Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Kyurem suspect now up]

In the end, I just think people need to be more patient and less defeatist. It’s never a productive attitude to give up on something if you enjoy/care (and if not, take a break ofc), but we have been in similar and far worse spots during prior generations and even prior parts of this generation.

Spoiler: it always turns out OK

You have my personal promise it will this time, too. And I don’t take my word lightly.
holy shit finch is gonna become a dictator and ban garganacl from RU
I get why people are frustrated: suspects aren’t leading to bans when they think things may be broke.

However, I need everyone to keep in mind that the tier is still moving at a breakneck pace. Gouging Fire got a 4.1 and had strong council suspect support a few weeks ago, but now a lot of top players are posting about different forms of counterplay through Pokemon, cores, etc. that previously weren’t used as much.

We are going to have growing pains. The best thing right now is to wait until things settle rather then overreact. This has happened before in tiering and it will likely happen again, but it will all work out just fine.

The metagame is not THAT bad right now, but I agree it needs settling and eventual work. We will get there and I am committed to that for all of you. I’m not a slouch and you all know that, but I promise there will be more coming.
I normally don’t say this with any of my write-ups, but this time, I am confident in saying that it has a chance to change the meta.

I’ll explain who the write-up is about, but first, lets talk about Rotom-Wash.

Section I: Rotom-Wash

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-Since Gen 5 made all the Rotom appliances different types, Rotom-W has been the best one without question, and has maintained OU status for a decade.

-Even after ending up in UU last gen, Rotom-W remained an OU staple.

-Electric/Water is perfect, especially on a mon with Levitate. Not only is Washtom immune to Spikes, not only is it a Water resist, not only does it have one weakness, but it perfectly compliments its kit.

-The only thing blocking Volt Switch are Ground types which get hit by Hydro Pump. This defining trait allowed Washtom to be an excellent OU pivot.


-There was an instance where Washtom wasn’t the best Rotom.

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-Before DLC2 of Sword and Shield, Rotom-Heat was considered the best appliance, and by a landslide.

-Gen 8 introduced Boots, allowing Fire, Flying, Ice, and Bug types the first time to be immune to Rocks.

-Around this time, players had no idea just how impactful Boots would be yet, but the point was, Heattom was a top mon in early SS OU.

-With Clef, Kyurem, and Corv as top Pokemon, Heattom’s typing came on clutch offensively and defensively.

-Gen 8 gifted Rotom Nasty Plot, allowing it to act as one of the best breakers and one of the few that can break past Clef.

-Toad rose because of Vish, but also because of its ability to counter Heattom. That is until Heattom clicks Toxic and puts it on a timer.

-Heattom also had plenty of set up opportunities thanks to its typing and the slew of pivots that accompanied it.

-So good it was in fact, that it was in the S ranks alongside Clef and Corv.

-Heattom would fall off eventually in DLC2 as power creep hit, Heatran and Garchomp came back, and Washtom became the better pick.

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-In SV OU Washtom is obviously still a solid pick, but considering its in B rank, the streak of Washtom being an OU staple might be over for a few reasons.

-Its role as a Water resist isn’t fantastic when our best offensive Waters break through it and Rain itself has fallen after the Arch ban.

-It faces competition as a pivot from Mola who is bulkier and packs Regen to stay on the field for longer periods.

-Still, Washtom is great at spreading status and pivoting, being immune to Spikes is a big boon in this meta, and it hard counters HLR + Spinner Tusk.

-That being said, I don’t think Washtom is the only viable Rotom appliance.

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Enter Rotom-Mow. Mowtom has many of the same qualities as Washtom. The same bulk, the same movepool, and a good offensive typing, but it offers something that we are currently lacking in this metagame. A bulky Grass type.

Section II: The Importance Of Bulky Grass Types

Each generation since ADV had at least one strong bulky Grass type.

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-ADV had Celebi who offered defensive utility with 32 pp Recovers, Leech Seed, and Baton Pass.

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-DPP had Loom who was on the frailer side, but compensated due to Spore and Poison Heal.

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-Ferro was THE bulky Grass type from BW to SS, with Tangrowth, Amoonguss, Mega Venusaur, etc thrown into the mix.

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-Even SV had a viable bulky Grass in the form of Amoonguss, and I say had because…well…because Darkrai showed up and since then, it’s never been the same.

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-We even got Hydrapple in DLC/ who gets Regenerator and amazing stats overall, but being weak to Fairy, Dragon, and 4x weak to Ice is not a good look despite me having faith in it early on.

-While it doesn’t guarantee it, bulky Grasses provide stability in a tier as they can cover several bad matchups. Grass types have nasty weaknesses to Fire, Flying, and Ice, but they also provide teams with a defensive profile against Ground and Water types.

-SV OU desperately needs a strong bulky Grass, especially with Wogre in the tier.

Section III: Ogerpon-W’s Reign

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-I don’t think Ogerpon is actually broken, but its dominance vs Balance builds is undeniable.

