Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v2 [Update on Post #5186]

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yeah but it wont have defog or roost so shut up actually
We don't know yet, the only hope we have to fix the meta issues is that Game Freak adds good tutor moves and TM with a good distribution, I doubt that even +5 bans are going to be enough for people to consider the meta good because of how limited we are for some roles outside the top mons.
Has anyone been using Iron Moth lately? I think it’s dropped off because of Gambit and Booster Valiant (Physical) and Glowking do a decent job holding it down. Mostly though it’s overall easy to revenge kill.
Has anyone been using Iron Moth lately? I think it’s dropped off because of Gambit and Booster Valiant (Physical) and Glowking do a decent job holding it down. Mostly though it’s overall easy to revenge kill.
Glowking killed it not only for how it walls it, but it also killed Toxic spikes as a whole which was one of the main things that made it worth running pre home, being one of the few not pasive t-spikes mons.
Has anyone been using Iron Moth lately? I think it’s dropped off because of Gambit and Booster Valiant (Physical) and Glowking do a decent job holding it down. Mostly though it’s overall easy to revenge kill.
I’ve used it on a couple of my teams. I think its still pretty viable especially with booster energy.

If it has SPA Booster, you can muscle pass special walls like clodsire and glowking thanks to Fiery Dance in conjunction with the 1.3 special attack boost.

If it has Speed Booster it can act as a late game cleaner/sweeper. The extra ev’s invested into defense or hp also make it more bulkier. Tera Fairy late game and sucker punch isnt killing anymore.

Its also note worthy that it outspeeds Enamorous naturally and can OHKO it with Sludge Wave.

(awyp why you change your name?)
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I wouldn't be surprised if the future moth ended up in UU/UUBL eventually. Tspikes are rendered kinda irrelevant between Hamurott forcing boots on everything and Glowking removing them and forcing Moth out (I hope GF continues with this convergent form thing instead of regional forms because god I hate typing these stupid names out), while Agility sets don't seem to get too many setup opportunities and there are a number of things that wall it or revenge kill it even after an Agility and/or Fiery Dance. It also relies a bit too much on Booster Energy to get important KOs, and unlike Valiant it gets forced out somewhat easily so the item kinda goes to waste half the time. It has Volc level offenses but without the defensive backbone or setup abilities that made Volc Volc.
Well ND tera suspect just ended with an insane amount of people that don't really care about the health of the tier coming in and flooding it with DNB. When our eventual resus happens, we really just going to let the same thing happen or are we going to implement some actual footmarks beside and easily accruable GXE and ELO?

Maybe just maybe the player base as a whole doesn't think it's busted and it's just the vocal minority on the forums who think it is?
Maybe just maybe the player base as a whole doesn't think it's busted and it's just the vocal minority on the forums who think it is?

So I actually looked this up a bit earlier, since I thought it would be a fun comparison, given how often people call Tera the second coming of dynamax:

The original Dynamax suspect, for SSOU, voted 86.7% in favor of banning. The counterpush against Tera could never. Literally. The fact that a generational mechanic could be that universally reviled in the span of a couple of months is, frankly, incredible.
Hot take, but imo the only way to get an objective measurement for tera is to make the tera-test ladder tera-less. We need a tera-less ladder to get a feel for how much better the meta is going to be without it, and it will reduce the amount of brigading going on.

Yes I am implying that without tera as a crutch a lot of people won't be making reqs. Sue me.
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Hot take, but imo the only way to get an objective measurement for tera is to make the tera-test ladder tera-less. We need a tera-less ladder to get a feel for how much better the meta is going to be without it, and it will reduce the amount of brigading going on.

Yes I am implying that without tera as a crutch a lot of people won't be making reqs. Sue me.
I second this since we don’t really have an idea of how a tera-less metagame would be, and this is the best opportunity to test it.
side note - now that I look at it, the NDOU tera suspect had a suspiciously large amount of people whose only activity was a DNB vote in the thread. Like 'nearly every DNB vote'. Maybe I'm a conspiracy theorist, but did anyone do a serious look into vote manipulation? Or does every suspect look like that and I just didn't both to check.
side note - now that I look at it, the NDOU tera suspect had a suspiciously large amount of people whose only activity was a DNB vote in the thread. Like 'nearly every DNB vote'. Maybe I'm a conspiracy theorist, but did anyone do a serious look into vote manipulation? Or does every suspect look like that and I just didn't both to check.
Okay, seriously, what is vote manipulation to you, here? I think those users made a bad decision for the health of the meta but it's verified that they made reqs and they're allowed to vote however they like because of it.
Okay, seriously, what is vote manipulation to you, here? I think those users made a bad decision for the health of the meta but it's verified that they made reqs and they're allowed to vote however they like because of it.

