the underappreciated things thread (aka i knew it before it was cool)


[edit] -fuck evan beat me. However, I contend that evan is a newbie and did not join smogon before it was popular.

Have a nice day.
I feel bad, I only got into Senses Fail after hearing "Can't be Saved" and "Calling all Cars" in videogames. Still, I'm a pretty big fan, and I've seen them live, which was fun, though worse than I expected.
Log from ren and stimpy

Its big its heavy its wood.

haha, I watched that episode over the weekend with friends.


ren and stimpy is a goddamn fantastic show, it's a wonder some of the things they got away with on nickelodeon back in the day.
GAME: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
GAME: New Super Mario World (it took me five months to find all the secrets, but I was the only person outside my family who knew about it, though I did play it in 20005)
MUSIC: The Bedroom Philosopher
ANATOMY: Appendix. It's been proven it serves a purpose.
CHRONIC HEADACHES: Get you lots of lazy time, but I still really hate them...
POKEMON: Qwilfish!!!! Qwilfish!!!!

EDIT: The Sound of Music. C'mon, they sing about schnitzel and crisp apple strudel! *drool*
other than a potential reservoir for gut fauna, should your guy be wiped entirely of E. Coli and other treats, the appendix serves no purpose. I won't let you slander a vestigial organ like that again.
sound of music


at the end of the sound of music they waltz over the mountains right into hitler's back yard.

either they were being ironic or they were geographically retarded.

pretty sure it was the latter <_<
GAME: New Super Mario World (it took me five months to find all the secrets, but I was the only person outside my family who knew about it, though I did play it in 20005)

Are you serious? That game was way overhyped and overrated. It's been really popular since it first came out and it still is popular so it doesn't quite fit the pattern in this thread. Okami would, not this.

@Snorlaxe: I'm a NGer so I guess I did see a different side of it