5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

The closer my target frame is to my starting frame, the more likely I am to go from walking back and forth (advancing PID frame by 8 per "cycle") to just turning. I'd assume taking 2 steps, turning each time would be faster than going through 8 Chatot crys, but since I haven't actually tried Chatot yet, I'm not one to say. Note that I'm saying this because I haven't actually done any RNGs in places with wandering NPCs yet, so I'll be transferring Chatots once I get to RNG breeding and expect it to be useful and necessary in those situations.

However, I'll watch out for turns advancing the frame by 3 in the future. Don't think I've ever heard of this before though.
It's random. You can't really predict when it will happen.
How so? He's a stationary. All you have to do is advance the PID frame.

However, there's NPCs do deal with.

It's going to be my first time entering the area, so I intend on stopping the NPCs by battling them.

I need 5 pokemon. 2 party slots for Thundurus and Tornadus, one for my Surf/Waterfall user, one for my Pokemon that weakens them, and a fifth pokemon. The fifth one wasn't going to be Chatot.

IV Frame is 106, so I'm going to need to take a lot of steps outside of the grass. Not difficult, just time consuming. (106 - Starting IV Frame of 1 = 105, (105/5) * 128 = 2688 steps)

PID frame is 230. I was hoping that by doing the back and forth thing, I can easily finish the 230 advances I need, but if there's a chance of turning being 3 frames instead of 2, I'd need to get a Chatot and listen to its cry 230 times. Or get 2 Chatots and probably train a Smeargle with Surf/Waterfall/False Swipe/Spore to a high enough level where it doesn't get destroyed by a lvl 70 Landorus. I'm not one to use Master Balls...

On the other hand, if there's non-trainer wandering NPCs... Well, I'll just give up on my current Landorus and just go for a much simpler one that has IVs on Frame one.
On the other hand, if there's non-trainer wandering NPCs... Well, I'll just give up on my current Landorus and just go for a much simpler one that has IVs on Frame one.


I'm all for being adventurous, but you're trying to do the impossible. Literally. You're talking about 134 PID advancements from steps alone. That's assuming you don't walk 2 steps too far and end up with 135. If you have parents in the daycare, that'd be another 158 and you're already busted. 230 - 134 = 96 remaining. Subtract the initial, let's call it 44. 96 - 44 = 52. An NPC on average advances the RNG by 4 per second. 52/4 = 13 seconds to complete 2688 steps. Not going to happen.
Please tell me your not aiming for high IV frame like that... I give up. Good luck with that.

And remember about the initial PID frame.

Lowest one I can do with the spreads I was given. :/

The lowest 2 I have are at 50 (50 - 1 = 49, which would require me to have 7 pokemon) and 74 (which results in a prime number of 73). This is from running RNG Reporter for at least 12 hours.

I want a Shiny Landorus, and I also wanted a Jolly one that's competitively viable, so I have to deal with this. Probably will be the only time I do such a long RNG. Hopefully RNG breeding shinies with good IVs won't be this difficult...

An NPC on average advances the RNG by 4 per second. 52/4 = 13 seconds to complete 2688 steps. Not going to happen.

So, there are non-trainer NPCs in the Abundant Shrine? Well, forget it then. I'll just go for a Jolly Flawless in one game, and a Naive HP Ice or shiny one in another.
Lowest one I can do with the spreads I was given. :/

The lowest 2 I have are at 50 (50 - 1 = 49, which would require me to have 7 pokemon) and 74 (which results in a prime number of 73). This is from running RNG Reporter for at least 12 hours.

I want a Shiny Landorus, and I also wanted a Jolly one that's competitively viable, so I have to deal with this. Probably will be the only time I do such a long RNG. Hopefully RNG breeding shinies with good IVs won't be this difficult...
Synchronizer? 2 or 3 keypresses? 106 is ridiculously high.
I put in a Synchronizer nature with 3 keypresses. I assumed that since I put in a Synchronizer nature that the results were a mix of ones that needed and didn't need one... Or am I mistaken?
Choose sync nature. Leave nature as "any" and check "synchronize frames only."
All the resulting natures will be in bold letters meaning they will change to your sync nature if you're using a synchronizer.

EDIT: If you don't want to lose the results you have right now right click and output results to CSV. It will create an excel type document with your results.
So, there are non-trainer NPCs in the Abundant Shrine? Well, forget it then. I'll just go for a Jolly Flawless in one game, and a Naive HP Ice or shiny one in another.

This, I assumed because someone else mentioned it. I can't confirm it myself since I haven't been there.Even if there isn't, you'll have to make sure you have, at most, one poke in the day care.

On a side note:
Does anyone have any particular situation, area, etc. where they were when turning advanced it by 3? It's certainly not random if it does happen. I've looked into this quite a bit and I've never seen that happen. Just send a VM/PM if you know anything.
This, I assumed because someone else mentioned it. I can't confirm it myself since I haven't been there.Even if there isn't, you'll have to make sure you have, at most, one poke in the day care.

