League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

karma is actually one of the most underrated solo laners in the game

like you dont hear anyone saying galio is a very weak solo laner because he doesn't have any partners to shield with his W or speed up with his E, or orianna, morgana, etc
Just bought Corki.
I'm a relatively new player, so maybe I'm just missing something obvious, but I'm having a lot of trouble with mana early game. I feel like I should be harassing a little bit in addition to farming, but if I do both I go OOM too quickly, and can't do either.
What should I be doing differently?


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
karma is actually one of the most underrated solo laners in the game

like you dont hear anyone saying galio is a very weak solo laner because he doesn't have any partners to shield with his W or speed up with his E, or orianna, morgana, etc
None of those character's shields are their main source of damage, and so neither does Galio's speed boost synergize in any way with shielding allies. Everything Karma does she does at half capacity without an ally to get up in someone's face. Leona + Karma is actually a very solid lane capable of instagibbing at Level 3, but Leona as a support is only recently being accepted.

Shen's changes are alright in general but is Feint really a positive change, or what is the deal here? It was already one of the dullest abilities in the game but now it is just five times worse than Leona or Rammus's defense steroids.
bought xerath/vayne yesterday

played vayne today in a duo queue game with a friend

triple kill late-game 1v3 after i get my bloodthirster

Just bought Corki.
I'm a relatively new player, so maybe I'm just missing something obvious, but I'm having a lot of trouble with mana early game. I feel like I should be harassing a little bit in addition to farming, but if I do both I go OOM too quickly, and can't do either.
What should I be doing differently?
No one has answered so I might as well, although I'm only lvl 23 IIRC, so I'm not the most experienced either.

But all AD Ranged Carries have low mana, it isn't just Corki. But Corki doesn't have much range compared to the others, so it isn't worth harassing with anything but skills, and I have definitely ran into the same problem as you.

What I like to do is start with boots/3 pots, then buy Tears of the Goddess or Manamune first. This will pretty much solve all of your mana problems for the rest of the game, and by the time you have Manamune you should have your ult to harass with. Pre level 6 you should only focus on farming, which is easier if you have a support in your lane, but if you're solo queing before level 30, you won't have support often.

TL;DR: Don't harass before level 6, buy Manamune if you want to harass (you should only really be harassing with your ult and save the rest of your skills for going for kills/checking brushes/sometimes clearing waves).
Any tips on Hybrid MF? Me and my friend are having a competition on who can get a better K/D/A Ratio. Hes Hybrid Sion, (Who seems good on paper) and I'm Hybrid MF. (Who is half battle tested)


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
Manamune Corki is good for people who aren't skilled in terms of judging Corki's mana pool. It does hit him where he excells: his midgame. While it does let you spam spells however you want, you risk getting ganked (though for a new player, there is no jungler, so it's not as bad). What you really want to do with Corki is just farm using your AA, Q for QUICK harass (not every time it's off cooldown), R/Q to clear waves if you're planning on going back, and only use W to get out and E if you're forcing the fight. You won't go OOM with Corki if you can judge how well you're going to do when you engage (aka fighting only when you know you'll win the exchange) because you won't always win the exchange.
None of those character's shields are their main source of damage, and so neither does Galio's speed boost synergize in any way with shielding allies. Everything Karma does she does at half capacity without an ally to get up in someone's face. Leona + Karma is actually a very solid lane capable of instagibbing at Level 3, but Leona as a support is only recently being accepted.
late reply to this but the reason karma does well in a solo lane is BECAUSE her shield is her main source of damage. you can force trades and come out on top almost every time just because her burst also gives her a beefy shield to absorb the opponent's burst.

the main reason why im posting though is because ive been working on a support blitzcrank guide for the past week or so and just finished it this morning. if anyones interested in giving it a read: http://solomid.net/guides.php?g=12419
@6-Dimension: the problem is most likely that you're using his abilities a bit too much. His Q saves him from having to facecheck, his W is his gap closer/escape tool, and his E is best suited for shredding armor if you're looking to pick up a kill. His ult his best harass tool out of his abilities, but you don't need to shoot a missile every time one is up. So Corki really shouldn't be spamming skills under normal circumstances. His autoattacks are strong, and his passive makes it a lot easier to last hit with him. Focus on farming, try not to harass too much with your skills, and you should be golden. I think you should watch Doublelift's stream; he's the only pro player I can currently think of who uses Corki a fair amount. And even if he doesn't, he uses AD carries, so it wouldn't be too bad. I just wouldn't recommend Manamune on him (and I love Tear items).

