CAP 2 Smogon's "Create a Pokemon" Part Deux: Poll 1

What should the base typing of our new Pokemon be?

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I wasn't sure whether to vote for grass or ghost. I generally think that ghost is more fun and badass than grass, so I ended up voting for ghost.
doesn't look like it'll win, but i vote electric. it has zapdos (/flying), jolteon, and raikou (pure electric)
fire at least, has charizard, heatran, infernape. ok they got screwed too

hoping for water ghost (missingno)
grass ghost (tree spirit)
fire ghost (living willow wisp)
I think Grass / Ghost would be fun to play around with.

Resistances: Water / Electric / Grass / Ground
Weaks: Fire / Ice / Flying / Ghost / Dark
Immunities: Normal / Fighting

Not the best typing, but there's no 4X weaks, good immunities, and it gets Ghosts Awesome Immunities, and Ghost resists Grass' Posion and Bug weak.

Also here's Ghost + Fire for fun.

Resistances: Fire / Grass / Ice / Bug (4x) / Steel
Weaks: Water / Ground / Rock / Ghost / Dark
Immunities: Normal / Fighting

Those weaks look way to common, but it's got some good resists, namely Ice.
I voted for Fighting, because I honestly want to see a Fighting-typed wall, for once. Hariyama and Machamp are the closest things we have, and they are more fit as tanks. I want a wall, damnit!

Though, Fighting / Ghost would be very interesting ...
I think Grass / Ghost would be fun to play around with.

Resistances: Water / Electric / Grass / Ground
Weaks: Fire / Ice / Flying / Ghost / Dark
Immunities: Normal / Fighting

Not the best typing, but there's no 4X weaks, good immunities, and it gets Ghosts Awesome Immunities, and Ghost resists Grass' Posion and Bug weak.

There's still a Pursuit weakness there, which Ghost/Fighting or Ghost/Steel would eliminate, while also having a SR resistance. Grass/Ghost seems more intriguing flavorwise, however.
There's still a Pursuit weakness there, which Ghost/Fighting or Ghost/Steel would eliminate, while also having a SR resistance. Grass/Ghost seems more intriguing flavorwise, however.
Holy fuck, have you seen Ghost / Steel?

Immunities: Three (Posion / Fighting / Normal)
Resistances: Eight (Grass / Ice / Flying / Psychic / Bug (4x) / Rock / Dragon / Steel)
Nuteral: Four (Water / Electric / Dark / Ghost)
Weaks: Two (Fire / Ground)

Lol, that walls everything without a Fire / Ground move, and it only takes Nuteral from Water and Electric. Imagine if it had levitate :S
I have a very strong feeling that Ghost/Steel is going to win, given that Steel "won" the last type poll. I just hope that it doesn't end up with Levitate or Heatproof. It's hard to imagine something with even more resistances than Bronzong.
Ghost/Steel would be awesome. I voted for Dark, but I could see myself falling in love with an ethereal Bronzong...
I have a very strong feeling that Ghost/Steel is going to win, given that Steel "won" the last type poll. I just hope that it doesn't end up with Levitate or Heatproof. It's hard to imagine something with even more resistances than Bronzong.
I can't wait to see the art competition for that...

EDIT: Also writing the analysis would be fun

XXXXX Is incredibly easy to get in thanks to it's bagillion resistances
Holy fuck, have you seen Ghost / Steel?

Immunities: Three (Posion / Fighting / Normal)
Resistances: Eleven (Grass / Ice / Flying / Psychic / Bug (4x) / Rock / Dragon / Steel)
Nuteral: Two (Water / Electric)
Weaks: Two (Fire / Ground)

Lol, that walls everything without a Fire / Ground move, and it only takes Nuteral from Water and Electric. Imagine if it had levitate :S
Sunday, I think you forgot that it's neutral to Dark as well. I voted for Electric, but I would like to see Ghost/Grass.
Oops, so it is *edits* I also accidentally combined Resistances and Immunities when I said "eleven"
Sunday, I think you forgot that it's neutral to Dark as well. I voted for Electric, but I would like to see Ghost/Grass.

It's also neutral to Ghost. Really, the only difference between Steel/Ghost and Steel/Psychic is a Normal and Fighting immunity, and a Bug 4x resist instead of a neutral.
Levitate would be too much if this Poke was tankey like Bronzong (Seeing as there's hardly any Physicla fire moves it would wall a ton of Physical sweepers), heatproof... hmm...
Ghost/Steel has just about as many resistances as Magnezone, and he gets by just fine with two 2x weaknesses and one 4x weakness. I don't really want to see this turn into another Bronzong with only one weakness, even if you know which one it is.
Well personally, Leviate and/or Heatproof seem like the only few ability that work well with an Ghost/Steel type execpt Pressure.

No way, Freaking Intimidate. It's probably going to look like a scary looking metal/ghost thing so why not Intimidate.
Why do we have to give it an ability that gives it 1 less weakness when we could use something that we don't see much? This could be one of those chances to be more creative then, "Let's make this new thing have hardly any weaks and an loads of resists!" I personally would lets to see more of Mold Breaker.
He does get magnet rise...

If it is a steel-ghost then i think it would have to be something like vespiquen. Because then everyone would have these running around every where.

Also nintendo might not want to add something like ghost-steel. It is asking too much.
if we do get ghost steel can we give it a cool ability instead of levitate/heatproof? 2 weaks/3 immunes is fine
Voted for posion. Really, Gengar's the only really usable Poison type (Though Drapion and Tentacruel aren't bad and Weezings always awsome) and most of the time his poison typing only gives him a Psychic weakness. I'd love to see a Fire/Poison, Ice/Poison, Metal/Poison or Electric/Poison. Something that can actually use Gunk Shot (maybe an accuracy up ability?) or atleast Poison Jab to it's full potential. Heck even a Physical Poison/Ghost that can abuse it's poison typing.
Hmm.. I could see Soundproof, Clear Body (Registeel and Meta get it lol), Early Bird, Inner Focus, Lightning Rod, Oblivious, Pressure, stall, Sturdy and Unburden working on a Steel / Ghost.

Whatever we do don't give a tank Filter...

Haha, Serebii has an ability called "Cacaphony" listed. Never heard of it? That's because no Pokemon have it :S
Looking through the list of possible abilities to give a Ghost/Steel, I came up with:

Battle Armor
Iron Fist (literally)
Clear Body

I like Iron First and Clear Body the most.
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