League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Burst of Speed (E): -1 second cooldown, +15% AS, +2/4/6% movespeed.
How much is an extra 15% AS worth? In a duration of three seconds, not much. To save you the math, it buys you one extra basic attack about 1/3 of the time, depending on your level and items. That is roughly equivalent to a damaging spell that increases in base damage by 1/3*(total AD + on-hit effects).

At Level 3? That's 64.1/3 = +21.36~ damage per point, up to 81.01/3 = +27.016~ damage per point with AD runes plus a Doran's Blade or Long Sword. Compared to Lunge, that's half the damage per skill point and it requires a solid three seconds of autoattacking, rather than instant damage! CC will screw you: Irelia stun & run, Udyr stun & run, Lee Sin Safeguarding away, Teemo blind... Compared to Riposte, the four extra autos you get during a BoS is worth 20 additional damage just from its passive bonus AD, let alone the additional benefits Riposte provides. Oh, and the cooldown reduction per level is the worst of all her skills. It has the lower -1s reduction of Riposte but the high base cooldown of Lunge, so leveling it provides the lowest increase in uptime per point.

Burst of Speed gets better later on in the game, as autoattacks scale much better than Lunge and Riposte do. Maybe you level it second, so you'll have it maxed by the time you get hold of Wriggle's + IE and laning starts to break down, but the damage increase on Lunge will still be competitive then and the cooldown reduction on it is more meaningful.

except, at rank 5 it's 120% AS and 15% MS per stack
Welcome to lower level gameplay, where no one buys wards or gives a crud about teamcomp. This was a fun game though.

(Oh one thing: Yes, my PvP gameplay is really low and it's because I have problems finding an uninterruptible time to play normal most of the time. I'll try to get one or two games in each day, though).

We had an early game advantage (they put up a surrender vote sometime at 20) but our team decides to just split up randomly and I couldn't get them back together for a while. What was an advantage for us quickly turned into a disadadvantage, and they destroyed our inhib. But they got aced after they did that.

They destroyed our inhibs like five times over actually (one time two of our inhibs were down). Somehow, they'd keep dying after entering our base, which put us back on track, and stopping them from Baroning and destroying everything. Our Shaco put up several surrender votes but we said no.

Eventually we aced them again and pushed (despite the fact that one of our inhib was down. It was our only chance).

We did get Baron sometime and it helped us push their base before we all died again.

I got legendary sometime 3/4ths of the game before dying very shortly after :p. Also 1v3d at one point and came out on top (one guy died to Shaco Jitb as he fled iirc so I didnt get triple but meh). This game really reminded me how important it is to stay calm and let my comboes flow smoothly.

My CS was pretty bad but there wasnt much I could do with my teammates stealing them all the time. i didn't even get a solo lane (Shaco demanded mid; we had no jungler) :(. It's alright though I farmed champions.

Oh btw that wasn't Twitch's actual itembuild. He sold everything once we got their inhibs and towers.

I grabbed Rylai's on Ryze because our team lacked a tank and the slow was really nice. Got me kills on Olaf and Lee because they couldnt run :).

Lol Galio.
at least you're actually building ryze correctly

i would normally suggest void staff but given the circumstances it seems like rylai's would accomplish more so yeah. good call on that.
Just a wonderful fucking cap on my losing nearly 100 Elo on the day.

"heimer mid or afk"
"if he heimers i troll"

So I'm third pick and ugh fuck these guys, fiddle support. I'm not playing a normal support with these idiots. I specifically say I am going support. Top is taken and I've been jungling poorly today, so I figure I will just support and leave mid open for the heimer troll. He picks... Poppy. Poppy support. POPPY FUCKING SUPPORT. I fucking SAID I was supporting but APPARENTLY oh I didn't have Smite? Guess I am mid, even though I specifically fucking SAID I was supporting.

So yeah, well okay guess I'll go mid? I'm told that will be the case. Last pick is Malphite, says he sucks at jungling but he'll try anyway... takes Teleport instead of Smite. Guess he's going top... despite our first pick being fucking Tryndamere top! NO FUCKING SMITE SO WHO THE FUCK?

Get in game. Going mid it's cool, no problem. Wait, no! APPARENTLY I AM SUPPOSED TO BE FUCKING JUNGLING! Tryndamere goes mid. Apparently none of these guys got the memo that Fiddle is a fucking terrible jungler now, let alone I don't have Smite, and further hey their team has zero CC outside of their jungler (Amumu) and I'm laning against Morde. Drain City, yeah? Cool.

