NOTE To anyone using Pokémon Search Party: RadioSeed assumes that the list of episodes you can get is exactly the same as the one in the research section above. Pokémon Search Party episodes are unlocked as you do certain things in the game and I'm not sure if I have seen them all. If you are not getting sane results with this method, verify that you can see
all the episodes listed. If you see one that is not on the list, please PM me so I can add it. Any information on what you have to do to unlock all the episodes would also be helpful.
1. Download the program. Here is a
link. It works on Windows only and you will need the .NET framework (Microsoft provides this as a free download).
2. Assuming you got it started up OK, you will need to enter the date, time and delay of the seed you are trying to hit. Also enter the second and delay ranges within which you wish to search when verifying your seed. If you only want frame tracking, select that mode and enter a max frame to track up to. It doesn't matter whether you have roamers released for the purposes of seed verification as the program can search the first 30 frames of each seed.
3. Select your chosen output source:
Pokémon search party plays for one hour from 00:00, 03:00, 06:00, 09:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00 and 21:00.
Serial Radio Drama plays for one hour from 01:00, 04:00, 07:00, 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00 and 22:00.
If your time is outside this, you will get Buena's Password, which cannot be used as it does not affect the RNG. If you still want to use RadioSeed for frame tracking (for example if you are in the champion's room and have used roamers to verify your seed), you can close the lid of your DS (putting it in sleep mode does not affect the RNG) and wait for the hour to change. Professor Elm-based tracking is also available for convenience.
4. Click "Generate". The grid will fill with seeds or frames (depending on your choice of mode) and the corresponding outputs. A key will also appear for your chosen output source as, in verify seed mode, the outputs have to be written shorthand to fit in the grid.
5. If in verify seed mode, you will be presented with the first ten outputs for each seed in your specified range. Attempt to hit your seed (see the general RNG help for details on that). If you can't see immediately what seed you hit, click the "Search" button.
If in track frame mode, you should be able to follow the outputs through the frames. If your frame is far away, you can advance rapidly to somewhere in the vicinity of the target, then use the "Search" button.
6. Repeatedly click the bottom-right button on the radio and drag the pointer back to the centre of the grid (so that no station shows) (or call Professor Elm if using that method). In the search window, for each output that appears, select the corresponding text from the drop-down and click "Add". It will appear in the search sequence and the number of matches will be updated. Continue to do this until the box shows "1 match found".
7. If 0 matches are found, then either this seed/frame is outside the generated range or the sequence may have been entered incorrectly (this can happen if you brush against another radio station while dragging the pointer). You can "Remove" the current entries from the search list and start a new search if you wish. When exactly 1 match is found, click "OK". If in verify seed mode, the seed you hit will now be highlighted in the main window. If in track frame mode, the NEXT frame (i.e. the one you would hit if you encountered your Pokémon now) will be highlighted.
8. That's it! If tracking frame, you can continue to do coarse/fine advancement until you reach your target. If you missed your seed, try again from step 5. If you hit your seed, you can put the program in track frame mode, enter a max frame if you didn't already and go back to step 4 to begin advancement to your target.
NOTE: the frames displayed may not be
exactly what you see in the game. You may see outputs one above or one below the ones displayed (in the output key, one above the top is the bottom and one below the bottom is the top). This is due to the no-repeat rule (see the research for details) and may occur if your entry point (the frame you were on when you opened the radio or after selecting a channel other than the bottom-right) is something other than frame 1. The search function is designed to deal with this and will always produce accurate results, but there is no way to account for every possible entry point into the sequence in the main window. This is quite a rare occurrence anyway and the frames should align again after a few more advancements.