Resource Pet Mods Submissions Thread

Approved by the mods back in December 2021, originally hosted by Ema, left to die by Ema, revived by Ema into v2 before never taking off the ground...

:ho-oh: :espeon: Return to Orre Tercera :lugia: :umbreon:

This is a micrometa that only uses Pokemon obtainable in Coloseum and XD. Evolutions from later gens, such as Sylveon, are also included. In the original concept(s) for this PM, it would also include regional variants but we are forgoing this.

This is a Generation 9 NatDex Based Pet Mod played in Singles with a very simple set of twists:

Shadow pokemon and Purified pokemon will exist.

Shadow pokemon receive shadow moves, a shadow typing, and potentially improved stats. Shadow moves are super effective on non-shadow pokemon and not very effective on other shadow pokemon, and part of the PM will be adding in new shadow moves and changed the old ones. Shadow pokemon will also receive a Shadow Ability unique to each shadow pokemon--The shadow ability can be any concept someone wants to try and would be bundled with the shadow pokemon.

Purified pokemon are pokemon that have beaten the shadow infecting their hearts and have become far stronger because of it! These pokemon can have new abilities, moves, typing, and stats! But no custom content. Sme of the weaker pokemon in this format can be given an entirely new lease on life with dramatic improvements allowed. But because it'll be a "new" pokemon with the Purified tag, no one will be blindsided with a knowledge check of "did you remember we hyper buffed Ledian, should've double checked the spreadsheet!".


Potential ideas for this slate: Adding new shadow moves, adding new shadow pokemon, adding new purified pokemon, porting later gen pokemon who can then gain a shadow or purified form, and more!

I think there's been a fair amount of interest in this concept before, considering it did get originally accepted by the staff, but it struggled to really nail down a concept that was easy to submit for, and to play. My goal with this PM is to actually have slate 1 include as many submissions as possible and have this playable right out of the gate--Letting everyone have fun from the word go. Worth noting is there will be no z-moves, megas, dynamaxing, or terra hats.

Thank you for your consideration!

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:meowscarada: Type Tyranny :greninja:

Type Tyranny is (or will be, rather) a Gen 9 NatDex metagame that'll be primarily focused on adding a bunch of new types to the game. The often fan-requested Sound or Light types? Sure! Something a bit more off the wall like Time or Cosmic types? Why not? Something absolutely stupid like a Cheese type? If you can apply it to enough Pokemon and convince everyone else it's the meta game-changer that we need, go right ahead. The preexisting 18 types will be left virtually untouched, and will only see changes or shifts in viability through their interactions with the newly introduced types.

Every new type introduced would be given the same treatment as if that type had always existed. As such, new types will automatically receive a new Gem, Memory, and Z-Crystal item of their type. They will also receive a berry that halves supereffective damage from that type, with Fairy getting one retroactively since its the one type such a berry doesn't currently exist for. No new Max Moves will be introduced, due to Dynamax being banned in the NatDex format. Any Pokemon's Hidden Power Type and Tera Type can be set as a new type. Stuff like new moves, abilities, weathers/terrains, or type-specific held items can be added by a type's submitter using our Point System.

Submitters would receive 15 points when making a submission for a new type. Each slate would either have a specific type(s) or a theme that submitters must follow. Without spending points, you can:
  • Give your type neutralities/weaknesses/resistances
  • Create 3 new moves for your type (1 Physical, 1 Special, 1 Status, no signature moves)
  • Convert 3 existing moves into your type
  • Change 3 evolutionary lines to have your new type
Points would be required to:
  • Give your type immunities (2 points per immunity)
  • Create more new moves for your type (1 points per move, 2 per signature move)
  • Convert more moves into your type (1 points per move)
  • Change more evolutionary lines to include your new type (1 per line)
  • Change an evolutionary line to have your type AND buff the final stage by up to 100 BST (3 points, once only)
  • Create abilities that interact with your type (2 per ability)
  • Create new held items that interact with your type (2 points)
  • Create a new non-volatile status OR entry hazard belonging to your type (8 points, once only)
  • Create a new terrain OR weather belonging to your type (8 points, once only, includes appropriate Weather-Extending Rock or Terrain Seed item)
[NOTE: Point values are still largely WIP and not set in stone. First slate might have similar values and adjust as we go depending on how subs turn out.]

:vanilluxe: IceLevelIncarnate (Leader/Coder)
:unown-question: Anyone else willing to help code or provide concise competitive critique.

Mod Concept: In free-style slates (Like in FE or Joltemons), new abilities will be added to the AAA metagame.
Mod Explanation: There are not many OM-based Pet Mods, so that’s why I’m going to sub this mod. The abilities added in AAAA will be distributed to every Pokémon, so the power level will be much smaller than others. AAAA will maybe have 10-15 new abilities added at the end of the mod. Each Slate, only 1 ability will win, so abilities can be resubbed. But only one ability can be subbed per person per slate

(I finally subbed this?)​
:slowbro: :slowking: Split Revolution :armarouge: :ceruledge:
Basically this is a micrometa where only Pokemon from a branching evolution line are legal. The mod will begin with the official mons of this criteria being allowed, with rebalancing to establish a balanced meta.
However, with each slate more Pokemon can be added into the tier by creating a new branching evolution! This can be either through a new official mon paired with a corresponding split evo Fakemon, or a split evolution to a mon already in the tier.

Submissions and Voting
- As mentioned before, the mod will begin with a small set of Pokemon - the first slate or two will be about reworking/balancing these mons as best as possible, whether that be buffs/nerfs or changes to distinguish them from other mons.
- Fakemon slates come in two forms: A pair of an official Pokemon not yet in the mod with a Fakemon as one submission, or a single branched evolution to a mon already in the mod.
- In addition, there will be a balancing stage every 5-7 slates, to buff/nerf mons and keep the meta in a healthy state.

Some Baseline Submission Rules:
  • Only one Fakemon per submission. Specifically, you can't submit two fakemon at the same time.
  • No split evos for Legendaries or Single Stage Mons. First is self-explanatory, but the single-stage restriction is because you'll need two Fakemon to have count as a real split evolution line, which is against the above rule.
  • No Eeveelutions and Hitmons, they will likely have their own themed slate.
  • Limit 2/3 submissions each slate, based on the slate type explained previously, per person.
    • There may or may not be a sub limit for balancing slates - I haven't decided on it yet
Pokemon: - Pokemon name.
Type: - Self-explanatory.
Base Stats: - Include stats (HP/Atk/Def/SpAtk/SpDef/Spe), base stat total, and difference from current stats.
Abilities: - Ability 1, Ability 2, Hidden Ability. Bold abilities you changed. If it is a custom ability, briefly explain what it does.
Move Changes: - Specify if moves are being added / removed. Like custom abilities, write a brief explanation of a signature move, if given.
Role: - Explain/justify your proposed change(s): explain what it does a/o why it is deserved.
(any fields you aren't changing can be removed)

Pokemon: Victreebel
Type: Grass/Dark
Base Stats: 90 | 100 | 95 | 80 | 65 | 70 [BST= 500] +10 | -5 | +30 | -20 | -5 | 0 [+10]
Abilities: Chlorophyll, Intimidate, Poison Heal
Move Changes: + Bite, Crunch, Night Slash, Elemental Fangs
Role: Changed secondary type to differentiate it from Vileplume, and give more Dark-type representation. Defensive mon that can either slow down offensive threats with Intimidate or stay in the game for long with Poison Heal, but hates U-turn. Can alternatively run the Victreebel classic of Chlorophyll + SD. Also STAB Knock Off ftw
Pokemon: - Pokemon name.
Counterpart of: - Pokemon line it is based on.
Type: - Self explanatory.
Base Stats: - Each individual stat, and base stat total.
Abilities: - Self explanatory.
Notable Moves: - Available moves you are likely to see on a competitive set.
Role: General role of the mon and what it can do.
Flavor: Optional - give a description of the mon's appearance and how it could evolve from the base form.

Pokemon: Judobel
Counterpart of: Victreebel
Type: Grass/Fighting
Base Stats: 60/110/65/60/73/112/ 480
Abilities: Moxie, Rattled, Poison Heal
Notable Moves: Axe Kick, Brick Break, Leech Life, Leech Seed, Knock Off, Poison Jab, Pounce, Power-Up Punch, Power Whip, Sleep Powder, Solar Blade, Swords Dance
Role: Fast physical sweeper; basically Breloom but it has a less reliable sleep.
Flavor: Appearance is very similar to this beta Bellsprout evolution. Would evolve by having Bellsprout use Vine Whip a lot. Like, 100-200 times, an ungodly amount of times.
Voting will be on a Y/N system: You can vote approval for as many subs as you'd like, but they each only count for 1. Some users' votes may get higher influence than others however, depending on their contribution to the pet mod (e.g, participation in playtesting/tournaments). Once voting is over, the highest-voted subs will be added - the number of winning subs will vary from one sub to the next.

  • No Megas, Z-Moves, Dynamax, etc. Tera will also begin banned but there may be testing in the far future to see if it is a healthy inclusion.
:karrablast: Beebos​
(Just me at the moment lol. Definitely want 2-3 more people with pet mod battling/coding experience on board before beginning)​
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:duosion: :zapdos: 2-Step Mons V.3 :mewtwo: :dubwool:

The time has come for attempt part 3 of the mod where we follow a two step program!

Step 1: Design new signature moves and abilities.
Step 2: For each custom element from step 1, design a pokemon that makes use of said element as their signature move or ability (can be a modified existing pokemon or a new fakemon)

We will do this until we have a full micrometa. Each slate will consist of three elements. Each step lasts about a week, depending on timing of subs coming in. The goal is a metagame of about 30 pokemon.

Voting follows a simple "you can self vote but not in first place" rule.

