5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

Okay, I finally decided to learn RNG breeding in V gen and after watching bearsfan vids and reading the guide I must say it looks pretty hardcore compared to gen IV. But I'm not here to whine. A couple of noob questions:

1. Which release of Python should I download? The download page has things like "Bzip source tar ball" and "XZ compressed source tar ball" and about 6 more. I'm really confused on this one.

2. If I want to breed for a non-shiny Egg, should I use the Capture tab or the Shiny Egg tab?
1. Which release of Python should I download? The download page has things like "Bzip source tar ball" and "XZ compressed source tar ball" and about 6 more. I'm really confused on this one.
What do you need python for? RNG Reporter already displays the characteristics for eggs if that's what you're looking for. Just right click in the main window and enter the parents' IVs and the IVs from the RNG. To find the IVs from the RNG choose method 5 (standard seed) /gift pokemon in the main window and look at frame 8.

2. If I want to breed for a non-shiny Egg, should I use the Capture tab or the Shiny Egg tab?
Use the shiny egg tab. Enter the wrong ID/SID from the main window then click generate. Close/reopen RNG reporter and you should see the wrong ID/SID in the shiny egg tab. Then you can use that ID/SID to search and aim for the "shiny" frame it gives you. Of course the baby won't be shiny because you used the wrong ID/SID.

The capture tab can be used too but imo, it's more tedious to use the capture tab because you have to find a good PID frame yourself. The shiny egg tab does all the work for you so you can sit back and let it search.
Guys, help me out here. I need to find my starting frame for roamers in my White cart.

Seed: 2DBBFF8656F9E086
IVs: 30/14/30/31/31/31
Target shiny frame: 513
Date: 04/12/2011, it snows when I get out of the house.
Here's the natures/characteristics I've received, the numbers in front are the number of chatot flips I've done.

0: Jolly, Alert to sounds.
5: Hardy, Alert to sounds.
10: Rash, Somewhat vain.
15: Naive, Alert to sounds.
20: Modest, Alert to sounds.

Much appreciated!
I highly doubt you can hit that frame, seeing as it's snowing and the target frame is incredibly low.

Oh, well I went by the 3rd post, which said that snow would only advance it by 260. 260+50(which is the initial frame for this seed)+NPC Advancements should get me around 350? I don't know.
Yeah but you have to account for Thundurus/Tornadus' rainstorm which advances the PID another 500+, so you shifted initial frame would be well above 700, not including chatters.

Basically you want a seed on a summer month so there's no snow or light drizzle (eliminates any pre-rainstorm PID advancement) on a shiny frame above 650 (to account for the major rainstorm)
Yeah but you have to account for Thundurus/Tornadus' rainstorm which advances the PID another 500+, so you shifted initial frame would be well above 700, not including chatters.

Basically you want a seed on a summer month so there's no snow or light drizzle (eliminates any pre-rainstorm PID advancement) on a shiny frame above 650 (to account for the major rainstorm)

I hardly have rain though, only after all the dialogue, and that's really short. But I'll look for more. I hate roamers already.
You mean when Tornadus/Thundurus comes flying down and is like "rain bitches"? The rain advances the PID by 60 frames per second, a total of 7-9 seconds. So doing the math that's between 420-540 PID frames advanced. That's not including NPCs or the snow before Tornadus/Thundurus comes down either.

So snow (260) + shitstorm (540) + NPC movements (varies) = well above 1000.
You mean when Tornadus/Thundurus comes flying down and is like "rain bitches"? The rain advances the PID by 60 frames per second, a total of 7-9 seconds. So doing the math that's between 420-540 PID frames advanced. That's not including NPCs or the snow before Tornadus/Thundurus comes down either.

So snow (260) + shitstorm (540) + NPC movements (varies) = well above 1000.

FML. I haven't found any summer seeds so far, I've been searching for at least 2 months :P
What do you need python for? RNG Reporter already displays the characteristics for eggs if that's what you're looking for. Just right click in the main window and enter the parents' IVs and the IVs from the RNG. To find the IVs from the RNG choose method 5 (standard seed) /gift pokemon in the main window and look at frame 8.