@Phiddle: I think the reason vonFielder is saying she needs an ally is because without one, she's forced to get close to an enemy, putting her in a poor position. There's no refuting that. However, is she capable of using her abilities on minions? If so, it feels like she loses a lot less in the laning phase if going up against a bruiser (solo top wooo). Last hitting becomes a lot harder if they have to worry about shielded or healed minions. I'll probably elaborate in a second; I want to look up her ranges first before making any more comments.
@Phiddle: I think the reason vonFielder is saying she needs an ally is because without one, she's forced to get close to an enemy, putting her in a poor position. There's no refuting that. However, is she capable of using her abilities on minions? If so, it feels like she loses a lot less in the laning phase if going up against a bruiser (solo top wooo). Last hitting becomes a lot harder if they have to worry about shielded or healed minions. I'll probably elaborate in a second; I want to look up her ranges first before making any more comments.
yeah she can heal/leash/shield minions. it means you can use your shield to pseudo-deny last hits or at least fuck up their timing, which is especially fun against annie/veigar/nasus. the aoe on the mantra shield is about as big as the range on the shield itself (around 650 iirc?) so you actually can do some long range poke if you mantra shield a minion at max range. obviously doing so will push the wave and youd be using up a mantra charge just for some poke damage so its not something you wanna be doing often, but the option is there.

leashing minions (either allied or enemy) is also important if you want to implement the leash as part of your burst by positioning yourself so that the leash goes through the enemy champion

ALSO if youre pushing a tower you can shield and/or heal a cannon minion so that it can take a few extra turret hits


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
Karma's shield does NOT have a 650 aoe (that would give her a functional attack range to rival old Orianna), the lol wiki says 600 but it's mixing up radius and diameter. You can shield minions but unless you are against say Nasus then you are still only getting half of what the ability is worth (which is the point, she's missing half of a kit that actually has a lot of synergy). I can still see how you could trade well top but it would only be an ok lane against any sustain and now you are going Double AP but without Karma being tanky. Where Karma is absolutely poorest is against other mages mid, if this was not the case she would probably see a lot of play.
Karma's shield does NOT have a 650 aoe (that would give her a functional attack range to rival old Orianna), the lol wiki says 600 but it's mixing up radius and diameter. You can shield minions but unless you are against say Nasus then you are still only getting half of what the ability is worth (which is the point, she's missing half of a kit that actually has a lot of synergy). I can still see how you could trade well top but it would only be an ok lane against any sustain and now you are going Double AP but without Karma being tanky. Where Karma is absolutely poorest is against other mages mid, if this was not the case she would probably see a lot of play.
the wiki is not mixing up radius and diameter; play a quick custom game with karma and check for yourself if you need to

EDIT: even better, i checked it for you and took a couple screenshots in case you dont own the champion:

karma is an AP/support hybrid-ish champ who plays as an AP mage in the lane and then shifts towards a more supporty role during team fights. she does well against a lot of champions mid but doesnt see a lot of play because 1. shes outclassed as an AP/supporty hybrid by morgana/zilean and possibly orianna, 2. she has no hard CC, only a slow thats hard to use optimally, and 3. shes not appealing to a playerbase who mainly likes big manly characters with lots of armor and gigantic weapons or hourglass-figure women wearing barely any clothing

another edit: the reason is doesn't rival pre-nerf orianna is because karma's mantra has a MINIMUM 12 second cooldown (thats at lvl 13+ with 40% CDR) while oriannas Q has a 6 second cooldown at rank 1


I Like Chopin
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
3. shes not appealing to a playerbase who mainly likes big manly characters with lots of armor and gigantic weapons or hourglass-figure women wearing barely any clothing
She has the same figure as Vayne and as much clothing (Leona is the closest to not having an hourglass figure and Leona is beautiful), and Vayne is the second most played character in ranked according to League of Stats. Soraka is the most played, so I guess lots of lol players like their chicks half goat?

