Someone help before i eat my game cartridge -___-
Okay so i've read just about everything on this forum, I've searched for keywords (which btw the captchas are just infuriatingly terrible in terms of accuracy) i've looked up external guides and videos on youtube. I'm having trouble RNG breeding a shiny-mon.
Luckily with a little grit effort and stick-to-it-iveness I managed to RNG an awesome Cobalion and a wild , nearly flawless Scraggy with which i paired with a regularly-bred Smeargle with 2 flawless IVs.
Now here is the problem. I generally use synchronizers to take the guess work out. But for breeding that's not possible. I'm hoping to breed a shiny scraggy I-Punch, Drain Punch, and Dragon Dance. That said, I got started. I will now take you step by step through what i did.
-So I Input my year,month, and Min frame(70) and Max fram (300)
-My breeding type (BW) and everstone nature (Jolly)
-Ticked show inheritance, And input my Desired IV Spread. Then I put the IVs of the parents. With any blank spots being uncertainties (which from my current knowledge doesnt really matter)
-Entered my ID and SID. (BTW found my parameter way before as Ive RNG'd 2 pokemon so far)
-Entered Nature and left gender and Ability open so that i can see my options. As you can see I got my seeds. Then I chose my desired seed (giant red elliptical in the above picture) and then things start to get hazy no matter what i read.
So following what seems to be very generally written guides i manage to figure out that i need to copy my seed which i do and paste it in the hex box in the following window:
I enter my method (Breeding BW) the everstone nature, The actual nature out of the list (JOLLY) ability (1) My ID and SID and then Hit Generate. So I'm assuming the
!!! is my target [seed/frame???]
Now is where i really get lost. I have no idea if the circled seed/frame is a seed or a frame. I think its a PID frame O_o? Also I have no idea what my starting frame is or why i need it. I dont know how to find it (even though people keep pointing me to the guide
I have tried hitting my seed but its futile. I tried hitting my seed and then going to the pid frames and subtracting 44 (the number the reporter "calculates") from my target frame and then doing those amounts of chattot cries still nothing. Also what confuses me even more is if im hitting a seed thats number 100, wouldn't that meant (if i start at frame 8 for hatching) im missing 92 frames, way before even worrying about the PID frames?) how do i hit my seed/frame and still manipulate the PID.
And I dont know why this reporter is telling me my starting frame is 44 (or 47 depending on the seed hex i use) when i thought all egg starting frames were 8. I'm suffering from information overload but without proper guidance. I can tell I'm very close, i just need someone to take the time to help me put the pieces together in a step by step instructive reply. I love smogon and all the contributors. Thanks for the help, in advance. (please save me from RNG heartbreak)