- Though DLC2 introduced plenty of dragons, Play Rough OHKOs every single one after an SD + hazards minus Dragonite.

Though it obviously has counterplay on Balance, they aren’t perfect.

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•The most common Wogre repellent, but it doesn’t safely switch in and sacking it to burn Oger isn’t ideal depending on the matchup.

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•A solid check but it only switches in a few times and is forced to give up its Dauntless Shield Boost.

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•Needs Brave Bird to threaten, even then it isn’t perfect. Skarm gets 2HKOd by Tera Water Ivy on the switch.

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•Tera Grass on any wall can handle Wogre, but that also forces you to burn a Tera.

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•The only OU Grass type with actual bulk. It doesn’t run bulkier spreads often and is OHKOd by Power Whip at +2. Meanwhile Rilla needs to Tera to OHKO with Glide, so not the most ideal scenario. Even bulkier variants have a chance to be OHKOd after rocks.

-Since you need these for other mons on Wogre’s team, it can feel like there’s no way to stop Wogre from making progress. So how can Mowtom aid teams in the SV OU metagame?

Section V: Mowtom’s Role in The Indigo Disk Metagame
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Rotom-Mow @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Steel/Fairy/Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 212 Def / 44 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leaf Storm
- Volt Switch
- Will-O-Wisp/Thunder Wave
- Pain Split

-I have tested other bulky grasses from the lower tiers. Amoonguss, Hydrapple, Sinistcha, Venusaur, even Vileplume who got me to top 100.

-Though they might have some defensive utility outside of checking Wogre, they feel geared towards more passive plays which I found exclusive to fatter builds except maybe the teapot,

-Mowtom was different, because it is also a pivot. Meaning Mowtom can remain an important team player even after Ogerpon goes down.

Just to get these calcs out of the way cause yes, it does check Ogerpon.

252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Rotom-Mow: 66-78 (21.7 - 25.6%) -- possible 5HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Wellspring Mask Tera Water Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Rotom-Mow: 88-104 (28.9 - 34.2%) -- 99.2% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

But wait a minute, it gets 2HKOd by +2 Ivy.

+2 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Rotom-Mow: 131-155 (43 - 50.9%) -- 55.5% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

+2 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Tera Water Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Rotom-Mow: 175-207 (57.5 - 68%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Yes, but, Mowtom gets Will-O-Wisp, allowing it to 1v1 Ogerpon, and giving us these calcs.

+2 252 Atk Wellspring Mask burned Ogerpon-Wellspring Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Rotom-Mow: 65-77 (21.3 - 25.3%) -- possible 5HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

+2 252 Atk Wellspring Mask burned Tera Water Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Rotom-Mow: 87-103 (28.6 - 33.8%) -- 1.4% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

-Ogerpon cannot stay in, and must switch out. This is huge for Balance teams. Not only do they gain an excellent pivot, but a Wogre check as well. What this means is. Balance teams no longer have to burn Tera or risk Pult to burn Wogre.

Mowtom isn’t just a Wogre checking machine, it also deals with other matchups. Some of them better than Washtom.

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Primarina can be annoying for bulkier builds due to the nature of Calm Mind and AV Flip Turn sets. Washtom does minimal damage with Volt Switch, however Mowtom can deal heavy nuke damage with Leaf Storm. Either OHKOing it after chip or forcing a Tera.

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Though not an outright counter, Mowtom does much better into Garganacl than Washtom due to Salt Cure not taking 1/4th of its health. Mowtom also has a chance to 2HKO Garg with Leaf Storm if it decides to play recklessly or force a Tera. Mowtom can also force Garg to exhaust Recover pp with strong Leaf Storms and Pain Split.

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Mowtom can’t really threaten Serperior, but being immune to Glare and resisting Leaf Storm is a helpful trait to prevent it from making any sort of progress. Mowtom can Volt Turn on it and bring in Weavile or Dragapult to finish the job.

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Waters like Mola and Dozo can usually shrug off a weak Volt Switch, but Mowtom threatens an OHKO on Mola with Leaf Storm and deals over 80% to Dozo, which is hard to recover off for it.

0 SpA Rotom-Mow Leaf Storm vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Alomomola: 542-638 (101.4 - 119.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

0 SpA Rotom-Mow Leaf Storm vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Dondozo: 410-486 (81.3 - 96.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

-The value of Volt Switch not only makes Mowtom good on Balance but also BO.

-While BO has excellent responses to Wogre like Dnite, Ironpress Zama, and Sash Pult, having that surefire check that also can grab momentum is huge for these builds. Especially as they want to preserve Multiscale, Sash, or the one-time Defense Boost.

Section VI: Mowtom Partners

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The best aspect about not being part-Water is that Mowtom can synergize with other bulky Waters, especially Alomomola who it forms an excellent defensive Voltturn core with. Mola also hugely appreciates a Wogre check like Mowtom. This is the best core to make use of it.

