Japanese games suck ?

Phil Fish said yesterday after a screening of IG:The Movie that modern Japanese games sucked for the most part.

I would like to see Smogon's opinion on that. I mean, just that line. Do you know who Phil Fish is? Have you heard of that film? Whether you know what this is about please feel free to react to the statement.

THEN, if you feel like it, you can read more about the event here: http://www.develop-online.net/news/40061/GDC-Japanese-dev-mocked-your-games-suck
That article is quite biased, doesn't cover the whole context and includes some irrelevant stuff about Inafune (filler probs), but it's still a good start.
You can also check out @PHIL_FISH's tweets.

And, now that you have read more about the story, has your opinion changed on it?
Nope. They still hold a pretty huge monopoly on certain genres like fighters and "JRPGs" in terms of both quality and sales.
Capcom does suck huge veiny D's on lunch breaks when they aren't deciding DLC to put on disc and figuring out how to shit on long-time fans, but not the industry as a whole.

If he just meant capcom, he's spot on. If he really did mean the whole industry, he should go back to finishing fez and then fall back into obscurity, ignorance and all.

/didn't read or click or look
Capcom sucks you say?

Must I say more?

Oh yeah, Pokemon is a Japanese game too. And guess what site this is on?
Nope. They still hold a pretty huge monopoly on certain genres like "JRPGs" in terms of both quality and sales.

is that like a tongue in cheek comment about the arbitrarity with which video game genres are named?
I don't know enough about the state of the industry to say for sure, but America is certainly where the excitement is right now.

It's probably fairer to say that the Japanese industry is "stagnant" rather than that their games are bad, though. The comment was slightly irresponsible but probably harmless based on what I read.
Tbh, I don't really see how his opinion really matters, he's just some random indie video game developer that I've never heard of.

Edit: Also the only series Capcom has done right here recently is Ace Attorney, so yeah.
First off pokemon doesn't suck but that goes without saying.

I think it depends on what type of game you like really, it seems like halo and call of duty are more along the line of the games we make.

Despite any bad releases and not-even-decent games they make, of which there are some, They still continue to make make many amazing games like zelda and mario and pokemon, and even stuff like phoenix wright and proffesor layton isn't considered bad. The only thing I can think is that they SOMETIMES don't have many ways to make sequels different than the originals.

Also this guy in the article hasn't, I believe, even released anything yet, so how can he judge the people who have made great games forever?
^ was the first game I ever played through in Japanese. Even without knowing exactly what they were saying it was a great game.
It's hard to figure out from the article whether he was ripping on just modern Japanese gaming or Japanese gaming in general. I'm presuming the former. I sense that people have overreacted to his comments, but the general consensus nonetheless seems to be less that he has bad opinions, and more that he was simply tactless. I mean, the article also mentions Inafune saying basically the same thing about the purported death of Japanese gaming.

I do feel that some big-name franchises like Pokémon have become complacent and do not make as much effort as they could be making to improve their game design. And why should they? All they have to do is make two more nearly identical, semi-professional-looking games every few years and they're set.
You know, I've never heard of Phil Fish before you linked me in the OP. But people know Miyamoto, Iwata, etc by name.
You know, I've never heard of Phil Fish before you linked me in the OP. But people know Miyamoto, Iwata, etc by name.

Well yeah, and you know Chris Brown and Michael Bay by name too. Not to compare them to Miyamoto, but the point is that this shouldn't be about name recognition. Can't we talk about games?
Is this thread about games made by Japanese people, or games made for Japanese people? I'll respond to either case:

You're on a pokemon forum, why would we think games made by Japanese peeps suck?


Obviously I'm going to think a game sucks if I don't understand or identify with the pop culture references and styles present in their games.
Disrespectful and unfair, but just another manifestation of the slow yet inevitable shift in gaming supremacy from East to West.

You only need to look at GameRankings top 10 rated Xbox360 games - each and every one was developed in the West. In fact, from my casual glance it looks as though only 4 of the top 50 games are Japanese in origin (with two of them effectively being the same game in Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV and another being a port of an old Castlevania game...the other is Bayonetta if you're curious).

He's generalising and opening himself up to a billion 'but what about [video game]!' comments but maybe this will light a fire up under certain Japanese developers?
I honestly hate western games. They're pretty much all elaborate interactive army recruitment videos.

Now this is the same kind of meaningless generalization that Fish is making... Even if I don't agree with him, I still think that we shouldn't be hypocritical about the issue.
Disrespectful and unfair, but just another manifestation of the slow yet inevitable shift in gaming supremacy from East to West.

You only need to look at GameRankings top 10 rated Xbox360 games - each and every one was developed in the West. In fact, from my casual glance it looks as though only 4 of the top 50 games are Japanese in origin (with two of them effectively being the same game in Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter IV and another being a port of an old Castlevania game...the other is Bayonetta if you're curious).

Not really.

First, the Xbox 360 isn't very popular in Japan. Because of this, fewer Japanese developers will release games on it compared to the other consoles. As a matter of fact, a lot of this boils down to the fact that gamers in different regions have different tastes. Turned based, single player RPG's have always been popular in Japan. In the west, however, sports, racing, and FPS are far more popular, especially those with a competitive online multiplayer component, for example. As the Xbox 360 is made by Microsoft, an American company, it is not surprising then that it will have more games falling in the latter category than the other consoles.

Perhaps you should all recall what the video game industry was like 20-30 years ago. Originally, there were far more home video game consoles made by American companies on the market back then. But there were was an overabundance of shitty games available, leading to the famed "video game crash" of 1983, and it was then that Nintendo, and later Sega, entered the market in the United States, and managed to dominate the industry for a while due to not only releasing innovative games but also their strict business practices (ie the infamous "Nintendo Seal of Quality").

In short, I don't think Japanese games as a whole have gotten worse. What has actually happened is that the video game industry in the west has greatly matured since the crash of 1983. Many of the types of games that are popular now were once only available on PC's, and thanks to advancements in technology, this is really no longer the case. But really, that doesn't mean that Japanese games have gotten worse, to say such a thing is quite arrogant and near-sighted. They have simply evolved a bit less than their western counterparts. But even in terms of recent games, I would argue that Dark Souls is a better game than Skyrim, for example, as far as RPG's go.
It's not like I would change my opinion because of a hyped guy's vision... there are good shit from Japan, there are good shit from US, and there's also generic shit from both countries as well. It's very, very personal.

I can say Half-Life and Team Fortress 2 were true masterpieces, but Call of Duty a huge piece of crap (sue me), in the same way I'm a huge fan of Silent Hill but really hate how Capcom killed Resident Evil, and so on.

Also Bass made a good explanation, that's pretty much what happened.
obviously a pokemon fan, but also a die hard fire emblem fan - it's very true that western and eastern styles of gaming differ for a variety of reasons, and maybe "phil fish" just can't enjoy eastern style games? not to mention final fucking fantasy!
japan > west in terms of gaming because the best era of gaming happened before the west was making games, nowadays 99% of games are pretty bad

Also, fuck the guy above me. 2011 was an amazing year for gaming!