect, Mirror Coat, Shadow Claw.
Flavor/Design: Evolves from Mismagius, after making contact with a Mega Sableye in a battle (being hit or hitting it with a contact move).

The gems in Mismagius "chest" started shining when it came in contact with a Mega Sableye in a battle. In the days that came after that, Mismagius slowly grew Spikes, and the gems in its chest grew larger, and shined brighter. After several days passed, Mismagius enveloped itself in a red, fulminating light, from which emerged Miscrinus.

Miscrinus resembles a larger Mismagius, which has grown spikes al over its body, specially and the end of its "arms", and "hat", and the gems in its chest now produce a hologram which resembles Mega Sableye's gem, and is able to stop most specials attacks with it.

Competitive Description: Special Wall, Tank, Stall.

Mismagius' Evolutions:

Liquid Voice
Eerie Spell, Boomburst, Snarl, Ice Beam, Blizzard

Eerie Spell, Moonlight, Moonblast, Psyshock, Cosmic Power, Heal Block

Name: Amavarus (Amanita [basically the family with toxic mushrooms] + avarus [greedy in latin])
Typing: Grass/Poison
Height: 1.4 m
Weight: 11.5 kg
Abilities: Effect Spore/Triage/Gluttony
Stats: 91 HP / 45 Atk / 74 Def / 85 SpA / 70 SpD / 40 Spe [BST: 510]
New Moves: Belch, Corrosive Gas (2)
Removed Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Draining Kiss, Moonblast (3)
Flavor/Design: You do not want to know how many poisonous mushroom articles I went through. I imagine that due to consuming too much energy (so ingame Shiinotic evolves into Amavarus by leveling up at level 30s), it turns greedier and greedier for more. Hence the name Amavarus. Mainly based on "destroying angel" mushrooms. (yes thats the actual name.)
Competitive Description: Amavarus' bulk can help it cushion hits easily, allowing it to spread status on the opposing team. Triage helps it keep healthy with Giga Drain or Moonlight, and Gluttony can enable quite fun Belch sets. Yes the Belch strat is inspired by Hydreigon. So this mushroom can go the defensive set or the special offensive set, whichever for your preference.
Note: Amavarus' stat spread has been edited to match Shiinotic's; its true BST is 405

Name: Suidreem
Prevo: Shiinotic (Use Shiny Stone)

Height: 5'11" | 1.8 m
Weight: 133.4 lbs. | 60.5 kg
Abilities: Illuminate / Effect Spore // Comatose (HA)
Stats: 90 HP / 60 ATK / 80 DEF / 110 SPA / 115 SPD / 45 SPE [BST: 500]

New Moves: Mystical Fire
Removed Moves: none
Flavor/Design: Enriched on the life force drained from its victims, this pokemon has grown to be much larger than regular Shiinotic. It's feet have transformed into multiple root like limbs branching out from under it, which it uses to crawl forward or entangle its prey. Often before lulling it's foes to sleep, it will cry out its name, "Suidreem".

Competitive Description: n/a

Name: Perishroom
Prevo: Shiinotic (Reach level 45 while holding a Life Orb)

Height: 4'09" | 1.4 m
Weight: 9.1 lbs | 4.13 kg
Abilities: Weak Armor / Effect Spore // Perish Body (HA)
Stats: 80 HP / 45 ATK / 110 DEF / 125 SPA / 50 SPD / 90 SPE [BST: 500]

New Moves: Shadow Claw, Hex, Shadow Ball, Nasty Plot
Removed Moves: none
Flavor/Design: Unable to nourish itself using the life force of others, Shiinotic begins consuming its own life force, losing its luster and its mushroom cap begins to shrink. It's appearance becomes tall and bleak, and while it is thin it is very nimble.

Competitive Description: Perishroom is a frightening sweeper with Spore + Nasty Plot. While it is not very fast, weak armor can help it tremendously as it definitely wants a boost to its speed. Grass/Ghost is pretty solid coverage, however is easily stopped by Magneboom. Outside of Spore NP it can perform a little niche bearing a good speed tier to put opponents to sleep with, and an okay amount of bulk.

Name: Myceliusp
Typing: Dark / Fairy
Abilities: Illuminate / Infiltrator / Flash Fire
Stats: 80/55/100/120/110/50 (515 BST)

New Moves: Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Earth Power, Will-O-Wisp, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Calm Mind, Nasty Plot
Removed Moves: None

Flavour/Design: Myceliusp have long inspired hatred in researchers and trainers alike; they prefer being left alone in dark, slightly damp forests, so any attempts to remove them from this environment often leads to it getting incredibly violent. Intruders to their forests will often find themselves drawn deeper into the forest by its strange, ethereal glow, and then put to sleep by its spores

Primary Roles: Special Sweeper (Nasty Plot), Wallbreaker
Competitive Description: A strong special sweeper, utilising its unique STAB combination and perfect coverage to threaten teams. Its bulk and immunities allows it multiple opportunities to switch in and threaten to setup or render a foe useless with Spore. Flash Fire allows it to switch in more consistently against the many Fire-types of the tier, while Infiltrator gives it a more positive matchup vs offensive teams that utilise dual screens and substitute. Illuminate is a chad option for chad players

Name: Agarimus
Typing: Poison / Fairy
Abilities: Poison Point / Effect Spore / Corrosion
Stats: 100/85/100/60/90/90 (515 BST)

New Moves: Sludge Bomb, Venoshock, Spirit Break, Toxic Spikes, Corrosive Gas, Aromatherapy
Removed Moves: None

Flavour/Design: Although often used as characters in children's picture books due to their cute, friendly appearance, approaching one is ill-advised; Agarimus are incredibly territorial. They're often found in packs of up to 20 members, siting in a circle around their territory. Folklores suggest that those who broach their circle will be trapped inside forever unless they carry iron, though in reality the Agarimus pack will simply attack the intruder with highly corrosive liquids

