Pet Mod Expansions (Slate 6 Submissions)

24 hours remain for votes! Also meant to mention when starting voting, but I'd prefer it if you had it in the format that zxg and Mossy's posts currently are in just for my own convenience. It's not a big deal, I won't like disqualify your votes or anything, but it will make it slightly easier for me to tally the votes!
Alright, voting's closed! There was a big fat tie for 3 votes. I have a few "rules" I follow when tiebreaking that I can explain if needed, but tl;dr they will slightly go against self-votes and make whether or not one of my own subs wins based on predetermined things rather than leaving it to my choice.

The winners are as follows -
Name: Threedy (greedy + 3D Printer)
Typing: Dark/Steel
Abilities: Magician/Klutz/Technician
Stats: 90/130/105/105/65/85 | 580
Notable Moves: Knock Off, Fling, Assurance, Iron Head, Switcheroo, Recover, Spikes, Volt Switch
Flavor Moves: WIP
Weight: 158 kg
Explanation: Klutz pokemon designed to cripple opponents and possibly set itself up for a Z-move-powered finisher. Iron Ball starts you off with a 130 BP item, however Light Ball, Toxic Orb, or Flame Orb function as 45 BP auto-status moves. It has some other support moves to round out its set. Even without a method of stealing items, you can power up by switching into Knock Off or Trick, and the status items should make the 5th move reasonably strong. I wasn't exactly sure where to put the stats considering it has Klutz (and the power level of other subs varies quite a bit), but I erred on the side of very solid stats due to the inability to use items.
Move Name: Replicate
Category: Physical
Type: Dark
Base Power: Based on Fling
Accuracy: 100%
Effect(s): Based on Fling
Attributes: protect, mirror, mystery,
Explanation: The user duplicates and Flings every item it's had in its possession during the match, including multiples of the same item from different pokemon, in reverse order in which it had them. This includes the currently held item, however this move does not remove the user's item.
Most common items are only 10 BP (15 with Technician), however if you start with Iron Ball and manage to steal things like Assault Vest or even Black Sludge, it can become extremely powerful.
Name: Amvip
Typing: Poison/Ground
Abilities: Analytic/Strong Jaw/(Keen Eye)
Stats: 70/98/79/42/84/107 (480 BST)
Notable Moves: Coil, Fire Fang, Glare, Gunk Shot, Ice Fang, Thousand Waves, Thunder Fang, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, All Universal TMs
Flavor Moves: Bite, Crunch, Drill Run, Poison Fang, Poison Jab, Poison Tail, Sand Tomb (Will add more if this wins, Don't feel like adding anything)
Weight: 27kgs
Explanation: Don't feel like writing anything

Move Name: Lethal Fang
Category: Physical
Type: Poison
Base Power: 50
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Badly poisons the target and reduces its Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense and Speed by 1 stage.
Attributes: Biting, Contact
Explanation: Don't feel like writing anything
Name: Capsaken (it's a spicy chicken)
Typing: Fire / Dark
Abilities: Vital Spirit / Intimidate | Magic Guard
Stats: 95 / 104 / 95 / 67 / 67 / 94 (522)
Notable Moves: Flare Blitz, Knock Off, U-Turn, Spikes, Brave Bird, Will-o-Wisp
Flavor Moves: Will fill out if this sub wins but mostly Fire-type, Dark-type, and Flying-type moves.
Weight: 2 kg
Explanation: Complete coincidence that this ended up being so similar to Incineroar, I wanted certain stuff out of the typing for this mon and ended up landing on a Dark/Fire with Intimidate lmao. Typing is pretty awkward for something intending to use its physical bulk but Intimidate and Magic Guard make up for that. Magic Guard's benefits are mostly obvious, since you are much more resilient to chip and don't need to rely on Boots, but keep in mind that you also don't have any recoil on Flare Blitz or Brave Bird. Low Sp. Def, weaknesses to Ground and Fighting, and a weird set of resistances should prevent it from becoming too big of a defensive behemoth.
Move Name: Revitalization
Category: Status
Type: Fire
Base Power: ---
Accuracy: ---
Effect(s): Fully heals the user. Clears all stat changes from the field.
Attributes: Authentic
Explanation: Z-Haze! I think it has a really fun dynamic here with something that really appreciates its Intimidate and Fire Lash drops. I always liked Z-Haze but there were better uses for your Z-Crystal, and since you automatically get it on this one mon, there's no opportunity cost.
Pokemon: Shinamako ["shinobi" (ninja) + "namako" (sea cucumber)]

