Other Good Cores

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These three.

Here's my new take on the classic W/G/F core. They have perfect synergy and there are lots of possibilities between them.

The physically defensively invested Trevenant can tanks some hits, absorb status, burn with Will o' Wisp, throw some Leech Seeds around, recover with either Harvest Lum Berry + Rest or Rest + Natural Cure + switch out, spin block hazards (but alas, Defog), attack with a formidable Horn Leech or Shadow Sneak AND use Forest Curse to turn its foes to Grass types. Its Fire, Flying and Ice weaknesses are covered by Heatran, who can also tank a special Ghost attack, and its Fire, Ice, Dark and Ghost weaknesses are all covered by Greninja.

A speedy Greninja can throw around some Spikes and scout and pivot away with U-Turn. With Protean, it gets STAB on EVERYTHING, including Hydro Pumps, Dark Pulses, Acrobatics, Ice Beams (which is particularly nice with Trevenant's Forest Curse turning enemies to Grass type), and any Hidden Power move you could want. Its Electric, Grass and Fighting weaknesses are all covered by Trevenant, and its Grass and Fairy weakness are covered by Heatran, who is also highly adept at tanking any special hits that aren't water, ground or fighting.

Then you have the specially bulky Heatran, who can provide Stealth Rock, Lava Plume (again! that SE STAB on anything with Forest Curse makes this extra nice), more burning, Toxic stall, Roar phazing (eek with SR and Spikes), Tormentran (again hazards). Water, Fighting and Ground are all covered by Trevenant, and Greninja can tank a light water hit and chase away those ground types.
Hi, I'm new to putting in more thought into competitive Pokemon so if I've overlooked something let me know. Also, if this is already mentioned could someone point me in that direction?

So, I thought Ferrothorn and Azumarill would make a good combo/core.

To start with, they resit each others weaknesses perfectly: Grass + Lightning + Poison to Ferrothron and Fighting + Fire to Azumarill. But they also give each other plenty of options on switching in.

Stab-fire might think they have an easy time against Ferrothron but are not going to take the chance against Azumarills Aqua-Jet. Heatran, Blazekin and Volcarona have both their stabs resisted by the fairy mouse and now that he has a super effective move against fighting mons it is unlikely they are going to want to take that chance (more so with their own stab resisted).

On the flip side Ferrothron makes bulky waters/grass, who can wall Azumari,l easy set up fodder, handing out more spikes or passing around para/leech seed. More so now he dones't have to worry about sleep on the switch as well. Of course, against bulky grass types he wont get a switch out so another mon to threaten those specifically would be needed.
Ok, so I'm kind of new at this but I'm thinking about trying out a Goodra/M-Aggron/W-rotom combo, not absolutely sure yet but seems like it covers most bases, the dreaded mamoswine wrecks Goodra and aggron, but off the top of my head I think it can't do much against rotom. Again I'm new and I've probably missed a counter or 5 but I like the feel of the set, and I'm thinking I could possibly run (depending on eventual viability) it as a rain team, hydration Goodra and rotom both appreciate it and aggron likes the less worrying fire which is the main source that will hit his special side.
Scolipede just is too frail to be considered part of a defensive core, and on top of that, it has a SR-weakness AND no means of recovery AND not even a good defensive typing; in other words, it doesn't really matter what it resists because the opposing pokemon just needs a neutral move to OHKO it, which it is quite likely to have. It has horrible offensive stats, too. So your "core" will be broken through by anything that Scoli is supposed to defend against, and Scolipede won't break through any physical walls anytime soon, either. Better stay with Hydreigon/Aegislash and use Scoli just as an "extra" who lays down hazards/baton passes and occasionally kills specific dark-types that hydreigon struggles against instead of using it as a dedicated part of a core.
Who said anything about a defensive core? This is meant to be an offensive core with nice resistances. I mean, c'mon, who uses Scolipede defensively?

And Scolipede has 100 Attack 112 Speed. Call that "horrible offensive stats" if you will, but I'm seeing great potential on this guy. Also, it gets Speed Boost.
I'm seeing a lot of Hydreigon/Aegislash core talks.
I'm curious about any of those running Hydreigon/Aegislash combos, what kind of set is run for Hydreigon? Can he really cover Aegislash's fire weakness with an offensive spread? Can he take a flare blitz from Talonflame? Non-STAB fire blasts?

I'm thinking of safe switch-ins to cover this weakness is all, since Aegislash has so few. Azumarill or T-tar perhaps.
I kinda like my Rotom-W, Mega Gangar, and Scizor core. I may not be the most experienced or skill player, but, they seem to have great synergy.
I was thinking something like this except Talonflame/CharX in place of Noivern. The problem I'm finding it finding 3 more pokemon that go along well with it. It definitely needs a spinner, probably a spinblocker, and a special wallbreaker but I can't find Pokes that fill those rolls and still mesh with the team.