I'm just wondering if anyone bothered to check to see if some youtuber made a video calling for brigading or some dude and his alts overran the vote. Relax, it's not all that serious of an accusation. I fully admitted to not even bother to check to see if a suspect normally look like that. But seriously, it was a lot of fresh accounts, and virtually all of them voting DNB. More just wondering out loud than accusing anything seriously.
Why the h people still complaining tera is broken.

it’s clearly not.

when was the last time a Tera amoonguss, zapdos or meowscarada felt OP to you?

it’s a choice of whether you keep Tera and axe more Pokémon from OU. Or get rid of Tera and keep more Pokémon in OU.

Dynamax was also not OP on jellicent, ferrothorn, or hippowdon. It did not need to be to get banned.
This is a very silly post lol.
Qualified players making a vote you don’t agree with is considered spamming now? People voting in the suspect test have won many games with few losses and thus are completely qualified to vote however they feel right for the meta? If you care so much about this then you should go meet the requirements to vote in the suspect. I’m anti-Tera as well and I can still see why this is wrong. Honestly how rude
If you are a qualified player and can get reqs for a suspect test, then they can vote however they want. Dont be mad only a minority of anti-tera players can get reqs.

Let's not pretend it isn't extremely easy to say "I'm voting do not ban can you forfeit" when you're about to lose, and that the average natdex kid won't treat you like Robin Hood and slam the forfeit button. I'd imagine most of the mysterious faceless "people who got recs" who never had accounts before used this method.
I have serious doubts about your ability to make reqs using that strategy. You might be able to cheese out maybe 1-3 more wins than normal over a 30 game run more than you'd expect, but at that point you were making reqs eventually anyways.
Let's not pretend it isn't extremely easy to say "I'm voting do not ban can you forfeit" when you're about to lose, and that the average natdex kid won't treat you like Robin Hood and slam the forfeit button. I'd imagine most of the mysterious faceless "people who got recs" who never had accounts before used this method.

Unless you can actually prove that then I really don't see why we're making this kind of shit up
The more I click Hurricane with Zapdos and the more I get hurricane clicked on by Zapdos and (and other hurricane spammers, Zapdos is the most egregious just by nature of how good Zapdos is rn) the more I'm convinced that this move is extremely bullshit. It uniquely is the only viable widespread move (That I can think of) that has 3 separate RNG checks tied into it:
-It's innate 70% accuracy
-It's 30% chance to confuse
-Confusion's chance to self hit (33% percent)
Sure, on it's own these chances are too low to realistically change any outcomes--but Zapdos can click Hurricane a lot. And eventually you will get haxxed or hax with hurricane. It feels like any answer to Zapdos has to fight through the chances of hurricane hax and whenever you get confused by it your heart rate doubles.

Is it banworthy? No, it doesn't meet that threshold. Is it the most miserable thing in the world? Absolutely.

Its banworthy because random RNG is bulshit according to those that want QuickClaw Banned.
I feel like people are just too focused on game to game, partially due to smogon's huge overemphasis on streaking with make random losses super frustrating. I mean yeah, does it suck when they just happen to get QC on the one turn it can't happen, or they get the hurricance + confuse + hits self chance in a turn? Yeah, but you can rest assured that that doesn't work the other 9/10 times they try it.

Pokemon is a game of rng. It is what it is. Removing all RNG is impossible. Removing user positive RNG is doable (meaning RNG that even if you fail the RNG check you still just break even or go postitive) because there aren't too many sources of that, but QC is not user positive RNG since there's a pretty substantial drawback to using it as a strategy.
Well ND tera suspect just ended with an insane amount of people that don't really care about the health of the tier coming in and flooding it with DNB. When our eventual resus happens, we really just going to let the same thing happen or are we going to implement some actual footmarks beside and easily accruable GXE and ELO?

Homie is trying to rig election results in favor of the more skilled players....

You can't just cut people out of a vote. I only joined this forum recently to learn more about the Volc ban and to try and not ban tera. But my vote doesn't matter because I'm 1200 ELO so therefore I'm not good enough to have an opinion right? If I want to have a say I will grind up for GXE but that shouldn't be raised higher just because some results don't reflect 'the actual playerbase'.
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