Abilities: Water Absorb / Poison Heal / Merciless
Stats: 72 / 85 / 96 / 76 / 100 / 73
Physical: Body Press, Drain Punch, Liquidation, Poison Jab, Seismic Toss, Superpower​
Special: Hydro Pump, Focus Blast, Ice Beam, Scald, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Surf​
Status: Bulk Up, Curse, Haze, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Toxic Thread​
After You, Body Press, Brick Break, Bulk Up, Cross Poison, Curse, Detect, Dig, Dive, Drain Punch, Focus Blast, Frost Breath, Haze, Hex, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Icy Wind, Infestation, Liquidation, Mud Shot, Muddy Water, Payback, Peck, Pin Missile, Poison Jab, Poison Sting, Power-Up Punch, Rain Dance, Revenge, Reversal, Rock Smash, Safeguard, Scald, Seismic Toss, Skitter Smack, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Smack Down, Snatch, Spike Cannon, Superpower, Surf, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Toxic Thread, Venom Drench, Venoshock, Water Pulse, Whirlpool​
Signature Move: Cumbersome Crash |
| Physical | 100 | 100 | 1 | Doubles in power if this Pokemon moves first. (Contact)​
Lore: A ninja sea cucumber. Pretty funny right?
Description: Funny bulky Water. Forces switches through spreading poison through Toxic Thread and threatening large damage through Merciless, letting it restore more HP.
Name: Abrakin
Typing: Psychic / Fire
Abilities: Oblivious / Prankster / Trace
Stats: 85 / 80 / 85 / 105 / 85 / 100 (540)
Notable Moves:
Psychic, Psyshock, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball, Fiery Wrath, Moonblast
Calm Mind, Moonlight, Taunt, Will-o-Wisp
Ally Switch,Attract,Baton Pass,Body Slam,Calm Mind,Captivate,Charge Beam,Charm,Confide,Confusion,Covet,Curse,Dazzling Gleam,Dig,Double Team,Double-Edge,Dream Eater,Ember,Endure,Energy Ball,Expanding Force,Facade,Fire Blast,Fire Punch,Fire Spin,Flame Charge,Flamethrower,Flare Blitz,Flash,Fling,Frustration,Future Sight,Giga Impact,Grass Knot,Gravity,Guard Swap,Headbutt,Heat Wave,Helping Hand,Hidden Power,Hyper Beam,Ice Punch,Icy Wind,Imprison,Incinerate,Iron Tail,Leer,Light Screen,Magic Coat,Magic Room,Mimic,Mud-Slap,Nasty Plot,Natural Gift,Overheat,Power Swap,Protect,Psybeam,Psych Up,Psychic,Psychic Terrain,Psycho Cut,Psyshock,Psywave,Rain Dance,Recycle,Reflect,Rest,Return,Roar,Rock Slide,Rock Smash,Rock Tomb,Role Play,Round,Safeguard,Secret Power,Shadow Ball,Shock Wave,Signal Beam,Skill Swap,Sleep Talk,Snatch,Snore,Solar Beam,Stored Power,Strength,Substitute,Sunny Day,Swagger,Swift,Taunt,Telekinesis,Thief,Thunder Wave,Thunderbolt,Torment,Toxic,Trick,Trick Room,Will-o-Wisp,Wonder Room,Work Up,Zen Headbutt
Move Name: Curse of the Moon
Category: Status
Type: Psychic
Effect(s): User becomes Ghost/Dark and uses Quiver Dance.
Attributes: Snatch
Explanation: makes you tricky by suddenly changing your typing. doesnt give you notable resists but cant go wrong with ghost dark i reckon.
Explanation: trace goes insane in pokebilities. prank is nice and oblivious is so you dont get taunt bounced.

This is a good bit more winners than I would normally allow for this slate, but the tiebreaker I had to pick from were four subs, two from two users, so I wanted to let one from each of them win. Spreadsheet will be up soon!

Slate 2
Same submission rules as Slate 1, but you're free to also use this thread for discussing the five winners if you'd like. You'll have a few days to get your subs in!
Name: Saevus
Typing: Dragon / Fairy
Abilities: Clear Body / Immunity / Cloud Nine
Stats: 150 / 50 / 70 / 90 / 70 / 110 (540)
Notable Moves:
Rapid Spin
Moonblast, Hyper Voice, Surf, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Focus Blast, Sludge Bomb
Octolock, Taunt, Wish, Heal Bell
Body Slam, Earthquake, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Poison Jab, Superpower, Aerial Ace,After You,Ally Switch,Aqua Tail,Attract,Bite,Body Slam,Breaking Swipe,Brick Break,Brutal Swing,Bulldoze,Captivate,Charm,Confide,Covet,Crunch,Cut,Dazzling Gleam,Double Team,Draco Meteor,Dragon Breath,Dragon Claw,Dragon Dance,Dragon Pulse,Dragon Rage,Dragon Rush,Dragon Tail,Draining Kiss,Dream Eater,Dual Wingbeat,Earth Power,Earthquake,Echoed Voice,Encore,Endeavor,Endure,Energy Ball,Facade,Fake Tears,Fire Blast,Flamethrower,Flash,Fling,Fly,Focus Blast,Frustration,Giga Impact,Grass Knot,Headbutt,Heal Bell,Helping Hand,Hidden Power,Hone Claws,Hyper Beam,Hyper Voice,Incinerate,Iron Head,Iron Tail,Laser Focus,Last Resort,Light Screen,Magic Coat,Mega Kick,Mega Punch,Mimic,Misty Explosion,Misty Terrain,Moonblast,Natural Gift,Outrage,Payback,Play Rough,Protect,Psych Up,Psychic,Rain Dance,Reflect,Rest,Return,Roar,Rock Slide,Rock Smash,Rock Tomb,Round,Safeguard,Scale Shot,Scary Face,Secret Power,Shadow Ball,Shadow Claw,Shock Wave,Sleep Talk,Snore,Solar Beam,Stone Edge,Stored Power,Strength,Substitute,Sunny Day,Swagger,Swift,Tackle,Taunt,Telekinesis,Thief,Thunder Wave,Thunderbolt,Toxic,Trick,Twister,Wonder Room,Work Up
Move Name: Draconic Roar
Category: Special
Type: Dragon
Base Power: 110
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Hits Steel-types neutrally.
Attributes: Protect, Mirror, Sound
Explanation: uhh it hits that one steel/dragon se.
Explanation: THE octolock mon. can also be a fast defensive pivot if you want that fsr.