Anyone previously on the council has a reserved seat on it for V.3.
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Set In Stone

Phase 1: Users submit 2 pokemon sets with the following format:

Move 1:
Move 2:
Move 3:
Move 4:

For each set,
You are allowed to submit up to 2 total slashes for moves and abilities. You cannot use both slashes for abilities (so either 2 move slashes or 1 move slash & 1 ability slash).
You are allowed up to 1 custom move or ability per set.

Due to the rules, pokemon could be allowed to have up to 4 abilities. Make sure you keep that in mind when creating your sets.

Every set will be approved barring extreme circumstances, and then randomly paired with a different set.

This meta will be a micrometa based in Generation 9, with Tera allowed.

Phase 2: Users create fakemon with the given information in slate format.

Example: In Phase 1,

One person submits:
Ability: Intimidate
Move 1: Stealth Rock
Move 2: Earthquake
Move 3: U-Turn
Move 4: Toxic / Knock Off

While another person submits:
Ability: Intimidate
Move 1: Swords Dance
Move 2: Earthquake
Move 3: Stone Edge
Move 4: Substitute

These are combined to create a pokemon with the following traits
Viable Abilities: Intimidate
Viable Moves: Stealth Rock, Earthquake, U-Turn, Toxic, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Stone Edge, Substitute

In Phase 2, someone could submit something like

Name: Landorus-Therian
Type: Ground/Flying
Ability: Intimidate
Stats: 89/145/90/105/80/91 (BST: 600)
Viable Moves: Stealth Rock, Earthquake, U-Turn, Toxic, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Stone Edge, Substitute
Flavor Moves: ...

Generally, you should not include any moves that would outclass moves in the Viable Moves section (for the sub above, adding a Flying STAB such as Brave Bird would not be allowed).

There is no voting in Phase 1
In Phase 2, voting for each fakemon will follow a simple format, vote for 3 subs [3, 2, 1 points] and you can't put your self vote in first place.
It's that time again! Hope you're ready for another round of approvals!


A return from last generation, Multiverse goes from generation to generation, taking Pokémon introduced from that generation, selecting a niche they served from any generation, and changing its stats, moves, abilities, and sometimes even types in order to serve that niche in a micrometa with a power level around that of the most modern generation’s OU (in this case, gen 9).

Most slates will let people take up to 7 Pokémon from a generation for people to submit, and 7 Pokémon total will be approved at the end of each slate. The voting system will resemble the one from last generation, but adapted to vote for only 7 submissions after 8. When it comes to the submissions themselves, you’re modifying a Pokémon from the generation that you’re getting its niche from (for example, unless you explicitly change it, a Gardevoir from a DPPt metagame, such as DP UU Calm Mind Sweeper, will be expected to only be Psychic type, and have its stats, movepool, and abilities be from its Gen 4 iteration). Submitters should aim to specialize a Pokémon’s to better use its pre-existing niche while keeping the general essence of the base Pokémon in mind.
New Moves:
Removed Moves:

:iron-moth: RedwoodRogue :iron-moth:
:garganacl: Paulluxx :garganacl:
Pretty cool idea that was pretty popular when it was around, I see nothing to complain about. Approved!

Pet Mod Name: Triple Threat
Pet Mod Concept: micrometa where all fakemons may have up to three typings
basically what it says on the tin. each slate there will be three starting typings given, and users make fakemons with up to three typings with the starting typings. for example slate x is fairy/fire/fighting. i can make a water/fairy/poison, fire/ground/flying, and a fighting/dark/ground.

some more things:
- related om if you want an idea of good typings
- preferably ou or slightly higher power level
- no movexit (i love pursuit)
- tera will most likely be banned
- customs will be allowed, within reason of course
- subs will be heavily encouraged to give full movepools or base off of existing movepools (i hate picking a mon in the builder and seeing that it has a total of 20 moves)
- might set up a preliminary vote on whether all pokemon should be forced to have three typings

council is me and DuoM2 so far, @ me in discord if u want in
Should be a fun time exploring the new setting that triple types would provide. Approved!

Pet Mod Name: VaporeMons
Pet Mod Concept: The third iteration of SylveMons comes to Gen 9 with VaporeMons! Like SylveMons and JolteMons before it, VaporeMons seeks to shake up the metagame by adding and changing moves, items, and abilities, as well as making non-stat Adjustments to Pokemon. In this case, the metagame in question will be Gen 9 OU after the upcoming Pokemon Home update.
Explanation: If you're familiar with JolteMons, then you already know basically how VaporeMons will work. If not, I've included a full explanation of the rules below:
Submission Phase (5 days)
During the submission phase, you can submit 4 new or changed moves, items, and abilities as well as 4 non-stat adjustments to Pokémon. Templates are provided below. There are very few restrictions for what you can do with moves, items, and abilities, but please keep your submissions balanced and codeable because the council reserves the right to veto any submission deemed uncompetitive, broken, or unfeasible. For Pokémon Adjustments, you can change the Pokémon's typing, abilities, and add or removes moves. You cannot create new moves or abilities for the Pokémon, you must submit those as part of your moves or ability submissions. Multiple moves / items / abilities can be subbed in one slot if they are clones of each other and multiple Pokémon can be adjusted in one slot if they are direct counterparts of each other.

Voting Phase (1 day) -
During the voting phase, you may vote for up to 6 submissions in each category. You are allowed 2 self-votes. The top voted submissions will win and be added to the metagame, with at least 2 winners in each category.

Discussion (1 day) -
The discussion phase of each slate gives us a quick period of rest to get the newest slate coded, discuss what we got in the newest slate, and potentially do a little playtesting before the next slate. Unlike in JolteMons, distribution discussion is no formally longer part of the discussion phase, with distribution now being decided by council.

VaporeMons will last for 10 slates
For those already familiar with JolteMons, there have been a few changes from how it worked last gen:
- There is no longer a formal Distribution Slate (with the 1 day break in between slates being just a Discussion Phase), with the Distribution of new Moves and Abilities being handled by council. You can still make suggestions for Distribution even if you're not on council, however.
- One playtesting roomtour will take place after every even numbered slate, allowing us to check in on the state of the metagame and make any balance changes if needed
- Unlike JolteMons, VaporeMons will be based on a Regional Dex metagame instead of National Dex. This means that dexited Pokemon can't be submitted for adjustments. Dexited moves and abilities that aren't on any Pokemon in the Dex are fair game, however (since that's no different from submitting a new move or ability).
- Once accepted, VaporeMons will aim to start about 2 weeks after Post-Home OU begins, giving time to get the initial OU quickbans out of the way. After that, VaporeMons' tiering will be independent from OU's, though council may agree with bans that happen after the mod starts and implement them anyway
- 99% chance that Terastalization is banned, as it very likely will get restricted or banned over the course of Post-Home OU, but likely not before VaporeMons begins.

Sylvemons and Joltemons both were very simple, yet popular mods and there's no reason we shouldn't have a third one in Gen 9. If anyone mentions the Vaporeon copypasta I am going to beat the crap out of them. Approved!

Pet Mod Name: Generation X: The Third Chapter
Pet Mod Concept: The Third Chapter of the Generation X series, of which the Brazado and Loria regions came before the undetermined third region. This region have it’s own Fakémon, available Pokémon, and possibly a special battle mechanic.
Explanation: As the council keep an eye on keeping the power level moderate in comparison to previous Pokémon, we build a new region step-by-step, starting with the name, lore, common environment and boxart Legendary Pokémon, with next slates having their own rules.
The guideline is written by Sharpen42 and Hematite.
  • Fixed types: Sometimes you'll have to submit a concept that fullfils a category so specific, that you will limit the typing for one or more of your subs.
    :sceptile: :emboar: :empoleon: :pikachu:
  • BST limits: Every slate we'll establish in the fist post the maximum and minimum values for the Base Statistics Total of your subs, so that they respect the power level expected by their category; there are also some general rules, that are:
    • Extreme minmaxing is, and will remain to be, heavily discouraged. An example of extreme minmaxing is 140 Attack and 15 Special Attack, or 35 Defense and 170 Special Defense. However, it isn’t forbidden to do so, so feel free if you’re confident it won’t make your submission overpowered!
    • That said, while you should be careful with balancing, don't be afraid to let your Pokémon excel in at least one of its stats, even if it's an early-game Pokémon that you want to look weak! Almost all fully evolved Pokémon have at least one stat above 100, and a large number go higher than 110 or 120 with their highest stat.
    • You can use this spreadsheet (original by Hematite; version with newer Pokémon under works) to compare your sub's stats to those of existing Pokémon.
    • It is generally not a good idea to try give a pre-evolution for Pokémon with already very low BST (as were the case for Pikachu and Jigglypuff for examples) or an evolution for Pokémon with very high BST (500 or especially higher range) unless you have a valid reason.
  • :arceus: :deoxys-attack: :slaking: :arcanine:
  • Counterparts and trios: In some slates you'll be able to submit some counterparts, for example version-specific Pokémon or small groups of 2-3 Pokémon that are related by any characteristic, like typing, BST, habitat, prey and predator, etc.; for this type of sub, components of the group will be voted as a whole, you won't be allowed to vote only for just one (or two if it's a trio) of them; some other slates the rules of the slate will impose you to submit a trio or a couple of counterparts, other ones will totally deny you to do so.
    :sawk: :throh: :zangoose: :seviper:
Based of Yoshiblaze’s Roadmap, with modifications.
Slates will have ~5 days of submissions and ~2 days of voting.
Same Rules as Gen X and Gen X: Loria - ask me any questions if something's unclear, preferably on Discord.
Stats will be done at the same time as all submissions.
Movepools can be completed any time after winners are voted in, as the mod won't be coded until its completion, but you are encouraged to list as many moves as possible to not leave your movepools lacking if you never complete them.
Regional Forms, Lookalikes (think of Wiglett), Cross-Gen Babies / Pre-Evos and Cross-Gen Evolutions(x) can be subbed for any slate except for the first three slates and the 14th slate (for obvious reasons), and as long as appropriate for the slates.

