for a second i thought you were talking about my ezreal and i was like
"are you high"
"are you high"
Lolwtf? Your AD carry is so bad. Even I can get more than 136 CS in 40 minutes and I pretty much zone myself when playing AD carry.
shauna and her man kog only carries you ever need botlane all else are inferior
man up and l2play without free flashhhhhhhhhh
Lolwtf? Your AD carry is so bad. Even I can get more than 136 CS in 40 minutes and I pretty much zone myself when playing AD carry.
can she go through walls? no?not sure that vayne is the best example to use when criticising others for using escape-less champions
Neither can Graves. Or any bot laner besides Ezreal. I'm not sure if you guys are talking about gap closers in general or just the ridiculous wall disregarding champs.
Neither can Graves. Or any bot laner besides Ezreal. I'm not sure if you guys are talking about gap closers in general or just the ridiculous wall disregarding champs.
Is Ezreal still good? Ezreal's W and E used to be such crutches. Oh bad engagement? I guess I'll just W and win the trade anyways. Got caught? ~10 second CD flashes to gtfo. With W losing the AS debuff, I'm not sure how much harder it'll be to win trades.
best defence is a good offence pzgood players don't need escapes; time spent escaping is time spent not dpsing. l2p
really? in my recent games amumu hasn't been getting banned as much and it's been more like:
alistar / blitzcrank / diana / malphite / katarina / shen / rengar / jayce