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Mowtom also synergizes with offensive Waters on BO. Mowtom lures in Dragons and Fire types that are picked off by Prim. It could also form a voltturn core with AV variants. H-Samu appreciates Mowtom’s ability to lure Gking so it gets the opportunity to click the funny Spike setting move which makes Mowtom’s pivoting more potent.

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Zap/Ting/Gking vibes. This bread n’ butter remains as a solid defensive backbone for Balance. Ting-Lu covers Mowtom’s bad mus like Raging Bolt and Gking while setting hazards. Gking covers Kyurem and Volc while forming a voltturn core with it.

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Another solid voltturn core. The combined efforts of Wisp and Intimidate deter several physical threats. Lando also makes great use of Mowtom’s Volt Switch to get up Rocks on Gking or Heatran. Lando also covers G-Fire and Raging Bolt.

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Both Weavile and Kyurem benefit from Mowtom’s pivoting abilities. Allowing them to freely click buttons like there’s no tomorrow.

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This is a pretty fun Voltturn core. Mowtom threatens checks like Tusk, Mola, and Garg with Leaf Storm while Cinder threatens everything else with big damage.

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Another solid defensive core. Garg does well into most of the Fire types in the tier while forcing progress with Salt Cure and Rocks. Garg can also 1v1 Gking with Curse sets. Garg also appreciates Mowtom’s ability to check Wogre and other threats.

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Another Grass/Fire core. Heatran takes heavy appreciation for Rotom-Mow ability to threaten Mola while Heatran covers matchups like Volc, Swipe DD G-Fire, Dragapult, Ghold, and Gking. Pair these two with Mola or Gking and you’re never losing to Specs Kyu again (til Freeze Dry procs).

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Both of these two are fantastic with Mola. Mowtom is incredibly good at gaining momentum on Fire types and Gking, both of which Ursaluna bullies the shit out of. With Mola supporting both of them with Wish + Flip Turn, you got a nasty core.

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Say it with me. Everything is a good partner for Kingambit. Mowtom threatens a majority of the physical walls in the tier due to them ironically being weak to Grass. Gambit appreciates its ability to lure in Gking for a chance to click Swords Dance or for Lefties recovery cause it’s built different.

Section VII: Fitting Mowtom On SV OU Builds

-Mowtom can be slapped on BO and Balance teams as a Wogre check and pivot.

-Without showing you the sets, here are four builds where I found myself using Mowtom. One half is Balance, the other half is BO.

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I wanted to demonstrate what builds Mowtom can be slapped onto, and how. I got a replay showing off Mowtom at work.
(I was up against a Wogre Trick Room team. Not a super meta team, but this replay demonstrates Mowtom’s ability to switch into Wogre and Volt Switch on the Gking to bring in the Samurott. Even after a Tera + unlucky Ivy crit, Mowtom managed to live two hits, burn it, and Pain Split. The only reason Mowtom dies is because of Cress clicking Lunar Dance on the Ogerpon, but thankfully Spikes were enough to put it in range of Close Combat.)

Section VII: Conclusive Thoughts

-While Rotom-W is a solid Pokemon and has its place in the metagame, its role as a pivot/bulky water can be replicated by Mola who packs Regenerator and Wish, while boasting better physically bulk.

-Mowtom, despite its PU status, fills in a gap once filled by Ferrothorn last gen and Amoonguss before DLC2 as a bulky Grass type.

-Despite boasting a different typing from Washtom, it is still a Rotom appliance, being able to fill a similar role with decent bulk, Will-O-Wisp, and Volt Switch to maintain momentum over the course of a match, preventing it from being passive like Amoonguss who gets hard walled by half the tier despite a promising defensive profile.

-I believe it has a niche in the tier and I hope I’ve convinced others that it does.

SV OU is the most interesting metagame we’ve seen in a while. It is like a box of chocolates, you never know what developments or innovations are made within a week or a month.

I feel the reactions to the G-Fire suspect results are overblown. While I am a bit disappointed in the results, there is chance the flames for G-Fire will burn out just like how Kyurem went from being on my radar to not even being close.

A vote ending in DNBs is not the end of the world. We have enough time to figure things out before the eventual Generation 10 rolls around with Mega-Kingambit that gets Speed Boost. You can let go of your conspiracy theories about CTC rigging the vote or whatnot. If you had Spring Break this week, I hope you enjoyed it.
Imma want to try out rotom-frost just to counter the hell out of kyurem. Maybe even on stall. Imma go into the builder to try it out.
I'm disappointed in the Gouging vote. It would have been a surprise if we hadn't all seen the tide turning, but we did. Not here to say it is right or wrong. For me personally, I don't find Gouging Fire to be a healthy or fun influence on the tier. There are also concerns about the future direction of the tier. I don't mean to be all doomer, but I don't particularly feel positively about the state of the current meta and the community will to do anything about it.

