something completely unrelated to my past posts:
there are times where I use golurk in OU because it is regieleki's worst nightmare(the typing alone makes it immune to almost every move in regieleki's movepool except from assurance acrobatics bounce and ancient power).
the set I am using is this:
252 atk
252 def
4 sp def
item:assault vest.
ability: iron fist
-heavy slam
-hammer arm/
this pokemon is NOT great,but it does have some good niche.
I boosted its defences because it is too slow to outrun most pokemon.
the iron fist ability boosts the hammer arm to 120 power meaning that it has the same power as close combat,but it loses speed instead of defences.
also if it is at full health it can survive a shadow ball from dragapult and get an OHKO with poltergeist.
its heavy slam can also either kill or severely injure the fairy types since it outweighs them all.
the brave nature can help it with trick room especially when combined with hammer arm.
alternative to this set can be the no guard ability and close combat instead of hammer arm.
while the accuracy is great I am afraid that it is too risky to reduce the defences on a slow pokemon whose defences are okay but not great.
First of all, I think if you're gonna use meme mons golurk is probably among the best. That said, I don't think this is how you should use it at all. With that attack stat, and a 110 power, incredibly spammable stab poltergeist you shouldn't be wasting time with AV. Ghost types are the ultimate skilless button clickers this gen and you should lean into that for golurk. I only run choice band. It 2 hit KOs almost everything in the tier, and can trick to cripple a wall on the occasion you can't break through. While he is usually just a budget crawdaunt lacking strong priority (gamefreak needs to give it sneak), I think trick + an even more spammable stab than knock off + very nice immunities, and moves that ignore contact punishment, it can be fun to use.
Also, even though 55 speed means you're not outrunning any offensive mons if you choose to use golurk you should always invest in speed. It lets you take advantage of a lot of walls that would otherwise take advantage of you. For example, corv can switch in and pp stall you with roost if you don't have the speed to outrun him. Many other walls, like clef, fat buzzwole, skarm, fini and the rare mandibuzz will be able to either stall you easier or threaten you if you aren't outspeeding. Going before their recovery or attacks enables you to effectively put them in kill threshold much earlier because you hit twice instead of once before they can respond. If you go even faster and go jolly, you lose a noticable amount of power but you catch Lando T which can be really nice for certain teams.
Here are some spreads:
12 HP, 252+ ATK, 244 SPD: gives you enough speed for no speed finis, you can just go all the way for 252 if you are scared of them putting in 4 evs to speed creep other fat finis.
4 HP, 252 ATK, 252+ SPD: catches Lando-T
156 HP, 252+ ATK, 100 SPD: catches corv but nothing faster. I'm sure you could optimize the bulk a little better but honestly not a fan of this little speed.
For ability, I personally always use no guard, as iron fist isn't super useful and the ability to not miss your poltergeists and stone edges is very nice.
For moves, you don't need much because of how spammable ghost stab is. I use poltergeist/earthquake/stone edge/trick. Edge is the most expendable, maybe you can switch for stealth rocks, but I like edge for the mandibuzz just in case. Rocks are nice but golurk's minimal bulk necessitates a second ground so I usually just put rocks on that.
Weavile is a perfect partner with the 244 speed variant because you weaken a lot of its checks and many people are not expecting nearly max speed which enables you to get big damage and have weavile clean up. Pivots are of course great, because despite its nice immunities, it can have trouble hitting the field, especially because it's allergic to knock off.
Golurk is obviously very flawed, it is utterly terrified of knock off in multiple ways, it hates switching in on it, and hates it on its own team. That sucks when knock off is such a good way to make progress. Its speed is just slow enough that it has to choose between losing a lot of power or outspeeding Lando, and other breakers don't need to make that sacrifice. Its defenses, especially without investment, are quite mediocre and so you'll have to have another ground which can sometimes be limiting in the builder. Still a meme mon but def good enough for even mid ladder I find myself in (1600-1700).