(x)Regarding Pokémon that already got a Mega Evolution, be it official or from Loria, cross-gen evos that resembles too much from the Mega “counterpart” will be very likely to be vetoed. If you’re not sure, a regional form with evolution is the safest bet for those.

Slate 1 - Region and Legendaries + Poll on if we want a Generational Gimmick
Slate 2 - Generational Gimmick (if “Yes” wins the poll) + Creation of a TM and Tutor List
Slate 3 - Starters (Grass, Fire and Water)
Slate 4 - Early Route Mons (Usually lower than average BST)
Slate 5 - ”Grassy Area” Slate
Slate 6 - Cave + Electric Rodent Slate
Slate 7 - Cold Area Slate
Slate 8 - Forest Slate
Slate 9 - Spooky Slate
Slate 10 - Aquatic Slate
Slate 11 - Fossil Slate
Slate 12 - Free Slate
Slate 13 - Gift Slate
Slate 14 - Minor Legendaries + Pseudo Legendary Slate
Extra Slates (if needed) - Counterparts, More New Pokemon, and Regional Forms, or just more Free Slates in general
Final Slate - Formation of the Regional Dex (Nominations + Council’s Additions)
After Slates Poll - Transfer Starters, Legendary and Mythical
Miscellaneous: The council will be me and most likely sharpen42, as well as up to three competitive-oriented volunteers; certain current members aren’t sure they want to return or could not be available for various reasons, so I have to take the mantle.
One of the better flavor-focused Pet Mod ideas, and that's coming from someone who doesn't tend to like those very much. Another returning submission that I think we need next to all of the overly-competitive ones this slate has. Approved!

Approved by the mods back in December 2021, originally hosted by Ema, left to die by Ema, revived by Ema into v2 before never taking off the ground...

:ho-oh: :espeon: Return to Orre Tercera :lugia: :umbreon:

This is a micrometa that only uses Pokemon obtainable in Coloseum and XD. Evolutions from later gens, such as Sylveon, are also included. In the original concept(s) for this PM, it would also include regional variants but we are forgoing this.

This is a Generation 9 NatDex Based Pet Mod played in Singles with a very simple set of twists:

Shadow pokemon and Purified pokemon will exist.

Shadow pokemon receive shadow moves, a shadow typing, and potentially improved stats. Shadow moves are super effective on non-shadow pokemon and not very effective on other shadow pokemon, and part of the PM will be adding in new shadow moves and changed the old ones. Shadow pokemon will also receive a Shadow Ability unique to each shadow pokemon--The shadow ability can be any concept someone wants to try and would be bundled with the shadow pokemon.

Purified pokemon are pokemon that have beaten the shadow infecting their hearts and have become far stronger because of it! These pokemon can have new abilities, moves, typing, and stats! But no custom content. Sme of the weaker pokemon in this format can be given an entirely new lease on life with dramatic improvements allowed. But because it'll be a "new" pokemon with the Purified tag, no one will be blindsided with a knowledge check of "did you remember we hyper buffed Ledian, should've double checked the spreadsheet!".


Potential ideas for this slate: Adding new shadow moves, adding new shadow pokemon, adding new purified pokemon, porting later gen pokemon who can then gain a shadow or purified form, and more!

I think there's been a fair amount of interest in this concept before, considering it did get originally accepted by the staff, but it struggled to really nail down a concept that was easy to submit for, and to play. My goal with this PM is to actually have slate 1 include as many submissions as possible and have this playable right out of the gate--Letting everyone have fun from the word go. Worth noting is there will be no z-moves, megas, dynamaxing, or terra hats.

Thank you for your consideration!

View attachment 508515
Always sucks to have a mod idea never see the recognition it deserves, and I think this is one that's worth giving another chance. Approved!

Set In Stone

Phase 1: Users submit 2 pokemon sets with the following format:

Move 1:
Move 2:
Move 3:
Move 4:

For each set,
You are allowed to submit up to 2 total slashes for moves and abilities. You cannot use both slashes for abilities (so either 2 move slashes or 1 move slash & 1 ability slash).
You are allowed up to 1 custom move or ability per set.

Due to the rules, pokemon could be allowed to have up to 4 abilities. Make sure you keep that in mind when creating your sets.

Every set will be approved barring extreme circumstances, and then randomly paired with a different set.

This meta will be a micrometa based in Generation 9, with Tera allowed.

Phase 2: Users create fakemon with the given information in slate format.

Example: In Phase 1,

One person submits:
Ability: Intimidate
Move 1: Stealth Rock
Move 2: Earthquake
Move 3: U-Turn
Move 4: Toxic / Knock Off

While another person submits:
Ability: Intimidate
Move 1: Swords Dance
Move 2: Earthquake
Move 3: Stone Edge
Move 4: Substitute

These are combined to create a pokemon with the following traits
Viable Abilities: Intimidate
Viable Moves: Stealth Rock, Earthquake, U-Turn, Toxic, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Stone Edge, Substitute

In Phase 2, someone could submit something like

Name: Landorus-Therian
Type: Ground/Flying
Ability: Intimidate
Stats: 89/145/90/105/80/91 (BST: 600)
Viable Moves: Stealth Rock, Earthquake, U-Turn, Toxic, Knock Off, Swords Dance, Stone Edge, Substitute
Flavor Moves: ...

Generally, you should not include any moves that would outclass moves in the Viable Moves section (for the sub above, adding a Flying STAB such as Brave Bird would not be allowed).

There is no voting in Phase 1
In Phase 2, voting for each fakemon will follow a simple format, vote for 3 subs [3, 2, 1 points] and you can't put your self vote in first place.
Staff team's glad you submitted this just in time, this is a really unique idea for a submission process. Approved!

Going to be resubbing another successful Gen 8 mod.

Pet Mod Name: Fakemon Frontier
Pet Mod Concept: A few metagames made of several Fakemon submitted with restrictions on some of their attributes.
Explanation: I feel like the best way to explain is with the example I used last generation. In any given slate, there will be three groups of four "restrictions" like below...

View attachment 482863

You must build Fakemon pulling from two of these four restrictions in any given group. The idea is to build a good sub within these limitations. With the above example, you can do things like making a Dragon/Fairy that uses Poison Heal in place of recovery, a Normal-type wallbreaker with Guts and Cross Chop along those stats, a fast Steel/Fairy pivot based around those stats backed by good bulk and utility, and so on. Might sound like you have a lot of options, but things do get more difficult as time passes, a metagame begins to form, and you now need to build something within these confines that also happens to fit a much more specific role (like for last gen, I made Fluidrake while thinking "how do I make this check Cellsius").

There will be a few differences between this and how the mod worked last gen but most of them aren't really relevant, minus two exceptions. The first is that tera is gone (lmao get bodied). The second and more obvious is that we're going to have a big tiering rung in place. Depending on how the meta's looking after a certain point, we're going to finish off Fakemon Frontier OU with somewhere between 45 and 60 Fakemon. After some playtesting, we'll have a final viability rankings. Fakemon below a certain rank (like B+ or something) will drop to Fakemon Frontier UU. Rinse and repeat the cycle until we have around that amount in UU, then drop the stuff below that rank to RU.

Otherwise, council will just be myself and Mossy Sandwich for the time being. No custom elements will be allowed. Tiers will go from OU-PU and then stop, and each will get its own thread similar to how FE had it last gen. Everything else that applied with Gen 8 Restrictions would apply here as well.
Normally the staff team takes very careful consideration of each other's opinions and makes sure we agree on what mods to approve. When I have to write the approval post for a mod I'll be hosting, it's very awkward with how biased and corrupt it makes me seem. Well news flash, nerds - I RIGGED THIS WHOLE POST YOU IDIOT!!! What else did you think when reading the list of approvals, huh? It's all mods I am currently or was once a council member for, Fakemon mods, mods that were a part of an older gen out of on and so forth. I approve of this mod, AND NOBODY CAN STOP ME! (**)

**the last four sentences are a lie

That's all for this round. Hope you guys enjoy the new metas!
Gonna keep Totem Trials on a freezer since while the concept is cool I don't think people can code it just yet lmao.

So, im subing this other thing:

Doll Pikachu IV.png
Doll Mime Jr. IV.png

In this gen 9 Ubers metagame based mostly on Banhammers we don't ban any pokemon, ever. Instead, we horrifically murder them by turning them into plushies! These plushies become items that certain Pokémon can hold to gain special atributes!

  • Pokémon that get transformed into plushies are effectively and permanently removed from the meta. They are voted by the submiters.
  • These dolls have special effects which are specified in each submission.
  • These dolls are removeable by usual methods unless the item specifies otherwise.
  • Council's only role will be to nerf or buff items accordingly.

Pokémon: Gholdengo
Reason for Ban: Gholdengo has long lay ruin to the hazard game by blocking both defog and rapid spin. Without it, hazards are way easier to be removed.
Plushie effect: If held by a steel type, the user learns the move Make it Rain. Grants immunity to status moves.

Pokémon: Regieleki
Reason for Ban: Fuck you stupid bulb.
Plushie effect: If user's current speed is faster than 500 speed, its electric attacks deal x1.5 damage.

:mr. mime: Gekokeso
:alakazam: Anyone who would be up to the task of coding this.
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Generation 8 and 9 can be seen as the introduction to Competitive Pokémon to a large portion of the current Pet Mod community, at least the non veterans. In both of those generations, very controversial elements were introduced, namely Dynamax and Terastilization. Dynamax was ultimately banned in the generation it was introduced in, and Terastilization is still facing a looming second suspect test in the future. Not to mention the weird way Pokémon have been dexited leaving a weird metagame numbers wise, with lopsided balancing. What would we ever to do? Enter TeraMax.