I read Tesseraction guide about the PID%6 Method which is used for determining everstone nature. The author recommended his own tool which works under Python, and when I clicked the link all those wierd things popped out, haha. Thanks.

Use the shiny egg tab. Enter the wrong ID/SID from the main window then click generate. Close/reopen RNG reporter and you should see the wrong ID/SID in the shiny egg tab. Then you can use that ID/SID to search and aim for the "shiny" frame it gives you. Of course the baby won't be shiny because you used the wrong ID/SID.

The capture tab can be used too but imo, it's more tedious to use the capture tab because you have to find a good PID frame yourself. The shiny egg tab does all the work for you so you can sit back and let it search.

<facepalm> I do it all the time in my HG/SS, how could not think of that? Thanks again!
Im trying to capture Landorus. I did 73 advancements to find my SSF. Then I found out all I had to do was 63. I did the 63 yet I keep getting the wrong thing, I even tried with a synch and that did nothing. I even tried different amounts of advancements and they all showed I got the right SSF.
Edit: Oh lol nvm I hit it. My L/R is messed up.
FML. I haven't found any summer seeds so far, I've been searching for at least 2 months :P
Like extr3m3 says, summer (month 2, 6, 10) is best. I've been playing around with some roamer seeds on desmume and I've been able to hit frames as low as 500. The trick is to do it in summer and make sure the season has already changed before you enter and save in the house so you don't get that season changing message when you exit the house. If the season changes when you exit the house you'll end up somewhere 600+ which is not bad either.

Also this post and this post explain everything you need to use the PID%6 method to find your starting frame.

I read Tesseraction guide about the PID%6 Method which is used for determining everstone nature. The author recommended his own tool which works under Python, and when I clicked the link all those wierd things popped out, haha. Thanks.
Yeah I figured that's why you wanted python.You're welcome.
FML. I haven't found any summer seeds so far, I've been searching for at least 2 months :P

If your interested, all I do is catch one with the iv/nature I want, then use pokecheck to upload and find its pid and abuse my id/sid for the frame that correspond to my roamer's pid, so the next time its shiny.
Hello! I'm trying to RNG shiny eggs in my japanese White game and it doesn't seem to be finding any spreads.....at all. I asked my friend what the problem is and he said that it might my VCount, which says it is 5F. Should I check my perimeters again? If so, should it help? Thanks again!

Someone help before i eat my game cartridge -___-

Okay so i've read just about everything on this forum, I've searched for keywords (which btw the captchas are just infuriatingly terrible in terms of accuracy) i've looked up external guides and videos on youtube. I'm having trouble RNG breeding a shiny-mon.

Luckily with a little grit effort and stick-to-it-iveness I managed to RNG an awesome Cobalion and a wild , nearly flawless Scraggy with which i paired with a regularly-bred Smeargle with 2 flawless IVs.

Now here is the problem. I generally use synchronizers to take the guess work out. But for breeding that's not possible. I'm hoping to breed a shiny scraggy I-Punch, Drain Punch, and Dragon Dance. That said, I got started. I will now take you step by step through what i did.


-So I Input my year,month, and Min frame(70) and Max fram (300)
-My breeding type (BW) and everstone nature (Jolly)
-Ticked show inheritance, And input my Desired IV Spread. Then I put the IVs of the parents. With any blank spots being uncertainties (which from my current knowledge doesnt really matter)
-Entered my ID and SID. (BTW found my parameter way before as Ive RNG'd 2 pokemon so far)
-Entered Nature and left gender and Ability open so that i can see my options. As you can see I got my seeds. Then I chose my desired seed (giant red elliptical in the above picture) and then things start to get hazy no matter what i read.

So following what seems to be very generally written guides i manage to figure out that i need to copy my seed which i do and paste it in the hex box in the following window:

I enter my method (Breeding BW) the everstone nature, The actual nature out of the list (JOLLY) ability (1) My ID and SID and then Hit Generate. So I'm assuming the !!! is my target [seed/frame???]