There just isn't enough agreement on what to do. There are many borderline mons in a threat saturated meta with no cohesive will to ban. Everyone has there own opinions about it and many different and often opposite positions are justifiable. But if you want to get a majority that way, you can't. And honestly, I lean more towards the anti-ban crowd myself in most cases. I don't like that we have so many bans in this gen, even though I agree with most of them. In the past, the only ban decision I vehemently disagreed with like this was Gliscor. I felt Gliscor was a red herring for Spikes. But that might be it. And personally, I would rather keep most bordernline threats than ban them because we all want to be able to play with cool new mons.

Of all the borderline mons we have discussed in the current tier, I only feel strongly on 3 of them. Gouging Fire was one that I thought should have gone. No need to elaborate there. The other one I think should go is Roaring Moon. People say it's just the one set, but no, it's actually capable of more versatility than that. The one I want to keep is Raging Bolt because of how nice it is as a glue mon and how important priority is in the tier. It's also nice that Bolt is slow and that the priority has a common immunity. So yeah, I would ban Moon and keep Bolt if I had any say. I don't.

The rest? I could take or leave pretty much any other real borderline case that has been discussed since the DLC dropped. I didn't care if Kyurem stayed or went. I still don't. Volc is arguably too much in a Tera metagame, but you can say that about a lot of things. Matchup Moth staying or going probably wouldn't effect me much. I don't particularly care if Waterpon stays or goes, either. However, it will probably do the least for the tier if it goes because two other Ogerpon forms exist and would have roles. There is also maybe a chance for physical Aqua Tail Serp to be sort of a discount version. I could keep going, but yeah, I'm probably indifferent to most of it if I haven't said it already.

One recent suggestion I did like was looking at Booster Energy. I don't know if it is a solution, but I tend to want to support it. Something probably needs to be done to curb the power of many of these borderline paradox mons. Since we appear to be keeping Tera and most or all of the borderline mons, a Booster Energy suspect is the first legit thing I have heard besides that which could maybe knock many of the borderline things down a peg.
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Personally I was never bothered from gouging fire.

I just want it banned just to see what will rise in OU.

I don't even use that thing.
I've been playing low tiers UU/RU or not playing at all since I got the GF suspect requirements, and a "coincidence" I noticed is that, in the absence of Gholdengo and few Booster Energy users in these lower tiers, the diversity of playstyles is bigger. It's easier to find balanced, stall or even Offense that is more controllable than excessive HO mate before dying or having your field full of hazards.
As for Tera, like it or not, is part of the Gen 9 board.
"But such a threat is only broken due to Tera." So it is still broken and should be evaluated, suspected and perhaps banned.
Accepting the current reality instead of waiting for x moment of future development is something that should have stopped from the moment DLC2 was released, to calmly watch the metagame develop and act as necessary.
I'm just amazed at how the results of the surveys have not been in line with the results of the latest suspects.
the tier isn't dying you guys are just drama queens. I don't even like tera and would prefer it banned but this is just stupid.

Since gourg isn't banned, what are your guys favorite and least favorite sets to run with it? i feel like the breaking swipes one is losing efficiency. It's not a bad set, but a lot of people learned how to play around it and it feels harder to use imo.

favorite is choice band, least favorite is bulky DD

Okay hear me out, let's not drop the turtle for obvious reasons, what if we instead dropped a worse version of the turtle in OU? It is called :Lugia:.

literally nobody has anyone found any legitimate defensive value lugia would provide to the metagame that doesn't already exist, setting aside the fact that nobody likes lugia period. with this in mind i don't think the council should do this at all actually
Finchinator and the team that organize suspects.

I think you seriously need to reword survey questions.

people should be encouraged to vote for suspect choices based on overall value added to meta as well as how OP they are.

unfortunately the ideal world of “you do not vote based on broken checking broken” does not apply. Realistically, people are focusing on the value Pokémon add to the meta as well.

this is highly likely because in the current meta you have a lot of “broken checking broken” with the incredible boost of power level of OU since last gen.

if the survey is reworded you get higher odds of something like roaring moon being suspected. You then get after effects like Ogerpon getting a little better and people might see it differently, etc etc.

I mean it’s either that or reintroduce other broken things like urshifu rapid!
favorite is choice band, least favorite is bulky DD

literally nobody has anyone found any legitimate defensive value lugia would provide to the metagame that doesn't already exist, setting aside the fact that nobody likes lugia period. with this in mind i don't think the council should do this at all actually
To be fair its a special defense statstick you can tera to use against special threats. That's kinda huge in dealing with stuff like Volcarona. That being said it's not necessarily the best into a lot of the physical attackers in the tier.