Primary Roles: Defensive Pivot, Defensive Support
Competitive Description: A fast defensive support mon, which aims to weaken opponents with Strength Sap + Spirit Break and spread Toxic Spikes or Toxic, with the aid of Corrosion. Also Spore. It has some additional utility options between Corrosive Gas and Aromatherapy to provide additional disruption or support respectively

Name: Primorhythm (primo which could mean either lead singer, or friend in Spanish + rhythm)
Typing: Water/Electric
Height: 1.5 m
Weight: 30 kg
Abilities: Torrent | Competitive (HA)
Stats: 78/54/80/106/86/126 (530)
New Moves: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Electric Terrain, Thunder Wave, Electroweb, Discharge (6)
Removed Moves: Draining Kiss, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Misty Terrain, Misty Explosion, Icy Wind (6)
Z-move: Freestyle Tsunami (Water) 175 BP, causes the target to be burned. can only be used by Primorhythm with Scald and Primorhythium-z crystal. Justification for this move: Freestyle rap battles for flavorwise.. and that's it tbh- I did make sure it has the same BP as Stoked Sparksurfer, but I won't mind making this a Z-move with no secondary effects.
Flavor/Design: Based on the Galápagos Sea Lions, who are very friendly towards humans and very loud, especially with the males whose barks are in rhythm and repetitive. Since Primarina was from the word prima donna and ballerina despite the gender percentage being mostly male, I thought it'd be funny to make the opposite. A mostly female species with primo (uomo) in its name, and being inspired with hiphop culture (haha, rhythm. yea dont expect primorapper here pls). Electric seemed fitting for an energetic Pokemon like this fella, though I'm not entirely sure on what the design might be just yet lmao, I just know it evolves near coastlines on the beach.
Competitive Description: An offensive special attacker who's on the speedier side of the metagame. It's access to Calm Mind and the amount of coverage it has makes it a great special attacker, with the access of Flip Turn being able to quickly escape unfavorable matchups and trapping. Competitive will punish lowering-stat moves and Sticky Web, while Torrent, still niche, can be useful with its adequate bulk. It can run Choice Specs, Choice Scarf, or its own Z-crystal.

Name: Malevolure
Type: Water / Dark
Abilities: Torrent / Turmoil
Turmoil: reduce direct damage taken from moves by 0.8x unless the user was damaged by the same move the previous turn
Stats: 90 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 90 / 80 [BST: 530]
New Moves: Torment, Dark Pulse, Taunt, Snarl, Synchronoise
Removed Moves: moonblast, dazzling gleam, sparkling aria, misty terrain
Flavor: evil siren seal/sea lion who lures people close by looking sparkly and then singing a horrifically obnoxious earworm to cause them intense mental pain

Justification: Its a mon that viably (and necessarily) runs torment! Not only that, but it has a powerful Z-Move that also inflicts torment, allowing it to act as a unique bulky special attacker.

Z-Move: Eldritch Earworm
Dark-type special attack, 185 BP
Can only be used by a Malevolure with Dark Pulse holding Malevolurium-z
inflicts Torment on the target

Brione's Evolution:

Aerial Ace, Swords Dance, Giga Impact, Liquidation, Stomping Tantrum, Rapid Spin, Flying Press, Low Sweep
Tidal Tango - 165 BP - Water Type - Physical - Requires Flip Turn - Combines Flying in its type effectiveness.

As usual, if I've missed your submission feel free to ping me on our server
or pm me on Smogon or Discord!
Voting guidelines can be found below:​

Voting Template: Copy and paste this text and replace [Person 1, Person 2, etc.] with your vote.
:Mismagius:: Person 1, Person 2, Person 3, Person 4, Person 5, etc
:Shiinotic:: Person 1, Person 2, Person 3, Person 4, Person 5, etc
:Primarina:: Person 1, Person 2, Person 3, Person 4, Person 5, etc

Voting Rules
People can vote for as many subs as they want, the subs are sorted first by amount of first place votes, each of the first place votes count for 2 points, then the second place votes are counted and account for 1 point, and added up accordingly. 3rd votes are counted up if they go to something that was rated in the top 5 as 1 point. If they don’t count for something in the top 5, they are ignored and you move down the line, and the rest below it work like that.

Your vote counts for the group of branched evolutions that a person has submitted. So one vote for a submitter's entire set of evolutions for a Pokémon.

We use a weighted voting system, so vote for your first choice as "Person 1" and go down in order of most to least liked for any other subs you want to vote for. If you have any questions feel free to contact Albatross, Paulluxx, or JosJet on Discord!

Voting closes on the 14th (Friday)!
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:Mismagius: megaspoopy000, Cratersmash, NeonNitroGlycerin
:Shiinotic: abismal, lavarina, Albatross
:Primarina: NeonNetroGlycerin, lavarina, Vipotis
My votes:
:Mismagius:: Cratersmash, Vipotis Abismal
:Shiinotic::lavarina, Albatross, Abismal
:Primarina:: lavarina, Vipotis, NeonNitroGlycerin

and with that,

Voting is now Closed!
Winners will be up on the 17th of January (Monday)!
The Winners for Slate 11 Are Here!

Apologies for the wait, but here are the results!

was won by Cratersmash !
Name:Wizmagis(Note:Male only,evolves from male Mismagius)
Height:1 m
Weight:5 kg
Abilities:Levitate(Electric Surge)

New Moves:Volt Switch
Removed Moves:Nada
Flavor/Design:A dark blue-purple,hat has yellow shapes or smth

Competitive Description:Specs/Scarf user
Name:Miswitchus(Note:Female only,evolves from female Mismagius)
Height:0.9 m
Weight:4.8 kg
Abilities:Levitate(Potion Master*)
Potion Master:This Pokemon's Special moves have a 30% chance to Poison

New Moves:Sludge Bomb,Sludge Wave,Recover
Removed Moves:Nada
Flavor/Design:Witch go brrrr

Competitive Description:A good bulky attacker.NP+2 Attacks or Recover+3 Attacks are probably best.