Name: Skyrider
Typing: Steel / Flying
Abilities: Pressure / Mirror Armor / Aerilate
Stats: 95/92/75/80/75/113 (530 BST)
Notable Moves:
Iron Head, Body Slam, Rapid Spin, Earthquake, U-Turn
Tri Attack, Heat Wave, Flash Cannon
Coil, Taunt, Stealth Rock
Metal Claw,Steel Wing,Iron Head,Iron Tail,Mirror Shot,Flash Cannon,Steel Beam,Metal Sound,Autotomize,Iron Defense,Dual Wingbeat,Gust,Air Cutter,Air Slash,Hurricane,Defog,Roost,Heat Wave,Rapid Spin,Body Slam,Tri Attack,Hyper Voice,Attract,Bide,Captivate,Confide,Curse,Double Team,Double-Edge,Endure,Facade,Frustration,Hidden Power,Mimic,Natural Gift,Protect,Rage,Rest,Return,Round,Secret Power,Sleep Talk,Snore,Substitute,Swagger,Take Down,Toxic,Giga Impact,Hyper Beam,Aerial Ace,Swift,Tailwind,Sunny Day,Fly,U-Turn,Rain Dance,Thief,Agility,Pluck,Sky Attack,Ominous Wind,Uproar,Mud-Slap,Twister,Acrobatics,Brave Bird,Headbutt,Work Up,Taunt,Wing Attack,Magnet Rise,Rock Slide,Rock Smash,Stealth Rock,Rock Tomb,Sandstorm,Tackle,Screech,Bulldoze,Gyro Ball,Earthquake,Steel Roller,Thunder Wave,Thunderbolt,Brick Break
Move Name: Final Judgment
Category: Special
Type: Normal
Base Power: 180
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): User faints.
Attributes: Protect, Mirror
Explanation: instakill move when low so you can go out with a bang and also prevent sap/spin/defog or whatnot.
Explanation: offensive pivot with great defensive typing.

Name: Bramblebeast
Typing: Grass / Ground
Abilities: Iron Barbs / Sap Sipper / Regenerator
Stats: 110/95/90/85/70/40 (530 BST)
Notable Moves:
Wood Hammer, Horn Leech, Earthquake, High Horsepower, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Knock Off, Poison Jab
Stealth Rock, Spikes, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Spiky Shield
Absorb,Ancient Power,Attract,Body Slam,Brick Break,Bulldoze,Bullet Seed,Captivate,Confide,Counter,Curse,Cut,Dig,Double Team,Double-Edge,Earth Power,Earthquake,Endure,Energy Ball,Facade,Fissure,Flash,Fling,Frustration,Giga Drain,Giga Impact,Grass Knot,Grassy Glide,Grassy Terrain,Growth,Headbutt,Hidden Power,High Horsepower,Hyper Beam,Iron Defense,Iron Head,Iron Tail,Knock Off,Leaf Storm,Leech Seed,Light Screen,Magical Leaf,Mega Drain,Mimic,Mud Shot,Mud-Slap,Natural Gift,Nature Power,Protect,Rain Dance,Razor Leaf,Reflect,Rest,Return,Roar,Rock Climb,Rock Slide,Rock Smash,Rock Tomb,Round,Safeguard,Sand Tomb,Sand-Attack,Sandstorm,Scorching Sands,Secret Power,Seed Bomb,Sleep Talk,Sludge Bomb,Snore,Solar Beam,Stealth Rock,Stomping Tantrum,Stone Edge,Strength,Substitute,Sunny Day,Superpower,Swagger,Sweet Scent,Swords Dance,Synthesis,Tackle,Take Down,Thief,Toxic,Uproar,Worry Seed
Move Name: Tremor
Category: Physical
Type: Ground
Base Power: 75
Accuracy: 100
Priority: -6
Effect(s): Both the target and user switch out.
Attributes: Protect, Mirror
Explanation: board resetter. due to the user's low speed it usually switches out last which goes in your favor.
Explanation: everyone loves their fat regen. deals with amvip and shinamako decently and might do well against threedy but obviously doesnt fare well vs the fires.
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We now have a spreadsheet! Currently not much to look at since there's only been one slate, but it does keep track of who all needs to fill out flavor movepools for their mons. I'll be adding mine for Capsaken later today.

Name: Baloon-Popped (this is the one time i'm using an existing sprite for any subs here)
Typing: Ghost/Fairy
Abilities: Defeatist / Aftermath | Regenerator
Stats: 76/96/114/104/114/96 (600)
Notable Moves: Shadow Ball, Moonblast, Defog, Healing Wish, Hurricane, Air Slash, Psychic, Trick, Will-o-Wisp, Hex, Toxic
Flavor Moves: filling out if it wins
Weight: weighs extremely little
Explanation: I love Scoop's idea of a negative ability that the others can help work around, so here's this - Defeatist Regen! Your stats are all quite decent even if none are spectacular and you have an excellent offensive typing, especially for this meta where the obligatory fat Steel may end up being Threedy, which does not resist Fairy. Our other Ghost resist also doesn't like a Moonblast from this. Deliberately will not learn Poltergeist because I don't want to deal with that. Might seem broke right now without any direct counterplay but I'm certain counterplay will show up given enough slates.
Move Name: Confidence Rush
Category: Special
Type: Fairy
Base Power: 130
Accuracy: 100%
Effect(s): If the user is below half of its max HP, its Attack and Sp. Atk rise by 6 stages.
Attributes: only the standard stuff
Explanation: Halved +6 is an effective +2 so this effectively is either a 130 base power nuke or a 65 base power Swords Dance depending on how you use it.

