League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Been playing Viktor. 100% win rate with him, guy has SO much utility and hits hard as hell. Oh and I've noticed a lot of people talking about their win/loss spread, but do to the matchmaking system this means nothing; technically all players are supposed to be 1/1. The spread is simply do to its inaccuracy. A player with 1000 elo could easily have a positive spread while a 2000 elo player has a negative one.
The system is designed such that you should win 50% of the time but that's only if your rating is accurate. A bigger W/L difference should roughly equate with a higher rating, then, as it means you're taking longer to reach the point at which you actually are losing half the time (and your W/L differential stays fairly constant). That can also take a very long time. ;[

I'm personally annoyed because I have a much better W/L differential than pretty much everyone on my friends list, yet generally have same-ish or worse rating. I think when I had the same number of wins as skarm (a few weeks ago), I had something like ten fewer losses yet was almost 150 rating lower. It's probably just because he won 2-3 more placement matches though, since those initials games are worth way more than after you've established a stable rating.
Why has Ahri been so popular at IEM? I understand she has utility but in comparison to Morgana, Kennen, Kass, etc... I just don't know. I guess that is why I'm not a pro.
Why has Ahri been so popular at IEM? I understand she has utility but in comparison to Morgana, Kennen, Kass, etc... I just don't know. I guess that is why I'm not a pro.

Because she is a good champion? :P I don't think there's anything particularly noteworthy about her per se, she's just all-around solid. She's one of a select few mages with unconditional hard CC. She has sustain, she can push, she roams well. Her lategame damage is more consistent than many casters with her true damage and short cooldowns. A triple blink and her synergy with Rylai's make her a very safe champion to play.
Why has Ahri been so popular at IEM? I understand she has utility but in comparison to Morgana, Kennen, Kass, etc... I just don't know. I guess that is why I'm not a pro.

She can flash 3 times in a row, big burst, good poke, and a taunt that catches people. She's been nerfed like 2 or 3 times now and she's still picked and banned a lot, there's a reason for this, she's really good.

And I'm level 30 now, prob not going to play ranked for a long time.
scored my first penta today ^_^ with katarina

i've barely missed getting official pentas an assload of times with vayne and graves, so it was cool to finally get it. announcer didnt say penta kill though :(

unfortunately i lost anyway because my team was a bunch of unfuckingcarriables who fed shen and kogmaw (and proceded to focus the fed shen in teamfights.) ended the game 16/8/2. throughout the entire game there were only 4 kills on my side that i didn't get/i wasn't involved in. good times.
unless the penta kill was at 15 min which is highliy unlikely, killing 5 people for 50 seconds is game winning territory. if you are a carry who got a pentakill, you should be able to take at least 2 towers if you are the only one alive, if you have even just 1 teammate you can easily win the game
unfortunately i lost anyway because my team was a bunch of unfuckingcarriables who fed shen and kogmaw (and proceded to focus the fed shen in teamfights.) ended the game 16/8/2. throughout the entire game there were only 4 kills on my side that i didn't get/i wasn't involved in. good times.

Not to pick on you but this mind set is awful for improving. If you really were that stupidly far ahead of your lane when you see some1else getting strong you go kill him and limit his impact on the game. Instead of just writing off the game as omg my team is awful instead ask what could i have done better to control the flow of the match and ensure a victory for my team. I hover around 1500 elo these days and i can still see double digits of mistakes i make every game with some of my best champions.
actually, pookar, it wasn't too far off from 15 mins. probably closer to 20 but yeah. me and one other were the only ones alive and we managed to finish off first mid tower and almost get the second before they were back on us. no ADs were up, unfortunately.

cathadora, i tried to help them. who says i didn't? i gave them ganks, i helped when i could. problem was they couldn't do a single thing without me. and, actually, i wasn't that far ahead of my lane before the penta. i was winning it, up a kill with first blood and way more CS, but even so that doesn't mean i can just roam around holding everyones hand while they push lane and die every 2 seconds to a shen gank they were begging for. I don't really see how you got anything about my mindset from what I said, I can admit my mistakes. No one plays a perfect game, but I played well and lost because my team mates were abysmal, that's really all I was saying. could I have carried if I played flawlessly? probably, yeah, but I did better than anyone on either team and it's really shitty to lose a game like that. Doesn't mean I think my play is perfect and can't recognize things I did wrong.
So, how would one build a support Fiddlesticks? I'm guessing Soul Shroud is useful on him, but I don't know quite what else to get on him. Any advice?

(hey, unlike Soraka, Fiddles is actually fun as a support.)
Soul Shroud is a bad item.

Probably build philostone+kage's pick --> maybe dfg, maybe get zhonyas if you are able to get enough gold from stomping
My body is covered in the proper oils, and I have prostrated myself in the traditional way on the sacrificial table.

In other words, I am ready to watch m5 v CLG.

P.S. Soul Shroud is a good item.
Le Blanc is so fun. Her combo melts everything. Her W is definitely one of the most fun abilities in the game, you can be really creative with your escapes. If it were just a little easier to farm with her I might think about playing her more often.