Yes I get no one would like playing against Lugia, but just because we would all hate playing against something doesn't mean it shouldn't be tested. Lugia does genuinely bring some stuff to the table off of its sheer special bulk alone, which can help deal with some strong special threats like Volcarona in the tier as a good example and keep them in line. My point is that a mon like Lugia could be beneficial even if we don't like playing against it, kind of like how we all complained about stuff like Pex in gen 8 and Garg this gen despite both being fine even if we hated playing against it. Not liking playing against a pokemon feels like a dumb reason to not drop it when there could be benefits to letting it in here, especially since it could help keep the dumb amounts of offense in line. We said we didn't like Darkrai before dlc2 and it dropped and was fine (Aside from the whole hypnosis sleep stuff.), same with Deoxys Speed who we all feared would be OP and was fine too, point being Lugia probably deserves the same chance to be tested, even if we would all hate playing against it and it would make games less fun, it is genuinely weak enough for a suspect test. What is op and dumb to play against is very different than prior gens in gen 9 after all.

Genuinely though, I wouldn't mind the option of a potential Lugia test being on the survey.
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To be fair its an actual special defense statstick you can tera to use against special threats. That's kinda huge in dealing with stuff like Volcarona. That being said it's not necessarily the best into a lot of the physical attackers in the tier.

Yes I get no one would like playing against Lugia, but just because we would all hate playing against something doesn't mean it shouldn't be tested. Lugia does genuinely bring some stuff to the table off of its sheer special bulk alone, which can help deal with some strong special threats like Volcarona in the tier as a good example and keep them in line. My point is that a mon like Lugia could be beneficial even if we don't like playing against it, kind of like how we all complained about stuff like Pex in gen 8 and Garg this gen despite both being fine even if we hated playing against it. Not liking playing against a pokemon feels like a dumb reason to not drop it when there could be benefits to letting it in here, especially since it could help keep the dumb amounts of offense in line.
That is offset so much by the fact that lugia's bulk can also be used to set itself up and destroy the opposing team with calm mind. A simple set of calm mind, roost, earth power and ice beam would decimate most teams. Reminder, lugia has 90 sp.Attack and 110 speed, which on a mon as bulky as lugia, is insane. Ting lu has 155/125/100 (factroring in vessel of ruin) compared to lugia's 106/130/154. Ting lu technically has better attack, but it doesn't have a even good speed stat, which is definetely in lugia's favour.
252 SpA Gholdengo Make It Rain vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Lugia: 136-162 (32.6 - 38.9%) -- 99.4% chance to 3HKO
252 SpA Gholdengo Make It Rain vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Vessel of Ruin Ting-Lu: 180-213 (35 - 41.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
On the special side, it has more bulk than ting lu.
252 Atk Protosynthesis Roaring Moon Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Lugia: 130-154 (31.2 - 37%) -- 78.9% chance to 3HKO
252 Atk Protosynthesis Roaring Moon Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Ting-Lu: 136-160 (26.4 - 31.1%) -- guaranteed 4HKO
On the physical side, ting lu has more bulk.
Now, you might say "oh, but it has less bulk than ting lu on the physical side, that means it can take physical hits easier". NO
Lugia has a broken ability called multiscale. Rememer dragonite? The mon that can be used to revenge kill most things because it has multiscale to get up a boost? Imagine that, but ten times bulkier.
252 Atk Protosynthesis Roaring Moon Acrobatics (110 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Multiscale Lugia: 65-77 (15.6 - 18.5%) -- possible 6HKO
Sure, that may just be one turn, but lugia does have recovery to get it back. It also has sheer bulk/no 4x weakneses that could potentially break through it.
+6 252 SpA Gholdengo Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Multiscale Lugia: 364-430 (87.5 - 103.3%) -- 25% chance to OHKO
For fucks sake, even +6 ghold shadow ball has a chance to not ohko. HOW IS THAT NOT BULLSHIT.
This is just with max hp, if you want to, you can invest in your defenses.
0 SpA Lugia Earth Power vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Gholdengo: 128-152 (40.6 - 48.2%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Oh, yeah I don't think ghold is going to have a good day.
0 SpA Lugia Earth Power vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Kingambit: 136-162 (39.8 - 47.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Reminder, this is at neutral, lugia would absolutely be able to get a calm mind off.
It naturally outspeeds gambit, with it reaching a speed stat of 256 at neutral. With a timid nature and 72 ev's, it can outspeed max speed jolly tusk.

TLDR, this rant is too long. Stop trying to say lugia would be alright in OU, it would not. I would like one day in which we didn't discuss an uber dropping.
setting aside the fact that nobody likes lugia period.

No. We are not just gonna let that slide. Lugia is my favorite pokemon. Period.

Finchinator and the team that organize suspects.
if the survey is reworded you get higher odds of something like roaring moon being suspected. You then get after effects like Ogerpon getting a little better and people might see it differently, etc etc.

The most obvious problem with this is you still need the collective will to ban in the suspects. Even if you could get other things suspected, so what? Gouging Fire had over a 4 and it wasn't banned. And sure, people can change there minds. The point is the surveys don't mean much when it comes to actually voting in the suspect.