:shiinotic: was won by abismal !​
Name: Suidreem
Prevo: Shiinotic (Use Shiny Stone)

Height: 5'11" | 1.8 m
Weight: 133.4 lbs. | 60.5 kg
Abilities: Illuminate / Effect Spore // Comatose (HA)
Stats: 90 HP / 60 ATK / 80 DEF / 110 SPA / 115 SPD / 45 SPE [BST: 500]

New Moves: Mystical Fire
Removed Moves: none
Flavor/Design: Enriched on the life force drained from its victims, this pokemon has grown to be much larger than regular Shiinotic. It's feet have transformed into multiple root like limbs branching out from under it, which it uses to crawl forward or entangle its prey. Often before lulling it's foes to sleep, it will cry out its name, "Suidreem".

Competitive Description: n/a

Name: Perishroom
Prevo: Shiinotic (Reach level 45 while holding a Life Orb)

Height: 4'09" | 1.4 m
Weight: 9.1 lbs | 4.13 kg
Abilities: Weak Armor / Effect Spore // Perish Body (HA)
Stats: 80 HP / 45 ATK / 110 DEF / 125 SPA / 50 SPD / 90 SPE [BST: 500]

New Moves: Shadow Claw, Hex, Shadow Ball, Nasty Plot
Removed Moves: none
Flavor/Design: Unable to nourish itself using the life force of others, Shiinotic begins consuming its own life force, losing its luster and its mushroom cap begins to shrink. It's appearance becomes tall and bleak, and while it is thin it is very nimble.

Competitive Description: Perishroom is a frightening sweeper with Spore + Nasty Plot. While it is not very fast, weak armor can help it tremendously as it definitely wants a boost to its speed. Grass/Ghost is pretty solid coverage, however is easily stopped by Magneboom. Outside of Spore NP it can perform a little niche bearing a good speed tier to put opponents to sleep with, and an okay amount of bulk.

and :primarina: was won by lavarina !​
Name: Primorhythm (primo which could mean either lead singer, or friend in Spanish + rhythm)
Typing: Water/Electric
Height: 1.5 m
Weight: 30 kg
Abilities: Torrent | Competitive (HA)
Stats: 78/54/80/106/86/126 (530)
New Moves: Thunder, Thunderbolt, Electric Terrain, Thunder Wave, Electroweb, Discharge (6)
Removed Moves: Draining Kiss, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Misty Terrain, Misty Explosion, Icy Wind (6)
Z-move: Freestyle Tsunami (Water) 175 BP, causes the target to be burned. can only be used by Primorhythm with Scald and Primorhythium-z crystal. Justification for this move: Freestyle rap battles for flavorwise.. and that's it tbh- I did make sure it has the same BP as Stoked Sparksurfer, but I won't mind making this a Z-move with no secondary effects.
Flavor/Design: Based on the Galápagos Sea Lions, who are very friendly towards humans and very loud, especially with the males whose barks are in rhythm and repetitive. Since Primarina was from the word prima donna and ballerina despite the gender percentage being mostly male, I thought it'd be funny to make the opposite. A mostly female species with primo (uomo) in its name, and being inspired with hiphop culture (haha, rhythm. yea dont expect primorapper here pls). Electric seemed fitting for an energetic Pokemon like this fella, though I'm not entirely sure on what the design might be just yet lmao, I just know it evolves near coastlines on the beach.
Competitive Description: An offensive special attacker who's on the speedier side of the metagame. It's access to Calm Mind and the amount of coverage it has makes it a great special attacker, with the access of Flip Turn being able to quickly escape unfavorable matchups and trapping. Competitive will punish lowering-stat moves and Sticky Web, while Torrent, still niche, can be useful with its adequate bulk. It can run Choice Specs, Choice Scarf, or its own Z-crystal.

Congrats to all our amazing winners! Slate 12 will be opened soon,
but voting for our next slate will be open for the next 24 hours,
so if you're interested then feel free to drop by our
server and vote for our next slate!​
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Slate 12 is now Open!

Yeah it's been a minute but slate 12 is now open! Slate 12 consists of
:ss/tsareena: Tsareena, :ss/turtonator: Turtonator, and :ss/golisopod: Golisopod!

Since Golisopod is a 2 stage Pokemon you can create evolutions for it, however if you do so then please show some constraint with its BST,
regardless of if it keeps Emergency Exit or not. No 580 BST Golisopods please, let's be reasonable xx
Grass / Electric
Ability: Pinwheel (This pokémon redirects Flying-type Moves that target Pokémon to itself, and when doing so, it raises Speed by 1.)
Stats: 80 / 120 / 75 / 80 / 90 / 65
New Moves: Zing Zap, Spark, Wild Charge, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Thunder Wave
Description: Cool Offensive Pokémon + Flying Pokémon counter + Anti-Defog!

:swsh/unown-f: --------> :turtonator: / :unown:
Ability: Shell Armor
Stats: 60 / 70 / 70 / 80 / 60 / 30
Removed Moves: Outrage, Draco Meteor, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw
Description: idk its lc


Steel / Fire
Abilities: Shell Armor / Mimicry
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Name: Durinname (Durian + Madame)
Typing: Grass/Rock
Height: 1.4 m
Weight: 41.0 kg
Abilities: Solid Rock / Stone Petals / Rough Skin (HA)
Stats: 100/60/120/120/60/50 (510 BST)
New Moves: Smack Down, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Meteor Beam, Power Gem, Spiky Shield, Calm Mind.
Flavor/Design: Evolves from Steenee, leveling up after learning Smack Down (TM).