Er... Why? I probably should have mentioned it before, but I don't know how having parents in the Daycare affects the IV or PID RNG.

Choose sync nature. Leave nature as "any" and check "synchronize frames only."
All the resulting natures will be in bold letters meaning they will change to your sync nature if you're using a synchronizer.

EDIT: If you don't want to lose the results you have right now right click and output results to CSV. It will create an excel type document with your results.

Ah... I see. Well, hopefully this next search will be much more to my favour. :)

In the mean time, guess I need to learn more about frame advances and what can go wrong, since I'm apparently clueless to Daycare being a factor.
Er... Why? I probably should have mentioned it before, but I don't know how having parents in the Daycare affects the IV or PID RNG.

The daycare thing was a pretty recent find. The PID is advanced once for every 17 steps if there are 2 pokemon in the daycare. This is the egg production check.
The daycare thing was a pretty recent find. The PID is advanced once for every 17 steps if there are 2 pokemon in the daycare. This is the egg production check.

Ah, alright then.

Although, I admit that I misread your post and thought it said "at least one parent" instead of "at most one parent". Whoops. Don't think I've put a single pokemon in the daycare in my Black version anyways, so I guess I don't have to worry about that for the time being.
Hi! On the main page of RNG Reporter, when the Method is Breeding (BW), it shows the boxes for parent inheritance when you generate frames. However, there are blank boxes next to the Ma/Fe boxes. How will I know what IV I will get if it is blank? I am asking this because I just bred a Ferroseed with guidance from bearsfan092's video. Because I am not going for a shiny one, I just choose a close frame because in the video, if I recall correctly, it says that you can choose any frame. I choose one that would inherit the IVs I wanted, but when the egg hatched the SpD IV was 26 when the Egg Finder said it should be 31. How will I know what comes out of these blank boxes? Thank you!
Hi! On the main page of RNG Reporter, when the Method is Breeding (BW), it shows the boxes for parent inheritance when you generate frames. However, there are blank boxes next to the Ma/Fe boxes. How will I know what IV I will get if it is blank? I am asking this because I just bred a Ferroseed with guidance from bearsfan092's video. Because I am not going for a shiny one, I just choose a close frame because in the video, if I recall correctly, it says that you can choose any frame. I choose one that would inherit the IVs I wanted, but when the egg hatched the SpD IV was 26 when the Egg Finder said it should be 31. How will I know what comes out of these blank boxes? Thank you!

it's the IVs from the seed.
If I want to RNG the event-zorua and zoruark- is it considered to be a gift Pokemon? And it´s impossible to get it as shiny or synch it, right? What about the NPC? DOes it influence the PID?
When using Pandora's Box for B/W, the results only seem to be accurate when I select "Wild Pokemon" in the main RNG Reporter page. And their doesn't seem to be a Encounter option in Pandora, nor does the main RNG guide mention it.
When using Pandora's Box for B/W, the results only seem to be accurate when I select "Wild Pokemon" in the main RNG Reporter page. And their doesn't seem to be a Encounter option in Pandora, nor does the main RNG guide mention it.

Yeah.. that's all it really does for now. The dude that made it got lazy. >_>;
1)How can I advance the PID frame with chatot exactly? Do I always have to teach him new words and talk into the DS mac? So saving might me much quicker?

2) Shinies only seem to appear at high frames like 5000. I tried differenet seeds but I never found a low frame. What can I do in order to get a low frame?
RNG Troubleshooting

For whatever reason my RNG reporter has not been working as it has been intended to for Black and White. I have been trying to RNG hatch a shiny, flawless, female, adamant drilbur with the ability 'sand rush' (a tall order I know) from two parents: a flawless adamant ditto with an everstone, and a male flawless drilbur. I was wondering if some of you more experienced trainers could help diagnose the issue I seem to be having. I have left some screenshots in an album titled "twstedpuppy help" on my Ramos123 profile on Pokecommunity.com, please try to check it out and PM me with your conclusions. Also feel free to request more screenshots that would further assist you.

Thank you I really appreciate it! :)
When using Pandora's Box for B/W, the results only seem to be accurate when I select "Wild Pokemon" in the main RNG Reporter page. And their doesn't seem to be a Encounter option in Pandora, nor does the main RNG guide mention it.

Yeah you have to do a little tweaking if you want to find a shiny frame for another encounter type, specifically roamers. I've typed it up so many times I might just request posting a mini guide.

Aero: You create a custom chatter, then you flip between the summary pages between 2 chatots back and forth. Each time you flip it advances the PID frame by 1.

As for the second question, keep looking and hope you get lucky, or ID/SID abuse but if you're not using an emulator or at least a second cart I advise against it.