Bug Reports v3 [READ ORIGINAL POST before posting]

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The teambuilder in LC shows moves that are learned by level past level 5 as legal moves, but the validator diesn’t let the get through. This isn’t much of an issue, but it’s kind of annoying when the game says I can use shell smash on sinistea but then I get rejected by the validator when I try to do so.

EDIT: When the validator rejects a team for this reason, it says [pokemon] can’t learn [move]. This makes it especially confusing, as that pokemon is capable of knowing that move at a higher level. The message should say something like [pokemon] can’t learn [move] at its current level.
Turn 1 on replay. Emergency Exit fails to activate after being put below 50%. The only thing I can think caused this if there was some bug with sheer force being on Darm interacting with this ability. (I’m aware sheer force is self inflicting only.) My opponents response leads me to believe it isn’t because of an item that may have been attached. This was a Gen 8 OU match. https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8ou-1067137440
Turn 1 on replay. Emergency Exit fails to activate after being put below 50%. The only thing I can think caused this if there was some bug with sheer force being on Darm interacting with this ability. (I’m aware sheer force is self inflicting only.) My opponents response leads me to believe it isn’t because of an item that may have been attached. This was a Gen 8 OU match. https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8ou-1067137440
It is indeed because of Sheer Force jank, but it's not a bug, at least not one that's the fault of Showdown. A Sheer Force boosted move won't activate Emergency Exit, just like how it won't activate Life Orb recoil and a bunch of other things. Game Freak coded it poorly.
I have attempted to forfeit a battle, and while it recognizes my forfeit it will not end the battle. Screenshot attached to better explain the issue:


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I have attempted to forfeit a battle, and while it recognizes my forfeit it will not end the battle. Screenshot attached to better explain the issue:
There is a severe problem I had when I was battling, and that was basically the timer and the battle itself. Not only did the timer not work when I was battling, but when I refreshed to fix the issue I straight up couldn't click a move and if I did I would get the "Invalid Choice" message.


Here we go, I hope this is sufficient enough.
Known issues. Dev team is working to fix those.
Not sure if it's a bug but Future Sight fails in singles if there is no target when the move is used (as opposed to when it attacks). Supposedly it is able to target empty spots in Doubles but I've found nothing about whether it's supposed to to be able to target empty spots in Singles.
Using Parting Shot against Mirror Armor switches the parter out ingame. On showdown this does not happen, and the shooter stays in with a "But it failed". Also Mirror Armor shows up twice for each drop ingame.

Ingame: https://streamable.com/s2ewv
PS: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8ou-1067733088
EDIT: Here is the same situation in doubles. https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8doublesou-1067737025
Also within: Entrainment should overwrite Hunger Switch (https://streamable.com/di08b)​
Ugh, seriously? What about other Abililty-changing moves?
Fails: Skill Swap, Role Play
Works: Gastro Acid, Worry Seed, Simple Beam
Seems like you can remove it but you can't have it.

EDIT: Worry seed fails on Ice face (on and off) and Gulp missile. I guess Hunger Switch is too irrelevant for game freak
EDIT 2: Just remembered this weird faint order on Turn 15: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8metronomebattle-1068047256
Sableye gets hit by Doom Desire, Silvally takes burn damage, Sableye faints, and Snorlax takes burn damage. Mental
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Hi, below is an adv battle in which (what turned out to be quick claw) magneton outspeeds and ko's my max speed dugtrio on turn 17 without the quick claw message being displayed, that is to say quick claw activated (otherwise mag cannot outspeed dug -- dugtrio is show to be faster than max speed mag in the same battle, as dug outspeeds and ko's plus one speed ttar the turn prior) without the associated message being displayed. on subsequent turns of the battle the quick claw activation message is displayed. thank you.

