Flash CAP Pokédex

FlashCAP 2 of Sword and Shield

Concept: Karma Chameoleon: This Pokemon uses Protean not only to gain stab on specific attacks, but uses it fully to dodge enemy attacks, enemy status, and changes its typing fully in response to the opponent (by quziel)
Typing: Flying / Ground
Ability: Protean
Threat List:
- Switch Ins: Zeraora, Defensive Clefable, Kommo-O, Rotom-Heat, Tomohawk, Equilibra
- Pressure: Excadrill, Aegislash, Krillowatt, Terrakion, Jirachi, Smokomodo, Aurumoth, Mollux
- Checks and Counters: Bulky Flying types, Hippowdon (If Physical), Sylveon (if special)
Defining Moves: Fighting coverage, Recovery, Poison typed Attacks (Status or Attacking), Dark coverage, Ghost coverage
Stats: 53 HP / 91 Atk / 90 Def / 67 SpA / 150 SpD / 109 Spe [560 BST] (by quziel)
Movesets: [Water, Electric and Grass coverage, pivoting moves, Calm Mind and Physical boosting banneed]
- Approved movesets:
Art Design (by Gravity Monkey): https://i.imgur.com/dM1hZN5.png

Name: Horusands (by Gleeboop)

Horusands is an interesting CAPper, as it takes a unique spin on the classic offensive Ability Protean, and decides to exploit its type changing potential defensively. Throughout the process the main struggle was to balance our innate offensive potential with our desired defensive objective, which led to interesting choices throughout. With stats, our goal was to pick a typing that had strong enough defensive value in and of itself, specifically having key immunities and resists to switch in on and having as less of an issue regarding hazards as possible. After a nail biting poll, Flying / Ground was chosen for its great resistances to typings such as Fighting and packing an immunity to both Ground and Electric, typings carried by top tier threats such as Zeraora, Rotom-Heat, Excadrill and Equilibra. We also had an experiment of our own, at the suggestion of quziel, called the Defining Moves stage, in which we determined what moves help to define and best serve the concept and these were done so that we hada good idea of what tools our Protean CAP could utilize when we moved to the next stage, Stats! Stats were next, in which MVP quziel's unique spread that optimized Drain Punch drainage and Pain Split healing was ultimately chosen as the winner. After which we finally did the rest of the Movesets, and we decided that the combination of boosting our good stats + Protean robs the concept of the defensive value and use, and thus was banned. Calm Mind was eventually banned for similar reasons as well as preventing a "Double Dancing" set from being too overbearing. Pivoting moves were finaly axed as they forced us out denying the CAP from actually using the defensive benefits of the type change, and was deemed anti concept.

With a plethora of good options Horusands will most likely serve as a bulky Sr setter or as a defogger, and thanks to Protean, the list of Pokemon it can check are largely up to the user's disposal, even having tech like Overheat to catch Ferrothorn offguard. Sets like the ID BPress give a whole new meaning to the playstyle, as with its combination of moves, CAP 27 can swap out weaknesses on the fly, making it especially hard to take down once it gets going. More offensive sets like Taunt + dual STABs, Moonlight + 3 Attacks and hazard control popped up too.

Once again I'd like to thank Jho and cbrevan, our esteemed Room Owners who were on hand and helped us get this FlashCAP running!



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I have most of them stored in a database.

This is the steel/flying


This is cnidali's

I don't have Chamereon's recolors, sadly.
These are NOT the original artworks. The original links break on the forums fsr, which is why you saw the broken ones.
FlashCAP 2 of Sword and Shield
Did this guy get a level-up movepool at any point? I can see that he got some sets but I'm wondering how he would come to learn half the moves in his pool. I know it's just a quick thing but the flavour is what I look forward to the most.
Did this guy get a level-up movepool at any point? I can see that he got some sets but I'm wondering how he would come to learn half the moves in his pool. I know it's just a quick thing but the flavour is what I look forward to the most.

I tried my best. TMs and TRs will be numbered at a later date (or if someone wants to do it for me that would be VERY good).
This should be everything.

TM 08 Hyper Beam
TM 09 Giga Impact
TM 15 Dig
TM 16 Screech
TM 19 Safeguard
TM 21 Rest
TM 24 Snore
TM 25 Protect
TM 26 Scary Face
TM 30 Steel Wing
TM 31 Attract
TM 32 Sandstorm
TM 34 Sunny Day
TM 39 Facade
TM 40 Swift
TM 63 Drain Punch
TM 65 Shadow Claw
TM 76 Round
TM 78 Acrobatics
TM 79 Retaliate
TM 81 Bulldoze
TM 95 Air Slash
TM 97 Brutal Swing
TM 98 Stomping Tantrum
TM 99 Breaking Swipe

