Pokemon Scarlet & Violet - 18th Nov 2022! **OFFICIAL INFO ONLY**

Following Theorymoning, I do think Terastal will be broken:

-Not the defensive one that changes type (see: Cresselia, Avalugg, Blissey). They just change what beats them, but they are still beatable.
-Not the offensive one that change type either (see: Volcarona Ground, Barraskewda Fight or Psychic, etc.), since they lose the original type and just change their checks.
-However, at least in theory, Super STAB does sound broken. The checks are the same, but work way worse now, especially since the boost can be stacked with weather, terrain, boosting items or abilities like Adaptability too. So, you kinda need immunities or x4 resistances to even remotely check defensively EVERY OFFENSIVE THREAT. This is a short list of the Mons I think will have to be banned in order to preserve Terastal:
-Swift Swim, unless you pack Gastrodon or similar in every team, they will just break you. And even then, some might Terastal not in water type, but in the other STAB they have, like Kingdra or Mantine, whose Draco Meteor or Hurricane will demolish Gastro, Volcanion, etc. Blissey of course will probably still wall these, but outside of Stall it's not logic to pack Bliss in every team.
-Bolt Beak and Fishous Rend. Same as above, every single abusser just looks too broken if for some reason the immunity gets removed.
-Heatran. With the current Movepool I already consider this one broken, and despite losing Steel typing, I can't imagine almost anything that stops Fire Terastal Magma Storm if Heatran gets in. Opposite Heatran gets defeated by Earth Power, Tyranitar can get hit by Body Press, Blissey gets Taunted. Only Slowking and Rain teams are safe.
-Victini after Heatran gets banned. Band V Create demolishes resists unless they are supported by Rain. There are currently no good Flash Fire users other than Heatran.
-Tapu Lele. Currently there are already few non Dark Mons that can take 2 hits from both Specs Psyshock AND Specs Psychic. With Terastal in mind, the number drops to almost 0, so you will need a Dark (who arguably do take better non Stab Moonblasts) in almost every team and good prediction.
-Speaking of Darks, Band Knock Off from Weavile or Bisharp (who according to the leaks got an evolution btw) also sounds broken. Other Dark moves can be soaked, but Knock Off looks way too powerful if boosted by both Band and Terastal.
-Yanmega. This guy has Tinted Lens and even if it's usually unranked in OU, I have used it to some success in every available Gen. Not only Terastal will make that power higher, but also will remove the x4 weakness to Rocks, allowing Yanmega to come into the field more often. Flying Type has almost no good x4 resists (Magnezone is the only one, but it's not very bulky). Heatran (especially offensive versions) was already close to being 2HKOd by Specs Air Slash, with Terastal in mind Yanmega might even 1vs1 it (since Magma Storm won't OHKO back anymore). Bug Terastal also sounds very good, despite being a worse type both defensively and offensively, Bug Buzz hits even harder than Air Slash.
-Melmetal. Yes, this guy already suspected without Terastal can have Double Iron Bash even more powerful, blowing through the few checks it has.
-Porygon-Z. I think both +1 (from Download) and Adaptability + Specs + Terastal Tri-Atrack will 2HKO both Blissey and almost any Steel. Maybe Tyranitar does live 2 hits though, but running it and a ghost (who are still weak to coverage moves) in every non HO team is not reasonable.
-Basculegion. This has never been released, but it has Adaptability + high enough Speed and power. If it has a good Ghost Stab, I can't see it staying. Even with just Water STAB it could blow through every non immune Mon in Rain. Crawdaunt and Araquanid are even stronger, but at least they are slow.
-Kartana. That Band Leaf Blade now will only be stopped by x4 resists. Forget about Zapdos and probably a single crit will delete Tornadus-T from existance.
-Dragapult. Has more checks than the above Mons, but for far less power and with no coverage Spectrier ended up banned.

