Lol at me having implemented NEXT changes (albeit minor) without ever knowing this thread existed - aka never having looked for it.
Wow welcome Crestfall! You're just a little bit late to the party that's all! :^)
This would nerf sleep too much to the point that using it would be pointless unless it was directly coupled with a boosting move on the same set (think Spore SD Breloom).
Sleeping of sleep (and freeze), I had an idea a while ago to change freeze's thaw chance to 50%. This would still make it an average of 2 turns to thaw, but also has some of the randomness that freeze already has.
I just today buffed Flying Press from 95% accuracy to 100% accuracy :^)
lol I saw. It's still terrible though. If it were to ever be buffed though, it's a low priority change.
Compound Eyes has been fixed. Genesect is only illegal with a Drive on, not in the base state (such as using life orb or leftovers)
Well drives let it download and have a decent STAB boosted techno blast. Probably medium-ish priority to fix? n_n
I've also shown this suggestion to Zarel and labeled it extreme in my e-mail to him. However I too support this change as currently NEXT is rampant with weather and although the tier is still vastly unexplored, weather dominates right now. Namely Sun, Rain, and Sand as they all have a corresponding 2x speed ability. Hail has been buffed but not enough (but that's another change entirely).
To be honest, NEXT meta doesn't have
rampant weather abuse, but I think that's a bit in part that the players recognize how powerful unlimited weather is. Without a weather starter on your own team, your opponent can almost guarantee beating you in speed races, as well as having a permanent 1.5 boost in fire, water, or spD. Hail still gets the short end of the stick though. Still, perma-weather basically forces all players to pack a weather user as a team is almost always at a disadvantage if they do not have weather but the opponent does.
- Give Bastiodon King's Shield as it's face is literally a giant shield and it goes along with the idea of Bastiodon just being a massive wall/tank meant to absorb damage. (though this might not fit flavour wise because a King is Royalty and Bastiodon doesn't give off that appearance).
- Give Hydreigon intrinsic Intimidate, this is a great buff that brings him up from NU standards to viable in OU imo. This also let's him run u-turn more often (even on the special set) in order to pivot off of physical attackers who switch after his intimidate. This also allows him to enter more matchups he normally could not if used in OU.
- Give the pixies intrinsics with their levitate -> Uxie gets Oblivious because it goes along with it's 'clueless' appearance. Mesprit gets Telepathy because it isn't that strong in NEXT and fits with its "clairvoyant" appearance. Azelf I'm unsure because too big a buff and we find it being overbearing in OU (it was already a great suicide lead in Gen4/5 imo).
- Someone suggested to me giving Rotom-Frost Hail, seems innocent enough and good for teams that run double weather in case their perma-weather mon dies and enemy also has a weather.
- Make Rotom-Frost the perma-hail inducer over Cryogonal - a change suggested to me by the same user, perhaps a buff to Hail by having a better Hail inducer?
- Implementation of a Physical Assault Vest item (1.5 to defense + only attacking moves). Big change but something that isn't that bad.
1. I sort of see Bastiodon getting it as a possible egg move, but this might be a case of Aegislash's signature move actually being signature.
2. I've seen suggestions of Defiant or Competitive Hydreigon to make it a possible alternative to Bisharp, but let's not exaggerate Hydreigon's 4x weakness; it's still UU as of now.
3. I'm finding it a bit hard to see what unifies the pixies since they're almost 3 extremes, one offensive, one defensive, one balanced. They're based off the Imperial Regalia of Japan though, the sword, mirror, and jewel, symbolizing valor, wisdom, and benevolence. Might be a bit hard thinking of one ability to give to all of them and be useful to all.
4&5. Snowflake making hail makes more sense than a refrigerator lol