
Has anyone looked at Bronzor yet? It beats Bronzong by 13 base points in both defenses and only loses 10 base HP (so it has 57/129/129). It could make up for it's pitiful attack stats with Toxic-stalling if something stays in and Level Ground to keep sweepers at bay. It can also set up screens, weather, or Trick Room (obviously). Hypnosis, Safeguard, and Heal Block are at least worth noting too.

It gets completely walled by anything immune to Poison and if something doesn't care about the speed drop it can stay in anyway. So Poison Heal Gliscor, Reuniclus, Skarmory, Nattorei, and Crobat will force switches, but it can definitely come in and absorb basically any hit, and in a lot of cases it can screw over sweepers if they don't switch.

Whenever you think about a pokemon's prevo with weaker stats, think about it first:

would you actually use its evolution in the first place?

To answer that, Bronzong sucks (ignoring offensive TR, which I've never found to be too good); why would you want to use bronzor?
Perhaps the few reasons I listed...

What I mean is, why would you use it if you would never use its evolution in the first place? The only use I've really seen for Bronzong is OFFENSIVE trick room; Bronzor is clearly not an offensive pokemon.

Do you really want the main offense of something to be toxic-stalling? In a metagame populated by many, many Gliscor, no less?

(on a side note prevo stone tesshido has comprable stats but far better movepool options, including the always valuable leech seed)
What I mean is, why would you use it if you would never use its evolution in the first place? The only use I've really seen for Bronzong is OFFENSIVE trick room; Bronzor is clearly not an offensive pokemon.

Do you really want the main offense of something to be toxic-stalling? In a metagame populated by many, many Gliscor, no less?

(on a side note prevo stone tesshido has comprable stats but far better movepool options, including the always valuable leech seed)
I wasn't planning on using it offensively, or for straight up Toxic stalling. The idea was that it would come in, take a hit, and then either set up a Screen, use Toxic, or lower their Speed depending on what could be done. With any of those, you're either stopping a sweep or crippling one.

And yeah, I overlooked Teshiido, which more or less does function similarly but I would use it for Seeding and hazard set up, where Bronzor would be there to set up a Screen or try to spread Toxic.
How about Gloom? Has anyone mentioned Gloom before? With max EV/IV and beneficial nature its SpD could pass 408 mark. And if teamed with drought ninetales it could get 100% HP recovery and double speed with Chlorophyl.
How about Gloom? Has anyone mentioned Gloom before? With max EV/IV and beneficial nature its SpD could pass 408 mark. And if teamed with drought ninetales it could get 100% HP recovery and double speed with Chlorophyl.
I think you mean 66% recovery (I'm assuming you're talking about Moonlight/ Synthesis).

With that same EV spread you mentioned it would have 324/ 264/ 409 defenses, which is pretty formidable, but Chlorophyll really doesn't help it with speed investment (it only reaches 232 with that spread you listed). Not to mention a major problem Sun teams face are typing, and Gloom won't be beating out Venusaur/ Victreebell anytime soon for a spot on a Sun team when it doesn't add any notable resistances.
I think you mean 66% recovery (I'm assuming you're talking about Moonlight/ Synthesis).

Not to mention a major problem Sun teams face are typing, and Gloom won't be beating out Venusaur/ Victreebell anytime soon for a spot on a Sun team when it doesn't add any notable resistances.

Aw i guess you're right. I was just thinking with some respectable defenses it could toxic/venom shock stall with this set:

Gloom @ Evolution Stone
Ability: Chlorophyl
EVs: 160 HP/ 92 Def / 252 SpD
Nature: Calm (+SpD, -Atk)
~Venom Shock
~Giga Drain / Petal Dance
~Synthesis / Moonlight

But i guess it'll only work on NU tier :(
I used Evo Stone Misdreavus on my stall team mainly due to it having Perish Song and Will-o-Wisp. It did very well.
Breludico, to many people making even moderately decent use out of a more unusual pokemon can make up for a lower success rate. You keep shooting down ideas because they're mildly less potent than this or that, and that isn't always the point. Even people who put strategy first still want to have fun, and sometimes that means using something less effective but more personally appealing.
Gloom is quite legit. 10 % more bulky on special side and 13 % on physical side than Vileplume. It can actualy replace Vileplume but vile's 15 more SpA and slightly higher speed help in some cases.