Name: Eneryth (energy beings are things in literature apparently)
Typing: Electric/Rock
Abilities: Speed Boost / Multiscale | Contrary
Stats: 73/61/61/111/73/191 (570)
Notable Moves: Thunderbolt, Power Gem, Aura Sphere, Volt Switch, Nasty Plot
Flavor Moves: filling out if it wins
Weight: stuff kg
Explanation: 191 Speed? Whoa! Don't tell me this is Regieleki 2! Well, Speed Boost and Contrary do interact with one another in something like Shared Power, and I'd imagine they do the same here. I wanted to set a basic benchmark for Speed tiers for this mod, and in doing so I might have accidentally made two lmao. At -1 you tie with base 111s, and with a Scarf at -2, you're between 130 and 131. Also thought Multiscale would be funny on something like this so we ended up with a mon with three abilities rated 4 or higher. Anyways this thing isn't fond of the standard Grasses and Grounds so have fun there.
Move Name: Energy Breaker
Category: Special
Type: Electric
Base Power: 100
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Nullifies every active Pokemon's items and abilities until they switch.
Attributes: standard stuff
Explanation: A powerful secondary effect that also removes the user's potential choice lock and can ruin opponents that rely on their abilities if they decide not to switch. If they do, though, then all it does is remove your regular Speed drops / Multiscale, as it's hardly any stronger than Thunderbolt.
Mfw 2-3 dark on first slate and my sub was none of them :psycry:

Name: Tusquoka (Status Quo + Quokka)
Typing: Normal
Abilities: Normalize / Scrappy
Stats: 90/110/75/85/90/120 (530 BST)
Notable Moves:
Close Combat, Knock Off Rapid Spin, Earthquake, U-Turn, Focus Punch, Quick Attack.
Tri Attack, Psyshock, Focus Blast, Vaccum Wave
Thunder Wave, Substitute, Toxic, Nasty Plot, Protect.
Watchog's movepool - Hypnosis
Move Name: Enforcer Punch
Category: Physical
Type: Normal
Base Power: 100
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Has fighting type damage in its damage calculation (Ala Flying Press)
Attributes: Punch, Contact
Explanation: Bypasses the effect of normalize while still retaining the all important normal stab, allowing it to hit steels and rocks in the future for neutral damage. Nukes the current only steel type in Threedy.
Description: NORMALIZE SCRAPPY NORMALIZE SCRAPPY. Fun offensive pivot with semblance to sorree capable of dealing huge amounts of damages, but is stonewalled by steels and fightings. Has the interesting capability of paralysing ground types using thunder wave.
Name: Florosis [Floral + Hypnosis]
Typing: Grass / Dark
Abilities: Leaf Guard / Effect Spore (H: Bad Dreams)
Stats: 80 / 90 / 70 / 125 / 70 / 95 | BST: 530
Notable Moves: Solar Beam, Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Grass Knot, Solar Blade, Power Whip, Leaf Blade, Dark Pulse, Darkest Lariat, Throat Chop, Sucker Punch, Knock Off, Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, Thunderbolt, Heat Wave, Hex, Shadow Claw, Poltergeist, Poison Jab, Spore, Aromatherapy, Dark Void, Nasty Plot, Taunt, Switcheroo, Swords Dance, Curse, Encore, Toxic, Thunder Wave, and Trick.
Flavor Moves: Magical Leaf, Absorb, Snarl, Acid, Belch, Hyper Beam, Mud Slap, Round, Snore, Venoshock, Bullet Seed, Needle Arm, Feint Attack, Fling, Payback, Body Slam, Cut, Dynamic Punch, Fell Stinger, Fury Cutter, Giga Impact, Headbutt, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Natural Gift, Poison Sting, Retaliate, Revenge, Secret Power, Smelling Salts, Strength, Cotton Spore, Grass Whistle, Ingrain, Worry Seed, Embargo, Destiny Bond, Disable, Protect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Attract, Block, Captivate, Confide, Double Team, Endure, Flash, Growth, Leer, Mimic, Nature Power, Role Play, Rototiller, Sand Attack, Spite, Swagger, and Teeter Dance.
Weight: 60.0 kg
Explanation: Essentially, this Pokemon is heavily reliant on putting it's opponents to sleep and setting up. At first it may seem quite overpowered to have Spore; a 100% accuracy sleep inducing move as well as the ability Bad Dreams, however it has mediocre defensive stats, a middling speed tier, and no proper recovery to balance it out. I chose Leaf Guard since Florosis is a Grass-type and could encourage usage under sun due to Solar Beam, Solar Blade, and Heat Wave abusing it. Effect Spore is a reference to the whole "sleep" theme of the Pokemon, although it's not always guaranteed since paralysis and poison exist. Bad Dreams is the main ability, or at least the strongest one of the three. It's extremely powerful when the opponent is asleep and works really well with Spore. It's stats are optimized around special attacking whilst having pretty low defenses and speed so it's balanced; considering it has a really good ability and movepool.

