Resource ORAS OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers (Read the OP First!)

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Why can't I find/get Manectricite?

I know it's at the big rock on Route 16 & I've set my 3DS to between 8-9PM. Every time I start my game, it's not on the ground where it should be...I have no idea why & I've never gotten it before. I have X Version.
Why can't I find/get Manectricite?

I know it's at the big rock on Route 16 & I've set my 3DS to between 8-9PM. Every time I start my game, it's not on the ground where it should be...I have no idea why & I've never gotten it before. I have X Version.

(1) Beat Elite 4
(2) Go to Kiloude City (via Lumiose Station)
(3) Battle once in Battle Maison.
(4) Battle and defeat rival in Kiloude City (he/she is in the north-central part of town)
(5) Go to Anistair City and speak to professor at the big crystal sundial thing to upgrade Mega Ring
(6) Inspect the sparkle on the large rock on Route 16 (two trainers are skating around it) between 8 and 9pm.
(1) Beat Elite 4
(2) Go to Kiloude City (via Lumiose Station)
(3) Battle once in Battle Maison.
(4) Battle and defeat rival in Kiloude City (he/she is in the north-central part of town)
(5) Go to Anistair City and speak to professor at the big crystal sundial thing to upgrade Mega Ring
(6) Inspect the sparkle on the large rock on Route 16 (two trainers are skating around it) between 8 and 9pm.

I've already done all of that a long time ago. I have many Stones. Not sure why this one doesn't appear.
I'm doing suspect testing for the first time. I just identified myself on the identification thread and I'm wondering how voting will take place. Will there be another thread or do I email/PM my vote?

There will be another thread. Haunter or another mod will tag you in it so you will see it in your notifications/alerts.
Ubers is currently suspect testing Gengarite, but from reading the suspect thread, some users have suggested that Shadow Tag Gothitelle should also be suspect tested. Hypothetically, if Ubers ends up voting to ban something that's currently legal in OU, will this ban also apply to OU?
Ubers is currently suspect testing Gengarite, but from reading the suspect thread, some users have suggested that Shadow Tag Gothitelle should also be suspect tested. Hypothetically, if Ubers ends up voting to ban something that's currently legal in OU, will this ban also apply to OU?
From what I've heard in that forum, no. Ubers and LC are completely separate from the other tiers.
What are some Excadrill counters? Is it just Skarmory and some fighting types? Rock Slide hit's most birds, iron head and earthquake hit everything else.
What are some Excadrill counters? Is it just Skarmory and some fighting types? Rock Slide hit's most birds, iron head and earthquake hit everything else.
Defensive birds such as Mandibuzz and Zapdos can take a rock slide and roost off the damage, but outside of that I'm not really sure. Zapdos is kinda iffy if Excadrill is non-scarf, as it can be bit with a supereffective EQ when roosting, but if Exca is locked in to to Scarf, it can KO with heat wave. Those are the only two I can think of off the top of my head
Defensive Landorus-T works quite well, I think.

Defensive birds such as Mandibuzz and Zapdos can take a rock slide and roost off the damage, but outside of that I'm not really sure. Zapdos is kinda iffy if Excadrill is non-scarf, as it can be bit with a supereffective EQ when roosting, but if Exca is locked in to to Scarf, it can KO with heat wave. Those are the only two I can think of off the top of my head

So it's really only Lando and Mandibuzz since Zapdos will have a hard time switching into it, especially if sandstorm is already up. Anyone else? There has got to be some more, how can an OU pokemon only have 2-3 counters?
So it's really only Lando and Mandibuzz since Zapdos will have a hard time switching into it, especially if sandstorm is already up. Anyone else? There has got to be some more, how can an OU pokemon only have 2-3 counters?

Breloom can also scare it out with Mach Punch. It takes heavy damage from Iron Head, though.
Question regarding the Suspect Test logic. How does this work exactly? Some almighty power decides to Suspect Test a pokemon/item/move and then they ban it in the Suspect Test ladder and let the players who are more dominant in that metagame decide the ban? I don't understand how this process can prove something is broken? Wouldn't brokeness be decided if every team begins using it and the only way to stop it is to use it yourself? Shouldn't the test be to see if the pokemon is broken, not how the metagame works without it?
Breloom can also scare it out with Mach Punch. It takes heavy damage from Iron Head, though.
Anything that can switch into it though? Breloom takes 67.9 - 80.1% from Iron Head and fails to OHKO it
252 Atk Technician Breloom Mach Punch vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Excadrill: 296-350 (81.7 - 96.6%)

EDIT: How does Gyarados do?
Anything that can switch into it though? Breloom takes 67.9 - 80.1% from Iron Head and fails to OHKO it
252 Atk Technician Breloom Mach Punch vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Excadrill: 296-350 (81.7 - 96.6%)

EDIT: How does Gyarados do?

