FlashCAP 2 of Sword and Shield
Concept: Karma Chameoleon: This Pokemon uses Protean not only to gain stab on specific attacks, but uses it fully to dodge enemy attacks, enemy status, and changes its typing fully in response to the opponent (by quziel)
Typing: Flying / Ground
Ability: Protean
Threat List:
- Switch Ins: Zeraora, Defensive Clefable, Kommo-O, Rotom-Heat, Tomohawk, Equilibra
- Pressure: Excadrill, Aegislash, Krillowatt, Terrakion, Jirachi, Smokomodo, Aurumoth, Mollux
- Checks and Counters: Bulky Flying types, Hippowdon (If Physical), Sylveon (if special)
Defining Moves: Fighting coverage, Recovery, Poison typed Attacks (Status or Attacking), Dark coverage, Ghost coverage
Stats: 53 HP / 91 Atk / 90 Def / 67 SpA / 150 SpD / 109 Spe [560 BST] (by quziel)
Movesets: [Water, Electric and Grass coverage, pivoting moves, Calm Mind and Physical boosting banneed]
- Approved movesets:
Art Design (by Gravity Monkey): https://i.imgur.com/dM1hZN5.png
Name: Horusands (by Gleeboop)
Horusands is an interesting CAPper, as it takes a unique spin on the classic offensive Ability Protean, and decides to exploit its type changing potential defensively. Throughout the process the main struggle was to balance our innate offensive potential with our desired defensive objective, which led to interesting choices throughout. With stats, our goal was to pick a typing that had strong enough defensive value in and of itself, specifically having key immunities and resists to switch in on and having as less of an issue regarding hazards as possible. After a nail biting poll, Flying / Ground was chosen for its great resistances to typings such as Fighting and packing an immunity to both Ground and Electric, typings carried by top tier threats such as Zeraora, Rotom-Heat, Excadrill and Equilibra. We also had an experiment of our own, at the suggestion of quziel, called the Defining Moves stage, in which we determined what moves help to define and best serve the concept and these were done so that we hada good idea of what tools our Protean CAP could utilize when we moved to the next stage, Stats! Stats were next, in which MVP quziel's unique spread that optimized Drain Punch drainage and Pain Split healing was ultimately chosen as the winner. After which we finally did the rest of the Movesets, and we decided that the combination of boosting our good stats + Protean robs the concept of the defensive value and use, and thus was banned. Calm Mind was eventually banned for similar reasons as well as preventing a "Double Dancing" set from being too overbearing. Pivoting moves were finaly axed as they forced us out denying the CAP from actually using the defensive benefits of the type change, and was deemed anti concept.
With a plethora of good options Horusands will most likely serve as a bulky Sr setter or as a defogger, and thanks to Protean, the list of Pokemon it can check are largely up to the user's disposal, even having tech like Overheat to catch Ferrothorn offguard. Sets like the ID BPress give a whole new meaning to the playstyle, as with its combination of moves, CAP 27 can swap out weaknesses on the fly, making it especially hard to take down once it gets going. More offensive sets like Taunt + dual STABs, Moonlight + 3 Attacks and hazard control popped up too.
Once again I'd like to thank Jho and cbrevan, our esteemed Room Owners who were on hand and helped us get this FlashCAP running!
Concept: Karma Chameoleon: This Pokemon uses Protean not only to gain stab on specific attacks, but uses it fully to dodge enemy attacks, enemy status, and changes its typing fully in response to the opponent (by quziel)
Typing: Flying / Ground
Ability: Protean
Threat List:
- Switch Ins: Zeraora, Defensive Clefable, Kommo-O, Rotom-Heat, Tomohawk, Equilibra
- Pressure: Excadrill, Aegislash, Krillowatt, Terrakion, Jirachi, Smokomodo, Aurumoth, Mollux
- Checks and Counters: Bulky Flying types, Hippowdon (If Physical), Sylveon (if special)
Defining Moves: Fighting coverage, Recovery, Poison typed Attacks (Status or Attacking), Dark coverage, Ghost coverage
Stats: 53 HP / 91 Atk / 90 Def / 67 SpA / 150 SpD / 109 Spe [560 BST] (by quziel)
Movesets: [Water, Electric and Grass coverage, pivoting moves, Calm Mind and Physical boosting banneed]
- Approved movesets:
Name: Horusands (by Gleeboop)
Horusands is an interesting CAPper, as it takes a unique spin on the classic offensive Ability Protean, and decides to exploit its type changing potential defensively. Throughout the process the main struggle was to balance our innate offensive potential with our desired defensive objective, which led to interesting choices throughout. With stats, our goal was to pick a typing that had strong enough defensive value in and of itself, specifically having key immunities and resists to switch in on and having as less of an issue regarding hazards as possible. After a nail biting poll, Flying / Ground was chosen for its great resistances to typings such as Fighting and packing an immunity to both Ground and Electric, typings carried by top tier threats such as Zeraora, Rotom-Heat, Excadrill and Equilibra. We also had an experiment of our own, at the suggestion of quziel, called the Defining Moves stage, in which we determined what moves help to define and best serve the concept and these were done so that we hada good idea of what tools our Protean CAP could utilize when we moved to the next stage, Stats! Stats were next, in which MVP quziel's unique spread that optimized Drain Punch drainage and Pain Split healing was ultimately chosen as the winner. After which we finally did the rest of the Movesets, and we decided that the combination of boosting our good stats + Protean robs the concept of the defensive value and use, and thus was banned. Calm Mind was eventually banned for similar reasons as well as preventing a "Double Dancing" set from being too overbearing. Pivoting moves were finaly axed as they forced us out denying the CAP from actually using the defensive benefits of the type change, and was deemed anti concept.
With a plethora of good options Horusands will most likely serve as a bulky Sr setter or as a defogger, and thanks to Protean, the list of Pokemon it can check are largely up to the user's disposal, even having tech like Overheat to catch Ferrothorn offguard. Sets like the ID BPress give a whole new meaning to the playstyle, as with its combination of moves, CAP 27 can swap out weaknesses on the fly, making it especially hard to take down once it gets going. More offensive sets like Taunt + dual STABs, Moonlight + 3 Attacks and hazard control popped up too.
Once again I'd like to thank Jho and cbrevan, our esteemed Room Owners who were on hand and helped us get this FlashCAP running!