Hi, below is an adv battle in which (what turned out to be quick claw) magneton outspeeds and ko's my max speed dugtrio on turn 17 without the quick claw message being displayed, that is to say quick claw activated (otherwise mag cannot outspeed dug -- dugtrio is show to be faster than max speed mag in the same battle, as dug outspeeds and ko's plus one speed ttar the turn prior) without the associated message being displayed. on subsequent turns of the battle the quick claw activation message is displayed. thank you.

Internet Searching Skills
I can't do anything without a replay :|

Do you see the thing on the first post where it says "save a replay"
They're screenshots from the replay posted only a few posts up.
Hi, below is an adv battle in which (what turned out to be quick claw) magneton outspeeds and ko's my max speed dugtrio on turn 17 without the quick claw message being displayed, that is to say quick claw activated (otherwise mag cannot outspeed dug -- dugtrio is show to be faster than max speed mag in the same battle, as dug outspeeds and ko's plus one speed ttar the turn prior) without the associated message being displayed. on subsequent turns of the battle the quick claw activation message is displayed. thank you.

There is still the bug of the message displaying, but only sometimes.
View attachment 224648
View attachment 224649
That is pretty interesting.
The message only appeared after Quick Claw was revealed, so maybe the message just serves as reminder like the PP counters of the opponent. The message did not reveal that the opponent had Quick Claw but it did help to keep keep track of it after it was revealed. I wonder if there are any cases where the message actually reveals Quick Claw.
I'm also wondering if the message can appear if the holder would have gone first anyway, because unless that's the case, the Quick Claw message may have revealed speed information, depending on whether the Skarmory was faster than the Celebi.
That is pretty interesting.
The message only appeared after Quick Claw was revealed, so maybe the message just serves as reminder like the PP counters of the opponent. The message did not reveal that the opponent had Quick Claw but it did help to keep keep track of it after it was revealed. I wonder if there are any cases where the message actually reveals Quick Claw.
I'm also wondering if the message can appear if the holder would have gone first anyway, because unless that's the case, the Quick Claw message may have revealed speed information, depending on whether the Skarmory was faster than the Celebi.
The message appears on any turn that the Quick Claw decides to activate (it's only a 20% chance every turn), whether or not the holder would have gone first anyway. (In Gen 8 Doubles battles your move can modify an ally or foe's effective speed stat mid-turn, so there it's not readily predictable.)
The fact that this doesn't "reveal" the item in the tooltips appears to be an oversight; I think Custap Berry, Focus Band, Protective Pads and Safety Goggles might also be affected. (But I don't have any examples offhand to check, and I'm not well enough right now to look for one.)
It's nowhere near that interesting. PS's Gen 3 implementation of Quick Claw adds a roll without a message, but doesn't remove the roll with a message from Gen 8. So it has a 20% chance of activating Quick Claw with a message, and another 20% chance of activating Quick Claw without a message. It's an easy fix, and I'll fix it as soon as I find a researcher who can tell me whether or not the Gen 3 activation has a message.
It's nowhere near that interesting. PS's Gen 3 implementation of Quick Claw adds a roll without a message, but doesn't remove the roll with a message from Gen 8. So it has a 20% chance of activating Quick Claw with a message, and another 20% chance of activating Quick Claw without a message. It's an easy fix, and I'll fix it as soon as I find a researcher who can tell me whether or not the Gen 3 activation has a message.

There is no quick claw activation message in gen 3.
It's nowhere near that interesting. PS's Gen 3 implementation of Quick Claw adds a roll without a message, but doesn't remove the roll with a message from Gen 8. So it has a 20% chance of activating Quick Claw with a message, and another 20% chance of activating Quick Claw without a message. It's an easy fix, and I'll fix it as soon as I find a researcher who can tell me whether or not the Gen 3 activation has a message.

Definitely no activation message, here's a short video to prove that if needed.

Quick Claw activates at 2:25
Not sure if it has been already reported, but Brick Break is not breaking Aurora Veil, nor Lightscreen properly when hitting a non-ghost type and dealing damage
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