With time, and the incessant playing with birds and insects that pecked its petals, Steenee’s Petals hardened, and only kept hardening over time, to be able to resist better and without the slightest of harm the games it had with its friends. Although destiny might have taken it a little too serious, giving Steenee’s petals and “feet” Spikes that match the likes of Ferrothorn’s, the former helping with defense, and the latter with movement and offense. Then, since that day Durinammes inhabit the alola region primarily, with a few scattered around the world, mostly seen in beauty contests.

Competitive Description: Physical Wall, Hazard Control, Set Up Sweeper (Calm Mind).

You wanted a good AND interesting Jack of All Trades? You want someone who can (almost) freely set up with calm mind, and be practically unbeatable once it gets rolling? Someone who does the same thing Bronzong was supposed to do, but better? Yeah this is ur guy.

Custom: Stone Petals: This Pokemon has the resistances of the Rock types. (this pokemon takes halved damage of Normal, Poison, Fire, and Flying moves, Includes status damage.)

Name: Gooienator
Typing: Fire
Height: same as muk
Weight: same as turtonator
Magma Armor
Stats: 55/88/75/98/148/66 (530 BST)
New Moves: Earth Power, Fire Lash, Lava Plume, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Gunk Shot.
Flavor/Design: The Shell stopped containing the explosive material, after someone struck Turtonator in its weak spot, now, the chemicals have fusioned, and formed and deformed Turtonator’s body, turning it into something that pokemon researchers have called the Donphan’s Foot, a “plastic” mound of red hot lava, contained barely by a fine layer of solidified material.

Competitive Description: Shell Smash Abuser, that’s it.

Name: Augarnel (au, gold in the periodic tables + garra, claw in spanish + tunel, tunnel (duh) in spanish)
Typing: Bug/Ground
Height: half a meter above wimpod (it grew taller but it slouches a lot)
Weight: ehhhh just make grass knot have 80 bp
Abilities: Magic Guard
Stats: 107/85/107/52/52/127 (530 BST)
New Moves: U-Turn, First Impression, Shore Up, Earthquake, Iron Head, Knock Off, Head Smash, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Swords Dance, Iron Defense, Steel Beam, Lunge, Double Edge,

Flavor/Design: Evolves from Wimpod, leveling up while having a Pearl or Amulet Coin.

Tired of getting attacked and mugged by Meowths or Rattatas, Wimpod started fighting back, and burrowing its treasures underground, where no one except themselves could find it. They have done this so much, that their “burrows” became as comfortable and perfect as any hole any Dugtrio could make. Admittedly, they became brave.

Competitive Description: (is perfect pivot a role?) Pivot, Physical Wall, Band Abuser.
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Belostopod (Belostomatidae + Isopod)
: 75/115/100/60/100/80 (530 BST)
Abilities: Hyper Cutter/Defiant (H)

Added Moves: Cross Chop, Megahorn
Removed Moves: None

Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Physical Sweeper

Flavor: Wimpod evolves to Belostopod when it feels strong and brave, decided to don't run away from fights anymore, and helping other Wimpods to become less scared and timid.
:wimpod: -> :golisopod:

:wimpod: ->


Name: Coopod

Abilities: Wimp Out
HP: 50
Attack: 65
Defense: 100
SpAtk: 70
SpDef: 90
Speed: 30
BST: 405

New Moves: Leech Seed, Life Dew, Pain Split, Withdraw

Flavor/Design: Wimpod forms a cocoon around itself, shedding its watery body to form a full chrysalis. Its body absorbs minerals and energy from the surrounding earth, but it's too afraid to touch it all directly so it lobs corrosive, detached bombs that drain the earth safely.

Competitively, this is designed to work as a bulky Leech Seed/Spikes user with Eviolite-boosted bulk, and uses Wimp Out to take advantage of Leech Seed's effective team support by guaranteeing safe residual recovery for a teammate while also serving to give Coopod some longevity of its own. It's much bulkier than Minerapod, but its mediocre typing and reliance on Eviolite may make it very fringe. Life Dew is also available as an added option for longevity and make up for the loss of Leftovers/Boots, but it can also use Pain Split to exploit its low HP and remain healthy as well.


Name: Minerapod

Abilities: Emergency Exit
HP: 75
Attack: 125
Defense: 80
SpAtk: 100
SpDef: 70
Speed: 80
BST: 530
New Moves: (All non-Water-type moves Golisopod gains), Bullet Punch, Steel Beam, Wild Charge, Earth Power, Seed Bomb

Flavor/Design: When Coopod molts its shell and absorbs the minerals and earth around it, it becomes the mighty Minerapod, a metallic, mechanical beast that mirrors Golisopod in stature and strength. It moves like a well-oiled machine, using high pressure/temperature movements to generate attacks.

Competitively, Minerapod is designed to be a Steel Beam + Leech Life mixed attacker that can generate its own endgames to clean with powerful Swords Dance-boosted Bullet Punches/coverage by utilizing high power recoil attacks and simultaneously pivoting out with Emergency Exit. Its incredible defensive typing gives it much more leverage to come in even with lower bulk, and it still packs the highly potent Leech Seed to serve similar utility as its pre-evolution if it wants to play to a bulkier role. However, it will likely shine much more as an offensive juggernaut that makes use of Steel Beam's recoil as well as its own strong defensive profile, higher Speed tier, and access to great coverage/boosting/STAB Leech Life to make progress.



Name: Harleyeena

Abilities: Leaf Guard / Mocking Miscreant* / Soundproof
Upon being damaged by a non-contact move, the attacker will receive 1/8 recoil. (Iron Barbs clone)
HP: 72
Attack: 110
Defense: 88
SpAtk: 50
SpDef: 108
Speed: 82
BST: 510
New Moves: (All of Tsareena's new moves barring High Jump Kick and Mega Kick), Assurance, Barrier, Parting Shot, Dark Pulse, Snarl

Flavor/Design: Failed Steenee, outcasts, become jaded delinquents of Tsareena, picking up sinister and cruel humor amidst one another. Upon breaking from royalty and falling to anarchy, they become Harleyeena. Harleyeena that are captured and compromised by Tsareena become jesters, delegated to the role of entertaining the queen. Unlike Tsareena, Harleyeena aim to break their opponent's spirits with taunting behavior, utilizing laughter and terror to deter their opponents.

