| Past Gens Resources and ProjectsUniversal Past Gens ResourcesThe RoA SQSA - The official past gens' simple question, simple answer thread. If you have a quick question about anything related to past gens competitive Pokemon, feel free to ask it here! #RuinsOfAlph on SynIRC is the official channel for competitive past generation discussion. If you are unfamiliar with IRC, you can read more about it here. Pokemon Online - PO is the best Pokemon battle simulator for RBY, GSC and ADV. It requires downloading. Pokemon Showdown! - PS is a browser-based Pokemon simulator and the best place to go for DPP and BW battles. RBY, GSC, and ADV ladders are currently in Beta. They also have a chat dedicated to Old Gens. The Smog Archives - The Smog Archives have a wide range of useful past gens articles, especially for DPP and BW. There's a wealth of information here if you're willing to do a little digging. Mechanical Differences Between the Gens - A compilation of the major mechanical changes between each of the generations. Project RoA - A thread where users can post creative and underrated movesets for past generations. Pokemon Through the Ages - A community discussion about how Pokemon change and function throughout generations, with a different Pokemon chosen for each week's topic. RoA Sample Teams - A community based project that compiles usable teams from tiers across all generations. RBY ResourcesRBY OURBY Battling - An in-depth introduction to RBY OU by Hipmonlee. RBY OU Viability Ranking - A look at how viable Pokemon are in RBY OU RBY Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for RBY OU. Because chances for critical hits are based on base Speed in RBY, those are included as well. Courtesy of Niched. Important RBY Differences - RBY features some unique mechanics compared to the other gens. This guide will help familiarize you with those key differences. Compiled by Vineon and Evan. Sleep Leads in RBY - A look at sleep and the lead metagame in RBY OU, courtesy of Crystal_. RBY Analyses - Smogon's database for all RBY Pokemon analyses. Other MetagamesRBY UU Metagame - A guide to RBY UU by Crystal_. Tradebacks - Some Pokemon could learn moves in GSC that were unavailable to them in RBY. Trading those Pokemon back to RBY makes a very different, non-standard metagame. This guide looks at some potentially important movepool changes, courtesy of Pidgeot500. GSC ResourcesBorat's Guide to Competitive Battling and Teambuilding gives an extensive overview of GSC OU. Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7. GSC OU Threatlist - An overview of the major Pokemon to watch out for in GSC OU. GSC OU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in GSC OU. GSC OU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers in GSC OU, courtesy of Jellicent. Playing with Spikes in GSC - A guide to using and removing Spikes in GSC OU, by Jorgen. GSC Analyses - Smogon's Database for all GSC Pokemon Analyses. ADV ResourcesADV OUADV OU Threat List - An overview of the major Pokemon to watch out for in ADV OU. ADV OU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ADV OU. ADV OU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers in ADV OU, courtesy of Alan. Your Lead Pokemon - A guide to leads in ADV OU, by Jumpman16. The Advance Metagame - A review of major threats and playstyles, by Mekkah. ADV Analyses - Smogon's Database for all ADV Pokemon Analyses Other MetagamesADV Ubers Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ADV Ubers. ADV NU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in ADV NU. The 200 Metagame - A guide to the RS 200 metagame, where only Pokemon from Ruby and Sapphire were available, courtesy of Kikuichimonji and Blue Kirby. DPP ResourcesDPP OUDPP OU Threat List - An overview of the major Pokemon to watch out for in DPP OU, still a work in progress. DPP OU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in DPP OU. DPP OU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for DPP OU, by TheMaster42 and Mekkah. 4th Gen RMT Archive - A collection of great and metagame-defining teams from DPP. DPP Warstory Archive - A collection of high-quality DPP battles, with insight from those battling. Guide to Entry Hazards - An introduction to the entry hazards in DPP OU and how to use them, by Dark Talon. Guide to Wall Breaking - How to break past common defensive sets in DPP OU, by Jediment, Xia, and mtr. Playstyle Guides DPP OU Analyses - Smogon's database for all DPP OU analyses. DPP UbersDPP Ubers Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in DPP Ubers. DPP Ubers Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for DPP Ubers, by TheMaster42, Vashta, and Fireburn. Arceus Guide - by firecape and Theorymon. DPP Ubers Analyses - Smogon's database for all DPP Ubers analyses. DPP