How about replacing Talonflame/Noivern with Crobat with Infliltrator? He has access to Defog and U-turn (and Hypnosis?). You can probably still run Spikes and Sticky Web as a Volt-turn core to reapply your hazards if defog was needed (or they were spun away)
For a spinblocker & Special Wall breaker you could go with Aegislash. So the core would look like:

- Crobat
- Aegislash

This core really appeals to be as it covers most bases in terms of resistance, has hazards, has volt-turn, has hazard clearing and they all look damn cool doing it ;)
Who said anything about a defensive core? This is meant to be an offensive core with nice resistances. I mean, c'mon, who uses Scolipede defensively?

And Scolipede has 100 Attack 112 Speed. Call that "horrible offensive stats" if you will, but I'm seeing great potential on this guy. Also, it gets Speed Boost.
You didn't provide a single calculation nor general coverage of the mons, but instead focused completely on the resistances, so assuming you wanted it to be a defensive core was reasonable imho.
Also, Scolipede has 90 attack, not 100(or did he get a boost I didn't notice?), which would be only be usable with a good STAB-Combination, which he doesn't have. Aside from EQ, he also doesn't even have great coverage options.Though having 100 wouldn't really change much about that anyway.
Speed boost actually makes his role as a dedicated setter + baton-passer even more viable, but I don't really see his role in a offensive core being affected by that.
You didn't provide a single calculation nor general coverage of the mons, but instead focused completely on the resistances, so assuming you wanted it to be a defensive core was reasonable imho.
Also, Scolipede has 90 attack, not 100(or did he get a boost I didn't notice?), which would be only be usable with a good STAB-Combination, which he doesn't have. Aside from EQ, he also doesn't even have great coverage options.Though having 100 wouldn't really change much about that anyway.
Speed boost actually makes his role as a dedicated setter + baton-passer even more viable, but I don't really see his role in a offensive core being affected by that.
You're right, people provide defensive cores here, especially when no calcs are given. Forgive me. I did mention the core's offensive value, though, with two offensive pokes, so I assumed people would know it's meant as an offensive core.

It did get base stat upgrade (at least according to Serebii, but I understand if you don't want to take that into account).

Scolipede has STAB Poison. That is not longer a bad type. Goes well with Hydreigon's double weakness is all.
On paper the defensive core of Florges and M-Aggron looks really strong. Might be trying that out or a trick room team with Mawile/ Ampharos. I can FINNALY start to breed so if anyone can tell me if the core would work that would be cool :)
You're right, people provide defensive cores here, especially when no calcs are given. Forgive me. I did mention the core's offensive value, though, with two offensive pokes, so I assumed people would know it's meant as an offensive core.

It did get base stat upgrade (at least according to Serebii, but I understand if you don't want to take that into account).

Scolipede has STAB Poison. That is not longer a bad type. Goes well with Hydreigon's double weakness is all.

Bug/Poison is still completely walled by Steel, Poison and Ghost, and these are only the single types that wall it, not to mention the dual types. Poison got buffed, yeah, but it's still mediocre at best.
Also, sarcasm isn't really healthy for a discussion; Anyway, as said, I assumed this was meant to be defensive since your whole post bar the small line about physical/special coverage focused on resistances, and resistances are secondary for offensive cores. They need to break through stuff, neat resistances are just a nice extra. And unless the "steel mon of choice" is Mega-Lucario, I don't see your "offensive" core break through any defensive core anytime soon.
Been thinking about a bulky offensive core with an old favorite, another with a new leash on life and a new guy I have been enjoying. Thoughts and other 3 slot advice appreciated:

- Multiscale Dragonite: DD/Roost/EQ/ Dragon Claw
- Aegislash with usual set
- Mega Blastoise with Dark Pulse and Rapid Spin

They cover eathother's weaknesses very well. M.Blastoise is proving amazing at killing spinblockers. Almost always wins out against M.Gengar and Aegislash with Dark Pulse. Dragonite likes SR removed from spinning. Good predictions can lead to easy set up turns for Aegis & Dragonite.

I am worried that Dragonite will get completely walled by Togekiss with this set, what moves could he have instead?

What do people think? What goes with these guys?

These three.

Here's my new take on the classic W/G/F core. They have perfect synergy and there are lots of possibilities between them.

The physically defensively invested Trevenant can tanks some hits, absorb status, burn with Will o' Wisp, throw some Leech Seeds around, recover with either Harvest Lum Berry + Rest or Rest + Natural Cure + switch out, spin block hazards (but alas, Defog), attack with a formidable Horn Leech or Shadow Sneak AND use Forest Curse to turn its foes to Grass types. Its Fire, Flying and Ice weaknesses are covered by Heatran, who can also tank a special Ghost attack, and its Fire, Ice, Dark and Ghost weaknesses are all covered by Greninja.