Grass/Dark is a double-edged sword. Although boasting a myriad of brutal weaknesses, it also packs a fantastic slew of shockingly solid resistances, even consisting of resistances to very prominent attacking types in Ground-, Electric-, Water-, and Ghost-type moves. Mocking Miscreant plays directly to these and Tsareena's standard offensive utility kit, allowing Harleyeena to effectively punish common attacking moves that normally are risk-free, consisting of highly practical moves like Earthquake, Volt Switch, Shadow Ball, and situationally Scald. This also bounces off well with Tsareena's normal utility kit, allowing it to pressure Stealth Rock setters as a removal option while also giving its Knock Off STAB and countering fast Volt Switch with a slower U-turn or Parting Shot in return.

However, an interaction I really wanted to emphasize was with Assurance, an incredibly fascinating offensive move that synergizes immaculately with Mocking Miscreant by allowing Harlyeena to have an incredibly powerful, annoyingly difficult-to-pivot-into STAB, especially with hazard stacking support which Tsareena's utility kit naturally pairs well with. Alongside Tsareena donating Trop Kick and dual screens, as well as Harleyeena also now packing Barrier, this could let Harlyeena act as a strangely potent win-condition by allowing it to check physical breakers and packing nuclear Assurances for special attackers.
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Name: Eruptata (Evolve with a Fire Stone.)

Height: 11'05" | 3.5 m
Weight: 677.0 lbs. | 307 kg
Abilities: Shell Armor // Innards Out (HA)
Stats: 77 HP / 90 ATK / 94 DEF / 150 SPA / 94 SPD / 30 SPE [BST: 525]
New Moves: Mind Blown, Clanging Scales
Removed Moves: none
Flavor/Design: This pokemon exudes a tremendous amount of energy anytime it discharges an explosion, leaving anything with in a mile radius completely scorched and inhabitable for up to three days. These massive explosions also completely exhaust it of all of its energy, leaving it burnt out afterwards.
Competitive Description: Basically an anti-revenge Shell Smasher. With everytime it faints it releases all of its energy in an explosion called Innards Out, and in conjunction with weakened defenses from Shell Smash this pokemon can really afford to run any item other than White Herb, such as Heavy-Duty Boots, Leftovers, Sitrus Berry for Mind Blown, or Firium-Z to launch devastating attacks. Fortunately it has less coverage than Calibosa, but it boasts a nuclear special attack stat.


Name: Turtanomite (Level up without knowing any fire-type moves.)

Height: 7'11" | 2.4 m
Weight: 698.3 lbs | 316.7 kg
Abilities: Sturdy // Stamina (HA)
Stats: 80 HP / 101 ATK / 135 DEF / 98 SPA / 85 SPD / 26 SPE [525]
New Moves: Stealth Rock, Swords Dance, Rock Slide, Spikes
Removed Moves: Shell Smash, Will-o-wisp
Flavor/Design: The result of turtonator remaining deep within caverns for too long. Its shell has cooled down completely and become a lot more durable. It still retains its explosive behavior by discharging the spikes out of its back like debris from an explosion. These discharges are still very powerful, and it often causes cave-ins using them.
Competitive Description: The lack of shell smash hurts this pokemon's offensive capabilities. However, it can still be effective as a Defensive wall and its access to many great utility moves, like Spikes, Stealth Rock, Rapid Spin, and Taunt. This pokemon can perform greatly as a mixed attacker as it still has fire coverage for Grass and Steel types. It's bulky offensive sets could consist of Body Press and or Swords Dance combined with Stamina and RestTalk for longevity. Finally, gimmick lead sets consisting of Explosion/Hazards/Head Smash/Endeavor can also shine thanks to Sturdy.


Name: Pouffait (Evolves from Steenee in Hisui after using Triple Axel in Agile Style 20 times.)

Height: 3'05" | 1 m
Weight: 28.3 lbs | 12.8 kg
Abilities: Leaf Guard / Oblivious // Refrigerate (HA)
Stats: 52 HP / 100 ATK / 78 DEF / 80 SPA / 78 SPD / 122 SPE [BST: 510]
New Moves: Ice Beam, Fake Out, Stomping Tantrum, Quick Attack, Refresh, Leech Seed, Trick, Grav Apple
Removed Moves: none
Flavor/Design: Steenee seek refuge from the alpha pokemon roaming the region of Hisui. It retreats to much colder climates, but thanks to the leaf on its head, it slowly evolves to withstand the cold and take on a new form. Frozen deserts usually don't have a strong odor, and Pouffait are just like them! Their sent is completely masked due to their bodies being much colder, however they lack the durability they once had due to their leaves becoming brittle from the ice.
Competitive Description: Unblockable Rapid Spin. Grass/Ice is also a nice offensive typing as its basically Freeze Dry without being completely busted. Now since it lacks good coverage, Grav Apple and any move or Stomping Tantrum allows it to wallbreak more efficiently. Another thing to note is its revenge killing capabilities, with high speed, Fake Out and Quick Attack, as well as being able to bluff that set and use SubSeed instead. Trick is also a fun way to abuse Facade and Flame Orb, at the cost of other physical coverage moves and Heavy-Duty Boots.