Pet Mod Name: TeraMax
Pet Mod Concept: A Gen 9 based metagame focused around rebalancing Dynamax AND Terastilization to fit within an OU construct.
Explanation: This metagame's starting point will be a combination of the base regional dex of Generation 8 and 9. It will have several different phases dealing with different aspects of the metagame.

  • Phase One: Similar to the likes of Book of Enigmas, first phase will be the rebalancing of both Dynamax and Terastilization. Since both will define how the metagame is shaped, they will be treated as pairs when voting commences. Any restructuring, restrictions or additions is allowed, as long as they eventually end in a balanced mechanic. Important to note, users can create Pokémon specific Tera features ala Gigantamax did. Also only Pokémon introduced in Gen 8 can Dynamax, like wise, only Pokémon introduced in Gen 9 can Tera.
  • Phase Two: This will focus on balancing the existing Pokémon to be a better fit in the metagame. This will be done for 8 slates, similar in structure to SylveMons. Upon the conclusion of the 8 slates, playtesting will be done to get a better understanding of the level of our metagame, and any balancing will be done by council and community input.
  • Phase Three: The final phase will focus on introducing select threats from Post Home and eventually Post DLC additions from each generation to round out the dex, with the additions being reworked if necessary to better fit into our metagame.
After all of this, playtesting (and balancing if necessary) will also occur, upon which the metagame will be successfully completed.

Miscellaneous: A council will definitely be needed, and there are a few tweaks I am unsure about yet, but the main frame of the metagame will most likely be what we are seeing right now.
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:lugia: :dialga: Super Ubers:Reshiram: :Calyrex-Shadow:

Pet Mod Name: Super Ubers

Pet Mod Concept: This mod is focused on revising older generation Ubers to the standard of newer, more specialized Ubers that GameFreak has put out in the last few generations, while also trying to make Ubers a more interesting and varied metagame. Compare terrible Pokemon like Reshiram or Dialga to hyper-focused Pokemon like Necrozma-Dusk Mane or Calyrex-Shadow. While its unlikely that every box legendary will be viable in a metagame with each other, we can at least give some of the more unfortunate ones a glow-up and a potential niche, while potentially reigning in some of the more absurd creations that GameFreak has put out.

Explanation: Submissions will be done via slates, and a Pokemon's stats, ability, movepool, and sometimes type will be up for changes. Every slate, I will put out 3 or 4 Pokemon to revise. This will be a National Dex based mod, with Megas and Z-moves allowed, but with Terastalization banned. Custom elements will be allowed on a slate-by-slate basis. A typical slate will look like this:

  • Pokemon to buff
  • How the Pokemons' types may be changed, if this is allowed
  • Which custom elements are allowed, if any
  • In every slate, the Pokemons' stats, signature moves, signature abilities, learned moves, and possible abilities will be open to changes
  • BST limits/restrictions
  • To ensure that this isn't just a hyper offense fest a la Gamefreak's recent proclivities, submissions will be categorized into one of 3 groups: Glass Cannon (with the glass being figurative because this is Ubers after all), Tanks, and Fatmons/Utility mons. Take these all with a grain of salt; they won't be 100% rules to follow, but rather a way for submissions to clarify a strategic focus for their submission. Ubers mons can fill multiple roles, but I really want to avoid a thread full of Calyrex-Shadows and Zacians.
  • Participants may submit their changes via a template given in the thread's OP
Voting will occur after a week or so (subject to change based on activity). Some submissions will be paired together if the Pokemon that slate are paired together as box legends for a generation (For instance, Dialga and Palkia would be part of one submission package). Voting for each Pokemon/package will be ranked, with each voter able to vote for and order 3 submissions that they like. I haven't decided whether every box legend will be up for slates (in pairs based on the games they are in), or whether I'll just be including those Ubers with less viability on slates, although I'm leaning towards the former to maintain flavor parity.

Miscellaneous: As this mod is based around balancing the Ubers metagame, certain Ubers will start off banned and be let back in later. Mega Rayquaza, Zacian-Hero, Zacian-Crowned, Calyrex-Shadow, Koraidon, and Miraidon will start off banned from this mod, and at some point I will have a slate or two where they are nerfed down to the standards of the rest of the metagame.

:rayquaza-mega: :zacian: :zacian-crowned: :calyrex-shadow: :koraidon: :miraidon: Say good-bye for a little while guys!

I don't know that a council would be needed, but I am absolutely open to anyone who frequents this forum joining me to help manage balance or what not. I will be looking into how to code this on Dragon Heaven so this becomes playable at some point.
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Pet Mod Name: Move Remix
Pet Mod Concept: Gen 9 OU mod that removes all real moves. Only user submitted moves are added to the mod.
Explanation: Mod begins with Slate 0 to populate the movepools with flavor moves and universals. Any submission approved by council (read as: not vetoed) is automatically added to the mod.
Slate 1 and onward use a two part system: the first part has people sub a move and then the second involves subbing distribution.
Miscellaneous: Would like some more councillors, including a coder, on the team here to assess what is feasible given that I'm sure submissions will be quite diverse
:arctozolt: Movetypos :arctozolt:

You liked Abilitypos, you liked Poketypos, here's the third round!
On the same basis as the two aforementioned Pet Mods, moves will have their names slightly changed, as a "typo", and their effects will follow on.
As the two other Typo metas, this would be a micrometa, based on Gen 9 National Dex.

Submissions and Voting
- Submitters may submit moves with a name change, no category nor typing requirements (you could derivate Shell Smash to a physical move)
- They also have to choose one Pokémon which learns the move, and they could modify its stats, ability and typing to fit the new move.
- There will be slates, stating requirements for moves as starting gen or only recovery moves.

Sub Rules:
no fixed guidelines for now

:arctozolt: Uh, me
has been a volunteer to help.
looking for coders still
:sv/melmetal: :sv/meltan:
The Buddy System
Overview: This is a doubles based metagame, however it plays a bit differently than regular doubles. When starting the game or switching in, two Pokémon switch in, the "Main" Pokémon and the "Buddy" Pokémon. The Main's job is basically the same as a normal Pokémon's, but the Buddy's job is specifically as a support for the main one. It can either be with healing, protecting, or just straight up extra damage.

1. Switching in works similar to singles. When you switch in or out a Main, the Buddy also follows them. This means that there are a total of 12 Pokémon per team. (6 Mains and 6 Buddies)
2. If the Main faints, then the Buddy also faints. However, the Main will continue fighting if the Buddy faints, though obviously it'll be at a disadvantage.
3. The Main cannot target their own Buddy at all, meaning that their own Buddy cannot be damaged or affected in any other way by their own Main.
4. Any other mechanic will work the exact same way as Doubles.
5. Buddy Limitations: The Buddy will not be allowed to hold an item and can only have 2 moves (in-battle, no limit on movepools). Its recommended that stats be below average but there wont be a limit. Buddies can only be used with their respective mains.

1. Instead of traditional slates, this mod will work with a sign-up system, meaning that anyone who signs up will have their Pokémon added into the metagame. There will be 4 slates in total. (subject to change). Sign-ups will be done in groups of 2, with one person working on the Main, and the other on the Buddy.
2. Both the Main and the Buddy will be fakemon.
3. Only the Buddy will be allowed custom elements, with a max of one.
4. Mechanics will be Gen 9, but moves from all generations will be allowed.
:gs/delibird: Secret Santa: The Pet Mod :gs/delibird:

In this Pet Mod, users can submit a wishlist for a fakemon they want. That wishlist consists a few attributes that range from Movepool, Typing, Abilities, Metagame Roles, Niches and so on. After the submission phase ends, I will randomly distribute the wishlist among the submitters. This whole process won't be held on the thread, since it's more interesting to work with a idea but not know whose idea it was.

All submitters either DM me with their wishlist or they type out a google docs (that detail I have to figure out)

Person A: Wants a special Grass/Fighting that wants to use a physical move (of any kind) reliably in any set (Not U-turn!)

Person B: Wants a Stallbreaker with Chien-Pao movepool

Person C: Wants a Fire/Ghost with low speed but high BP moves

Person D: Wants a low BST Pokemon with a good ability, that helps it become viable

Person E: Wants a Past Paradox of Krookodile

Now after everyone has submitted their wishlist, I randomly distributed them.

Person A gets the wishlist of Person D's wishlist, Person B gets Person C's wishlist, Person C gets Person E's wishlist, Person D gets Person A's wishlist and Person gets Person B's wishlist. These people now create fakemons based on the wishlists. After a certain amount of time, these fakemons will be posted on the thread revealing who submitted the wishlist and who made the fakemon for it.

Some other thing that I wanted to mention is that custom elements are allowed and they can be part of the wishlist or fakemon creation. This mod is Gen 9 so dexit exists. However, for the sake of variety, I will allow to create clones of dexit moves, Mega Evolution and Z-Crystals provided they are not spammed.

I plan for submissions to last a week and creating fakemons to last 4-5 days, although this phase ends earlier when all fakemons are done.

- :swampert: ViZar
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:aurorus: [Gen 9] Paleomons :armaldo:

Pet Mod Concept: A return of the Paleomons mod from last gen! We will be aiming to create a SV OU-based micrometa of Pokemon based on real critters from the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras.