Move Name: Dismal Slumber
Category: Special
Type: Dark
Base Power: 120
Accuracy: 85%
Effect(s): 50% chance of inducing sleep on the opponent.
Attributes: Bypasses Protect
Explanation: Essentially a stronger and less accurate Dark Pulse that has a good chance of putting the opponent to sleep. I made it Dark-type because of the obvious lack of Dark-type special moves.
Name: Scultair
Typing: Ice / Fairy
Abilities: Magic Guard / Sturdy / Regenerator
Stats: 70 / 75 / 60 / 90 / 80 / 110 | BST: 485
Notable Moves: Ice Beam, Freeze Dry, Moonblast, Shadow Ball, Aura Sphere, U-turn, Rapid Spin, Spikes, Calm Mind, Moonlight, Encore, Healing Wish, Wish, Heal Bell, Light Screen, Reflect, Teleport
Flavor Moves: WIP (Ice, Fairy, Psychic, Steel, and Ghost attacks, and support moves associated with those types, except Will-o-Wisp)
Explanation: Although this may break the of not stacking too many crazy/synergistic abilities, I think the nature of the pokemon justifies it. It's not a powerful attacker or a bulky wall, just a fast support pokemon. Magic Guard lets it keep Sturdy and also creates a clear separation between Life Orb offensive sets and other sets that are likely to be more passive. Sturdy combos with its fifth move and also lets it use more support moves before going down. Regenerator doesn't do that much for an Ice-type with 60/60/80 defenses, aside from reactivating Sturdy if it switches in and out enough.
User switches out. The pokemon switching in has its status cured and is healed by however much HP this pokemon was missing when it used the move. (The effect lingers until it is able to activate similarly to Healing Wish. Using Healing Wish while this effect is active will remove the effect and replace it with Healing Wish.
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Name: Ampebrawl
Typing: Electric / Fighting
Abilities: Magic Bounce / Static / Liquid Ooze
Stats: 78 / 70 / 114 / 97 / 70 / 100
Notable Moves: Volt Switch, Thunderbolt, Moonlight, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Calm Mind, Defog, Psychic, Dark Pulse, Knock Off, Water Pledge, U-Turn (more later)
Flavor Moves: Magnet Rise, Shock Wave, Vacuum Wave, Meditate, Wild Charge, Brick Break, Spark, Assurance, Waterfall, Liquidation, Brine, Rock Smash, Strength, Octolock, Rest, Thunder, Zap Cannon (more later)
Weight: 8 kg
Explanation: cool fast physical wall pivot thats fast, and has a decent attack. although having a small movepool, it has alot of good tools. knock off, pivotting in uturn and volt switch, recovery in moonlight and hazard removal in defog. it also has a more niche move in Octolock. it has a decent matchup with the dark types and Shinamako.

Move Name: Highest Voltage
Category: Special
Type: Electric
Base Power: 110
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): 100% Chance to paralyze the target.
Attributes: idk
Explanation: free of 50 accuracy zap cannon but with only 1 use.

Name: Tarezino
Typing: Ice / Poison
Abilities: Sticky Hold / Neuroforce / Prankster
Stats: 80 / 110 / 80 / 70 / 105 / 87
Notable Moves: Shadow Claw, Hone Claws, Triple Axel, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, False Surrender, Knock Off, Toxic Spikes, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance, Taunt, Bulk Up, Obstruct, Switcheroo, Brick Break, Drill Run, Earthquake
Flavor Moves: Metal Claw, Dragon Claw, Fake Out, Astonish, Fake Tears, Metal Claw, Crush Claw, Nasty Plot, Icicle Crash, Sludge, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Ice Beam, Icy Wind, Aurora Veil, Rest, Blizzard
Weight: 70 kg
Explanation: uses Swords Dance with prankster to set up, it also deals tons of damage with its high-ish attack of 110 and neuroforce. with sticky hold not letting its boots be knocked off, it doesnt have to worry at all about hazards. something else that could be useful is Taunt. its movepool has a lot of status moves because its supposed to use those, since it has Prankster. it has a decent enough matchup with Threedy (OHKO's with +2 brick break or eq), Amvip, and Abrakin (i think)

Move Name: Frost Poison
Category: Physical
Type: Ice
Base Power: 90
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Drops the target's defense by 1 and poisons them.
Attributes: idk
Explanation: makes the target, if it lives, free for a KO because of the damage dealt and the -1 defense, making it have to switch. they'll still go poisoned though
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Pokemon: Turbulusk

Abilities: Filter / Tough Claws / Sturdy
Stats: 100 / 110 / 120 / 70 / 80 / 40
Physical: Body Press, Dual Wingbeat, Earthquake, High Horsepower, Leech Life, Megahorn, Rock Slide, Stone Edge​
Special: Aeroblast, Air Slash, Ancient Power, Bug Buzz, Earth Power, Hurricane, Scorching Sands​
Status: Curse, Defog, Iron Defense, Stealth Rock, Sharpen​
Absorb, Acid, Aeroblast, Air Slash, Ancient Power, Ancient Power, Body Press, Bug Bite, Bug Buzz, Bulldoze, Curse, Defog, Dig, Dual Wingbeat, Earth Power, Earthquake, Fury Cutter, Giga Drain, Gyro Ball, High Horsepower, Hurricane, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Leech Life, Mega Drain, Megahorn, Nature Power, Poison Jab, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Sand Tomb, Scorching Sands, Sharpen, Skitter Smack, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Solar Beam, Solar Blade, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Struggle Bug​
Signature Move: Liftoff |
| Physical | 130 | 100 | 1 | Before using, changes to Airborne form for the rest of the battle. All Pokemon on the field lose their items.​

Pokemon: Turbulusk-Airborne

Abilities: Filter / Tough Claws / Delta Stream
Stats: 100 / 110 / 40 / 70 / 80 / 120