Well, Malphite and Trynd refuse to jungle. I take mid anyway because you know, I AM FUCKING TIRED OF THEIR SHIT. Tryndamere decides he's just going to AFK though. Of course, this is all my fault because HE is fucking trolling. Poppy (heimer or afk guy) goes and AFKs now too because oh it's 4v5 why bother. The other two spend the entire game trolling me in /all chat and trying to butter up Tribunal viewers that it's somehow all my fault.

18-minute loss. Fuck this fucking game.

edit another 20-minute surrender: Brand feeds Malz four kills in 12 minutes, literally fucking took Cleanse thinking he could remove Malz ult and SURPRISE! IT FUCKING DOESN'T! BOY I SURE AM FUCKING GLAD TO BE BACK IN THE 1300'S.
To be less angry, who's actually gotten to play any actual games with Fiora? I seem to regret every time I queue up for Normals anymore (and it definitely will never be Blind again), so I haven't really gotten more than a couple Dominion games in with her. It seems to me that an early Phage would be pretty useful to her. Even leveling E first, I dunno man that movespeed just didn't seem to be as helpful at sticking onto someone to take full advantage of my AS as I thought it should. Maybe I just wasn't used to her playstyle or the fact that Dominion is just a clusterfuck and it's impossible to fight less than like three people at a time. *shrug*

Riven and especially Tryndamere prove that a carry-style melee champion can be viable. I'm not sure why Fiora can't be one of those rather than a Xin or Yi, spare me the comparisons of her kit to Yi's, but then I also don't see what would be wrong with her built as a bruiser either. Is the verdict on this out yet? :[ She lacks any sort of innate tankiness many natural bruisers have but who cares, she also does tons of damage relative to them. Especially if you play her as a jungler and build Trinity Force.

And dear god, another support Poppy. -_- No sustain, no poke, and one highly conditional CC. I'm not sure why they're always on my team and the enemy team never has stupid shit like that but where the hell did anyone even get this idea to begin with?
Trinity Force on Fiora is extremely bad. Way too much money for nothing that helps her in any significant manner until it's fully built. Buying the Trinity Force immediately puts you behind, and if you're behind as Fiora, you suck as Fiora. Build a Wriggle's Boots Brutalizer, and then itemize from there. It's cheaper, and far more effective at dealing damage (CDR better on her than most every stat that TForce gives you, and Youmuu's gives you all the sticking power you need in combination with your E).

wriggles puts you behind. You rush phage brutalizer then bloodthirster then finish tforce (sheen>zeal). synergizes perfectly with her entire kit. tons of sheen procs. tons of phage procs. small crit chance and some more movespeed.
1353 *thumbs up*

I'm a 1500 player at absolutely worst, I don't deserve the garbage I've been put through the past two days.

wriggles puts you behind.

Puts you behind in finishing your endgame item build... which few games reach. It puts you ahead in lane because it's a more efficient use of gold than, say, a BF Sword or Brutalizer or Chain Vest + Boots 2. That's not even counting the free wards it poops out.

it puts you behind finishing your midgame build. which is where assassins dominate. you delay your midgame and WELP everyone else already hit it and are going into lategame, sorry you just missed your entire window of dominance.
gotta agree with pookar here and say that you're stronger with early doran's stack into bruta into a BF item like BT

wriggle's would be used if you're falling behind against a heavy AD champion.
I guess with Riven free and Fiora new it's, "Everyone instalock a melee ad carry" week.

I seriously had a lobby where Riven, Fiora, Yi, and Trynda all instalocked.

Not that that is different from any other week.
i was thinking about this so i'll post it here.

Gold efficiency vs item slot efficiency vs end game build. What is ideal and what is wasteful? Fuck if i know but from what i have seen is close games with about equal lanes are either won or lost in the 20-30 min region So i have been trying to work item builds to be at a peak of power during this time period. I usually set aside 1400-2000 gold for lane items and then work towards a powerful item. i have found that setting aside more gold than that puts you behind mid game as laning phase usually ends before you can really put all that gold into effect. On the other hand rushing for your end game builds have a tendency to leave you weaker in lane and thus harder to obtain farm. so wtf does it all mean? fuck if i know i just have noticed better records/games when i get a good amount of early game items but stop in that sweet spot i described above.

