5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

Ah I understand now thanks for clearing that up.

So say I want HP Ice. I'd have to follow the order for Roamers when I put my desired IV spread into RNGReporter?

Yes you do, but for HP Ice it may not matter if you use the best spread which is 31/x/30/31/31/31. Because when the shift happens it will still end with 31/31/31 lol

however let's say you want HP Fire (best high Iv flawless spread 31/30/31/30/31/30) for a roamer you will need to find a spread of 31/30/31/30/30/31. Do you see?
Yes you do, but for HP Ice it may not matter if you use the best spread which is 31/x/30/31/31/31. Because when the shift happens it will still end with 31/31/31 lol

Awesome, so the best spread for HP Ice is 31/x/30/31/31/31 and nothing changes so I'm good to go? That works perfectly.
One last thing before I attempt this Thundurus, do I need to use Sweet Scent when I try finding him or does it not matter since the IVs and nature are set as soon as he flies off? I'm pretty sure I don't need a Sweeter Scenter but I'm just making sure.
One last thing before I attempt this Thundurus, do I need to use Sweet Scent when I try finding him or does it not matter since the IVs and nature are set as soon as he flies off? I'm pretty sure I don't need a Sweeter Scenter but I'm just making sure.

I believe you have to in order to encounter it?
One last thing before I attempt this Thundurus, do I need to use Sweet Scent when I try finding him or does it not matter since the IVs and nature are set as soon as he flies off? I'm pretty sure I don't need a Sweeter Scenter but I'm just making sure.

Yeah, the IVs are set when he flies off or somewhere around there, so once it flies off it will have set IVs/Nature. So you don't need a sweet scenter, you can just run around in the grass and find it :P
Alright, so I did my first attempt and instead of the Timid nature that I wanted, I got a Calm one instead. Good news is I hit my seed, as the IVs were correct. So now should I try one more Chatter than last time and see what happens?
Alright, so I did my first attempt and instead of the Timid nature that I wanted, I got a Calm one instead. Good news is I hit my seed, as the IVs were correct. So now should I try one more Chatter than last time and see what happens?

Yea just keep that Chatot chatting until you find your desired Nature.
Alright, so I did my first attempt and instead of the Timid nature that I wanted, I got a Calm one instead. Good news is I hit my seed, as the IVs were correct. So now should I try one more Chatter than last time and see what happens?

No no no no no. Don't chat one at a time. You must chat in increments of 5 or 10. The frames advancement is sporadic and requires patience and luck, so if you think by chatting 63 times is gonna get you to your target frame you're mistaken.

Basically, advancing the frame by 1 isn't going to help at all, if anything it'll just confuse you.
No no no no no. Don't chat one at a time. You must chat in increments of 5 or 10. The frames advancement is sporadic and requires patience and luck, so if you think by chatting 63 times is gonna get you to your target frame you're mistaken.

Basically, advancing the frame by 1 isn't going to help at all, if anything it'll just confuse you.

What increment do you recommend? 5 or 10?
Hi a real n00by question here lol. If a PID Frame is synchable can i advance to that PID Frame and use a synchroniser to try and get that synchs nature? Or does it do something to the PID Frame?
Like extr3m3 says, summer (month 2, 6, 10) is best. I've been playing around with some roamer seeds on desmume and I've been able to hit frames as low as 500. The trick is to do it in summer and make sure the season has already changed before you enter and save in the house so you don't get that season changing message when you exit the house. If the season changes when you exit the house you'll end up somewhere 600+ which is not bad either.

Also this post and this post explain everything you need to use the PID%6 method to find your starting frame.

I've already saved in the house, and it's Autumn.
excuse me,is there somebody knows how to RNG 5gen wondercard pokemon on emulator.I have known RNG stationary pokemon so only tell me what the difference between them.thanks.
i need help :l ....there are 10 frames with the same seed , 6 of which shows the nature and ability i need and 4 of which has the same inheritance lol that means i can hit any of the 4? it goes from frame 75-79 :O
Question for Thundurus (no shininess). Since I'm not going for shininess, I shouldn't put in 650 or more for my starting frame in the RNGReporter window right?