Lore: A giant snail with an old bi-plane as a shell.
Description: Funny mon. Its grounded form is a very nice physical wall with wallbreaking potential with Tough Claws STAB. Airborne for is meant for the funnies. Also makes a decent switch in for Threedy and Amvip sometimes.
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Name: Garghul (gargoyle+corruption of ghoul)
Typing: Rock/Dark
Abilities: Rock Head / Cursed Body (HA: Disguise)
Stats: 90/50/130/90/100/60 (520)
Notable Moves: Stealth Rock, Power Gem, Head Smash, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Taunt, Knock Off, Parting Shot, Curse, Shadow Ball, Poltergeist
Flavor Moves: Ancient Power, Assurance, Astonish, Aura Sphere, Beat Up, Bite, Body Press, Body Slam, Brick Break, Brutal Swing, Bulldoze, Counter, Destiny Bond, Dig, Disable, Double Edge, Drain Punch, Drill Run, Earth Power, Earthquake, Encore, Endeavor, Endure, Explosion, Fake Out, Fake Tears, False Swipe, Final Gambit, Fire Punch, Flail, Flamethrower, Flatter, Fling, Focus Blast, Glare, Growl, Grudge, Hex, Hone Claws, Ice Beam, Ice Punch, Lash Out, Lick, Memento, Metronome, Nasty Plot, Night Slash, Payback, Phantom Force, Power Trip, Power Up Punch, Quick Attack, Rest, Rock Blast, Rock Polish, Rock Slide, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, Rollout, Scary Face, Screech, Self Destruct, Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak, Slam, Slash, Spikes, Stomping Tantrum, Stone Edge, Strength, Struggle, Sucker Punch, Switcheroo, Thief, Throat Chop, Thunderbolt, Thunder Punch, Torment
Weight: 66 kg
Explanation: Heavily inspired by Aegislash, this is a slow tank and Stealth Rock setter that can take a lot of hits but can’t hit very hard. Cursed Body can really hurt, or disguise lets you get either your signature move or Stealth Rocks out without getting hit, and then shifts you into a monstrous attacker. Decent matchups against Capsaken and Abrakin
Alternate Form
: Garghul-Enraged
Typing: Ghost/Dark
Abilities: Rock Head / Sheer Force (HA: Tough Claws
Stats: 90/100/50/80/90/110 (520)
Weight: 60 kg
Explanation: The idea behind this is that Garghul, being a gargoyle, has moved off its pedestal to attack. This results in the stats completely flipping, resulting in a fast physical attacker
Move Name: Sudden Strike
Category: Physical
Type: Dark
Base Power: 60
Accuracy: 100%
Effect(s): This move can only be used on the first turn this Pokémon is sent out. Almost always goes first (+2 Priority). Changes user into Garghul-Enraged if they haven’t already and raises their speed by 2 stages.
Attributes: Contact, Bypasses Protect
Explanation: A move that almost completely changes the Pokémon into a fast physical attacker, however only being usable on your first turn really hurts any defensive or Stealth Rocks strategy if you decide to use it.
Name: Hungreed (hunger+greed)
Typing: Normal/Grass
Abilities: Cheek Pouch / Harvest (HA: Gluttony)
Stats: 140/70/130/10/140/10 (500)
Notable Moves: Toxic, Seismic Toss, Protect, Yawn, Thunder Wave, Will-O-Wisp
Flavor Moves: Belch, Bite, Body Slam, Crunch, Fire Punch, Giga Impact, Ice Punch, Rest, Spit Up, Stockpile, Thunder Punch (pretty small movepool to keep the insanity in check)
Weight: 50 kg
Explanation: This Pokémon is designed entirely around abusing berries. It’s stupidly hard to kill but can’t really do any damage outside of burn and toxic. Doesn’t really match up well against anything
Move Name: Share Food
Category: Status
Type: Normal
Base Power: N/A
Accuracy: N/A
Effect(s): The user switches out and its replacement gets the effect of the berry the user is holding.
Attributes: N/A
Explanation: Like Wish but in only one turn and you can do some funny stuff with a Custap Berry
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Name: Stratosfae

Abilities: Gale Wings / Frisk / Wonder Skin
Stats: 91 / 62 / 72 / 108 / 80 / 167 (580)
Notable Moves: Moonblast, Hurricane, Thunderbolt, Ice Beam, Roost, Air Slash, Encore, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Defog, Toxic
Flavor Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Icy Wind, Tailwind, Extreme Speed, Blizzard, Play Rough, Solar Beam, Charm, Amnesia, Aerial Ace, Draining Kiss, Fairy Wind, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Haze, Hyper Voice, Shock Wave, Sky Attack, Gust, Agility, Hail, Zap Cannon, Uproar, universal moves
Weight: 2 kg
Explanation: This Pokemon would act as a speedy revenge killer and offensive mon. With amazing speed, even with a Modest nature, and Gale Wings, this mon can control opposing offensive threats. The other abilities provide some utility and scouting, but are not overtly powerful. It has pretty usable coverage in Bolt Beam, letting it target specific threats. Its shortcomings come in the form of lacking power and coverage for specific types. 108 Special Attack is fairly meager, and lacking specific coverage for opposing Steel-types or any of the other type combos that resist its STABs make this mon pretty easy to wall.
Move Name: Slipstream Reversal
Category: Special

Base Power: 90
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): 100% to lower the target's Attack by 1 stage. The user switches out to a teammate.
Explanation: You can pivot.... once. This is a great move that can ease prediction in a tough situation and can let this mon gain momentum against its checks. You can use this as a safer revenge killing tool with Gale Wings due to having better accuracy than Hurricane and switching the mon out after, and the attack-lowering effect can potentially help halt a sweep and ease into a potential switch-in. Overall, this move adds a lot of potential utility and can be used in a few different ways.
Name: Dustrake

Abilities: Water Compaction / Sand Force / Own Tempo
Stats: 100 / 73 / 94 / 117 / 83 / 63 (530)
Notable Moves: Shore Up, Scorching Sands, Stealth Rock, Earth Power, Draco Meteor, Flamethrower, Weather Ball, Toxic, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Breath, Flash Cannon, Fire Blast, Iron Defense, Power Gem, Meteor Beam, Dragon Tail, Explosion, Surf, Muddy Water
Flavor Moves: Earthquake, Stone Edge, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Scale Shot, Rock Slide, Rock Tomb, Breaking Swipe, Dragon Dance, Fire Fang, Heavy Slam, Mud Shot, Sand Tomb, Rock Blast, Smack Down, Superpower, Ancient Power, Aqua Tail, Iron Tail, Sandstorm, Crunch, Bite, Thunder Fang, universal moves
Weight: 121 kg
Explanation: This Pokemon can be a good defensive mon, or a bulky offensive tank. It has respectable bulk and a consistent recovery move, an entry hazard in Stealth Rock and a few avenues of inflicting status, and a defensive typing with good qualities, along with Water Compaction, a niche ability that improves its matchup against physical Water-types. On the offensive side, it has a nice special attack stat with some good offensive moves and type coverage, further boosted by Sand Force or Meteor Beam, so it can actually end up being pretty powerful. Some shortcomings of this mon are that it doesn't really like status and that it's mostly just a Stealth Rock setter, kinda like Hippowdon (passive) but with some of Garchomp's tricks. The offensive sets are especially let down by the bad speed, but it should be sufficient to destroy defensive mons at least.
Move Name: Duststorm Whip-up
Category: Special