Never mind agreeing on the right new approach, whatever that may be. I don't even agree that "fixing" the survey in the first place would do anything. People in general have put way too much stock in the survey results. We should simply do less of them and stop overestimating what the results mean.

That is offset so much by the fact that lugia's bulk can also be used to set itself up and destroy the opposing team with calm mind. A simple set of calm mind, roost, earth power and ice beam would decimate most teams. Reminder, lugia has 90 sp.Attack and 110 speed, which on a mon as bulky as lugia, is insane.

First of all, I don't know why you would run Ice Beam over Aeroblast when you get a stronger STAB high crit move and Flying/Ground coverage goes crazy. Only the metal birds and the now UU Zapos resist that combo without Tera, and they all tend to want to be more physically bulky than specially bulky.

Second, we already have bulky setup crap like Gouging Fire that even boosts its speed with Dragon Dance. And Proto. If GF is apparently ok, according to enough people, I don't see why Lugia's bulk alone wouldn't be. It has a worse defensive typing, much worse offensive stats, and no speed boosting setup moves. Lugia isn't even very strong on offense. You would need more setup. People in the latest suspect made arguments against the defensive Gouging Fire DD set, saying it needed too many Dragon Dances to get going and this made it vulnerable to counterplay. And this is with Gouging Fire being able to take advantage of immediate speed or power from Proto buffs. Lugia would need multiple Calm Minds and still likely be outsped by the revenge/encore mons or walled by Unaware walls verse its lacking offensive stats.

Same for Zamazenta, which has an insane 138 speed tier for that kind of bulk. Nobody bats an eye for Zama and that speed/bulk combination because it is gen 9.

Personally, I wouldn't drop any Ubers. I don't really even like these discussions about doing so. But let's not pretend like power creep hasn't completely changed our standards. 110 speed in gen 9 is like the old 100 speed mark of past gens. The base stats in general are much greater than ever before.
First of all, I don't know why you would run Ice Beam over Aeroblast when you get a stronger STAB high crit move and Flying/Ground coverage goes crazy. Only the metal birds and the now UU Zapos resist that combo without Tera, and they all tend to want to be more physically bulky than specially bulky.

Second, we already have bulky setup crap like Gouging Fire that even boosts its speed with Dragon Dance. And Proto. If GF is apparently ok, according to enough people, I don't see why Lugia's bulk alone wouldn't be. It has a worse defensive typing, much worse offensive stats, and no speed boosting setup moves. Lugia isn't even very strong on offense. You would need more setup. People in the latest suspect made arguments against the defensive Gouging Fire DD set, saying it needed too many Dragon Dances to get going and this made it vulnerable to counterplay. And this is with Gouging Fire being able to take advantage of immediate speed or power from Proto buffs. Lugia would need multiple Calm Minds and still likely be outsped by the revenge/encore mons or walled by Unaware walls verse its lacking offensive stats.

Same for Zamazenta, which has an insane 138 speed tier for that kind of bulk. Nobody bats an eye for Zama and that speed/bulk combination because it is gen 9.

Personally, I wouldn't drop any Ubers. I don't really even like these discussions about doing so. But let's not pretend like power creep hasn't completely changed our standards. 110 speed in gen 9 is like the old 100 speed mark of past gens. The base stats in general are much greater than ever before.
Sure, but I would prefer Ice Beam due to its higher pp and the fact that it hits a lot more things super effectively.
The difference between both of these examples is that 1. Lugia has so much more bulk. It has Ting-lu levels of bulk, which even gouging fire doesn't have. Then add onto that multiscale and you have a mon that can destroy teams. It has the same speed stat as waterpon. It may have less power, but it is much, much superior in terms of bulk. It's speed is still amazing, sure a bit less amazing this gen, but what mons that are faster than it that can truly threaten it. Darkrai, weavile and dragapult. Two of those can be beaten if you can get a calm mind off.
252 SpA Life Orb Darkrai Dark Pulse vs. +1 252 HP / 0 SpD Lugia: 164-195 (39.4 - 46.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Lugia will most likely be at full, so half the damage to 20%. If darkrai trys to get cheeky and boost up itself, well then.
+1 0 SpA Lugia Aeroblast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Dragapult: 187-222 (58.9 - 70%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
180 SpA Dragapult Hex (65 BP) vs. +1 252 HP / 0 SpD Lugia: 78-92 (18.7 - 22.1%) -- possible 5HKO
Uh, not a lot of damage. Sure, you do get a t-wave off, but lugia has the bulk to calm mind up repeatedly.
Weavile is the only one that can actually outspeed and take on lugia. And that is solely because it is a physical attacker.
I didn't even mention tera, which would make it even more bs.
Even gambit would not be a reliable answer.
252+ Atk Black Glasses Supreme Overlord 5 allies fainted Tera Dark Kingambit Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Multiscale Lugia: 248-292 (59.6 - 70.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
For peats sake, if gambit gets the predict wrong, lugia can live the hit and ko it back if gambit is chipped.
0 SpA Lugia Aeroblast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Tera Dark Kingambit: 114-135 (33.4 - 39.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
And with earth power, it gets hit even harder if it decides to not tera.
0 SpA Lugia Earth Power vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Kingambit: 136-162 (39.8 - 47.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
I'm sorry to say, but lugia is simply too bulky, with too much speed and power for that level of bulk. The closest we have to lugia's bulk is ting-lu, who is slow as hell. I would love to not have this conversation, but what about this is balanced? I don't see a reason why it would be balanced.
Lugia would be an interesting addition for some multi-week tournament, but dropping it straight into OU is crazy talk. Even if it can be handled, it is the definition of meta-warping thanks to massive bulk, reliable recovery, and a good setup move.
meta warping hasn't been an issue so far though, Kingambit remains legal and anyone who argues the meta isn't completely warped around his existence is just objectively wrong.