A speedy Greninja can throw around some Spikes and scout and pivot away with U-Turn. With Protean, it gets STAB on EVERYTHING, including Hydro Pumps, Dark Pulses, Acrobatics, Ice Beams (which is particularly nice with Trevenant's Forest Curse turning enemies to Grass type), and any Hidden Power move you could want. Its Electric, Grass and Fighting weaknesses are all covered by Trevenant, and its Grass and Fairy weakness are covered by Heatran, who is also highly adept at tanking any special hits that aren't water, ground or fighting.

Then you have the specially bulky Heatran, who can provide Stealth Rock, Lava Plume (again! that SE STAB on anything with Forest Curse makes this extra nice), more burning, Toxic stall, Roar phazing (eek with SR and Spikes), Tormentran (again hazards). Water, Fighting and Ground are all covered by Trevenant, and Greninja can tank a light water hit and chase away those ground types.

I posted this core a page back! Looks great on paper doesn't it? I want to abuse Magma Storm
I'm curious about any of those running Hydreigon/Aegislash combos, what kind of set is run for Hydreigon? Can he really cover Aegislash's fire weakness with an offensive spread? Can he take a flare blitz from Talonflame? Non-STAB fire blasts?

I'm thinking of safe switch-ins to cover this weakness is all, since Aegislash has so few. Azumarill or T-tar perhaps.
Aegis and hydr seems like a pretty strong core. If it becomes a big thing scrappy pangoro may not look so bad.
Bug/Poison is still completely walled by Steel, Poison and Ghost, and these are only the single types that wall it, not to mention the dual types. Poison got buffed, yeah, but it's still mediocre at best.
Also, sarcasm isn't really healthy for a discussion; Anyway, as said, I assumed this was meant to be defensive since your whole post bar the small line about physical/special coverage focused on resistances, and resistances are secondary for offensive cores. They need to break through stuff, neat resistances are just a nice extra. And unless the "steel mon of choice" is Mega-Lucario, I don't see your "offensive" core break through any defensive core anytime soon.
OK, last reply.

As you said so yourself, Scolipede gets EQ. No longer walled by Steel and Poison (except for Skarmory and friends, but you can just switch out, right?). As for Ghost, since Aegislash gets more usage, people will make Aegislash their spinblocker more often, and when that happens, EQ comes nicely.

I wasn't sarcastic about anything: I really meant it when I apologized.

We already went over about how you (and people in general might) misunderstood the core for defensive.

Mega-Lucario fits the Steel type quite well. Will try it out. Thanks.
Been thinking about a bulky offensive core with an old favorite, another with a new leash on life and a new guy I have been enjoying. Thoughts and other 3 slot advice appreciated:

- Multiscale Dragonite: DD/Roost/EQ/ Dragon Claw
- Aegislash with usual set
- Mega Blastoise with Dark Pulse and Rapid Spin

They cover eathother's weaknesses very well. M.Blastoise is proving amazing at killing spinblockers. Almost always wins out against M.Gengar and Aegislash with Dark Pulse. Dragonite likes SR removed from spinning. Good predictions can lead to easy set up turns for Aegis & Dragonite.

I am worried that Dragonite will get completely walled by Togekiss with this set, what moves could he have instead?

What do people think? What goes with these guys?

Fireblast on DDnite so you don't get walled by levitating/flying steels. You do get walled by Togekiss, I think the whole point of fairy was so dragons couldn't wipe whole teams.
I know Ampharos is inferior in comparison to the likes of Gengar/Blaziken/Lucario and such (in terms of raw power and ability), but I wanted to throw Mega Ampharos in a OU environment and see how viable he is and who would be a good core.
I was playing around earlier and found some success with Mega Ampharos being a support pivot for Celebi / Gliscor / Empoleon core (Empoleon being a sub-petaya anti fairy / dragon sweeper). His ability to spam Heal Bell and Thunder Wave is good, but the most effective part is that really strong Volt Switch synergy with U-Turn. I played around with using a SubPass Celebi set with U-Turn Gliscor and that still worked reasonably well (although this leaves the set notably weak to Azumarrill.)

Still playing with Amphy and testing out other cores but he seems to be an alright team cleric / pivot. His Volt Switch and Dragon Pulse still hit really, really hard on enemies that switch in to him which is great. In the late-game his slow speed safe Volt Switch-ins are really fantastic.
Fireblast on DDnite so you don't get walled by levitating/flying steels. You do get walled by Togekiss, I think the whole point of fairy was so dragons couldn't wipe whole teams.

Makes sense. Is Fire Punch worth using over Blast (prob using Jolly Nature) after a DD? Togekiss was annoying enough without better typing and second STAB >_>
This seems like a solid bulky offensive core, if only because they fulfill similar roles while complimenting each other.

Sandstream | Assault Vest
Naughty 180 Def / 252 Atk / 76 Spe
-Stone Edge
-Fire Blast

Strong Jaw | Assault Vest
Adamant 252-? HP / 252 Atk / ? Spe
-Head Smash
-Fire Fang
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