Alistar, Brand, Shaco... Taric is a manly man with lots of armor but somehow I don't think many players identify with his masculinity.

It's not the player's fault that Riot likes to make good looking champions, or that they made Karma look like a sad clown and haven't given her a good skin.
Nice screenshots, Phiddle; it seems as if she's about 50 units off of having Xerath's Locus'd Q range (his is 1300, hers looks like 1250). That's not too shabby, though obviously she is limited by her Mantra for that.

If anything, she seems like a short range caster. Is her Q not decent though? I rarely hear anyone talk about it, which I assume is because it doesn't have a nuke ratio. But it still deals alright damage I would think. And she does have a Mantra'd heal that favors bruisers/tanks, if I read the description correctly. Her lack of hard CC is notable though...though that beam is pretty strong. Does anyone know how it works? Like, if the beam went through the same enemy multiple times, do they take damage multiple times?

She seems strong enough, but I guess her need to farm holds her back.

Also, lol @ sad clown Karma. Sounds like a great skin.

EDIT: she seems like a particularly powerful baiter as well. Low health means greater burst for her, as well as a stronger shield and heal, so it seems like a goood Karma already has mind games in her favor (I realize the extra AP isn't exactly staggering, but free AP is free AP).
Manamune Corki is good for people who aren't skilled in terms of judging Corki's mana pool. It does hit him where he excells: his midgame. While it does let you spam spells however you want, you risk getting ganked (though for a new player, there is no jungler, so it's not as bad). What you really want to do with Corki is just farm using your AA, Q for QUICK harass (not every time it's off cooldown), R/Q to clear waves if you're planning on going back, and only use W to get out and E if you're forcing the fight. You won't go OOM with Corki if you can judge how well you're going to do when you engage (aka fighting only when you know you'll win the exchange) because you won't always win the exchange.
this is right pretty much. pre-dreamhack corki was reginald build with manamune and super farm for strong late game but shitty early and middle game

new corki rush phage or bloodthirster and uses lots of mana regen runes and has strong EVERYTHING
Nice screenshots, Phiddle; it seems as if she's about 50 units off of having Xerath's Locus'd Q range (his is 1300, hers looks like 1250). That's not too shabby, though obviously she is limited by her Mantra for that.

If anything, she seems like a short range caster. Is her Q not decent though? I rarely hear anyone talk about it, which I assume is because it doesn't have a nuke ratio. But it still deals alright damage I would think. And she does have a Mantra'd heal that favors bruisers/tanks, if I read the description correctly. Her lack of hard CC is notable though...though that beam is pretty strong. Does anyone know how it works? Like, if the beam went through the same enemy multiple times, do they take damage multiple times?

She seems strong enough, but I guess her need to farm holds her back.

Also, lol @ sad clown Karma. Sounds like a great skin.

EDIT: she seems like a particularly powerful baiter as well. Low health means greater burst for her, as well as a stronger shield and heal, so it seems like a goood Karma already has mind games in her favor (I realize the extra AP isn't exactly staggering, but free AP is free AP).
Her Q is pretty good overall; I think the main problem is that people view it as primarily a heal with a long cooldown because of the mantra rather than what is really is: Mordekaiser's E that can also be an AoE heal if you really need it to.

Karma's Spirit Bond will damage and slow any enemy unit who passes through the leash, but it will only do damage to a single unit once per leash


Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus
this is right pretty much. pre-dreamhack corki was reginald build with manamune and super farm for strong late game but shitty early and middle game

new corki rush phage or bloodthirster and uses lots of mana regen runes and has strong EVERYTHING
Except only weak people use mana regen runes and stronk people use armor runes so they can trade hits better in lane and don't go oom anyway unless they've successfully forced the person out of lane or killed them (aka me and Doublelift).

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