The Everything Eli Manning Thread - Overrated Edition

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What loophole? The season was uncapped, I'm sure every team knew the season was uncapped. It's not the Cowboys and Redskins' faults that the NFL decided to have an uncapped season and that they happen to be the richest teams in the NFL. I'm not sure just how far they went with their money, but neither of them won the Super Bowl, so it couldn't have been too bad?

Loophole is the wrong word.. if you want to be technical. However, they did take advantage of the uncapped year in an attempt to presumably better their odds at winning whatever. Remember, all teams were warned not to do this. So it's not like the teams are innocent either.
The Packers, Bears, Raiders, and Saints all did the same thing as the Redskins and Cowboys. They restructured bad contracts to move the bulk of the cap hit into the uncapped year. The Bucaneers and a few other teams also took advantage of the uncapped year by going under the normal floor of the cap.

In fact, what the other owners/Goodell did was illegal. As part of the agreement that kept the season alive leading up to the lockout the NFL told the NFLPA there would be an uncapped year (something the NFLPA would really like) but they then went behind the NFLPA's back and told the owners that if they went over the non-existent cap they would be punished. This is collusion and it is illegal even in an industry with an anti-trust exemption. Part of the reason the NFL can get away with being a monopoly is the CBA with the players. Violating that CBA by making agreements counter to the CBA behind the players back is illegal. The reason they didn't want teams to go over the cap had nothing to do with competitive advantage. They didn't want to give the players extra cash right before the lockout.

The punishment wasn't about competitive advantage. It was about Goodell saying, "The old money owners (owners like the Mara family, Rooney family, the Halas/McCaskey family [oh look, a team that did the same thing as the Skins and didn't get penalized.]) and I rule this league. We do what we want and you fall in line or you get hammered."

And Jones is a better owner than Mara. Only ManU is worth more than the Cowboys. They both won their Championships when they were lucky that they had HoF QBs. Difference being that Jones drafted Aikman (and made the Walker trade that made them a dynasty) and Mara got lucky that Manning wanted him.

Also, the arbiter isn't exactly as impartial as he is supposed to be. He basically works for the NFL. Finding things in the league's favor is necessary to have job security.
I'm not sure I care much either way, other than my bias as a Cowboys fan to say it's bullcrap. Ultimately they shouldn't be penalized, because they didn't actually break any rules, but there's a small part of me that enjoys seeing them punished for their hubris. It's karma for breaking a gentleman's agreement.

What I find most odd is that there was a couple other franchises given slaps on the wrist for taking advantage of the uncapped year to a lesser extent (I wanna say Vikings and Raiders?), even though one of those teams had only the eighth highest payroll or some shit. Umm, what about those other teams in between? :evan:
The problem is that the "gentlemen's agreement" was illegal and the NFLPA is now suing the NFL for having a "secret salary cap" during the uncapped year. Here's hoping that the NFLPA wins and the Cowboys/Redskins go back and appeal their case in light of this new development.
I explained myself in the rest of the paragraph.

Dynasties don't last forever. Regardless, winning apparently isn't everything since more people consume the product the Cowboys put on the field than any other team.
What loophole? The season was uncapped, I'm sure every team knew the season was uncapped. It's not the Cowboys and Redskins' faults that the NFL decided to have an uncapped season and that they happen to be the richest teams in the NFL. I'm not sure just how far they went with their money, but neither of them won the Super Bowl, so it couldn't have been too bad?

Pretty much this. There was no loophole, it's just saavy business planning. I see no unfair advantage since I don't think either have even made the playoffs since then.

What the NFL is doing is basically placing an imaginary salary cap that didn't legally exist, and are penalizing the Cowboys and Redskins for exceeding it. Currently the NFLPA is putting forth a lawsuit against this collusion.

Really? And what, pray tell, are you basing this on? When was the last time Jones's product did anything worthwhile?

You're talking about Jones as the GM, not the owner. I can't definitively comment on how well he's done as an owner, since I don't actually know the facts. However, by the sounds of what Wikey had said, the Cowboys are a huge money-making franchise, despite being an unsuccessful team. That screams fantastic owner to me.
Apparently the NFLPA will be shot down (probably) with some voodoo agreement about not making claims due to some binding agreement they signed. They have to claim they were coerced and both sides are screaming that this will or will not work...whatever.