Now that you are caught up to my line of thinking the next step i am trying to take is well if i am willing to set aside that amount of gold for lane what are the best items to get? I want enough space for wards/pots and im going to spend 1400-2000 gold on these items to win the lane better sooo wtf do i get? Thinking like this made me take a second look at some items and im really just rambling so ill stop now feel free to comment on anything i just wanted to get this down on paper.

A question regarding BT vs Wriggle's:

"Wriggle's kinda delays your late-game. It really is only kinda good in the lane. No good player will tell you 'Oh, yeah, I build Wriggle's so I can teamfight better.' That's never the case. I feel like a good player should be able to lane no matter what, and if your opponent gets Wriggle's, you're gonna have a hard time in lane. But then you get into a teamfight, and the enemy has 23 damage from Wriggle's, and you have 100 damage from BT. Who's gonna be doing more damage? Obviously the person who built BT. I've always been against it, but I can see how in certain situations, you'd have to build Wriggle's."

"One of the things you want to take into consideration is that if you're behind in lane, do you really want to fall more behind? Like, let's say you're really far behind, and, like, the enemy almost has Infinity Edge and you have, say, Wriggle's and a Zeal. He's gonna be doing WAY more damage."

Doublelift IS talking about ranged AD in this case but I feel like a lot of the things he says do apply quite well to this situation, where we argue about whether a Wriggle's will "delay" your late-game build. On assassin champions such as Talon, Riven, or in this case, Fiora, it's a question of whether you want to get an early Wriggle's or go straight for Doran's stack into Brutalizer, and later into a BT.
Just bought Udyr. I only have Arpen Marks/Quints instead of AS/MS like most jungle guides suggest but even still Udyr's clear time is nice. He's such a beast. I love him.
I know I'm no pro but Wriggles offers so much utility (Attack, Armor, life steal, Ward, AND 500 damage) that it is too hard to pass up. Sure you wont be shooting pot shots but you will have "more" map control, dragon, and baron. Yup, just stating the obvious.

I honestly think Fiddle is the worst champion in the game right now. I find it hard to lane yet, his jungle is frickin bad right now. Eve has 100 percent ap ratio on her e, (Which at rank five does 320 base damage) stealth which is always nice, and a spammable q. (And if she's given blue buff early she farms like a mofo.

you seem to be forgetting the fact the fiddle has the best cc in the game (his 2 second fear) and one of the best ults in the game

meanwhile, buying one of two items hard counters eve

fiddles may not be the best laner but he definitely has his niche as either a strong top laner or supporter. he has immense sustain from q and a 2 second fear. he's a crappy pusher so the lane will always go closer to his turret for easier ganks, and getting hit by his e a couple of times does a lot of damage.

as a support he has good harass (e bounces), a fear, and a silence. he also has, like top lane fiddle, great ganks since fear and silence are so good.

as aforementioned, late he has his ult (still good base damage even if you go support) and his fear
yep three second fear

fiddle is still scary. his ultimate singlehandedly wins teamfights. his jungle is underestimated and actually isn't that bad, especially if you get a leash and especially with the new jungle changes to the small camp sigils. his level 6 ganks are some of the most frightening in the game and his fear is the strongest non-ultimate CC in the game. his lane isn't terrible either - in particular, he's a strong counter-pick against solo top laners. he absolutely wrecks tryndamere, for example.

evelynn just lacks a lot of stuff to be good - her passive is garbage, her Q is ignorable, and her W no longer stuns. her base stats are very low ever since they nerfed them to stop smite+revive eve from dominating solo queue, and her ultimate is rather lackluster since it relies on getting kills. she's probably strongest when built AP, yet that makes her ultimate not useful, and if you build her tanky DPS, she has no spike damage off her E.

also mundo's really good. fastest jungler in the game, one of the strongest counter-junglers, very fast dragon/baron capabilities, not very item-dependent, etc. he has a weak late-game though.
Fiddles problem is not that he cant do the jungle but against a competent jungler a fiddle will never see his red bare minimum. He clears camps so slowly that any of the current top junglers can steal whatever they want. He is relativity safe yes but the enemy jungler will probably be doing far more than you who is bound by his ultimate.