Name: Skuropod (Evolves from Wimpod while poisoned)

Height: 8'01" | 2.4 m (Head to tail)
Weight: 139 lbs. | 63.0 kg
Abilities: Toxic Boost
Stats: 80 HP / 125 ATK / 60 DEF / 80 SPA / 60 SPD / 125 SPE [530]
New Moves: Aqua Tail, Refresh, Flip Turn, U-Turn, First Impression, Bite, Swords Dance
Removed Moves: none
Flavor/Design: Skuropod are brave enough to eat just about anything. Because of the amount of rotten food, garbage, and possibly toxins they consume everyday, they're pretty much intoxicated by what they eat, causing them to forget about danger entirely and recklessly charge headfirst into battle. When these pokemon are unhinged, they lash about rashly, using their high speed and durable bodies to crash into their foes. Any beach Skuropod tend to inhabit will have shattered stones laying about from their rampages.
Competitive Description: This is probably a really scary looking pokemon, but I took a bit into consideration. Firstly, its lack of coverage makes it a little more managable. It only has Water/Bug STAB with the mandatory option of Facade to hit water, poison and fairy types neutrally Leech Life can still increase its longevity, though its inability to switch in too many times thanks to hazards, and its Toxic Orb constantly wearing it down gives it a lot to look out for. I thought it could be cool to incorporate Refresh because that technically puts a reset on its timer. While this pokemon can use Aqua Jet for priority, it has to give up a moveslot for it, like Leech Life which would help it potentially deal with Ferrothorn and other Rocky Helmet like users. Overall the mon is really strong, but struggles with chip damage on many sides of the spectrum and has pretty bad coverage.
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Sorry for everything at the moment being so wacky, we’re in a tough place with our own personal motivation with the mod and we will probably have some big announcements after this slate closes.

But, 24 Hour Warning for subs.
Name: Escavopod - Wimpod's evolution :Wimpod:

Types: Bug/Ground
Ability: Emergency Exit
Stats: 95/50/80/135/70/100
New Moves (From Wimpod): Blizzard, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Frost Breath, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Icy Wind, Muddy Water, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Snarl, Venoshock, Water Pulse, Laser Focus, Pain Split, Psych Up, Spite, Bug Bite, First Impression, Liquidation, Vacuum Wave, Acid Spray, Infestation, Mud Slap, Mud Bomb, Earth Power
Weight: 75 kg
Submissions are now Closed(a bit early but its tough to do things on time these days!
Despite being placed together in the compilation, everything is voted separately as usual, my computer is just incredibly finnicky today
Grass / Electric
Ability: Pinwheel (This pokémon redirects Flying-type Moves that target Pokémon to itself, and when doing so, it raises Speed by 1.)
Stats: 80 / 120 / 75 / 80 / 90 / 65
New Moves: Zing Zap, Spark, Wild Charge, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Thunder Wave
Description: Cool Offensive Pokémon + Flying Pokémon counter + Anti-Defog!
Name: Durinname (Durian + Madame)
Typing: Grass/Rock
Height: 1.4 m
Weight: 41.0 kg
Abilities: Solid Rock / Stone Petals / Rough Skin (HA)
Stats: 100/60/120/120/60/50 (510 BST)
New Moves: Smack Down, Rock Slide, Stone Edge, Meteor Beam, Power Gem, Spiky Shield, Calm Mind.
Flavor/Design: Evolves from Steenee, leveling up after learning Smack Down (TM).

With time, and the incessant playing with birds and insects that pecked its petals, Steenee’s Petals hardened, and only kept hardening over time, to be able to resist better and without the slightest of harm the games it had with its friends. Although destiny might have taken it a little too serious, giving Steenee’s petals and “feet” Spikes that match the likes of Ferrothorn’s, the former helping with defense, and the latter with movement and offense. Then, since that day Durinammes inhabit the alola region primarily, with a few scattered around the world, mostly seen in beauty contests.

Competitive Description: Physical Wall, Hazard Control, Set Up Sweeper (Calm Mind).

You wanted a good AND interesting Jack of All Trades? You want someone who can (almost) freely set up with calm mind, and be practically unbeatable once it gets rolling? Someone who does the same thing Bronzong was supposed to do, but better? Yeah this is ur guy.

Custom: Stone Petals: This Pokemon has the resistances of the Rock types. (this pokemon takes halved damage of Normal, Poison, Fire, and Flying moves, Includes status damage.)

Name: Gooienator
Typing: Fire
Height: same as muk
Weight: same as turtonator
Magma Armor
Stats: 55/88/75/98/148/66 (530 BST)
New Moves: Earth Power, Fire Lash, Lava Plume, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Gunk Shot.
Flavor/Design: The Shell stopped containing the explosive material, after someone struck Turtonator in its weak spot, now, the chemicals have fusioned, and formed and deformed Turtonator’s body, turning it into something that pokemon researchers have called the Donphan’s Foot, a “plastic” mound of red hot lava, contained barely by a fine layer of solidified material.

Competitive Description: Shell Smash Abuser, that’s it.

Name: Augarnel (au, gold in the periodic tables + garra, claw in spanish + tunel, tunnel (duh) in spanish)
Typing: Bug/Ground
Height: half a meter above wimpod (it grew taller but it slouches a lot)
Weight: ehhhh just make grass knot have 80 bp
Abilities: Magic Guard
Stats: 107/85/107/52/52/127 (530 BST)
New Moves: U-Turn, First Impression, Shore Up, Earthquake, Iron Head, Knock Off, Head Smash, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Swords Dance, Iron Defense, Steel Beam, Lunge, Double Edge,

Flavor/Design: Evolves from Wimpod, leveling up while having a Pearl or Amulet Coin.

Tired of getting attacked and mugged by Meowths or Rattatas, Wimpod started fighting back, and burrowing its treasures underground, where no one except themselves could find it. They have done this so much, that their “burrows” became as comfortable and perfect as any hole any Dugtrio could make. Admittedly, they became brave.