for the record I'm being obtuse I despise lugia and will vehemently argue against it dropping
I don't get why were back at Lugia again.
I get where the reason for the idea of bringing an Uber back to "stabilize" the metagame came from, but Lugia is not it.
If that thing came in OU nobody is ever gonna think of running a passive team ever again.

That's just not true as fat structures have the easiest time against Lugia. Repeat after me, Lugia does not have Stored Power, and it never will have Stored Power.
The forums are far more lively this generation than last. This is the most active metagame discussion has ever been by a long shot.
Working off decade old memories here god, but I distinctly remember most Gen 6 and Gen 7 discussion being more concerned with the viability rankings and not so much overall meta discussion. I'm actually kind of surprised people are still talking on the forums this much in a post-Discord world.

This is admittedly pure vibes but it seems that player count is super healthy to me if we're still getting this much forum activity.
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Thank You. No more Lugia Talk. Instead, I want to talk about this kind-of niche Raging Bolt set.

Raging Bolt @ Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 64 HP / 28 Def / 252 SpA / 164 Spe
IVs: 20 Atk
Tera Type: Fairy
Modest Nature
- Calm Mind
- Thunderclap
- Dragon Pulse
- Rising Voltage

Pair this with Pinchurchin and it goes brrr as long as your ooponents ground types are gone
Thank You. No more Lugia Talk. Instead, I want to talk about this kind-of niche Raging Bolt set.

Raging Bolt @ Booster Energy
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 64 HP / 28 Def / 252 SpA / 164 Spe
IVs: 20 Atk
Tera Type: Fairy
Modest Nature
- Calm Mind
- Thunderclap
- Dragon Pulse
- Rising Voltage

Pair this with Pinchurchin and it goes brrr as long as your ooponents ground types are gone
Maybe you could pair this up with rotom-wash to get rid of grounds or thundurus (normal version) if you want a prankster user.
Though I wouldn't recommend using electric terrain strategies, I have tried them and they suck ass. Pinchurchin is a mon though.
Are we seriously doing the Uber drop thing again please stop

Anyway, for the suspect results, yeah I don't think this is surprising at all given how many players were shifting opinions on Gouging in the suspect thread. And for good reason, that mon has adequate counterplay. I feel like people just want things banned for the sake of banning things at this point. I get it, threat saturation does exist, but banning something that simply isn't broken doesn't fix that issue. People will vote DNB on things they don't find broken, pure and simple, regardless of threat saturation or whatever.
And while I think people are overblowing how "bad" the meta is, I don't even think banning Gouging Fire would change the state of it too much. If we really want to change the tier in a significant way, ie in a way that actually fixes the issues people have with it, we need to look at core dynamics in the tier like Kingambit's effect on teambuilding, booster spam fucking up speed tiers or Gholdengo's impact on the hazard meta (regardless of your stance on defoggers it is undeniable Ghold shapes the hazard dynamic of the tier whether it is present in a game or not).

I normally don’t say this with any of my write-ups, but this time, I am confident in saying that it has a chance to change the meta.

I’ll explain who the write-up is about, but first, lets talk about Rotom-Wash.

Section I: Rotom-Wash

View attachment 615746

-Since Gen 5 made all the Rotom appliances different types, Rotom-W has been the best one without question, and has maintained OU status for a decade.

-Even after ending up in UU last gen, Rotom-W remained an OU staple.

-Electric/Water is perfect, especially on a mon with Levitate. Not only is Washtom immune to Spikes, not only is it a Water resist, not only does it have one weakness, but it perfectly compliments its kit.

-The only thing blocking Volt Switch are Ground types which get hit by Hydro Pump. This defining trait allowed Washtom to be an excellent OU pivot.


-There was an instance where Washtom wasn’t the best Rotom.

View attachment 615747
-Before DLC2 of Sword and Shield, Rotom-Heat was considered the best appliance, and by a landslide.

-Gen 8 introduced Boots, allowing Fire, Flying, Ice, and Bug types the first time to be immune to Rocks.