Now is where i really get lost. I have no idea if the circled seed/frame is a seed or a frame. I think its a PID frame O_o? Also I have no idea what my starting frame is or why i need it. I dont know how to find it (even though people keep pointing me to the guide I JUST DONT GET IT!) i dont know WHAT IN THE BLUE HELL IS AN SSF.

I have tried hitting my seed but its futile. I tried hitting my seed and then going to the pid frames and subtracting 44 (the number the reporter "calculates") from my target frame and then doing those amounts of chattot cries still nothing. Also what confuses me even more is if im hitting a seed thats number 100, wouldn't that meant (if i start at frame 8 for hatching) im missing 92 frames, way before even worrying about the PID frames?) how do i hit my seed/frame and still manipulate the PID. UGH!

And I dont know why this reporter is telling me my starting frame is 44 (or 47 depending on the seed hex i use) when i thought all egg starting frames were 8. I'm suffering from information overload but without proper guidance. I can tell I'm very close, i just need someone to take the time to help me put the pieces together in a step by step instructive reply. I love smogon and all the contributors. Thanks for the help, in advance. (please save me from RNG heartbreak)
That number 8 Frame: That was referring to the IV Frame RNG portion, but you don;t have to worry about it since you are using the shiny egg finder (PIcture #1 you posted). This part fo reporter automatically takes into the Frame 8, and all the seeds you found there are all on frame 8 without you even knowing it. You could only need to find a Frame 8 IV frame if you are RNG a non-shiny pokemon, however you can just plug-in a wrong ID/SID on the shiny reporter, to find seeds that your poke won't come out shiny.

Picture #2 highlight: You are right that is your Shiny jolly ability 1 PID Frame. This is the frame you want to advance to (with chatot calls) so your poke will hatch with said attributes.

44: That is your calculated starting frame for that seed you have chosen. However for breeding this will not be your starting frame do to the fact there are moving NPC on that route which will advance your frame to your SSF

What is SSF: This is the frame those moving NPC advance it to, usually within 12 frames of the calculated starting frame (4 or 6 frames for me usually).

how to figure out your FFS: Load up the game with your IV RNG set up, then as you enter the game immediately press X to bring forth the Menu, make chatot call(s) (for example 1) then immediately after exiting the menu press A to receive your egg. Hatch it and note the poke's attributes (nature, gender, ability) and of course gather its IV's either by checking with the IV guy in train station (perfect IV only) or give it rare candies and find them with the Iv calculator in Reporter. With this you should be able to determine a PID frame near your starting calculated frame. Now do this process again, but now make multiple chatot calls (for example 2), then gather all the attributes again. Find the PID frame that corresponds with what you have gathered, hopefully it is the next one after the first IV frame you figured out. If it is and you see those two PID frames next to each other, the one PID frame before the first chatot call PID frame you found should be your SSF. Repeat this process untill you find a pattern if you can;t do so with 2 finds or because your Timer0 may throw you off and give you wrong frames that don't show on you search results for that seed.
I enter my method (Breeding BW) the everstone nature, The actual nature out of the list (JOLLY) ability (1) My ID and SID and then Hit Generate. So I'm assuming the !!! is my target [seed/frame???] Yes.

Now is where i really get lost. I have no idea if the circled seed/frame is a seed or a frame. I think its a PID frame O_o? It's technically both, but we're going to call it the frame. Also I have no idea what my starting frame is or why i need it. The game initially advances the frame a bit. This is the frame you end up on after that. Esentially where you start your part.I dont know how to find it (even though people keep pointing me to the guide I JUST DONT GET IT!) i dont know WHAT IN THE BLUE HELL IS AN SSF. I have no idea. I'm not sure who made it up but I've been in on this stuff since they were just finding seed memory locations. No idea how I missed what this is.

I have tried hitting my seed but its futile. I tried hitting my seed and then going to the pid frames and subtracting 44 (the number the reporter "calculates") from my target frame and then doing those amounts of chattot cries still nothing. Also what confuses me even more is if im hitting a seed thats number 100, wouldn't that meant (if i start at frame 8 for hatching) im missing 92 frames, way before even worrying about the PID frames?) how do i hit my seed/frame and still manipulate the PID. UGH!