Base Power: 110
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): The weather becomes Sandstorm for 5 turns (8 turns if holding Smooth Rock).
Explanation: A pretty straightforward move but it works great for this mon! Sandstorm improves the efficacy of Shore Up and provides a healthy power boost thanks to Sand Force, which is especially appreciated by more offensively slanted sets. Additional chip damage on opponents is also another useful way to wear down the opposition.
Name: Unator

Abilities: Grim Neigh / Unnerve / Heatproof
Stats: 75 / 75 / 65 / 135 / 95 / 95 (535)
Notable Moves: Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Flash Cannon, Steel Beam, Dark Pulse, Thunder Wave, Discharge, Thunder
Flavor Moves: Hyper Beam, Explosion, Zap Cannon, High Horsepower, Snarl, Double Kick, Drill Run, Horn Drill, Megahorn, Wild Charge, Charge, Iron Head, Gyro Ball, Giga Impact, Magnet Rise, Electric Terrain, Rain Dance, Ion Deluge, Shock Wave, Mega Kick, Stomping Tantrum, Stomp, Metal Sound, Body Slam, Self-Destruct, Smart Strike, Thrash, Take Down, universal moves
Weight: kg
Explanation: Here's a take on an offensive Electric-type for Expansions. Good offensive stats, especially Special Attack, and a workable Speed tier for Scarf or Specs, as well as respectable bulk and typing. Grim Neigh lets it steamroll through weakened teams if afforded a chance, making it a very threatening late-game cleaner, if you can take out resists to your STABs. The other abilities are more niche, but Heatproof gives it a neutrality to Fire as well. The main shortcomings of this mon is how it is super unilateral, with hardly any coverage besides its STAB options, and few utility options too, making it kinda predictable. Steel is not an excellent offensive type to support Electric, and it can be walled by bulky Grounds or Grass types, especially if they resist Steel too, and Electric types as well, which collectively resist its STABs.
Move Name: Cruel Shelling
Category: Special

Base Power: 120
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): If this move knocks out its target, it doesn't consume PP.
Explanation: Cruel Shelling aims to remedy the main problems with special Steel-type moves, offering a balance between the weak Flash Cannon and the risky Steel Beam. The fact that it doesn't consume PP if it knocks out a target makes it a fifth move that is a lot more easy to use on a Choiced mon, and a great move for a late-game cleaner like this mon, since it can potentially nab a string of KOs with Cruel Shelling + Grim Neigh and go for multiple uses. However, this all comes at a risk, as if you don't manage a KO and you end up locked in, you end up as setup fodder.
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Name: Solarrage

Abilities: Sturdy / Stamina | Iron Fist
Stats: 110 HP / 110 Atk / 80 Def / 65 SpA / 65 SpD / 70 Spe / 500 BST
Notable Moves:
Body Press, Close Combat, Drain Punch, Fire Punch, Flare Blitz, Earthquake, Mach Punch, Stone Edge, Thunder Punch
Bulk Up, Recover, Substitute, Taunt
Arm Thrust, Assurance, Attract, Body Slam, Brick Break, Bulldoze, Coaching, Confide, Counter, Detect, Dig, Double-Edge, Double Kick, Dual Chop, Dynamic Punch, Echoed Voice, Ember, Endeavor, Endure, Facade, Fire Blast, Fire Spin, Flame Charge, Flame Wheel, Flamethrower, Fling, Frustration, Focus Blast, Focus Energy, Focus Punch, Giga Impact, Hammer Arm, Headbutt, Heat Crash, Heat Wave, Helping Hand, Hyper Beam, Incinerate, Laser Focus, Last Resort, Low Kick, Low Sweep, Magnitude, Mega Kick, Mega Punch, Mud Slap, Overheat, Poison Jab, Power-Up Punch, Protect, Rest, Return, Revenge, Reversal, Round, Rock Slide, Rock Smash, Rock Tomb, Sand Attack, Scorching Sands, Seismic Toss, Sleep Talk, Snore, Strength, Stomping Tantrum, Sunny Day, Superpower, Swagger, Vacuum Wave, Will-O-Wisp
Weight: 100 kg
Explanation: This mon's all about taking hits and dishing them right back. Fire/Fighting is a potent STAB combo that also packs great resists. Stamina + Recover lets it comfortably handle physical attacks while Iron Fist grants Drain, Mach and Thunder Punch a little extra oomph. This can act as a wincon with BU or as a stallbreaker with Taunt.
Move Name: Sunbreaker


Base Power: 100
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Power doubles if the user was hit by the target this turn.
Attributes: Contact, Mirror, Protect, Punch
Explanation: Does numbers if attacked

