Forum Rules
- Global rules apply at all times.
- If you aren't sure if your thread belongs, feel free to contact a GSC moderator and check with us before posting.
- Don't post threads asking questions; instead, post them to our "Simple Question, Simple Answer" thread.
- Don't post teams here; instead, go to the Rate my Team forum for team rates, and be sure to read their rules before posting.
- Non-competitive topics should go to the Orange Islands, and are not meant for this forum.
- Try not to theorymon or ask "what ifs"; please only refer to verified, confirmed information.
- Ensure your posts are grammatically coherent, contribute to the discussion at hand, and aren't simple one-liners. The moderation team is subject to delete them if they feel as though they do not add anything to the discussion.
- Be kind to other users.
GSC Forum Resources Directory
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