Project National Dex OU Teambuilding Competition - Cycle 47.5: Hiatus
Alo is nice for momentum and providing Zama and Mega scizor longevity.
Zama is a physical wallbreaker with CB. Great coverage with ice fang for glisc crunch for ghos types and stone edge for flyings in general (largely moltres and zap tho.)
Mega Sciz can clean up games with SD Bullet punch if the heavy hitters chip the opponents team down enough.
Koko sets up eterrain and can be a pivot. Hidden power is to hit ground types like gliscor hard on switch in.
Moth gets quark drive speed and with specs it can sweep with its wide coverage.
Val is speed boosting with LO to use its wide coverage to do big damage to almost everything.
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Choice Band Alomomola: From A Lunatic's Workshop
Once a week, every week (pending availability).

:alomomola: :kyurem: :gliscor: :scizor-mega: :iron valiant: :heatran:

An Intro to A Lunatic's Workshop
A Lunatic's Workshop is a project that I hope to maintain. It mainly focuses on the teambuilding competition, insofar as to build creative yet working teams that can actually function in this metagame. So without further ado, this is the first official project in A Lunatic's Workshop.

The Main Idea
When I saw Alomomola as the pick for this week, I didn't see much happening other than Wish-passing teams or MolaLuna cores. The things everyone can build. So, I focused on Alomomola's offensive capabilities, which are actually decently good. The other parts of the team make it easier for Alomomola to break through or clean after an Alomomola wallbreaking session.

The Team Composition
Choice Band STAB Liquidations hit hard, even off of a paltry 75 base Attack. What really sets Alomomola apart from the sea of mediocre Choice Band abusers is its access to Regenerator + Flip Turn, a combo which lets Alomomola heal 33% of its HP while doing some pretty serious damage. It also has surprisingly colorful coverage, with Play Rough to hit Dragon-types like Kommo-o and Knock Off to provide meaningful impact over the course of the game. Kyurem is a natural partner, being able to threaten the Grass- and Water-types that can take on Liquidation. Gliscor's main role is to be a really good defensive pivot while setting Spikes. Mega Scizor is a good revenge killing option, while Scarf Iron Valiant provides speed control. Finally, Heatran is probably changeable; however, it can 6-0 Stall teams and adds more chip damage for the core to break through.

vs. Ineros
vs. Nish (certified BandMola hater)
The Main Idea
When I saw Alomomola as the pick for this week, I didn't see much happening other than Wish-passing teams or MolaLuna cores.
Alright, here is a Mola team with the better normal/ground type:

Diggersby can take advantage of electric terrain boosting its thunder punch to take out the steel birds and generally acts as decent speed control with a choice scarf (its low base speed does not matter too much anyways considering that I have a quark drive core with Iron Valiant and Tapu Koko if I really need to revenge kill something). Alomomola acts as a wish passer to Heatran and the fairies as they all accumulate chip when trying to do their thing.
dont vote for this team it loses to nihilego!!1!

mola provides a decent niche on cheese teams because of the ability to now stall out mons w/ toxic instead of relying on parahax or smth to cheese past and also getting wishpasses is good considering alot of these mons don't have any reliable recovery or a way to recover

:suicune: :Alomomola: :cresselia: :jirachi: :togekiss: :manaphy:

general premise of the team is to status everything and hax it. suicune + manaphy are wincons that can sweep if you get a couple lucky turns and clean up endgame when most moves are in suicune stallable range. rachi + kiss is stupid parahax combo, mola + cress is just to make sure everything doesn't die. the togekiss evs outspeed the 12 speed glisc on the smogon set(s) and tera ground mola also gives you more of a chance v koko.

not that many replays as of now because its vlate and i would like to sleep:
togekiss completely haxes thru chansey and mola proves useful as it is the only thing letting me semi scout what the diggersby is doing and not lose
idk kiss is stupid + mola shows its use on cheese and heals up togekiss
:dragalge::alomomola::iron valiant::ferrothorn::lopunny-mega::landorus-therian:

just gonna dump my favourite dragalge team here because it has a mola on it anyway, team is pretty straightforward

dragalge can tank pretty much any special hit not named "psyshock", speed is as slow as possible to slow pivot while still outspeeding garg
ival is band to synergise better with mlop
mlop heal bell because funny and i hate flame body
taunt is on lando because i cant fit it anywhere else
hazardless because i replaced rocks with gyro on ferro to stop getting reversed by ival (but if youre not careful with your algae it is still gonna happen)