Explanation: Similarly to last gen, slates will be divided into different categories: Fossil Reworks, Ancient Forms, Fakemon, and the new Past Paradoxes.
- Fossil reworks will take the existing fossil Pokemon and revert them into their ‘original’ forms, likely shedding the Rock typing and gaining new tools in order to fit within the Paleomons meta.
- Ancient forms will work similar to regional variants, with the same BST as their modern counterparts, but with new flavor and designs in order to fit within the ancient setting.
- Fakemon slates will allow for the most creativity, with users able to create their own completely original designs based on concepts laid out in the slate OP.
- Past Paradoxes will be a new addition this generation. These would likely be a bit different from the Past Paradoxes we see in SV, such as allowing abilities other than Protosynthesis in order to promote diversity, but otherwise the ‘dinosaur’ theming totally fits within Paleomons’ setting!

Miscellaneous: All of the council members will be returning from last gen, though this time around I’ll be taking over the position of leader. However, it would be great if we could have 1-2 new council members in order to ease the workload. If you’re interested, please DM me here or on Discord. Additionally, we’d appreciate if someone would be willing to code this mod regularly, as last gen we had some trouble finding a coder. Thanks for your consideration, and we hope to see you submitting once the mod begins!
What? X is evolving?!

Pet Mod Concept: Every Pokémon, as long they fit the right criteria, will gain a brand new evolution!
Explanation: Based on the Megas for All mod, the community would be able to send their ideas for a new evolution for a old pokémon, probably through themed submissions slates just like megas for all. Now is not like you can evolve ANYTHING, there is certain criteria that needs to be followed.

In order to the pokémon to be able to evolve:
  • Its BST has to be lower than 500
  • It can't have a alternate form with more than 500 BST (ex: Wishiwashi)
  • It has to be a first or second stage (Ex: Jumpluff can't evolve)
  • It can't mega evolve (Ex: Slowbro)
  • It can't be a sub-legendary, legendary, mythical, or Carbink
  • The same evolution can be given to two different mons as long as it makes sense (ex: Volbeat and Illumise)
  • If the species's regional variant has an evolution (Ex: Linoone), you have the option to make an regional variant of that evo (Ex: Obstagoon-Hoenn)
  • If the species can evolve already, it can't have more than 2 evolutions.
Evolution Limitations:
  • Its BST can't be lower than its pre-evo, and it can't exceed 555 (Reason: Arcanine is the highest non legend aside from crippled by abilities or alternate forms)
    • Exception 1: If the mon is a second stage and is in the slow exp group, its BST can also be 600, in this case now its a Pseudo-Legendary (Ex: Lanturn)
    • Exception 2: If the evolution has Wonder Guard, its BST can't be higher than its pre-evo, and it can't exceed 400 unless it has 1HP like Shedinja. (Unfortunately I can't think of a better implementation)
  • It can have a maximum of one Signature Move and Ability
  • The evolution can have alternate forms:
    • Alternate forms also follow the 555 BST limit
    • The maximum amount of non-asthetic forms it can have is 3
    • It can't be a Mega Evolution or a G-max form
    • Paradox Forms must have a different dex number, a BST of 570 and it can only have the Protosynthesis or Quark Drive Abilites
  • The evolution can't be Sub-Legendary, Legendary, Mythical or an Ultra Beast
  • A Pokémon can also recieve a pre-evolution (Aka a Baby form), whose BST can't be higer than its Evo.
  • The maximum amount of total evos a pokémon can have is 3 (Tyrogue, for example), though the reccomended is 2 (exception: Eevee, of course)

Please let me know if there's anything I missed :)

(I posted that on the workshop a while ago and I think the concept is fully realised now)
:dialga: Back to Sinnoh :palkia:

Pet Mod Concept: The idea is basically to redo Gen 4. Every Gen 4 mon, move, item and ability would be removed, and the goal would be to redo Gen 4 based on canon Gen 4 model.
Explanation: Every single Gen 1-3 move, ability, item would be here, physical/special split would still be there.

How would it be different from ReGeneration? Well, being Gen 4 based makes things different, and the goal would be to recreate an old generation of Pokemon and have canon mons available, as well as being able to adjust them. Moreover, it means buffing old mons would be fair game as well. Finally, having to recreate items means we're in a metagame with Leftovers, Choice Band, but no Choice Specs, no Life Orb, no Choice Scarf, no Assault Vest...

We would have Fakemon slates based on canon Gen 4 Dex (with a slate for starters, for early route, for evolutions of Gen 1-3 Pokemon... all based on Gen 4's model, with a rough equivalent), as well as slates for creating new abilities, items and moves to replace Gen 4 ones (remember: no U-turn, no Choice Specs, no Choice Scarf, no Life Orb, so there is a way to make this meta extremely different from Gen 4 OU).

Do note that you can sub vanilla stuff (like, moves, Pokemon, abilities and items) from Gen 4 or after, and you can modify them however you wish, as long as they fit the metagame and you have a good reason to do so (they'd ideally need to fit Sinnoh's lore, so you can alter them and change the concept as pseudo Sinnohian forms, without needing to call them Sinnohian forms because welp, they don't exist in canon lol).
Beartic Phone
Premise: Similar to Blindsided, in which people don't know what will be added into the meta, with a twist. Instead of one person working on a fakemon, a group of 5 people unknowingly work together to create a fakemon, very similar to the online game "Gartic Phone".

Each submitter will create a Name and Pokédex/Flavor entry for a fakemon. However, they will try to incorporate very little competitive input in said entry, it will almost be pure flavor in order to give the others a bit more freedom over the creation.
2. Afterwards, a different participant will be given the name and entry, and they will create a sketch of the mon using it.
3. Another person then comes in and decides the abilities and typing that the Pokémon will have, up to a max of 1 custom ability.
4. A different person now comes in and decided the stats (and weight) of the mon depending on all the previous info.
5. Last but not least, the movepool. Another person comes in decides what moves to give it.

Congratulations, you have made a fakemon.

There will be 10 (or 15 if we get enough interest) spots (10 mons) per slate. People can sign up and be redirected to a Discord server.
2. Slates will last roughly 2-3 weeks, due to all the work and cooperation needed for this.
3. There will be a total of 3 slates, so the metagame in the end will have between 30 and 45 mons.

Pokémon Fantasy and Folklore

Pet Mod Concept:
The pitch in my head for this mod was: "What if there was a Pokémon game that had the zeitgeist of a high-fantasy JRPG, in the vein of Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest, drawing from real-world myths and legends from around the world?" Rebalancing of existing mons included in this mod can also be done if applicable, and the possibility of a new "generational gimmick" might also be considered.

This mod is basically what I just mentioned, a hypothetical Pokémon game that is less like the traditional modern "urban fantasy" feel and more akin to "high-fantasy" fare, with a traveling adventurer going on a quest to save the world from some grand-scale threat while collecting party members (read: their Pokémon team) along the way. That said, I also feel like there aren't enough Pokémon that take inspiration from actual real-world mythology in terms of base concept as opposed to smaller contributions to their designs, and as someone who vouches for greater diversity in terms of folkloric representation in fantasy fiction, I figured it'd be nice to see if this community could make an entire region based on real-world myths, legends, and folktales, from the earliest epics of antiquity to modern urban legends.

The rules for this mod I came up with are as follows:
  1. Each submission to this mod's slates, regardless of how many stages or forms it has, must be based on a real-world myth, even if it involves a real animal as the basis. For 'mons with multiple stages, it is acceptable to have the first stage be based on a real-world animal, but the final stages are required to be based on a mythical or legendary creature (in the "folklore from the real world" sense, not the "god-tier endgame 'mons" sense) - preferably something connected to the animal the first stage is based on.
  2. What I'm looking for here is diversity in terms of folkloric representation - I would prefer an even balance of mythologies portrayed, as well as respect given to all cultures that may be represented in the mod. Please be aware of religious and cultural sensitivities when researching the folklore to use as inspiration.
  3. Regional variants and evolutions are allowed in this mod, as are straight evolutions to existing Pokemon, as long as the above two rules are respected. If your submission is of the latter type, you are welcome to make changes to rebalance the existing Pokemon it evolved from as well, so as to make it more viable - the most important criterion here is that the evolution should be based on a real-world myth or legend (even if the Pokemon it evolved from obviously isn't).
  4. Be respectful of anyone else submitting. Make sure your criticism is constructive and tactful, and avoid discouraging anyone or causing drama, either about the Pokemon metagame or real-world folklore. If you have an issue with something in any given submission that could be inflammatory if stated publicly, please use DMs to notify either the submitter or the admins overseeing the mod.
So, here would be a prototype format for submissions:

"[Pokedex entry #1]"
"[Pokedex entry #2]"

Name Origin: [The source words for the fakemon's name]
Based On: [The myth, legend, folktale, etc. the fakemon is based on, or for base stages inspired by a real animal, the animal in question]
Type: [Type combination]
Abilities: [At least one normal ability and, if applicable, exactly one Hidden Ability]
Level-Up Moves: [All moves the entry can learn via level-up]
Other Notable Moves: [Exactly what it says. This and the previous item can be replaced by movepool changes in the case of regional variants and evos]
Habitat: [The initial slate for the general nature of the region is planned to include a list of routes and possible habitats, which will be used as a reference for fakedex organization once decided]
Evolves From: [duh. This and the next one can be left out for single-stagers; include conditions of evolution (level, item, etc.) for both if applicable]
Evolves Into: [also duh]
Design and Flavor: [also also duh]
Competitive Info: [also also also duh]

(NOTE: For multi-stage lines, putting all of them under a single spoiler with all stages' names in the title would be preferable for easier organization.)