Competitive Description: (is perfect pivot a role?) Pivot, Physical Wall, Band Abuser.
Belostopod (Belostomatidae + Isopod)
: 75/115/100/60/100/80 (530 BST)
Abilities: Hyper Cutter/Defiant (H)

Added Moves: Cross Chop, Megahorn
Removed Moves: None

Role: Physical Wallbreaker, Physical Sweeper

Flavor: Wimpod evolves to Belostopod when it feels strong and brave, decided to don't run away from fights anymore, and helping other Wimpods to become less scared and timid.
:wimpod: -> :golisopod:

:wimpod: ->


Name: Coopod

Abilities: Wimp Out
HP: 50
Attack: 65
Defense: 100
SpAtk: 70
SpDef: 90
Speed: 30
BST: 405

New Moves: Leech Seed, Life Dew, Pain Split, Withdraw

Flavor/Design: Wimpod forms a cocoon around itself, shedding its watery body to form a full chrysalis. Its body absorbs minerals and energy from the surrounding earth, but it's too afraid to touch it all directly so it lobs corrosive, detached bombs that drain the earth safely.

Competitively, this is designed to work as a bulky Leech Seed/Spikes user with Eviolite-boosted bulk, and uses Wimp Out to take advantage of Leech Seed's effective team support by guaranteeing safe residual recovery for a teammate while also serving to give Coopod some longevity of its own. It's much bulkier than Minerapod, but its mediocre typing and reliance on Eviolite may make it very fringe. Life Dew is also available as an added option for longevity and make up for the loss of Leftovers/Boots, but it can also use Pain Split to exploit its low HP and remain healthy as well.


Name: Minerapod

Abilities: Emergency Exit
HP: 75
Attack: 125
Defense: 80
SpAtk: 100
SpDef: 70
Speed: 80
BST: 530
New Moves: (All non-Water-type moves Golisopod gains), Bullet Punch, Steel Beam, Wild Charge, Earth Power, Seed Bomb

Flavor/Design: When Coopod molts its shell and absorbs the minerals and earth around it, it becomes the mighty Minerapod, a metallic, mechanical beast that mirrors Golisopod in stature and strength. It moves like a well-oiled machine, using high pressure/temperature movements to generate attacks.

Competitively, Minerapod is designed to be a Steel Beam + Leech Life mixed attacker that can generate its own endgames to clean with powerful Swords Dance-boosted Bullet Punches/coverage by utilizing high power recoil attacks and simultaneously pivoting out with Emergency Exit. Its incredible defensive typing gives it much more leverage to come in even with lower bulk, and it still packs the highly potent Leech Seed to serve similar utility as its pre-evolution if it wants to play to a bulkier role. However, it will likely shine much more as an offensive juggernaut that makes use of Steel Beam's recoil as well as its own strong defensive profile, higher Speed tier, and access to great coverage/boosting/STAB Leech Life to make progress.



Name: Harleyeena

Abilities: Leaf Guard / Mocking Miscreant* / Soundproof
Upon being damaged by a non-contact move, the attacker will receive 1/8 recoil. (Iron Barbs clone)
HP: 72
Attack: 110
Defense: 88
SpAtk: 50
SpDef: 108
Speed: 82
BST: 510
New Moves: (All of Tsareena's new moves barring High Jump Kick and Mega Kick), Assurance, Barrier, Parting Shot, Dark Pulse, Snarl

Flavor/Design: Failed Steenee, outcasts, become jaded delinquents of Tsareena, picking up sinister and cruel humor amidst one another. Upon breaking from royalty and falling to anarchy, they become Harleyeena. Harleyeena that are captured and compromised by Tsareena become jesters, delegated to the role of entertaining the queen. Unlike Tsareena, Harleyeena aim to break their opponent's spirits with taunting behavior, utilizing laughter and terror to deter their opponents.

Grass/Dark is a double-edged sword. Although boasting a myriad of brutal weaknesses, it also packs a fantastic slew of shockingly solid resistances, even consisting of resistances to very prominent attacking types in Ground-, Electric-, Water-, and Ghost-type moves. Mocking Miscreant plays directly to these and Tsareena's standard offensive utility kit, allowing Harleyeena to effectively punish common attacking moves that normally are risk-free, consisting of highly practical moves like Earthquake, Volt Switch, Shadow Ball, and situationally Scald. This also bounces off well with Tsareena's normal utility kit, allowing it to pressure Stealth Rock setters as a removal option while also giving its Knock Off STAB and countering fast Volt Switch with a slower U-turn or Parting Shot in return.

However, an interaction I really wanted to emphasize was with Assurance, an incredibly fascinating offensive move that synergizes immaculately with Mocking Miscreant by allowing Harlyeena to have an incredibly powerful, annoyingly difficult-to-pivot-into STAB, especially with hazard stacking support which Tsareena's utility kit naturally pairs well with. Alongside Tsareena donating Trop Kick and dual screens, as well as Harleyeena also now packing Barrier, this could let Harlyeena act as a strangely potent win-condition by allowing it to check physical breakers and packing nuclear Assurances for special attackers.

Name: Eruptata (Evolve with a Fire Stone.)

Height: 11'05" | 3.5 m
Weight: 677.0 lbs. | 307 kg
Abilities: Shell Armor // Innards Out (HA)
Stats: 77 HP / 90 ATK / 94 DEF / 150 SPA / 94 SPD / 30 SPE [BST: 525]
New Moves: Mind Blown, Clanging Scales
Removed Moves: none
Flavor/Design: This pokemon exudes a tremendous amount of energy anytime it discharges an explosion, leaving anything with in a mile radius completely scorched and inhabitable for up to three days. These massive explosions also completely exhaust it of all of its energy, leaving it burnt out afterwards.
Competitive Description: Basically an anti-revenge Shell Smasher. With everytime it faints it releases all of its energy in an explosion called Innards Out, and in conjunction with weakened defenses from Shell Smash this pokemon can really afford to run any item other than White Herb, such as Heavy-Duty Boots, Leftovers, Sitrus Berry for Mind Blown, or Firium-Z to launch devastating attacks. Fortunately it has less coverage than Calibosa, but it boasts a nuclear special attack stat.


Name: Turtanomite (Level up without knowing any fire-type moves.)