Of course, this is still Theorymoning and depends on many things:
-The exact power boost of Super Stab (it has been calculated to be x3 of No Stab though) .
-The non Dexited Pokedex (for example, Heatran and Galarian fossils have been Dexited according to leaks) .
-The expected movexit. If Weavile and Bisharp lose Knock Off, they are very far from broken even with Terastal.
-The possible new mechanics we don't know about yet.

Still, if Terastal is even remotely close in power to the predictions, I think it will be banned since it's easier to ban the mechanic entirely that to ban 20 Mons broken with it or a Complex (no Super STAB) Ban.
It definitely looks excessive for Monotype, the most likely format for me to be playing. Actually changing type goes against the spirit of the format, and it's not uncommon for neutral to be the best defensive option against certain attackers.
-Tapu Lele. Currently there are already few non Dark Mons that can take 2 hits from both Specs Psyshock AND Specs Psychic. With Terastal in mind, the number drops to almost 0, so you will need a Dark (who arguably do take better non Stab Moonblasts) in almost every team and good prediction.
Tapu Lele also highlights another potential way I think this could be utilized: What if Lele Terastalizes into Fairy instead of Psychic? Instead of supercharging Terrain boosted Psychic attacks and giving up STAB Moonblast, it effectively "transplants" its extra STAB from one type to the other, while ditching ups-and-downs of Psychic typing (KO and U-Turn become Resists instead of neutral for example, loses a Ghost Weakness, etc) to spam a generally-better STAB typing (Moonblast has no immunities, shares one of its 3 resistance with Psychic's 2 anyway, and one of the remaining resists is the seldom-defensively-used Fire anyway). Since Lele's most commonly employed now as a strong Scarf cleaner, a more consistent move with less ultra-nuke Power would be a worthwhile consideration for it, while Specs may prefer Psychic since that's explicitly about raw breaking power to punch holes early-midgame in pressure.

I'm definitely curious to see cases like this, Pokemon whose abilities allow them to effectively "Keep" one of the STABs they'd be giving up by Terastalizing (whether into a new type or to their other natural type). Most common cases would be Weather and Terrain setters, plus maybe we see some funky signature ability spreading to other Pokemon like Water Bubble.

Other ways to capitalize are to reduce the need for certain forms of Team Support or gearing: Dracovish (assuming Super STAB is another 50% buff) can basically achieve his infamous FR output without needing Rain; Melmetal gets to keep Protective Pads while having STAB level DIB; Tornadus can spec for full Bulk on his Pivot sets or NP sets and still retain nuclear Hurricanes as the main offense; Barraskewda doesn't require CB to achieve its nuclear Liquidations, or can achieve its Rain-level power outside Weather.

I don't know how many will be balanced but I am curious to see how many ways people find to play with offensive Terastalizing for shoring up secondary-strengths beyond just the obvious "make Big Number BIGGER" of Super STAB
Y'all are chatting about how broken Tera is gonna be, I'm still waiting for all Terastallized Forms to be revealed.
So far, we only got to see Normal, Grass, Fire, Water, Flying, and later Ghost.

I'm also curious to see if we end up getting any unique Teras at all - maybe with a dual-typing instead of singular. At this point I'm honestly going to assume no because generational gimmicks seem to be getting more streamlined and universal over time, but at the same time, I wouldn't exactly be shocked if Charizard got its own Fire/Dragon Tera or something silly like that.
It reminds me of people wanting nerfs on fighting game characters before the game even releases. It just does nothing and leads to nothing
Bro, that s**t got me steaming every time.

Stop asking for nerfs to grapplers on Betas!!!

As for the current discussion on Tera... Super STAB is somewhat speculated to be x2 like Adaptability.

People overly concerned about that kind of output kinda remind me of how literally every Adaptability user turned out fine. I'm just not really concerned about it.

The types that could really get ugly usually have immunities, with one glaring exception. Fairy.

The balance patch-type might need some adjustments on offense.

Besides that, I'm really not concerned. A lot of mons are dual-typed and their resistances are way too important to pass up.

If you consider it from a VGC perspective, Tera might end up actually underwhelming, and I can't see it being truly broken in Singles.