  • The "gameplay" I imagine for this hypothetical game would be in the Legends: Arceus style, although for the purposes of this mod I will be going by the general gameplay format used in all other pet mods and the Pokemon Showdown engine.
  • This mod will be based on the current state of the meta in Gen 9, although this may be amenable to change for future generations added to the mainline series canon.
  • Although this is a mod primarily geared towards mythology buffs, anyone can submit to this mod's slates as long as they are willing to conduct at least some level of research regarding the myth or legend to be represented in each submission.
  • As this is going to be a whole new region, the slates will be going over the archetypes for past regions first (starters, box legends, early route mons, fossils, etc.). Once those are done, the slates will then skim for myths and legends not already represented by previous winning subs, going by each continent or region until a suitably-sized fakedex is completed.
  • Because this is also going to inspired by fantasy JRPGs, character archetypes from that genre are also welcomed as inspiration, though not a strict requirement.
  • I will provide resources in the opening post for anyone interested in looking up mythical creatures and legends to choose from as inspiration, as well as creating a fakedex sheet on Google Sheets so people can check which legends have or have not been represented yet.
  • I'll definitely need a coder's help for this one, since I'm good with write-ups for the fakemon themselves, but not so much with actually implementing mods. I can definitely learn the latter in the future, though - I just need the time to actually do so...
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:sv/Great Tusk: :sv/Gholdengo: :sv/Kingambit: :sv/Dragapult: :sv/Landorus-Therian:
Teammates of OU
Pet Mod Concept:
The whole idea behind this mod is simple yet effective. The idea is to create a brand new metagame filled with Fakemon that serves as teammates to regular OU Pokemon, ultimately forming a meta which should be somewhat similar to base OU.

There's not much to this pet mod. Every slate, 3 base OU Pokemon are submitted. For each Pokemon, you submit a Fakemon that serves as a good teammate to them. For example, Dragapult is quite vulnerable to Sucker Punch and hazards, so a Fairy-type hazard remover that could threaten opposing Darks could serve as a good teammate. Gholdengo works best alongside its own hazard setter to take advantage of its ability, so you would submit a Stealth Rocker, preferably one that threatens opposing Fires, Grounds, and/or Darks that could take down Gholdengo, and so on.

Of course, tier shifts often change the OU metagame, so certain Pokemon aren't always going to be OU viable. As such, the Pokemon chosen for each slate are the ones that are ranked the highest in terms of viability and are the least suspectible to sudden changes in the metagame. However, Pokemon from other tiers that are also viable in OU may also be considered if the metagame is too small.

Also to make things clear, despite every Fakemon being centered around being a teammate to a base Pokemon, these base Pokemon will not be a part of this format. The idea behind this mod is to create a fresh new OU metagame, not unnecessarily expand and overbloat the original tier.


- Despite this metagame being based on OU, Tera will be banned due to its controversial nature. Trying to create a meta based on OU without relying on a centralizing mechanic will hopefully create a more unique experience.
- Custom elements are banned. Not only do they require extra coding, but I would rather us try to remain devoted to the base game's abilities and moves rather than try to introduce anything new to better reflect OU.
- I will be the main person running this mod, but additional council members and coders would be appreciated.

Eramons is focused around the creation of a Gen 9 micrometa where mons are sorted into different "eras" based on broad strokes of real-life historical time periods, as well as speculative fiction about the future. Akin to a Monotype meta, every Pokemon on your team must be from the same era. However, we plan to populate each era with a healthy amount of diverse options from the entire dex, as well as the star attractions of this pet mod, Eramons!

What are Eramons?
Eramons are similar in nature to regional forms or convergent Pokemon from the newest games. They are Pokemon that are significantly different to how we know them now, shaped by the period of time they came from. In design, they're a halfway point between a regional form and a convergent mon. They will have different yet similar names from the Pokemon they were based off of and may have an entirely different type, but they will not need to be a different species from the original and may keep one of its original types. Created by the community, there will be at least 3 new Eramons for each era to help diversify teambuilding options.

List of Eras
Below are a list of eras currently planned for the mod. Note that these are subject to change and not set in stone until the project gets underway. Furthermore, additional eras may be added as time goes on once the meta starts.
  • Prehistoric :tyrantrum::mamoswine::armaldo:
  • Early Civilization :cofagrigus::sigilyph::stonjourner:
  • Medieval :aegislash::dragonite::hatterene:
  • Age of Piracy :crawdaunt::malamar::dhelmise:
  • Wild West :rapidash::tauros::sandaconda:
  • Present Day :meltan::porygon2::magneton:
  • Far Future :clefable::celesteela::porygon-z:
  • Apocalypse :garbodor::dragapult::guzzlord:
Current Submission Plans
The current plan for slates is as follows.

We'll start by taking two eras that don't yet have any mons - so for the sake of example, Medieval and Wild West - and focus the slate on them. The first phase of the slate will focus on Returning Mons. After submitting up to 12 existing Pokemon into one of the two eras of the slate, 12 will be voted into each era for a total of 24 mons. These Pokemon will be based on their most recent appearance in a main series game (SV>SwSh>BDSP>USUM), with moves and abilities that no longer exist in SV removed. However, submitted Pokemon can be modified to better fit into the meta, with up to 50 points to boost its BST with, one of its abilities can be replaced, and one move can be added to its kit for every move removed from its kit that is not labeled as Usually useless or lower by Showdown. Dexit'd moves and abilities can be re-added this way.

After that, the second phase of the slate focuses on New Eramons. Users submit up to 3 Eramons for a Pokemon that does not currently exist in their era of choice, with the top 3 voted on being added to each era, making for 6 new additions. Eramons let you change a Pokemon much more drastically, allowing for changes to its type, redistribution of stats (although it must keep its BST), swapping out of all its abilities, as well as changing out its movepool to better fit the new form. Custom elements are also allowed, with 1 new ability or 1 new move to be added.

This slate structure will continue until every era has at least 12 mons and 3 Eramons. Once that happens, the Returning Mons phase will instead vote in 1 mon for each era, while the New Eramons slate will allow 3 mons to be voted into any era, although more popular eras will be excluded to give less popular eras more love as slates progress. As the meta progresses, more Eras may be added if the playerbase desires or the council decides a need for more.

  • No shocker, Tera is banned. If there's enough of a demand, it'll be suspect tested, but its unlikely.
  • Definitely need a coder to help out with this, if nothing else to help set up the pseudo-Monotype clause for the format.
(Apologies if this is disorganized, I’m starting to write this at 1 AM because I hadn’t found the time to write it out yet)

From the creators of Rapidity: Original Spin
Red’s Woodworks
Concept: If Pokémon had rpg classes, what would they be? With those, what kind of Pokémon would have those classes? Through community-submitted restrictions, and community-made mons using those restrictions, Shellder’s Gate seeks to answer these questions.

Explanation: Slates will be divided into two categories: Class and Pokémon
Each class slate is based on a stat (HP, Atk…). At the end of each of these slates, 2 classes will be created by the community by adding specific restrictions to those classes. One restriction is guaranteed every slate: the Pokémon’s highest stat must be the state the slate is about. For example, say that in the Special Attack slate, someone submits the Pyromancer class, stating that aside from having SpA as its highest stat, any Pokémon designated in the Pyromancer class must either be a Fire type or use a Fire type move effectively. At the end of each slate, 3 classes will be created, one with the sole restriction of the highest stat, and two with submitted restrictions.
Pokémon slates come after every class slate, and modders can submit up to 2 Pokémon in either of the modder-made classes and up to 3 in the base class, for a total of 7 Pokémon. To create a qualifying Pokémon, you should take a Pokémon that already fits the bill and buff it to around a Gen 9 OU level. An example would be to submit to the Pyromancer class by slapping on Skeledirge and calling it a day, or taking the Will-o-wisp user Rotom and making it faster and tankier to burn foes more consistently and maybe even live afterward to continue later.
-This is a natdex micrometa, so you can use any Pokémon as a base to submit, but this meta will otherwise exist on its own.
-Terastalization’s banned
-Custom abilities, moves, and items may be allowed at the council’s discretion if it fits the submission, and custom and non custom abilities, moves, and items can be tied to class restrictions as well.

Council would include me, whoever’s down to code this, and anyone that can help manage my clusterfuck of a mod schedule.

(Also, not that it was likely to be approved now regardless but consider this my request to not approve Copydex for this round of submissions. I want to first get used to running a generational format with Gen 9 Mverse before moving onto it)
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That imminent round of approvals we promised are here!

Gonna keep Totem Trials on a freezer since while the concept is cool I don't think people can code it just yet lmao.

So, im subing this other thing:

Doll Pikachu IV.png
Doll Mime Jr. IV.png

In this gen 9 Ubers metagame based mostly on Banhammers we don't ban any pokemon, ever. Instead, we horrifically murder them by turning them into plushies! These plushies become items that certain Pokémon can hold to gain special atributes!

  • Pokémon that get transformed into plushies are effectively and permanently removed from the meta. They are voted by the submiters.
  • These dolls have special effects which are specified in each submission.
  • These dolls are removeable by usual methods unless the item specifies otherwise.
  • Council's only role will be to nerf or buff items accordingly.

Pokémon: Gholdengo
Reason for Ban: Gholdengo has long lay ruin to the hazard game by blocking both defog and rapid spin. Without it, hazards are way easier to be removed.
Plushie effect: If held by a steel type, the user learns the move Make it Rain. Grants immunity to status moves.

Pokémon: Regieleki
Reason for Ban: Fuck you stupid bulb.
Plushie effect: If user's current speed is faster than 500 speed, its electric attacks deal x1.5 damage.

:mr. mime: Gekokeso
:alakazam: Anyone who would be up to the task of coding this.
An extremely fun idea that builds on an existing concept and makes it even better with great flavor to boot. Very excited to see this one. Approved.

Generation 8 and 9 can be seen as the introduction to Competitive Pokémon to a large portion of the current Pet Mod community, at least the non veterans. In both of those generations, very controversial elements were introduced, namely Dynamax and Terastilization. Dynamax was ultimately banned in the generation it was introduced in, and Terastilization is still facing a looming second suspect test in the future. Not to mention the weird way Pokémon have been dexited leaving a weird metagame numbers wise, with lopsided balancing. What would we ever to do? Enter TeraMax.