Offensive Gyarados can get 2HKOed by Rock Slide after Intimidate.
-1 252+ Atk Mold Breaker Excadrill Rock Slide vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Gyarados: 150-178 (45.1 - 53.6%) -- 38.7% chance to 2HKO

Defensive Hippowdon can switch into any attack and Slack Off the damage. (If it doesn't get flinched too many times by Iron Head.)

Also, Adamant Breloom has a chance to OHKO Excadrill. LO Breloom OHKOes regardless of nature.

Edit: Defensive Gliscor should wall it easily.
Offensive Gyarados can get 2HKOed by Rock Slide after Intimidate.
-1 252+ Atk Mold Breaker Excadrill Rock Slide vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Gyarados: 150-178 (45.1 - 53.6%) -- 38.7% chance to 2HKO

Defensive Hippowdon can switch into any attack and Slack Off the damage. (If it doesn't get flinched too many times by Iron Head.)

Also, Adamant Breloom has a chance to OHKO Excadrill. LO Breloom OHKOes regardless of nature.

Is life orb Breloom viable though? Running that instead of focus sash, choice scarf, or toxic orb to deal with one pokemon doesn't sound very optimal.

I guess I can try to figure out how to work Hippowdon onto my team.
Could someone do me a favour and get Tyranitars AV set from the SmogDex? it doesnt work on my Wii U (and i dont have a device that can go on it :/)
Question regarding the Suspect Test logic. How does this work exactly? Some almighty power decides to Suspect Test a pokemon/item/move and then they ban it in the Suspect Test ladder and let the players who are more dominant in that metagame decide the ban? I don't understand how this process can prove something is broken?
1. The OU council decides something is potentially either broken or uncompetitive
2. They make a suspect thread and people talk about it
2.5/3. They make a suspect ladder with the Pokemon banned on it, to see if the metagame with it gone is better or worse than it is previously and people ladder on it to get reqs
4. Everyone who got the required ladder rank can vote on whether or not to ban the Pokemon in question.
Wouldn't brokeness be decided if every team begins using it and the only way to stop it is to use it yourself? Shouldn't the test be to see if the pokemon is broken, not how the metagame works without it?
That's only the extremely broken things. Even obviously broken things like Mega Kangaskhan and Blaziken(-Mega) have counters. Mega Kangaskhan gets stopped by Sableye, and Blaziken gets stopped by stuff like Slowbro if it doesn't have Knock Off, and TFlame can switch in on it and kill it.
So it's really only Lando and Mandibuzz since Zapdos will have a hard time switching into it, especially if sandstorm is already up. Anyone else? There has got to be some more, how can an OU pokemon only have 2-3 counters?
Many OU Pokemon have very few counters, Landorus-I for example isn't really, truly hard countered by anything afaik.
Exca's main weakness imo is its slowness. Choice Scarf sets can't switch moves and are somewhat weaker, other sets get revenged by like more than half the stuff on offense.
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I recently got into the Pokemon series again, and decided to try to play competitively. EV training always put me off in the past, but after getting the Power items from the battle maison, it seems so much easier. Is there any downside to using items such as Power Weight or Power Lens to EV train as opposed to a more classic approach such as finding a specific wild Pokemon and fighting it repeatedly?
I recently got into the Pokemon series again, and decided to try to play competitively. EV training always put me off in the past, but after getting the Power items from the battle maison, it seems so much easier. Is there any downside to using items such as Power Weight or Power Lens to EV train as opposed to a more classic approach such as finding a specific wild Pokemon and fighting it repeatedly?
Besides the speed drop while holding the item (which shouldn't matter), nope
edit: this should help too ^^
The CB Talon on the analysis runs 252 Atk/252 Spe, but almost every time someone posts a CB Talon set here it has 48 HP/252 Atk/208 Spe. What's up with the second spread, which I assume is better?
The CB Talon on the analysis runs 252 Atk/252 Spe, but almost every time someone posts a CB Talon set here it has 48 HP/252 Atk/208 Spe. What's up with the second spread, which I assume is better?
The second spread runs enough speed to outpace Mega Pinsir and Brave Bird it before it can Quick Attack. Then puts the leftover EVs into HP for added bulk.
Running 252 Speed EVs lets you at least tie with opposing Adamant Talonflame and also lets you outpace everything up to max speed base 110 Pokémon. Can be useful if you want to U-turn a Latios instead of Brave Bird, or something along those lines.
The CB Talon on the analysis runs 252 Atk/252 Spe, but almost every time someone posts a CB Talon set here it has 48 HP/252 Atk/208 Spe. What's up with the second spread, which I assume is better?
The second spread runs just enough speed to outpace Mega Pinsir's Quick Attack, and invests the remainder into bulk. The analysis aims to speedcreep that spread.

EDIT: Greninja'd
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