Just me as the player and Gary Oak as rival
As I started my Nuzlocke, my game of survival
You know how it started, I got Bulbasaur
Named CRITTER, got my first Pokemon, now some more
I got a Spearow on one route, hooray
But I distinctly remember pushing Pidgey away
'Cause that was on Route 2, I wanted something new
In the forest Metapod appeared out of the blue
These three I wanted to stay till Mewtwo
All that's happened so far is true.
Then out of the forest, and into the Gym of Rock
Whenever Brock used an attack I would block
Because I had Vine Whip, his Pokemon were older
So I managed to get the badge made of a boulder.
On the next route, I got a Mankey again
I named it PIGNOSE like last time, and then
I added it to that list of a hero
With BUG EYED my Butterfree and FLYAWAY my Spearow
Got through the tunnel, CRITTER evolved, Misty's dreams would fade
I got the badge also known as Cascade.
So I did not tarry, started grinding to beat Gary
I evolved my Spearow, every move he made I'd parry
And it worked, yes, you'd better believe it
The SS Ticket, I did recieve it
But I went on that boat with great disdain
I went over to Diglett's Cave, and well
Let's just say it helped a lot when Surge fell.
I trained up a Bellsprout, thought it might have some might
Never expected that Critical Bite
VEGETABLES the Bellsprout, such a shame
You never managed to rise to fame.
But there was no time, for all this worry
34 lines, only at Rock Tunnel, let's hurry
But what's happened here, more awesome than Snape
Diglett's now Dugtrio, Mankey now Primeape.
Even through the bad things that happened in the past
BUG EYED and FLYAWAY killed the Grass gym real fast.
We were all so annoyed, it was a real bad intrusion
When PIGNOSE died to Selfdestruct, and a Dragonair to confusion
A Dragonair, yes, from the game corner you see
Oh DRAGINI, the snake, we hardly knew ye.
It got much worse when I tried to keep my cool
Gary appeared again, killed two great pals that rule
FLYAWAY the Fearow, my first ever catch
You would've thought that Charizard knew Snatch
Since it took away my best Pokemon so easily
And EONMON a Jolteon, the hero-would-be.
Unfortunately, that Jolteon died too
But never mind four, that was only a few.
SURRRRRRGE the Dugtrio, BUG EYED the Butterfree
Both taken down by... have a guess, who was he?
Koga, that's right, well I put up a fight
But SENSEI, Hitmonlee, also taken into the light
That Snorlax, I caught it, well who would have thought it
I thought it could kill dragons, but I guess I bought it
So DRAGONKILL, Snorlax, the range was so wide
That even ALPHA KARP, my Gyarados, died.
After all this fighting, it was hurting my brain
At the end of Koga, only Venusaur did remain.
So I rebuilt my team, but while training, some died
DEATH RAT, Raticate, I felt so bad inside
Even DUPES my next Spearow was fried.
So many dead (12 so far) I could've cried.
I would rely on a Lapras, nicknamed WAVES
To make all those real tricky saves
It was even Modest, but I'm no hacker
I got Modest Aerodactyl, still a physical attacker
That was called ZOMBIE ONE, Oma-thingy, ZOMBIE TWO
But I only used ONE, you're surprised because that's new
Physical stuff beats Psychic gyms any day
So I got my Badge Number Six, well hooray.
I trained up a Mankey called PIGNORSE, who's not lesser
But instead named after a predecessor.
Flew back over to Cinnabar, challenged the gym
Let's just say it's a shame that Fire-types can't swim.
Blaine tried to fight WAVES, but there was no worth
Fighting Rain Dance STAB super effective Surf.
Let's cover the other new additions to our team
It wasn't all as easy as it would seem
UBER TIER, Nidoqueen, for a start
And survived Selfdestruct, only just, played a part!
These five names, the team nearly done
Found Ponyta, pushed all the others aside
But in it's first gym battle, poor AWESOME died.
Yeah, it's time on the team was hardly seen
But it still means the death count just rose to thirteen.
So I got a Venonat called THURSDAY instead, that's alright
It evolved, used Psychic, oh what a sight
So thirteen deaths, but we've made it, yet
So I let out with a loud cheer, 8th badge get!
But Gary was waiting outside Victory Road
His team wasn't great, and it really showed
I beat him with no deaths, that time
To lose one to him would have been a crime.
So that's 8 badges, there are no more
I'll recount the story of the Elite 4.
