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  • If you want help right now, I can trade. There are a few things in your thread that interest me :)
    I can help you in about 1 hour. If you still need help that is. Can you clone because a copy of Escavelier would be nice (So we trade 2 Karrablast).
    It was done on my black which I bought for $35 at walmart,and spent 15 tries getting,non c gear used so that means no ar,I guess that means its 1000% percent legitimate. :p
    Crap my mom just left and i cant get on f=wifi without her phone. Shhe wont be home until around 2.5 hours from now :/
    alright, well thank you! One more question, is the reason it is level 60+ because of rare candies?
    Okay, I need to get it with the moves Magic Coat, Spikes, Stealth Rock, and Spore. What is the easiest way to make it learn those moves without all the heart scales for sketch?
    Hm, well, when do you need it at least? I'll do my best to get it as fast as possible. :)
    Oh, that's pretty weird then.. So you just go out of the house and mash A until it flies off, and if you don't do any advancements before you go out, you get the same result?
    Oh and, at which PID frame do you land every time? Then I know for which seed frames I have to search. :) Just 31/31/31/x/31/31, right?
    Thanks for the code dude! But, you said minus the weather effect, but when I get out of the house and when Tornadus flies to you, will it rain then?
    Oh yeah, that would be awesome! Could you tell me how it works, exactly? I do have a rebattle code for Tornadus, but that doesn't work, and the one for Landorus doesn't work either. :( Oh and, the Tornadus will be shiny when I capture it for you :p
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