The facts of the matter are clear: the NFL agreed to a legally uncapped season, and are illegally retroactively punishing teams. Putting the word legal to it is all very real since these are millions of dollars being thrown around...

DM you remember how the Dodgers sold for $2.1 billion or something fucktarded? Apparently the Cowboys are worth like 1.8 billion (supposed to have been #2 in the world until this crazy Dodgers TV fueled thing went down)...pretty sure Jones feels like he is the man. I am not saying I endorse that feeling, I just understand where he is coming from.
I don't know all the specifics of the collusion case, mostly because I don't care about the business end of the league since it's a trust and should be illegal anyways....but the NFL must have fucked up pretty bad if they're making Jerry Jones and Dan Snyder look like good guys.
And Jones is a better owner than Mara. Only ManU is worth more than the Cowboys. They both won their Championships when they were lucky that they had HoF QBs. Difference being that Jones drafted Aikman (and made the Walker trade that made them a dynasty) and Mara got lucky that Manning wanted him.

Also, the arbiter isn't exactly as impartial as he is supposed to be. He basically works for the NFL. Finding things in the league's favor is necessary to have job security.

You are wrong about this. Let's start since JJ took over. He did win a couple of SBs and made the Cowboys what they are today. A very succesful franchise. He also drafted Aikman, which is a huge plus(i love Aikman). However, other than that he has been pretty meh. He built a dynasty in a time where it was ralatively easy to do so. All you needed was money and a good GM. The depth and talent that the Cowboys and 49ers had was insane, those teams didn't care about injuries. They were loaded with talent. Steve Young being a back up is the best example of how absurd of a time that was. So the dynasty thing isn't a huge accomplishment for that day. Now more recently JJ has been shown to be just an average if not mediocre GM. The Cowboys are far from what they used to be and have been riding on their earlier wins for all these years. Though they have always remained good enough to stay relevant.

Now Mr. Mara has been an amazing owner. Mostly because he stays out of the day to day business of the team... Which is what an owner should do. He also kept Tom for an almost unheard of amount of time. Which has obviously worked out. So yes, Mr. Mara is the better owner at the moment.
I see the point you guys are making; I guess I've seen Jones as a hybrid owner/GM for so long that his duties have molded together in my mind. Great owner, terrible GM.
Well the Giants season is officially over. Wide Receiver Hakeem Nicks broke his right foot today... The same injury that got Prince(who will be awesome this year). Nicks is the Giants best WR and this just destroys any hope of repeating. Still exited about opening day, but only to see the Cowbiys get blown out. Other than that, it's looking grim for the Giants already.
Well the Giants season is officially over. Wide Receiver Hakeem Nicks broke his right foot today... The same injury that got Prince(who will be awesome this year). Nicks is the Giants best WR and this just destroys any hope of repeating. Still exited about opening day, but only to see the Cowbiys get blown out. Other than that, it's looking grim for the Giants already.

... I've heard 12 weeks, and that he should be back by the beginning of the season.

Edit: It sucks that the Giants have 3 players injured already (Witherspoon reinjured his ACL, Molden has a hammy issue) after two non-contact practices. And two of them are CBs - after how our CB depth got destroyed last year, it seems worrisome.
... I've heard 12 weeks, and that he should be back by the beginning of the season.

Edit: It sucks that the Giants have 3 players injured already (Witherspoon reinjured his ACL, Molden has a hammy issue) after two non-contact practices. And two of them are CBs - after how our CB depth got destroyed last year, it seems worrisome.

12 weeks..? That's being extremely optimistic! He will be lucky to be back by October!! And even then how ready he will be is unknown. The only good thing about this is that we face weak teams until the Eagles in week 4. And even than the Panthers scare me a little.. i also have no trust in Barden. Jernigan and Hixon are meh at best too, and i wouldn't call either reliable.