Pet Mod Name: TeraMax
Pet Mod Concept: A Gen 9 based metagame focused around rebalancing Dynamax AND Terastilization to fit within an OU construct.
Explanation: This metagame's starting point will be a combination of the base regional dex of Generation 8 and 9. It will have several different phases dealing with different aspects of the metagame.

  • Phase One: Similar to the likes of Book of Enigmas, first phase will be the rebalancing of both Dynamax and Terastilization. Since both will define how the metagame is shaped, they will be treated as pairs when voting commences. Any restructuring, restrictions or additions is allowed, as long as they eventually end in a balanced mechanic. Important to note, users can create Pokémon specific Tera features ala Gigantamax did. Also only Pokémon introduced in Gen 8 can Dynamax, like wise, only Pokémon introduced in Gen 9 can Tera.
  • Phase Two: This will focus on balancing the existing Pokémon to be a better fit in the metagame. This will be done for 8 slates, similar in structure to SylveMons. Upon the conclusion of the 8 slates, playtesting will be done to get a better understanding of the level of our metagame, and any balancing will be done by council and community input.
  • Phase Three: The final phase will focus on introducing select threats from Post Home and eventually Post DLC additions from each generation to round out the dex, with the additions being reworked if necessary to better fit into our metagame.
After all of this, playtesting (and balancing if necessary) will also occur, upon which the metagame will be successfully completed.

Miscellaneous: A council will definitely be needed, and there are a few tweaks I am unsure about yet, but the main frame of the metagame will most likely be what we are seeing right now.
Should be very interesting to see how a balanced Terastal and Dynamax fit into the same metagame, kinda like Gen 7 or NatDex having both Megas and Z-Moves, this will be one I'll keep my eye on. Approved.

:gs/delibird: Secret Santa: The Pet Mod :gs/delibird:

In this Pet Mod, users can submit a wishlist for a fakemon they want. That wishlist consists a few attributes that range from Movepool, Typing, Abilities, Metagame Roles, Niches and so on. After the submission phase ends, I will randomly distribute the wishlist among the submitters. This whole process won't be held on the thread, since it's more interesting to work with a idea but not know whose idea it was.

All submitters either DM me with their wishlist or they type out a google docs (that detail I have to figure out)

Person A: Wants a special Grass/Fighting that wants to use a physical move (of any kind) reliably in any set (Not U-turn!)

Person B: Wants a Stallbreaker with Chien-Pao movepool

Person C: Wants a Fire/Ghost with low speed but high BP moves

Person D: Wants a low BST Pokemon with a good ability, that helps it become viable

Person E: Wants a Past Paradox of Krookodile

Now after everyone has submitted their wishlist, I randomly distributed them.

Person A gets the wishlist of Person D's wishlist, Person B gets Person C's wishlist, Person C gets Person E's wishlist, Person D gets Person A's wishlist and Person gets Person B's wishlist. These people now create fakemons based on the wishlists. After a certain amount of time, these fakemons will be posted on the thread revealing who submitted the wishlist and who made the fakemon for it.

Some other thing that I wanted to mention is that custom elements are allowed and they can be part of the wishlist or fakemon creation. This mod is Gen 9 so dexit exists. However, for the sake of variety, I will allow to create clones of dexit moves, Mega Evolution and Z-Crystals provided they are not spammed.

I plan for submissions to last a week and creating fakemons to last 4-5 days, although this phase ends earlier when all fakemons are done.

- :swampert: ViZar
Looks like a very fun way to build a Fakemon metagame that should be pretty easy to get into. Approved.

:aurorus: [Gen 9] Paleomons :armaldo:

Pet Mod Concept: A return of the Paleomons mod from last gen! We will be aiming to create a SV OU-based micrometa of Pokemon based on real critters from the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras.

Explanation: Similarly to last gen, slates will be divided into different categories: Fossil Reworks, Ancient Forms, Fakemon, and the new Past Paradoxes.
- Fossil reworks will take the existing fossil Pokemon and revert them into their ‘original’ forms, likely shedding the Rock typing and gaining new tools in order to fit within the Paleomons meta.
- Ancient forms will work similar to regional variants, with the same BST as their modern counterparts, but with new flavor and designs in order to fit within the ancient setting.
- Fakemon slates will allow for the most creativity, with users able to create their own completely original designs based on concepts laid out in the slate OP.
- Past Paradoxes will be a new addition this generation. These would likely be a bit different from the Past Paradoxes we see in SV, such as allowing abilities other than Protosynthesis in order to promote diversity, but otherwise the ‘dinosaur’ theming totally fits within Paleomons’ setting!

Miscellaneous: All of the council members will be returning from last gen, though this time around I’ll be taking over the position of leader. However, it would be great if we could have 1-2 new council members in order to ease the workload. If you’re interested, please DM me here or on Discord. Additionally, we’d appreciate if someone would be willing to code this mod regularly, as last gen we had some trouble finding a coder. Thanks for your consideration, and we hope to see you submitting once the mod begins!
A old favorite from last gen, was a bit of late bloomer competitive, but it really came into its own and the end. Another round of it should produce similarly good results, plus the flavor is great. Approved.

:dialga: Back to Sinnoh :palkia:

Pet Mod Concept: The idea is basically to redo Gen 4. Every Gen 4 mon, move, item and ability would be removed, and the goal would be to redo Gen 4 based on canon Gen 4 model.
Explanation: Every single Gen 1-3 move, ability, item would be here, physical/special split would still be there.

How would it be different from ReGeneration? Well, being Gen 4 based makes things different, and the goal would be to recreate an old generation of Pokemon and have canon mons available, as well as being able to adjust them. Moreover, it means buffing old mons would be fair game as well. Finally, having to recreate items means we're in a metagame with Leftovers, Choice Band, but no Choice Specs, no Life Orb, no Choice Scarf, no Assault Vest...

We would have Fakemon slates based on canon Gen 4 Dex (with a slate for starters, for early route, for evolutions of Gen 1-3 Pokemon... all based on Gen 4's model, with a rough equivalent), as well as slates for creating new abilities, items and moves to replace Gen 4 ones (remember: no U-turn, no Choice Specs, no Choice Scarf, no Life Orb, so there is a way to make this meta extremely different from Gen 4 OU).

Do note that you can sub vanilla stuff (like, moves, Pokemon, abilities and items) from Gen 4 or after, and you can modify them however you wish, as long as they fit the metagame and you have a good reason to do so (they'd ideally need to fit Sinnoh's lore, so you can alter them and change the concept as pseudo Sinnohian forms, without needing to call them Sinnohian forms because welp, they don't exist in canon lol).
I've been personally excited for a Gen 4 mod for awhile now (free Pet Mods Classic) and this looks like a great way to achieve that goal that also helps many of us bridge the gap from our modern gen knowledge to Gen 4. Approved.

Beartic Phone
Premise: Similar to Blindsided, in which people don't know what will be added into the meta, with a twist. Instead of one person working on a fakemon, a group of 5 people unknowingly work together to create a fakemon, very similar to the online game "Gartic Phone".

Each submitter will create a Name and Pokédex/Flavor entry for a fakemon. However, they will try to incorporate very little competitive input in said entry, it will almost be pure flavor in order to give the others a bit more freedom over the creation.
2. Afterwards, a different participant will be given the name and entry, and they will create a sketch of the mon using it.
3. Another person then comes in and decides the abilities and typing that the Pokémon will have, up to a max of 1 custom ability.
4. A different person now comes in and decided the stats (and weight) of the mon depending on all the previous info.
5. Last but not least, the movepool. Another person comes in decides what moves to give it.

Congratulations, you have made a fakemon.

There will be 10 (or 15 if we get enough interest) spots (10 mons) per slate. People can sign up and be redirected to a Discord server.
2. Slates will last roughly 2-3 weeks, due to all the work and cooperation needed for this.
3. There will be a total of 3 slates, so the metagame in the end will have between 30 and 45 mons.
While I've never participated myself, I've seen the fun that Gartic Phone sessions bring to the community, so bringing that to a Pet Mod sounds like a super cool experiment. Approved.

:sv/Great Tusk: :sv/Gholdengo: :sv/Kingambit: :sv/Dragapult: :sv/Landorus-Therian:
Teammates of OU
Pet Mod Concept:
The whole idea behind this mod is simple yet effective. The idea is to create a brand new metagame filled with Fakemon that serves as teammates to regular OU Pokemon, ultimately forming a meta which should be somewhat similar to base OU.

There's not much to this pet mod. Every slate, 3 base OU Pokemon are submitted. For each Pokemon, you submit a Fakemon that serves as a good teammate to them. For example, Dragapult is quite vulnerable to Sucker Punch and hazards, so a Fairy-type hazard remover that could threaten opposing Darks could serve as a good teammate. Gholdengo works best alongside its own hazard setter to take advantage of its ability, so you would submit a Stealth Rocker, preferably one that threatens opposing Fires, Grounds, and/or Darks that could take down Gholdengo, and so on.

Of course, tier shifts often change the OU metagame, so certain Pokemon aren't always going to be OU viable. As such, the Pokemon chosen for each slate are the ones that are ranked the highest in terms of viability and are the least suspectible to sudden changes in the metagame. However, Pokemon from other tiers that are also viable in OU may also be considered if the metagame is too small.

Also to make things clear, despite every Fakemon being centered around being a teammate to a base Pokemon, these base Pokemon will not be a part of this format. The idea behind this mod is to create a fresh new OU metagame, not unnecessarily expand and overbloat the original tier.