UUDPP UU Threat List - An overview of the major Pokemon to watch out for in DPP UU. DPP UU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in DPP UU. DPP UU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for DPP UU. DPP UU Metagame Analysis - An in-depth look at the most common threats in DPP UU, courtesy of Eo Ut Mortus. DPP UU Offense Analysis - A guide on how to use offense in DPP UU and how it fares in the metagame, by Heysup DPP UU Analyses - Smogon's database for all DPP UU analyses. DPP LCGuide to DPP LC - An introduction to the many intricacies of DPP LC. DPP LC Threat List - An overview of major Pokemon to watch to watch out for in DPP LC. DPP LC Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for DPP LC, by eric the espeon. DPP LC EV Spread Guide - How to get the most out of your EVs in DPP LC, by eric the espeon and Oglemi. DPP LC Legality Guide - A guide to legal movesets in DPP LC, by SwinubToupee. DPP LC Analyses - Smogon's database for all DPP LC analyses. Other MetagamesDouble Battle Primer - An introduction to Doubles by TheMaskedNitpicker. VGC 2010 Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for VGC 2010, by Alaka Battle Mechanics at Level 50 - A guide to how mechanics work for Level 50 battling, by Ditto. 1v1 Metagame Guide - by Badal, coolking49, and LinIsKorean. BW ResourcesBW OUBW OU Threat List - An overview of major threats to watch out for in BW OU. BW OU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW OU. BW OU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers for BW OU, by TelemonianAjax. 5th Gen RMT Archive - A collection of great and metagame-defining teams from BW. BW Warstory Archive - A collection of high-quality BW battles, with insight from those battling. Guide to Priority Attacks - An introduction to using priority attacks in BW OU, by zarator. Guide to Entry Hazards - An introduction to the entry hazards of BW and how to use them, by zarator. Playstyle Guides: BW OU Analyses - Smogon's database for all BW OU analyses. BW UbersBW Ubers Threat List - An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW Ubers. BW Ubers Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW Ubers. BW Ubers Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers in BW Ubers, by shrang. BW Ubers Playstyle Classification - A compilation of which Pokemon best fill certain roles in BW Ubers. Guide to BW Ubers Stall - By trickroom, firecape, Fireburn, and Anachronism. Arceus Guide - How to best use Arceus in BW Ubers, by zarator. BW Ubers Analyses - Smogon's database for all BW Ubers analyses. BW UUBW UU Threat List - An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW Ubers. BW UU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW UU. BW UU Playstyle Classification - A compilation of which Pokemon best fill certain roles in BW UU. BW UU Analyses - Smogon's database for all BW UU analyses. BW RUBW RU Threat List - An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW RU. BW RU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW RU. BW RU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers in BW RU, by Honko. BW RU Playstyle Classification - A compilation of which Pokemon best fill certain roles in BW RU. Guide to Entry Hazards - An introduction to entry hazards and how to use them in BW RU, by DittoCrow. Guide to Trick Room - How to build and use Trick Room teams in BW RU, by Jellicent. Guide to Sunny Day - How to build and use Sunny Day teams in BW RU, by BTzz, Endorfins, and Yonko7. BW RU Analyses - Smogon's database for all BW RU analyses. BW NUBW NU Threat List - An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW NU. BW NU Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW NU. BW NU Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers in BW NU, by Raseri and erisia. BW NU Playstyle Classification - A compilation of which Pokemon best fill certain roles in BW NU. Guide to Sun in BW NU - By SuperJOCKE, Endorfins, sandshrewz, and sirndpt. BW NU Analyses - Smogon's database for all BW NU analyses. BW LCBW LC Threat List - An overview of Pokemon to watch out for in BW LC. BW LC Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW LC. BW LC Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers in BW LC, by Moo and Zephyr. BW LC Playstyle Classification - A compilation of which Pokemon best fill certain roles in BW LC. BW LC Move Legality Guide - by RayJay. BW LC Analyses - Smogon's database for all BW LC analyses. Doubles and VGCFifth Gen Double Battle Guide - by muffinhead and Cassie. BW Doubles Viability Rankings - A look at how viable Pokemon are in BW Doubles. Differences Between Smogon Doubles and VGC - by lucariojr and Audiosurfer VGC 2012 Speed Tiers - Important Speed numbers in VGC 2012, by muffinhead and cosmicexplorer. |