Yeh.. and i thought having all those CBs was dumb... Now i'm just shocked that the right position got weakened(if i had to choose one it would be CB.. or Tackle). But don't worry, we still got Prince(i have been hyping this guy way to much)!! And i'm not sure, but didn't Bennett get injured too? The newly signed TE. I thought i read somewhere that he got hurt.
Didn't hear anything about Bennett being injured. After last year, I see why they wanted to stock up on CBs - especially after five or something got injured last year and are coming off the injuries coming into this year.

As for Nicks, 12 weeks is what I've heard. Maybe it's optimistic, but at least it's early on and not during the season. He shouldn't be out for too many games.

Edit: I guess it remains to be seen if Nicks can play 100% though, even when he is back. Prince definitely struggled with his injury.
All I'm looking forward to is watching how Jay Cutler improves this season with The Beast Brandon Marshall. Seems like just yesterday they were both in Broncos uniforms.
spoiled Giants fans said:

I mean, that's what I saw.
I mean, that's what I saw.

Well, if it was a defensive player(minus JPP) or even Bradshaw than i wouldn't have been as bleak but it was the Giants number 1 receiver. The one that basically turns Cruz into a beast. The one that most of the passing game relies on(specially now with no Ballard). So yes losing Hakeem is a huge blow against the Giants.

actually they're saying he could be back as soon as 4-6 weeks but 12 weeks is what they're looking at so they dont risk a setback and get him in time for the start of the regular season

I see.. well if that's true than it isn't that bad.. I mean, better not being injured in the first place but 6 weeks isn't that bad. At least it'll prevent him from tearing his acl.
I mean, that's what I saw.
Seriously. It's May. Clearly the season is over. Not to mention most articles are saying Nicks should be ready around the opener....No way the Giants could win 9ish games, make the playoffs, and repeat if Nicks isn't there for the first couple of weeks.

People probably just started following the Giants, or football in general around....January. So they don't know that one player(except for a QB and maybe RB) aren't going to make a difference.
Hakeem Nicks is very good at what he is used for. Cruz is even better at what he is used for. Implying that Cruz is only good because Nicks is good means you are very very ignorant of how good Victor Cruz is.

To put it in basic terms, Eli Manning performed well at underneath 10 yards for the first time in his career simply because Victor Cruz was playing his head off.
Hakeem Nicks is very good at what he is used for. Cruz is even better at what he is used for. Implying that Cruz is only good because Nicks is good means you are very very ignorant of how good Victor Cruz is.

To put it in basic terms, Eli Manning performed well at underneath 10 yards for the first time in his career simply because Victor Cruz was playing his head off.

So you think Cruz is ready to be the number 1 receiver? You think it wasn't because of Nicks that Cruz looked so good? With Cruz and two 3rd stringers on the field, do you think Cruz will be anywhere as efficient as he was last year? Sorry but it was the threat of Nicks that gave a lot of those yards to Cruz and right now i'm not sure he is ready to be the number 1 receiver. To be honest i still think Cruz is average at best and no i don't mean that it was Eli who made him look good. It was the fact that other than preseason games, this guy was a no name and the other teams weren't ready for him. Now, hopefully i'm wrong but i doubt he averages 18 yards a catch with 1400+ yards. I'm not betting against a man who has something to prove though.

No way the Giants could win 9ish games, make the playoffs, and repeat if Nicks isn't there for the first couple of weeks.

So they don't know that one player(except for a QB and maybe RB) aren't going to make a difference.

I agree with the first part. However, RBs are no longer that important. All you need is a good offensive line and average RBs to have an efficient running attack. Just look at the 2007 Giants. You could have replaced Bradshaw and Jacobs with any mediocre RB and still get the same results. It also doesn't help that the team with the worst rushing game just won the SB.
With Hixon, Randle, Jernigan, Barden, etc., someone's going to be able to fill in if Nicks misses any time.

And Somehero, Cruz is average at best? wtf. He's probably not going to have 1400+ yards again, but he is definitely our most explosive player on offense. And it's not like Cruz suddenly stopped making plays when he was double-teamed; he played well even when coaches focused more on him later in the season.
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