3v3 formats like the Battle Tower will be suplexed through a table tho. :totodiLUL:
my bad

Y'all are chatting about how broken Tera is gonna be, I'm still waiting for all Terastallized Forms to be revealed.
So far, we only got to see Normal, Grass, Fire, Water, Flying, and later Ghost.
Exactly! I want to know what happens if i Terastallize Bellibolt or Klawf, for example.

I'm also curious to see if we end up getting any unique Teras at all - maybe with a dual-typing instead of singular. At this point I'm honestly going to assume no because generational gimmicks seem to be getting more streamlined and universal over time, but at the same time, I wouldn't exactly be shocked if Charizard got its own Fire/Dragon Tera or something silly like that.
I personally would say that there *might* be some unique forms, but it's anyone's guess as to what they do in battle. Exclusive forms/moves for the gimmicks feels like more or less a given at this stage.
People overly concerned about that kind of output kinda remind me of how literally every Adaptability user turned out fine.

Counterpoint: Mega Lucario. Arguably it's the reason why Xerneas has historically been dominating in VGC when it's been allowed aswell.

I feel like giving up one STAB for another will see use, but quite situationally when using it on a monotype has no drawbacks at all (unless it does something weird like stack type weaknesses). In a way, I think Dexit might introduce a bit more variation in Terastal usage: people can use a Pokemon with the wrong typing but the right stat spread and a decent movepool, where without Dexit the odds are much greater of there being another Pokemon with the correct typing that can fill that niche. I wonder if we'll see anything like that.
For some timezones, SV is going to be released in a month.
What else will be revealed in the next 31/32 days?

If we're talking leaks I feel like most if not all mons have been revealed.

If we aren't talking leaks I feel they will reveal something already leaked.

If they have titanic balls they will reveal the future / past thing that isn't officially leaked but perhaps hinted at via the legend duo.
If we're talking leaks I feel like most if not all mons have been revealed.

If we aren't talking leaks I feel they will reveal something already leaked.

If they have titanic balls they will reveal the future / past thing that isn't officially leaked but perhaps hinted at via the legend duo.
I’m talking about official info revealed by GameFreak or TPC
For some timezones, SV is going to be released in a month.
What else will be revealed in the next 31/32 days?
At the least the watch party website still mentions a 4th watch party to come, so we'll probably get one more general trailer to look forward to outside of other possible single mon reveals. Based on PLA's final trailer we might see some more NPCs or something neat.
Well, since last week's trailer subjected us to the most annoying character to date revealed another gym leader, odds are not terrible that they might reveal another team star leader and/or titan. However, analysis of the map found only 5 team star flags, I think, and who knows* how many titans, so it's also entirely possible they won't reveal more about those two stories, since there's less to reveal already.

They might reveal a bit more about Penny? They introduced her but so far haven't linked her to one of the three stories in trailers (maybe the website hints at it?). Nemona is linked to Victory Road, Arven is linked to Path of Legends, so we might surmise Penny is involved in Star Street in some way.

Hopefully they reveal another ghost type or two since Halloween is coming up. :misdreavus:

(*yes, we know people following the leaks know, but since it can't be discussed we'll pretend no one knows)
so we might surmise Penny is involved in Star Street in some way.
Penny looks too wimpy and soft to be messing with any kind of gang.

Unless we're looking at another Evice situation. In that case, I hope Penny gets the same psycho smile and hairdo as him. :psysly:


I'm guessing there's some gameplay feature they'll probably reveal. Probably related to the school, it's such a big thing and we have all those professors there, i doubt it's all set dressing. Seems like an easy thing to include with a last "proper" trailer along side a pokemon.

So basically something tied to the implied Past/Future thing they got going on.
So basically something tied to the implied Past/Future thing they got going on.
I mean I was thinking more along the lines of like...taking classes for...things? Something to encourage you to explore more or learn more about the systems. Maybe we get a dorm room we can lightly customize? That feels like a feature they'd like to put in a trailer, especially if it was a photo op with your Pokemon.