League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Lolwtf? Your AD carry is so bad. Even I can get more than 136 CS in 40 minutes and I pretty much zone myself when playing AD carry.

Suck my dick. We were trolling bot, hence why Leona has so many kills. Don't question my league skills, I don't question your terrible pokemon skills.

People these days. SMFH, questioning the boss.
Forreal though, Cait/Leona was poking me all day and diving and that's how Leona got a lot of the kills and why I died so much, I had like 50 cs at 20 mins. Not even gonna lie. It's not like I can't cs or anything, just couldn't do much about it. xD
Neither can Graves. Or any bot laner besides Ezreal. I'm not sure if you guys are talking about gap closers in general or just the ridiculous wall disregarding champs.
Neither can Graves. Or any bot laner besides Ezreal. I'm not sure if you guys are talking about gap closers in general or just the ridiculous wall disregarding champs.

talking about escapes. and being able to through walls, not sure what's hard to understand about that. its obvious what adc's can go thru walls
The point is that not all escapes can go through walls. Unless we somehow have a different definition of escapes because I'm shitty with fan jargon and quite frankly don't care. I'm thinking of stuff like Shen Q, Vayne Q, Kass ult, Ahri dash, Fizz Q + E etc which I consider to be in the same category regardless whether they go through walls or not.
Graves can definitely pass through several walls. That said however Vayne is one of the most slippery adcs in the game with a combination of her stealth and condemn so her escape is actually pretty strong for an adc.
Neither can Graves. Or any bot laner besides Ezreal. I'm not sure if you guys are talking about gap closers in general or just the ridiculous wall disregarding champs.

graves can easily quickdraw through several of the smaller walls in the game - basically any wall that nidalee can jump through in cougar form.

corki and tristana also have amazing escapes (much longer than ezreal's) with the downside that they're not blinks but technically dashes, even in tristana's case.

apart from those four champions with actual dash/blink escapes, vayne has the highest mobility out of any AD carry. she arguably has even higher mobility than the four above just because tumble is on a three second cooldown and you can kite extremely effectively with it, especially if your ultimate is running. vayne, sivir, and ashe have some of the highest lategame kiting potentials of any ADC available.

although she can't dash through walls, the fact that tumble is on so short of a cooldown makes up for it. doublelift demonstrates this extremely well by just microing excellently and taking on two or three champions at once - any AD carry needs a way to deal with one or two or even three bruisers diving on him or her at once.
Is Ezreal still good? Ezreal's W and E used to be such crutches. Oh bad engagement? I guess I'll just W and win the trade anyways. Got caught? ~10 second CD flashes to gtfo. With W losing the AS debuff, I'm not sure how much harder it'll be to win trades.
Is Ezreal still good? Ezreal's W and E used to be such crutches. Oh bad engagement? I guess I'll just W and win the trade anyways. Got caught? ~10 second CD flashes to gtfo. With W losing the AS debuff, I'm not sure how much harder it'll be to win trades.

ezreal's W was nerfed to the ground but he still seems to be first pick worthy in solo queue and even some competitive matches

people are just going back to the old way of playing him - max Q first and abuse his phage procs late-game

he's still strong, i mean sure he can't trade as well but his burst is still way up there and his mobility is high with arcane shift and how easily he can proc triforce
That's not going to happen until he's nerfed to where you don't want to play him anymore. His Q+R is always going to either be gamebreaking or useless imo. His R is just the ultimate teamfighting spell. I think Sejuani's is better but Seju sucks so Amumu wins.
really? in my recent games amumu hasn't been getting banned as much and it's been more like:

alistar / blitzcrank / diana / malphite / katarina / shen / rengar / jayce
really? in my recent games amumu hasn't been getting banned as much and it's been more like:

alistar / blitzcrank / diana / malphite / katarina / shen / rengar / jayce

there is no time to ban amumu, but he is pretty op
who is more op? look at morgana

how come she cant afford better bra with this success? underpaid or something?
she even has superman shield!
maybe becuase not a lot of people play her becuase she is hard to play, her dark bind is so slow to hit and only really good people can hit that :]

or maybe its becuz she turned uglier from the last art change i dont even know, but she looks angry becuz nobody plays her :[
Nope, nope and... nope.

Apparently Cho mid is suddenly a fad when did this happen? When did it become 2011 and Amumu is now permaban/firstpick status again? What a confusing day.

so anyway i've started a ranked chronicle that will detail every ranked game i'll play in season 3

i've decided to make it a tumblr blog because of several reasons: free image hosting, archive system, and amazingly convenient tag search capabilities so you can search by win/loss or by role

you can find it at http://diamondpls.tumblr.com/

there are currently four games on there (3 wins and a loss) and i try my best to deliver commentary on matches along with what i thought i did well/poorly and why i itemized the way i did