TR 01 Body Slam
TR 02 Flamethrower
TR 10 Earthquake
TR 13 Focus Energy
TR 20 Substitute
TR 26 Endure
TR 33 Shadow Ball
TR 35 Uproar
TR 37 Taunt
TR 42 Hyper Voice
TR 43 Overheat
TR 46 Iron Defense
TR 56 Aura Sphere
TR 64 Focus Blast
TR 66 Brave Bird
TR 67 Earth Power
TR 70 Flash Cannon
TR 74 Iron Head
TR 79 Heavy Slam
TR 85 Work Up
TR 88 Heat Crash
TR 94 High Horsepower
TR 95 Throat Chop
TR 97 Psychic Fangs
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Alrigtht, FlashCAP 3 of Generation 8 has arrived: Seraphleur (UB Descent)!


(Art by Pipotchi , name by Gleeboop)

Concept: Limited Time Warranty - This Pokemon excels at using moves that have limitations on how many times they can be using (by quziel)
Typing: Grass/Ground
Ability: Beast Boost
Threat List:
- Switch Ins: Toxapex, Tapu Fini, Swampert, Slowbro, Slowking, and Hippowdon
- Pressure: Zapdos, Tornadus-T, Volcarona, Moltres, Magearna, Melmetal, and Heatran
- Checks and Counters: Latios, Latias, Tomohawk, Corviknight, Hydreigon, Blissey, Dragonite, Miasmaw, Weavile and Syclant
Stats: 83 HP / 61 Atk / 113 Def / 127 SpA / 73 SpD / 113 Spe (by Mr Geets)
Moves: Meteor Beam, Stealth Rock, Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Agility, Leaf Storm, Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Taunt, Body Press, Air Slash, Gravity, Substitute

Dex Entries (by Gleeboop):

Sword: This Ultra Beast is rumored to have wiped out an entire civilization. Its meteor showers can be faintly seen at night.
Shield: Seraphleur's meteor showers are said to bring certain doom to civilizations it feels are immoral. Its presence makes soil more fertile.

Notes: After the concept was voted, it was decided that we'd chose which move to focus during assessment, many moves like Steel Beam, Head Smash, No Retreat, and Explosion; however, people quickly jumped into the Meteor Beam bandwagon, as that was definitely one of the most interesting routes to take thanks to its unique combination of SpA boost and high power. On typing, many were discussed, including Poison/Ground, Rock/Ground, Bug/Ground, Ghost/Ground, Rock/Fighting, Psychic/Fighting, and Grass/Fighting but in the end, Grass/Ground won.

On abilities, Beast Boost was chosen, as the ability to snowball after a kill seemed like a good way to justify using Meteor Beam. Interestingly enough, this had the side effect of making this our first Ultra Beast (Flash)CAP, which of course, meant that this would be our only ability and our stats would be prime numbers. Speaking of stats, given our threatlist we choose to go with high physical and mediocre special bulk, alongside some pretty generous offenses to gives us a good initial power without having to use Meteor Beam first. Finally on moves, apart from basic STABs and Meteor Beam, Thunderbolt and Air Slash were chosen as our main coverage moves. Stealth Rock, Agility, Body Press, Taunt, and Gravity were also included as other options that could be uses without interfering with our focus on Meteor Beam. We didn't set on any full movepool yet, although Mr Geets already made a pretty good one here, which might become the final movepool if no one else submits anything.

Thanks to everyone that participated on this. Hopefully we can do more FlashCAPs in the near future!
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Alrigtht, FlashCAP 3 of Generation 8 has arrived: Seraphleur (UB Descent)!


(Art by Pipotchi , name by Gleeboop)

Concept: Limited Time Warranty - This Pokemon excels at using moves that have limitations on how many times they can be using (by quziel)
Typing: Grass/Ground
Ability: Beast Boost
Threat List:
- Switch Ins: Toxapex, Tapu Fini, Swampert, Slowbro, Slowking, and Hippowdon
- Pressure: Zapdos, Tornadus-T, Volcarona, Moltres, Magearna, Melmetal, and Heatran
- Checks and Counters: Latios, Latias, Tomohawk, Corviknight, Hydreigon, Blissey, Miasmaw, Weavile and Syclant
Stats: 83 HP / 61 Atk / 113 Def / 127 SpA / 73 SpD / 113 Spe (by Mr Geets)
Moves: Meteor Beam, Stealth Rock, Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Agility, Energy Ball, Leaf Storm, Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Taunt, Body Press, Air Slash, Gravity, Substitute

Dex Entries (by Gleeboop):

Sword: This Ultra Beast is rumored to have wiped out an entire civilization. Its meteor showers can be faintly seen at night.
Shield: Seraphleur's meteor showers are said to bring certain doom to civilizations it feels are immoral. Its presence makes soil more fertile.