Name: Avasterror

Abilities: Soul-Heart / Volt Absorb | Stall
Stats: 70 HP / 70 Atk / 80 Def / 120 SpA / 110 SpD / 150 Spe / 600 BST
Notable Moves:
Flip Turn
Earth Power, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Hex, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Scald, Shadow Ball
Defog, Haze, Pain Split, Toxic, Will-O-Wisp
Assurance, Astonish, Attract, Blizzard, Brine, Bubble Beam, Bulldoze, Confide, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Destiny Bond, Disable, Dive, Dream Eater, Earthquake, Endure, Facade, Flash Cannon, Fling, Focus Energy, Frustration, Giga Impact, Grudge, Hail, Hyper Beam, Icy Wind, Imprison, Infestation, Last Resort, Leer, Liquidation, Magic Coat, Mist, Mud Shot, Muddy Water, Night Shade, Phantom Force, Poltergeist, Protect, Psychic, Psych Up, Rain Dance, Rest, Return, Round, Safeguard, Scary Face, Shadow Punch, Shadow Sneak, Shock Wave, Sleep Talk, Snore, Spite, Substitute, Surf, Swift, Thunder, Waterfall, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Whirlpool
Weight: 400 kg
Explanation: Despite an incredible Speed stat, this mon is straddled with Stall, forcing it to move last (usually, more on that later). Rather than act as a speedy breaker, this mon plays like a tank. High SpA and wide coverage gives it a strong offensive presence while a good set of resists and immunities along with solid bulk and support moves gives it notable defensive utility. Flip Turn does actually benefit from Stall, as it lets it slow pivot more easily.
Move Name: Posiedon's Breath


Base Power: -
Accuracy: -
Effect(s): Fully restores the user's HP. The user's Abilities are then rendered ineffective for as long as it remains active.
Attributes: Heal, Snatch
Explanation: Nullifies Stall to unleash that frightening Speed stat in exchange for nullifying the other abilities. Can't snowball without Soul-Heart and the Electric weakness is regained. Uninvested hits 336 Speed, outpacing invested base 103's and below. Best used when at least one boost from Soul-Heart is under your belt and/or the enemy team is sufficiently weakened. Full heal is also nice on a mon with otherwise unreliable healing.
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24 hours remain!

Name: Tarezino
Typing: Ice / Poison
Abilities: Sticky Hold / Neuroforce / Prankster
Stats: 80 / 110 / 80 / 70 / 105 / 87
Notable Moves: Shadow Claw, Hone Claws, Triple Axel, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, False Surrender, Knock Off, Toxic Spikes, Sucker Punch, Haze, Swords Dance, Taunt, Bulk Up, Obstruct, Switcheroo, Brick Break, Drill Run, Earthquake
Flavor Moves: Metal Claw, Dragon Claw, Fake Out, Astonish, Fake Tears, Metal Claw, Crush Claw, Nasty Plot, Icicle Crash, Sludge, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Ice Beam, Icy Wind, Aurora Veil, Rest, Blizzard
Weight: 70 kg
Explanation: uses Swords Dance with prankster to set up, it also deals tons of damage with its high-ish attack of 110 and neuroforce. with sticky hold not letting its boots be knocked off, it doesnt have to worry at all about hazards. something else that could be useful is Taunt or Haze. its movepool has a lot of status moves because its supposed to use those, since it has Prankster. it has a decent enough matchup with Threedy (OHKO's with +2 brick break or eq), Amvip, and Abrakin (i think)

Move Name: Frost Poison
Category: Physical
Type: Ice
Base Power: 90
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Drops the target's defense by 1 and poisons them.
Attributes: idk
Explanation: makes the target, if it lives, free for a KO because of the damage dealt and the -1 defense, making it have to switch. they'll still go poisoned though

Most of this sub is completely fine but Prankster Haze has been pretty frowned upon in this community just in general. I'm not even certain if it'd be used on an Ice-type that isn't particularly bulky, but if it does see any use, then its presence likely wouldn't be very healthy. This isn't even a veto, moreso just a heavy recommendation that you remove this.

No actual vetoes though. See you then!
Name: Squirove
Typing: Grass
Abilities: Gluttony/Natural Cure/(Aroma Veil)
Stats: 76/81/102/58/76/127 (520 BST)
Notable Moves: Aromatherapy, Circle Throw, Encore, Endeavor, Leech Seed, Rapid Spin, Slack Off, Stealth Rock, Super Fang, Taunt, U-Turn, Wood Hammer, Yawn, All Universal Moves
Flavor Moves: Absorb, Acrobatics, Agility, Astonish, Baby-Doll Eyes, Bite, Bounce, Branch Poke, Bullet Seed, Charm, Covet, Crunch, Defense Curl, Dig, Energy Ball, Fake Tears, Fling, Follow Me, Giga Drain, Giga Impact, Grass Knot, Grassy Glide, Grassy Terrain, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail, Leaf Blade, Leaf Storm, Lunge, Magical Leaf, Mud Shot, Mud-Slap, Nature Power, Play Nice, Play Rough, Pluck, Pound, Quash, Quick Attack, Rock Smash, Rollout, Sand Attack, Screech, Seed Bomb, Slam, Smack Down, Solar Beam, Stuff Cheeks, Sunny Day, Surf, Swift, Switcheroo, Synthesis, Tail Slap, Tail Whip, Thief, Tickle, Work Up, Worry Seed
Weight: 7kg
Explanation: Fast support, you can spin, set rocks, Taunt, Encore, pivot or do a bunch of other annoying stuff. Grass resist with Natural Cure means it can absorb Scalds and Aroma Veil means it doesn't fear Taunt. Super Fang is an option that allows it to threaten annoying damage if left unchecked and can be especially annoying if paired with options such as Leech Seed or Taunt. Basically, you just want this to fill the resists you want a grass type to and then bullshit around your opponent with high speed and annoying moves.

Move Name: Rolling Log
Category: Physical
Type: Grass
Base Power: 120
Accuracy: 100
Effect(s): Uses user's speed instead of attack in damage calculation.
Attributes: Contact
Explanation: High damage option that can actually let Squirove get some kills. Nothing special, but it's still quite useful.