And I dont know why this reporter is telling me my starting frame is 44 (or 47 depending on the seed hex i use) when i thought all egg starting frames were 8. I'm suffering from information overload but without proper guidance. I can tell I'm very close, i just need someone to take the time to help me put the pieces together in a step by step instructive reply. I love smogon and all the contributors. Thanks for the help, in advance. (please save me from RNG heartbreak)You're getting confused because there are 2 different RNGs involved. The IVRNG always starts on frame 1 but goes instantly to 8 for eggs. The PID RNG is the one that will go forward a ton at the start so you'll end up on a frame around 45.

Hope that clears up some things. I didn't have a ton of time right now to go into too much detail but feel free to ask for clarification on any piece there.

Edit: Ah. Now I know what it is. Thanks, iDeath. Any idea where that came from? Or what the hell it stands for for that matter? Really that could be calculated to an exact number given the number of NPCs.
Thanks for taking the time out to help. I will try your suggestions now. Hopefully you'll be here when i get back so you can walk me through the rest. Anyway thanks so much so far ^_^
Thanks for taking the time out to help. I will try your suggestions now. Hopefully you'll be here when i get back so you can walk me through the rest. Anyway thanks so much so far ^_^

If you have issues, VM me so we can chat back and forth so we won't spam the thread. Perhaps I can explain it better in stages rather than a paragraph.
I'm going for my Thundurus finally. I want to abuse for IVs and nature only, no shininess. I found a seed in a summer month so there won't be weather to interfere with the PID frame.

So if I'm not going for shininess I don't need to touch Pandora's box right?

So pretty much save one step from the door in the house on Route 7, set my target time, do my Chatters to advance the PID frame and then quickly exit the house, button mash through the dialogue, and then hunt down Thundurus, catch it, and check IVs and nature? If I don't hit then I'll re-try. Am I missing any steps?
I'm going for my Thundurus finally. I want to abuse for IVs and nature only, no shininess. I found a seed in a summer month so there won't be weather to interfere with the PID frame.

So if I'm not going for shininess I don't need to touch Pandora's box right?

So pretty much save one step from the door in the house on Route 7, set my target time, do my Chatters to advance the PID frame and then quickly exit the house, button mash through the dialogue, and then hunt down Thundurus, catch it, and check IVs and nature? If I don't hit then I'll re-try. Am I missing any steps?

You have it right, except you don't even have to worry about the Season as all you do is advance chatot calls to get the nature you want. Just advance retry with more chatot calls than the last time until you get your nature. Take note that IVs for Roamers work differently as they will be HP/Atk/Def/Spe/S.Atk/S.Def so find an IV Frame that fits your liking that way.
You have it right, except you don't even have to worry about the Season as all you do is advance chatot calls to get the nature you want. Just advance retry with more chatot calls than the last time until you get your nature. Take note that IVs for Roamers work differently as they will be HP/Atk/Def/Spe/S.Atk/S.Def so find an IV Frame that fits your liking that way.

Thank you.

So the IVs for Roamers are in a different order? I'm going for a Timid Thundurus with flawless HP, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. I already punched those into RNGReporter when I looked for a seed, but was I supposed to do something differently?
Thank you.

So the IVs for Roamers are in a different order? I'm going for a Timid Thundurus with flawless HP, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. I already punched those into RNGReporter when I looked for a seed, but was I supposed to do something differently?

No you are all set, this usually matters for hidden powers, but if you just go 31/x/31/31/31/31 then you don't have to worry as even when the speed Iv shifts in-between the def and S. Atk it will be 31/x/31/31/31/31
No you are all set, this usually matters for hidden powers, but if you just go 31/x/31/31/31/31 then you don't have to worry as even when the speed Iv shifts in-between the def and S. Atk it will be 31/x/31/31/31/31

Ah I understand now thanks for clearing that up.

So say I want HP Ice. I'd have to follow the order for Roamers when I put my desired IV spread into RNGReporter?