Notes: After the concept was voted, it was decided that we'd chose which move to focus during assessment, many moves like Steel Beam, Head Smash, No Retreat, and Explosion; however, people quickly jumped into the Meteor Beam bandwagon, as that was definitely one of the most interesting routes to take thanks to its unique combination of SpA boost and high power. On typing, many were discussed, including Poison/Ground, Rock/Ground, Bug/Ground, Ghost/Ground, Rock/Fighting, Psychic/Fighting, and Grass/Fighting but in the end, Grass/Ground won.

On abilities, Beast Boost was chosen, as the ability to snowball after a kill seemed like a good way to justify using Meteor Beam. Interestingly enough, this had the side effect of making this our first Ultra Beast (Flash)CAP, which of course, meant that this would be our only ability and our stats would be prime numbers. Speaking of stats, given our threatlist we choose to go with high physical and mediocre special bulk, alongside some pretty generous offenses to gives us a good initial power without having to use Meteor Beam first. Finally on moves, apart from basic STABs and Meteor Beam, Thunderbolt and Air Slash were chosen as our main coverage moves. Stealth Rock, Agility, Body Press, Taunt, and Gravity were also included as other options that could be uses without interfering with our focus on Meteor Beam. We didn't set on any full movepool yet, although Mr Geets already made a pretty good one here, which might become the final movepool if no one else submits anything.

Thanks to everyone that participated on this. Hopefully we can do more FlashCAPs in the near future!
Gen8's third FlashCAP becoming an Ultra Beast was quite unexpected. Can't wait to see what the next FlashCAP could be!
Alrigtht, FlashCAP 3 of Generation 8 has arrived: Seraphleur (UB Descent)!


(Art by Pipotchi , name by Gleeboop)

Concept: Limited Time Warranty - This Pokemon excels at using moves that have limitations on how many times they can be using (by quziel)
Typing: Grass/Ground
Ability: Beast Boost
Threat List:
- Switch Ins: Toxapex, Tapu Fini, Swampert, Slowbro, Slowking, and Hippowdon
- Pressure: Zapdos, Tornadus-T, Volcarona, Moltres, Magearna, Melmetal, and Heatran
- Checks and Counters: Latios, Latias, Tomohawk, Corviknight, Hydreigon, Blissey, Miasmaw, Weavile and Syclant
Stats: 83 HP / 61 Atk / 113 Def / 127 SpA / 73 SpD / 113 Spe (by Mr Geets)
Moves: Meteor Beam, Stealth Rock, Earth Power, Thunderbolt, Agility, Energy Ball, Leaf Storm, Giga Drain, Energy Ball, Taunt, Body Press, Air Slash, Gravity, Substitute

Dex Entries (by Gleeboop):

Sword: This Ultra Beast is rumored to have wiped out an entire civilization. Its meteor showers can be faintly seen at night.
Shield: Seraphleur's meteor showers are said to bring certain doom to civilizations it feels are immoral. Its presence makes soil more fertile.

Notes: After the concept was voted, it was decided that we'd chose which move to focus during assessment, many moves like Steel Beam, Head Smash, No Retreat, and Explosion; however, people quickly jumped into the Meteor Beam bandwagon, as that was definitely one of the most interesting routes to take thanks to its unique combination of SpA boost and high power. On typing, many were discussed, including Poison/Ground, Rock/Ground, Bug/Ground, Ghost/Ground, Rock/Fighting, Psychic/Fighting, and Grass/Fighting but in the end, Grass/Ground won.

On abilities, Beast Boost was chosen, as the ability to snowball after a kill seemed like a good way to justify using Meteor Beam. Interestingly enough, this had the side effect of making this our first Ultra Beast (Flash)CAP, which of course, meant that this would be our only ability and our stats would be prime numbers. Speaking of stats, given our threatlist we choose to go with high physical and mediocre special bulk, alongside some pretty generous offenses to gives us a good initial power without having to use Meteor Beam first. Finally on moves, apart from basic STABs and Meteor Beam, Thunderbolt and Air Slash were chosen as our main coverage moves. Stealth Rock, Agility, Body Press, Taunt, and Gravity were also included as other options that could be uses without interfering with our focus on Meteor Beam. We didn't set on any full movepool yet, although Mr Geets already made a pretty good one here, which might become the final movepool if no one else submits anything.

Thanks to everyone that participated on this. Hopefully we can do more FlashCAPs in the near future!
FlashCAP be like BE NOT AFRAID

Art by: Brambane
We just did a 1v1 Flashcap, TL'd by cbrevan

Name: Tormentoise (by Jewvia)
Concept: Make a torment user for 1v1
Typing: Poison/Dark
Ability: Multiscale
Stats: 80 HP /125 Atk /92 Def /60 SpA /90 SpD /103 Spe

Torment, Protect, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, Darkest Lariat, Tickle, Encore, Taunt

We'll be taking name subs here and I'll poll them on PS later.