Lorelei: Started with WAVES, had to switch real quick
To UBER TIER, KOed with Earthquake (Didn't learn Mega Kick)
So Cloyster was beaten quite well, with no grief
Sleep Powder first, KOed with Razor Leaf.
Then a Lapras mirror match, both level 54
But my Lapras, WAVES, was awesome more.
Lorelei had one more, but her hope sinks
ZOMBIE ONE crit AncientPower, and I beat Jynx
Bruno: I started with THURSDAY but an Onix lead
It had to mean CRITTER was the one I'd need
One hit KO, CRITTER is no traitor
That would go the same, for the other Onix later
THURSDAY used Psychic, Hitmonchan used Rock Tomb
But my Venomoth dodged and that fighting type went Boom
Machamp was slightly harder to beat
But I didn't take too much damage, that's neat.
Now ZOMBIE ONE against Hitmonlee, why?
I just wanted to end things with Fly.
Agatha: Started with Gengar Shadow Punching
It coulda been worse, I guess, coulda been Crunching
But Venomoth really is the best, but had to rest
'Cause next woulda been Golbat, the pest
So I switched to UBER TIER, using Ice Beam
When you're in the Elite 4, you work as a team
I healed UBER TIER, coulda been worse
Because Haunter lowered it's own health by using a Curse
I must say, it really did make my day
Because I switched to WAVES, Rain Danced and Surfed away
UBER TIER Earthquaked, to deal with an Arbok
Was only 12 Pokemon away from finishing a Nuzlocke
After that, Gengar vs. WAVES, how nice
Hypnosis missed not once, twice, but thrice.
I couldn't really tell if it really was worth
OHKOed by Same Type Attack Bonus Rain Dance boosted Surf!
Lance: Don't heal your Gyarados, don't waste a Full Restore
But good enough for me, if you like your Gyarados more
Lance never saw the weakness in his team
I soloed most of it with WAVES using Ice Beam
That's four, but I saw, that Lance said there was one more
Not Gary again! Oh well, I could try, or
Say, I give up, I lose,
The losing option was the one I wouldn't choose.
Gary: Why must you Sand Attack me?
Well you have a Pidgeot, I guess it happens naturally.
I use Thunderbolt, then you switched to Ground
Rhydon, yeah, but I turned things around.
Surfing was the way to go
Until Exeggutor, oh no.
If Giga Drain would just stop, it's so annoying
If it weren't for this, my team would be destroying
Eventually I managed to gain control
And take down Exeggutor, I was on a roll
Next was Alakazam, Psychic type
This could be the thing to cause a wipe.
But fortunately, WAVES took Psychics again and again
I beat it, and then Pidgeot, it was looking good, but suddenly then
Gyarados, getting Full Restored, three times
I was seriously angry for it's crimes
Thunderbolt, finally, taking it down at last
But then suddenly, flash back to the past
FLYAWAY the Fearow, my first ever catch
You would've thought that Charizard knew Snatch
Since it took away my best Pokemon so easily
And EONMON a Jolteon, the hero-would-be.
So we're back here at the present day
One more Pokemon, then it's over, hooray
Go to ZOMBIE ONE, to finish this game
But AncientPower didn't do the same
Aerodactyl couldn't KO with it's attack
But then suddenly, I had another flashback
I remembered, that thing had Fire Blast
That attack could be Aerodactyl's last.
He attacked, Aerodactyl engulfed in flames
Or ZOMBIE ONE, Pokemon by their names.
Out of 161, 59 HP stayed
I was suddenly glad for the game I had played.
AncientPower to win, yes I won, it's true.
But I still had to beat one last challenge, MEWTWO.
I traveled to the cave, Level 56s away
Running into no Wobbuffets on the way
Although it may have caused me pain
I tried to solo it with old WAVES, was I insane
I set up the rain, I had nothing to gain
But as I battled Mewtwo, I knew
Only one combination could beat it, it was true.
Mewtwo clearly saw, it wouldn't be worth
Fighting same type attack bonus Rain boosted SURF.
Just me as the player and Gary Oak as the rival
I'd finished my Nuzlocke, my game of survival
You know how it ends, I had Venusaur
Named CRITTER, and five more, when I beat the Elite 4
Lapras from Silph Co., nicknamed WAVES
It always made those awesome saves
Nidoqueen, UBER TIER, Primeape, PIGNORSE
But you all know, there are two more, of course.
THURSDAY, Venomoth, with which I beat
All of the people in the League and Elite.
And last but not least, Aerodactyl, ZOMBIE ONE.
I now declare this Nuzlocke DONE.