- Despite this metagame being based on OU, Tera will be banned due to its controversial nature. Trying to create a meta based on OU without relying on a centralizing mechanic will hopefully create a more unique experience.
- Custom elements are banned. Not only do they require extra coding, but I would rather us try to remain devoted to the base game's abilities and moves rather than try to introduce anything new to better reflect OU.
- I will be the main person running this mod, but additional council members and coders would be appreciated.
A very simple concept, but one with a lot of potential and appropriately easy to get into for non-Pet Modders as well. Approved.


Eramons is focused around the creation of a Gen 9 micrometa where mons are sorted into different "eras" based on broad strokes of real-life historical time periods, as well as speculative fiction about the future. Akin to a Monotype meta, every Pokemon on your team must be from the same era. However, we plan to populate each era with a healthy amount of diverse options from the entire dex, as well as the star attractions of this pet mod, Eramons!

What are Eramons?
Eramons are similar in nature to regional forms or convergent Pokemon from the newest games. They are Pokemon that are significantly different to how we know them now, shaped by the period of time they came from. In design, they're a halfway point between a regional form and a convergent mon. They will have different yet similar names from the Pokemon they were based off of and may have an entirely different type, but they will not need to be a different species from the original and may keep one of its original types. Created by the community, there will be at least 3 new Eramons for each era to help diversify teambuilding options.

List of Eras
Below are a list of eras currently planned for the mod. Note that these are subject to change and not set in stone until the project gets underway. Furthermore, additional eras may be added as time goes on once the meta starts.
  • Prehistoric :tyrantrum::mamoswine::armaldo:
  • Early Civilization :cofagrigus::sigilyph::stonjourner:
  • Medieval :aegislash::dragonite::hatterene:
  • Age of Piracy :crawdaunt::malamar::dhelmise:
  • Wild West :rapidash::tauros::sandaconda:
  • Present Day :meltan::porygon2::magneton:
  • Far Future :clefable::celesteela::porygon-z:
  • Apocalypse :garbodor::dragapult::guzzlord:
Current Submission Plans
The current plan for slates is as follows.

We'll start by taking two eras that don't yet have any mons - so for the sake of example, Medieval and Wild West - and focus the slate on them. The first phase of the slate will focus on Returning Mons. After submitting up to 12 existing Pokemon into one of the two eras of the slate, 12 will be voted into each era for a total of 24 mons. These Pokemon will be based on their most recent appearance in a main series game (SV>SwSh>BDSP>USUM), with moves and abilities that no longer exist in SV removed. However, submitted Pokemon can be modified to better fit into the meta, with up to 50 points to boost its BST with, one of its abilities can be replaced, and one move can be added to its kit for every move removed from its kit that is not labeled as Usually useless or lower by Showdown. Dexit'd moves and abilities can be re-added this way.

After that, the second phase of the slate focuses on New Eramons. Users submit up to 3 Eramons for a Pokemon that does not currently exist in their era of choice, with the top 3 voted on being added to each era, making for 6 new additions. Eramons let you change a Pokemon much more drastically, allowing for changes to its type, redistribution of stats (although it must keep its BST), swapping out of all its abilities, as well as changing out its movepool to better fit the new form. Custom elements are also allowed, with 1 new ability or 1 new move to be added.

This slate structure will continue until every era has at least 12 mons and 3 Eramons. Once that happens, the Returning Mons phase will instead vote in 1 mon for each era, while the New Eramons slate will allow 3 mons to be voted into any era, although more popular eras will be excluded to give less popular eras more love as slates progress. As the meta progresses, more Eras may be added if the playerbase desires or the council decides a need for more.

  • No shocker, Tera is banned. If there's enough of a demand, it'll be suspect tested, but its unlikely.
  • Definitely need a coder to help out with this, if nothing else to help set up the pseudo-Monotype clause for the format.
Should make for a very interesting metagame, like a Monotype mod but with a ton more options, curious to see how this one goes. Approved.

(Apologies if this is disorganized, I’m starting to write this at 1 AM because I hadn’t found the time to write it out yet)

From the creators of Rapidity: Original Spin
Red’s Woodworks
Concept: If Pokémon had rpg classes, what would they be? With those, what kind of Pokémon would have those classes? Through community-submitted restrictions, and community-made mons using those restrictions, Shellder’s Gate seeks to answer these questions.

Explanation: Slates will be divided into two categories: Class and Pokémon
Each class slate is based on a stat (HP, Atk…). At the end of each of these slates, 2 classes will be created by the community by adding specific restrictions to those classes. One restriction is guaranteed every slate: the Pokémon’s highest stat must be the state the slate is about. For example, say that in the Special Attack slate, someone submits the Pyromancer class, stating that aside from having SpA as its highest stat, any Pokémon designated in the Pyromancer class must either be a Fire type or use a Fire type move effectively. At the end of each slate, 3 classes will be created, one with the sole restriction of the highest stat, and two with submitted restrictions.
Pokémon slates come after every class slate, and modders can submit up to 2 Pokémon in either of the modder-made classes and up to 3 in the base class, for a total of 7 Pokémon. To create a qualifying Pokémon, you should take a Pokémon that already fits the bill and buff it to around a Gen 9 OU level. An example would be to submit to the Pyromancer class by slapping on Skeledirge and calling it a day, or taking the Will-o-wisp user Rotom and making it faster and tankier to burn foes more consistently and maybe even live afterward to continue later.
-This is a natdex micrometa, so you can use any Pokémon as a base to submit, but this meta will otherwise exist on its own.
-Terastalization’s banned
-Custom abilities, moves, and items may be allowed at the council’s discretion if it fits the submission, and custom and non custom abilities, moves, and items can be tied to class restrictions as well.

Council would include me, whoever’s down to code this, and anyone that can help manage my clusterfuck of a mod schedule.

(Also, not that it was likely to be approved now regardless but consider this my request to not approve Copydex for this round of submissions. I want to first get used to running a generational format with Gen 9 Mverse before moving onto it)
Very interested in seeing how a class-based Pet Mod can work after a couple attempts in previous generations, should be another fun mod to experiment with. Approved.

And that's all for now! However, for now is gonna be as long anymore, as in the future we will be slightly increasing the frequency of mod approvals while approving less mods at one time, which will give us more mods more often as previous winners wind down, keeping the community active. So, be sure to keep the mod submissions coming!

See you soon!
:sv/ogerpon-wellspring: :sv/ogerpon-cornerstone: :sv/ogerpon-hearthflame:
Pet Mod Name: Masquerade
Pet Mod Concept: This [Gen 9] based micrometa will give a set of masks, based on Ogerpon's masks to Pokemon that need them for it to become stronger!
Explanation: Ogerpon, one of the newly added Pokemon from the Teal Mask DLC, has access to 3 unique items that make it a very interesting Pokemon, the Wellspring, Hearthflame and Cornerstone Masks, if it holds one of these, five things happen to it, all of its attacks gain a 20% dmg boost (which im eliminating) it gets a new type added to its Grass type, gains a new ability, its signature move, Ivy Cudgel, changes type, and when Terastalizing, can only become the type its mask gave it, but gains a new ability, Embody Aspect, so what if other Pokemon were also able to hold their own masks? The submission rules are as follow:
  • The max amount of mons you can sub is 3, the minimum is 1.
  • Each Pokemon can have up to 3 masks or less if prefered by the subber.
  • This should go without saying but you cannot copy from another user's submission.
  • Each mask has to have all of these effects:
    -It has to give the chosen Pokemon a new type, if its dual typed it gets rid of its old secondary type.
    -It has to get a new ability, which is the only one it can have if wearing the mask.
    -One of the moves from the Pokemon's movepool has to change types to the type its mask gave the user.
    -When Terastalized, it has to gain a new ability, not necesarily an Embody Aspect clone.
    -The masks should have a name
  • If you sub a custom move/ability, try to make sure it can be easily coded.
  • Have fun and be respectful!
Type-changing Move:
Custom Move:
(if needed)

Mask Name:
New Type:
New Ability:
Ability when Tera'd:
Pokemon: Coalossal
Type-changing Move: Ducleg
Custom Move: Ducleg
100BP | 100% acc | 16 PP | Physical | Rock

Mask Name: Uhh Mask
New Type: Rock/Flying
New Ability
broken stuff
Ability when Tera'd: Steam Hams
uber-worthy ability
Description: it isnt balanced at all and will break the meta

Mask Name: Ehh Mask
New Type: Rock/Dragon
New Ability:
Mold Breaker
Ability when Tera'd: Stamina
Description: its bad

Pokemon: Phione
Type-changing Move: Scald

Mask Name: Ahh Mask
New Type: Water/Flying
New Ability: leftovers as an ability
leftovers as an ability
Ability when Tera'd: Magic Guard
Description: cool

Pokemon: Forretress
Type-changing Move: Rapid Spin

Mask Name: Ohh Mask
New Type:
New Ability:
Mold Breaker
Ability when Tera'd: Overcoat
Description: Water type rapid spin :)
  • Pokemon can only Terastalize if they are holding a mask that corresponds to them, because of the mask, they will be locked into one tera type, making it more balanced.
  • Ogerpon's masks give it a 1.2 damage boost to all of its attacks, something that will be removed due to balancing
  • This mod allows customs for the new ability when wearing the mask, for the custom move that can change type with the masks, and for the new ability when Terastalized, but it is encouraged to only use them if really needed.
  • Submission phase would last a week, veto phase would last one day, voting phase would last two days.
  • All Pokemon are still able to hold other items outside of masks.
  • Slates will be themed, and you will be able to choose from a pool of Pokemon to sub from.
  • I will probably make art for all the masks as well as the banner, unless someone wants to make art for their own mask subs.
  • Btw, the masks would only work on the mon that they were subbed with.
:swampert: Gaboswampert
for now it would be just me, but if it gets approved i would probably ask some ppl if they would wanna be council, as well as some ppl if they wanna code it
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