Name Submission History:
I love this guy! I'd like to sub the name: Turment
I'll sub Torturtle (Torture+Turtle)
Looks like a cool Flashcap. I'll sub the name Tormentoise (tor-MEN-tuhs, Torment + Tortoise). I like how when I say that, it also sounds a bit like menace (MEN-uhs) which is what this will be to all 1v1s out there.
Submitting Shellion (shell + hellion, also possibly skeleton)
Submitting Terrortuga (Terror + Tortuga, Spanish for turtle)
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We did a BDSP Flash CAP! BDSP CAP has been a really fun meta to play in, so I wanted to see what would happen if we focused on it a bit! Welcome Flash CAP 5 of Generation 8:

Art by Bloopyghost

Name: Shrimpanzee by HydrogenHydreigon

Concept: Oh How The Turntables: This Pokémon turns an ordinarily hindering situation into an advantage for itself or its team: subbed by Scizivire

Typing: Water / Normal: subbed by spoo

Ability: Synchronize: subbed by Amamama

Stats: 144 / 118 / 68 / 54 / 81 / 85: subbed by quziel

Notable Moves: Facade, Heal Bell, Waterfall, Moonlight, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Razor Shell, Seed Bomb, U-turn

BDSP FlashCAP @ Leftovers
Level: 100
Adamant Nature
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 Atk / 200 SpD / 56 Spe
- Razor Shell / Double-Edge / Facade
- Double-Edge / Facade / Seed Bomb / U-turn
- Moonlight
- Heal Bell

01 Water Gun
01 Aqua Jet
01 Scratch
01 Growl
Evo Body Slam
05 Defense Curl
09 Double Team
13 Headbutt
18 Taunt
23 Swagger
28 Crunch
33 Take Down
38 Waterfall
43 X-Scissor
48 Heal Bell
53 Double-Edge
58 Curse
Groups: Water 1, Monster
Razor Shell from Crawdaunt
Seed Bomb from Venusaur
Skull Bash from Blastoise
Quick Attack from Pelipper, Masquerain, and Floatzel
Fury Swipes from Ludicolo
Aqua Tail from Blastoise, Golduck, Dewgong, Dragonite, Feraligatr, Azumarill, Quagsire, Milotic, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth, and Floatzel
03 Water Pulse
09 Bullet Seed
11 Sunny Day
13 Ice Beam
14 Blizzard
15 Hyper Beam
17 Protect
18 Rain Dance
19 Giga Drain
20 Safeguard
22 Solar Beam
23 Iron Tail
28 Dig
32 Double Team
34 Shock Wave
42 Facade
44 Rest
45 Attract
46 Thief
49 Scald
53 Energy Ball
54 False Swipe
55 Brine
56 Fling
58 Endure
65 Shadow Claw
66 Payback
67 Recycle
68 Giga Impact
70 Flash
73 Thunder Wave
81 X-Scissor
82 Sleep Talk
86 Grass Knot
87 Swagger
89 U-turn
90 Substitute
93 Cut
95 Surf
96 Strength
98 Rock Smash
99 Waterfall
100 Rock Climb

Notes: After we chose our concept, we needed to determine what "hindering situations" we wanted to focus on: getting statused, the opponent boosting, or the opponent setting/removing entry hazards. We determined that getting statused was the most interesting way forward, as BDSP CAP plays host to a number of Scald and Thunder Wave users. The typing stage had quite a few options submitted, and a general trend popped up of Water- and Dragon-types being popular for their Scald resistance. Water / Normal was chosen on the back of a wave of support for STAB Facade, which we found to be very pro-concept. We then went on to determine the ability, which came down to Marvel Scale vs. Synchronize. We wanted a defensive/utility leaning ability, and while Marvel Scale is undoubtedly stronger, we early on determined that we did not want this Flash CAP to become a status Orb user; accordingly, Synchronize won. There were quite a number of wild stat spreads submitted; however, two incredibly high HP spreads stole the limelight. quziel's spread notably outpaces Togekiss, a Pokemon we identified early as something this Flash CAP should beat. It also features enough Special bulk to switch into Latios, and while its offenses are impressive, it cannot OHKO Breloom, one of this mon's best offensive checks. In the move selection, we notably banned 16 PP recovery, as we felt it would be overbearing with this level of bulk. Heal Bell was probably the most pro-concept move, and immediately was included. After that, Razor Shell was approved to give this mon a way to consistently break Unaware Clefable, and Seed Bomb was given as a means of pressuring Slowbro and Gastrodon while retaining Empoleon as a defensive check. Finally, U-turn was given to make the mon more splashable, letting it stand out from other bulky Water-types.

Overall, I had a lot of fun with this mon! It sorta turned into a giga-Bibarel, which is absolutely amazing. This was truly a blast, start to finish, thanks for participating!
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