Height: 7'11" | 2.4 m
Weight: 698.3 lbs | 316.7 kg
Abilities: Sturdy // Stamina (HA)
Stats: 80 HP / 101 ATK / 135 DEF / 98 SPA / 85 SPD / 26 SPE [525]
New Moves: Stealth Rock, Swords Dance, Rock Slide, Spikes
Removed Moves: Shell Smash, Will-o-wisp
Flavor/Design: The result of turtonator remaining deep within caverns for too long. Its shell has cooled down completely and become a lot more durable. It still retains its explosive behavior by discharging the spikes out of its back like debris from an explosion. These discharges are still very powerful, and it often causes cave-ins using them.
Competitive Description: The lack of shell smash hurts this pokemon's offensive capabilities. However, it can still be effective as a Defensive wall and its access to many great utility moves, like Spikes, Stealth Rock, Rapid Spin, and Taunt. This pokemon can perform greatly as a mixed attacker as it still has fire coverage for Grass and Steel types. It's bulky offensive sets could consist of Body Press and or Swords Dance combined with Stamina and RestTalk for longevity. Finally, gimmick lead sets consisting of Explosion/Hazards/Head Smash/Endeavor can also shine thanks to Sturdy.


Name: Pouffait (Evolves from Steenee in Hisui after using Triple Axel in Agile Style 20 times.)

Height: 3'05" | 1 m
Weight: 28.3 lbs | 12.8 kg
Abilities: Leaf Guard / Oblivious // Refrigerate (HA)
Stats: 52 HP / 100 ATK / 78 DEF / 80 SPA / 78 SPD / 122 SPE [BST: 510]
New Moves: Ice Beam, Fake Out, Stomping Tantrum, Quick Attack, Refresh, Leech Seed, Trick, Grav Apple
Removed Moves: none
Flavor/Design: Steenee seek refuge from the alpha pokemon roaming the region of Hisui. It retreats to much colder climates, but thanks to the leaf on its head, it slowly evolves to withstand the cold and take on a new form. Frozen deserts usually don't have a strong odor, and Pouffait are just like them! Their sent is completely masked due to their bodies being much colder, however they lack the durability they once had due to their leaves becoming brittle from the ice.
Competitive Description: Unblockable Rapid Spin. Grass/Ice is also a nice offensive typing as its basically Freeze Dry without being completely busted. Now since it lacks good coverage, Grav Apple and any move or Stomping Tantrum allows it to wallbreak more efficiently. Another thing to note is its revenge killing capabilities, with high speed, Fake Out and Quick Attack, as well as being able to bluff that set and use SubSeed instead. Trick is also a fun way to abuse Facade and Flame Orb, at the cost of other physical coverage moves and Heavy-Duty Boots.


Name: Skuropod (Evolves from Wimpod while poisoned)

Height: 8'01" | 2.4 m (Head to tail)
Weight: 139 lbs. | 63.0 kg
Abilities: Toxic Boost
Stats: 80 HP / 125 ATK / 60 DEF / 80 SPA / 60 SPD / 125 SPE [530]
New Moves: Aqua Tail, Refresh, Flip Turn, U-Turn, First Impression, Bite, Swords Dance
Removed Moves: none
Flavor/Design: Skuropod are brave enough to eat just about anything. Because of the amount of rotten food, garbage, and possibly toxins they consume everyday, they're pretty much intoxicated by what they eat, causing them to forget about danger entirely and recklessly charge headfirst into battle. When these pokemon are unhinged, they lash about rashly, using their high speed and durable bodies to crash into their foes. Any beach Skuropod tend to inhabit will have shattered stones laying about from their rampages.
Competitive Description: This is probably a really scary looking pokemon, but I took a bit into consideration. Firstly, its lack of coverage makes it a little more managable. It only has Water/Bug STAB with the mandatory option of Facade to hit water, poison and fairy types neutrally Leech Life can still increase its longevity, though its inability to switch in too many times thanks to hazards, and its Toxic Orb constantly wearing it down gives it a lot to look out for. I thought it could be cool to incorporate Refresh because that technically puts a reset on its timer. While this pokemon can use Aqua Jet for priority, it has to give up a moveslot for it, like Leech Life which would help it potentially deal with Ferrothorn and other Rocky Helmet like users. Overall the mon is really strong, but struggles with chip damage on many sides of the spectrum and has pretty bad coverage.
Name: Escavopod - Wimpod's evolution :Wimpod:

Types: Bug/Ground
Ability: Emergency Exit
Stats: 95/50/80/135/70/100
New Moves (From Wimpod): Blizzard, Dark Pulse, Focus Blast, Frost Breath, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Icy Wind, Muddy Water, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Snarl, Venoshock, Water Pulse, Laser Focus, Pain Split, Psych Up, Spite, Bug Bite, First Impression, Liquidation, Vacuum Wave, Acid Spray, Infestation, Mud Slap, Mud Bomb, Earth Power
Weight: 75 kg

As usual, if I've missed your submission feel free to ping me on our server
or pm me on Smogon or Discord!
Voting guidelines can be found below:​

Voting Template: Copy and paste this text and replace [Person 1, Person 2, etc.] with your vote.

Voting Rules
People can vote for as many subs as they want, the subs are sorted first by amount of first place votes, each of the first place votes count for 2 points, then the second place votes are counted and account for 1 point, and added up accordingly. 3rd votes are counted up if they go to something that was rated in the top 5 as 1 point. If they don’t count for something in the top 5, they are ignored and you move down the line, and the rest below it work like that.

Your vote counts for the group of branched evolutions that a person has submitted. So one vote for a submitter's entire set of evolutions for a Pokémon.

We use a weighted voting system, so vote for your first choice as "Person 1" and go down in order of most to least liked for any other subs you want to vote for. If you have any questions feel free to contact Greatanso, Paulluxx, or JosJet on Discord!

Voting closes next sunday
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