I just want to thank Clawed Nyasu for doing such a great job on the wireframe model! One thing I really liked is how the bow at the back is a continuous mesh rather than split up into different pieces. The UVs are very perfect and symmetrical as well. There's a bit too many seams at the bottom where the big spiral is meant to sit but I think we can deal with it. ;P
I merged all the parts down to a single UV map and put it together with a coloring sheet - which have been sent off to the texture and rigging artists. Hopefully they'll post their work here soon! :3
Also put down paintseagull for Scratchet's shiny textures.
I merged all the parts down to a single UV map and put it together with a coloring sheet - which have been sent off to the texture and rigging artists. Hopefully they'll post their work here soon! :3