Other The Next Best Thing - ORAS OU Edition (Discussing Gardevoir sets) Check Post #920

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Yeah... not liking that one. Pretty much everything you can do with that set, Garchomp or Landorus-T will end up doing better. Hyper Cutter isn't a terrible ability, but Poison Heal gives you so much more. The passive regeneration and immunity to status is worth so much.
Access to taunt is pretty much the only thing that makes this set stand out from the above mentioned two, and even for that, bulkier sets can cover the things Gliscor wants to be taunting more effectively anyway.
Fling Acrobatics Gliscor


Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 252 HP / 104 SpD / 152 Spe
Careful Nature
- Fling -
- Acrobatics -
- Swords Dance -
- Facade / Earthquake -

Spread: Max. Hp for bulk, 152 Spe evs to outspeed base 70 mons and the rest on SpD to take on better special attacks.
Moveset: Fling is really good not only because it increases acrobatics base power, but also for been able to toxic Mega-Sableye, which is huge. Swords Dance allows gliscor to increase his attack stat and finally, for his fourth move could be facade for Rotom-wash or earthquake for stab.
The above set is actually kind of weird to me since the point of using fling is to poison mega sableye, but with SD, you can beat it already.
I still added it though, as fling is an epic innovation lol
Also kinda weird to me too cause you need to set up SD + Fling and you can't fling Toxic Orb before poison but you can't Acrobatics before Fling etc. Assuming Gliscor isn't poisoned yet and you run Facade, you can't do anything for a turn...
yeah that is weird. Its also possible sable might just burn you turn one meaning you need to get gliscor poisoned prior. Of course that's assuming it has not megad but I think it still applies. Definitely a cool set.
Maybe change it to fling+protect to ensure you get the poison heal activaded And then just fling, THEN SD and facade or EQ to hit or even acrobatics.
Maybe change it to fling+protect to ensure you get the poison heal activaded And then just fling, THEN SD and facade or EQ to hit or even acrobatics.
How about Fling+Toxic, you poison M-Sableye first turn, then you Toxic it, have it bounce back at you and get the free status. :]]]
How about Fling+Toxic, you poison M-Sableye first turn, then you Toxic it, have it bounce back at you and get the free status. :]]]
Isnt prankster active'the first turn tho? So he would burn you -.- i feel like youre trolling me lol im not even sure by now xD
Alright, let me put this clear. First, the purpose of fling is to increase acrobatics power, not to poison M-Sableye. The reason why I said that poisoning M-Sableye with fling is huge, is because a Poisoned M-Sableye = a Dead M-Sableye (sorry for bad grammar). Second , SD is there to boost Gliscor´s attack , which makes him a potential sweeper, especially against stall, so no Fling+Protect or Fling+Toxic sets please (-_-) .
Alright, let me put this clear. First, the purpose of fling is to increase acrobatics power, not to poison M-Sableye. The reason why I said that poisoning M-Sableye with fling is huge, is because a Poisoned M-Sableye = a Dead M-Sableye (sorry for bad grammar). Second , SD is there to boost Gliscor´s attack , which makes him a potential sweeper, especially against stall, so no Fling+Protect or Fling+Toxic sets please (-_-) .
My point wasnt that you should use it just to poison sableye but i said'that if lega sanle hasnt mega evolved znd you hzve not activated poison heal he ll priority burn you, and that means no poison heal and SD kinda becomes mediocre. Also dont take it so seriously, all i did was ask "why not run protect", i never implied your set was bad or that it needed protect.

Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 244 HP / 192 Def / 72 Spe
Careful Nature
- Torment
- Substitute
- Protect
- Sand Tomb/Taunt

So basically this thing is TormentTran, but this time, Gliscor style. The idea is to lock your opponent's coverage moves that are supposed to hit you, then slowly kill them by either PP stalling them (Taunt vs. stallmons) or by Sand Tomb's damage over time. It's a lot easier to play with than to explain, so give it a try :)
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This one's pretty close, but I'm going to go for malware000's Fling Acrobatics Gliscor, just ever so slightly over the torment build.
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