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  • Hey, I plan on getting a new AR tomorrow, then I can continue restitubuting again, is that okay?
    well i usually ev train and i was checking out how you operate on your thread and yada yada.
    Oh, and by the way, Wi-fi hasn't been happy with me lately, but I've waited a bit, and it might be working now.
    I'm on, and their EVs are done, and Torterra's move set is done.........Sorry I got so distracted, take them back for free, I don't want to rip you off.....
    True, I could try a Yellowish / Gold Team with like, Shiny Uxie, Shiny Ho-oh, Shiny Latias, Shiny Lucario, Shiny Mesprit and a Pikachu >:D
    Yea a Mono Colour team might be harder, As for a Mono Type, I might be able to work on that :P
    Its all good about the Kingdra, I can still beat my Friends Team without it. xD Now I just need to think of a New Team Idea again xD
    Don't forget me as an EV Trainer, Since you know that I can EV for you. :P
    hey dude do u happen to have a wailmer or banette?? i really need one (neither have to have any specific nature or IVs)
    Yeah, thats what my brother told me too haha
    I also found a chewed up yogurt cup next to it, luckily she didn't get my games
    Alright, i'll do that
    But I have to buy a new AR today :/
    My dog chewed on my other one
    sorry for filling up your space and I don't get enough time to rng because I have cancer so yea sorry man
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