ASSUMING you want to use vileplume in the first place.

Just saying.
If you want to suggest Evo stone alternative for serious use, make sure its evo doesnt outclass it completely in longer term. Some example of this case recently happen to Slowpoke/Slowbro argument. For example Poke has 5% extra bulk with same spread and less bulky in special side with every kind of spread making slowbro clearly outclass slowpoke. Example of not outclassed or close call one is chansey blissey. Bliss has SpA and lefties but chansey has 13 % more bulk in physical side and 6/7 % more on special side. This means their difference dont matter much.
(spread is 252 Def 252 Hp bold)

There might be some weird cases such as monmen vs erufuun.
Erufuun has 3 % less bulk on Physical side than monmen while having same special bulk with same spread. However, monmen's leech seed has bigger chance to score 25 % drain due to lower HP. (spread used is 252 def/252 SpD calm

Same with nattrei/tesshido
Spread is 252 def/252 SpD/ sassy
With this spread, tesshido is less bulky by 1 % in special side and 4 % less in physical side. But he recover more from leech seed.

This while a bit bad is an example of weird close call. Natts and eru is bulkier but recover less from leech seed which is a factor sometime. This case need some special treatment with further usage.

(this is factoring no UU tier as of now. Since some have simmilar bulk, they might have use on lower tier for those seeking the support move)

Thanks in advance
Whenever you think about a pokemon's prevo with weaker stats, think about it first:

would you actually use its evolution in the first place?

To answer that, Bronzong sucks (ignoring offensive TR, which I've never found to be too good); why would you want to use bronzor?

What about P2? I don't see too many PZ users (or any for that matter) but P2 is pretty solid.
What about P2? I don't see too many PZ users (or any for that matter) but P2 is pretty solid.

That's probably the worst example you could possibly have thought of, considering P2 and PZ are completely differently set up Pokemon with completely different playstyles, and Eviolite accentuating P2's best features.
why are people comparing P2 with PZ?

P2 = awesomesauce MIXED wall that has TRACE
PZ = awesomesauce special sweeper with Adaptability to make Tri Attack/HYPARBEEM(1v1 obv) stronger

EDIT: Also I don't really trust Serebii. Other sources haven't confirmed Eviolite yet >_>
On the topic of middle evolutions, Graveler.

Evolite @Sturdy
252 Def, 252 Atk, 4 HP
Stealth Rock
Stone Edge/Rock Slide

Comes with decent Physical Bulk, Stealth Rock, and a decent attack stat and also a built in Focus Sash. Set up SR, and then blow up if you can't do anything else. EdgeQuake is for STAB.
One of my favorite Prevo users is Tangela. This thing is a beastly physical wall and stops physical sweepers in their tracks, and quickly sucks the life out of them or scares them off.

Tangela (F) @ Evolution Stone Trait: Regeneration
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SAtk
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Toxic
- Protect
- Leaf Storm
- Leech Seed

A few damage calcs:

Adamant LO Weavile's Ice Punch does 44.01% - 52.1% making it not even a guaranteed 2HKO (and assuming Tangela seeds the same turn, it's definitely not)

Adamant CB Dragonite's Firepunch does 36.53% - 43.11%

Adamant LO Blaziken's Flare Blitz does 70.06% - 82.63%

It resists the ever so common physical sand sweepers like Chomp and Dory (Outside of X-scissor, but not all Dory's even run that), and even with Fire Fang on Chomp, Tangela doesn't care. Some Chomps run Fire Blast, you're generally going to be switching in on a SD'd EQ doing 30.54% - 35.93% or an SD'd Outrage doing 73.05% - 86.23%

It isn't the best physical wall ever, but it catches people off guard when their physical sweeper gets completely shut down and quickly stripped down if they're dumb enough to leave it in.

Regeneration is also very awesome, given how much walls tend to switch in and out.