League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Shyvana is my favourite champ in the game to play top. Push the lane up to the tower and get every CS with Burnout, go jungle invade, come back to lane in 1 minute, repeat.

also you can be a dragon
I don't want to discredit you, you clearly had a very strong game. That said, you were playing a 5v4 against a team of obvious full retards (except maybe Veigar). It's still nice, but imo nothing to write home about.
EDIT: exhaust/tp veigar nvm
why even post that. what goes through your head thinking that contributes anything to talk about except "why the fyck did you post that dumbass"
pookar what goes through your head to want to constantly berate me

this is why i tell you to calm down because you never shut the fuck up
it was definitely at rodan but i guess if he wont stop shitposting the correct response would be to not make 6 more shitposts in a row like we just did about his 1 shitpost
would like to buy one of the 6300g champions

which ones are fun to play?

+1 for the guy who said shyvana. I love her so much. She jungles so fast, and can play top, she's really tanky, and does a lot of damage. She's just good. And her ult is one of the most fun ults in the game imo.
if you want fun to play then katarina is a good choice

she's not that amazing but you can stomp games if you're good with her. she can cleanup like crazy and you just bounce everywhere
I recently bought Rumble and Gragas and have really fallen in love with these champs. I used to only play ranged ADs but I didn't know position myself in teamfights and felt like I couldn't do anything late game even I won lane hard. Their initiation ults really do wonders in my elo where people don't know how to start a fight.

I want y'alls opinion on rumbles item choice though since all the guides I've read seem to disagree in some ways. the first is whether or not to build rylai's after WotA. Some say to rush it and others say to only get gaints belt and finish rylai's later. the case the build it later advocates make is that you can use harpoon and shield to chase your opponent down so you dont need rylai's so early, and you can just get giants belt and spend the ~2k on something else. I don't know if I really buy this do to rumbles heat mechanic, since if you're keeping your heat 40-60 like "a good player should" then you'll overheat really fast using harpoon and shield to catch up. and if you're ganking someone from 0 heat you should just be using equalizer.

Another thing is apparently top rumble players like to go WotA then get sorcs/merc and a gaints belt then another hextech revolver before finishing rylai's. the guide that advised this was written before the spell vamp nerfs (was +40% now +32%) so I dont know if its still viable but the idea is really interesting.

Also, lich bane? every guide I've read says "no Rumble doesn't use mana" but what AP builds lich bane for the mana anyway? with all the slows rumble uses and the speed at which he can use spells, it seems like lich bane would be great on him and let him keep dps while staying at a reasonable heat. Or is the cost really too much not to make use of every part of the item?
Rylai's vs Giant's Belt vs Deathcap vs Revolver vs etc.: Situational.

Don't get Lich Bane, he shouldn't have room in his items for it (Boots, Deathcap, WotA, Rylais, Void Staff, Zhonyas/MR item).
can we ban rodan from this thread

evelynn just lacks a lot of stuff to be good - her passive is garbage, her Q is ignorable, and her W no longer stuns. her base stats are very low ever since they nerfed them to stop smite+revive eve from dominating solo queue, and her ultimate is rather lackluster since it relies on getting kills. she's probably strongest when built AP, yet that makes her ultimate not useful, and if you build her tanky DPS, she has no spike damage off her E.

I'm not going to vouch for Evelynn being a great pick or anything but as bad as she is, I don't think even she is all that much worse than anyone else. Stealth is still a stupidly broken mechanic, so there's a lot of inherent utility there. Her autoattack damage scales well because she has the best base AS + growth in the game. Ravage shreds Armor/MR for team damage buff and Hate Spike, if nothing else, makes Triforce/LB excellent on her. She at least ends up with average base HP by Level 18 and has one of the highest combined base Armor + MR in the game, thanks to her +4 Armor per level and "assassin" MR growth.

Been wanting to try her solo top as a typical bruiser in some normals but whenever I try I can't get an easy matchup to start testing it first. :[ I dun wanna feed some Irelia and get yelled at yo.

Fiddles problem is not that he cant do the jungle but against a competent jungler a fiddle will never see his red bare minimum. He clears camps so slowly that any of the current top junglers can steal whatever they want. He is relativity safe yes but the enemy jungler will probably be doing far more than you who is bound by his ultimate.

Clearing jungle ultra-slow = can't do jungle. Strictly speaking, any champion "can" jungle. Fiddlesticks is now in the large contingincy of champions that shouldn't. He's just too slow. And that is a problem because Fiddlesticks has always been a terrible laner. He pushes so poorly he makes old Shen look like Mordekaiser and he can't last-hit under his turret at all, so the only champions he can really lane against have to be both terrible pushers AND incapable of interrupting Drain so he can zone and sustain.

He's really not a half-bad support though. He has what might be the best CC package in the game, which requires no farm to be effective, and Drain makes losing an early lane fight impossible. He's also very adept at helping with objectives, unlike a traditional support.
Been playing as aniva (articuno) a lot lately but I can't seem to get many kills when I lane (I prefer to mid if I can). I can only get around 1-3 kills until late game team fights. I get a shit load of assists and minion kills though. Any tips?
Been playing as aniva (articuno) a lot lately but I can't seem to get many kills when I lane (I prefer to mid if I can). I can only get around 1-3 kills until late game team fights. I get a shit load of assists and minion kills though. Any tips?

Pick her when you know your jungler will part with 2nd blue buff, or else your ult will cost too much. Practice wall+stun aim, and use that to assist with ganks.

Clearing jungle ultra-slow = can't do jungle. Strictly speaking, any champion "can" jungle. Fiddlesticks is now in the large contingincy of champions that shouldn't. He's just too slow.

Like Stonewall's Blitz jungle, if a champ has hard enough CC, you can always just gank from sidebrush immediately after first buff + level up.
IEM Hannover, y'all. Anyone caught today's matches? Passed out during CLG vs Dignitas, woke up to watch the slaughter that was CLG vs aAa. The final match of today is taking forever to start, lol.

Also, I don't remember his name, I think it's Zenon? He's all up on CLG's dick, and it's really annoying. Everyone has their favorites, but imo, casters should NOT be voicing their favorites...
IEM Hannover, y'all. Anyone caught today's matches? Passed out during CLG vs Dignitas, woke up to watch the slaughter that was CLG vs aAa. The final match of today is taking forever to start, lol.

Also, I don't remember his name, I think it's Zenon? He's all up on CLG's dick, and it's really annoying. Everyone has their favorites, but imo, casters should NOT be voicing their favorites...

Is there a link or a live stream? Never watched competitive LoL, to be honest.