When I calculate my initial PID RNG frame I get 53 so I'm assuming that's my starting frame.
What increment do you recommend? 5 or 10?

5, but keep in mind that you will have random jumps.

For example, my initial frame will be 600. After 5 chatots I could be on frame 608, after 10 I could be 620, and after 15 it could jump to 700. If I do 20 it'll go back down.

But understand that even with increments of 5 you will not perfectly hit the frame. This is the best chance you have at hitting your target because RNGing roamers isn't as simple as chatting a number of times to your target frame, you have multiple obstacles in the way which is why it's considered the hardest to RNG in B/W. If you get close to your target frame, do the same number of chats a few times and see if you get closer.

But also keep in mind some frames are not hittable at all.

To verify what frame you're on you'll have to use the PID%6 method.
Question for Thundurus (no shininess). Since I'm not going for shininess, I shouldn't put in 650 or more for my starting frame in the RNGReporter window right?

When I calculate my initial PID RNG frame I get 53 so I'm assuming that's my starting frame.

No because the rain advances the PID by 420-540 frames regardless of shiny or not.

But because you're not going for shiny you can just hit your seed, chat a random number of times and hope you hit your nature.
i have question im breeding a Male Shiny Nidoran evething is going good i found a frame that have what i want but when doing the nature PID frame doesn't match the one that the time-finder gives me... this makes almost imposible to verify in which frame i really am
is there something worng on how do i do this'??

I'm trying to RNG Volcarona, and the natures that are showing up in the PID are different then what I'm getting and I know I am hitting my seed, because I checked it. I get results such that I caught a Naive Volcarona but the nature isn't listed in the 200s range and I'm using a modest sync.
I'm trying to RNG Volcarona, and the natures that are showing up in the PID are different then what I'm getting and I know I am hitting my seed, because I checked it. I get results such that I caught a Naive Volcarona but the nature isn't listed in the 200s range and I'm using a modest sync.
Why are you looking in the 200s range? Your IV frame is higher than 1?

If you have no Pokemon in the daycare you can use this approximation:

Current Frame= 2.1*Steps + 2*Turns + Calculated Initial PIDRNG Frame

If you have 2 Pokemon in the daycare use this approximation:

Current Frame= (377/170)*Steps + 2*Turns + Calculated Initial PIDRNG Frame

Turns don't count while you're running. They do count while walking/riding the bike.
No because the rain advances the PID by 420-540 frames regardless of shiny or not.

But because you're not going for shiny you can just hit your seed, chat a random number of times and hope you hit your nature.

Ah. So basically it's all luck and I have to hope I hit my seed and the correct nature. If not just keep re-trying until I do.
I'm trying to RNG Volcarona, and the natures that are showing up in the PID are different then what I'm getting and I know I am hitting my seed, because I checked it. I get results such that I caught a Naive Volcarona but the nature isn't listed in the 200s range and I'm using a modest sync.

I had that problem. If the nature showing up in RNGReporter aren't bolded, the synchronizer won't work. It has to be bolded to be able to synchronize on that frame.
Ah. So basically it's all luck and I have to hope I hit my seed and the correct nature. If not just keep re-trying until I do.
It's not all luck. You can manipulate the PIDRNG for roamers. Since you're not going for a shiny it might be easier to do it by luck but rest assured all the shiny roamers you see weren't caught by "luck."

I had that problem. If the nature showing up in RNGReporter aren't bolded, the synchronizer won't work. It has to be bolded to be able to synchronize on that frame.
I thought that was kinda obvious. Bold letters=synchronize frame. Normal letters= non-sync frame.

Also @ooh_shiny: When you're finding your starting frame the synchronizer shouldn't be first in your party.