-Around this time, players had no idea just how impactful Boots would be yet, but the point was, Heattom was a top mon in early SS OU.

-With Clef, Kyurem, and Corv as top Pokemon, Heattom’s typing came on clutch offensively and defensively.

-Gen 8 gifted Rotom Nasty Plot, allowing it to act as one of the best breakers and one of the few that can break past Clef.

-Toad rose because of Vish, but also because of its ability to counter Heattom. That is until Heattom clicks Toxic and puts it on a timer.

-Heattom also had plenty of set up opportunities thanks to its typing and the slew of pivots that accompanied it.

-So good it was in fact, that it was in the S ranks alongside Clef and Corv.

-Heattom would fall off eventually in DLC2 as power creep hit, Heatran and Garchomp came back, and Washtom became the better pick.

View attachment 615749
-In SV OU Washtom is obviously still a solid pick, but considering its in B rank, the streak of Washtom being an OU staple might be over for a few reasons.

-Its role as a Water resist isn’t fantastic when our best offensive Waters break through it and Rain itself has fallen after the Arch ban.

-It faces competition as a pivot from Mola who is bulkier and packs Regen to stay on the field for longer periods.

-Still, Washtom is great at spreading status and pivoting, being immune to Spikes is a big boon in this meta, and it hard counters HLR + Spinner Tusk.

-That being said, I don’t think Washtom is the only viable Rotom appliance.

View attachment 615751
Enter Rotom-Mow. Mowtom has many of the same qualities as Washtom. The same bulk, the same movepool, and a good offensive typing, but it offers something that we are currently lacking in this metagame. A bulky Grass type.

Section II: The Importance Of Bulky Grass Types

Each generation since ADV had at least one strong bulky Grass type.

View attachment 615759
-ADV had Celebi who offered defensive utility with 32 pp Recovers, Leech Seed, and Baton Pass.

View attachment 615760
-DPP had Loom who was on the frailer side, but compensated due to Spore and Poison Heal.

View attachment 615761
-Ferro was THE bulky Grass type from BW to SS, with Tangrowth, Amoonguss, Mega Venusaur, etc thrown into the mix.

View attachment 615763
-Even SV had a viable bulky Grass in the form of Amoonguss, and I say had because…well…because Darkrai showed up and since then, it’s never been the same.

View attachment 615764
-We even got Hydrapple in DLC/ who gets Regenerator and amazing stats overall, but being weak to Fairy, Dragon, and 4x weak to Ice is not a good look despite me having faith in it early on.

-While it doesn’t guarantee it, bulky Grasses provide stability in a tier as they can cover several bad matchups. Grass types have nasty weaknesses to Fire, Flying, and Ice, but they also provide teams with a defensive profile against Ground and Water types.

-SV OU desperately needs a strong bulky Grass, especially with Wogre in the tier.

Section III: Ogerpon-W’s Reign

View attachment 615752(she’s just a li’l gremlin)

-I don’t think Ogerpon is actually broken, but its dominance vs Balance builds is undeniable.

- Though DLC2 introduced plenty of dragons, Play Rough OHKOs every single one after an SD + hazards minus Dragonite.

Though it obviously has counterplay on Balance, they aren’t perfect.

View attachment 615766
•The most common Wogre repellent, but it doesn’t safely switch in and sacking it to burn Oger isn’t ideal depending on the matchup.

View attachment 615767
•A solid check but it only switches in a few times and is forced to give up its Dauntless Shield Boost.

View attachment 615768
•Needs Brave Bird to threaten, even then it isn’t perfect. Skarm gets 2HKOd by Tera Water Ivy on the switch.

View attachment 615769View attachment 615770(tera grass)
•Tera Grass on any wall can handle Wogre, but that also forces you to burn a Tera.

View attachment 615771
•The only OU Grass type with actual bulk. It doesn’t run bulkier spreads often and is OHKOd by Power Whip at +2. Meanwhile Rilla needs to Tera to OHKO with Glide, so not the most ideal scenario. Even bulkier variants have a chance to be OHKOd after rocks.

-Since you need these for other mons on Wogre’s team, it can feel like there’s no way to stop Wogre from making progress. So how can Mowtom aid teams in the SV OU metagame?

Section V: Mowtom’s Role in The Indigo Disk Metagame
View attachment 615757
Rotom-Mow @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Steel/Fairy/Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 212 Def / 44 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leaf Storm
- Volt Switch
- Will-O-Wisp/Thunder Wave
- Pain Split

-I have tested other bulky grasses from the lower tiers. Amoonguss, Hydrapple, Sinistcha, Venusaur, even Vileplume who got me to top 100.

-Though they might have some defensive utility outside of checking Wogre, they feel geared towards more passive plays which I found exclusive to fatter builds except maybe the teapot,

-Mowtom was different, because it is also a pivot. Meaning Mowtom can remain an important team player even after Ogerpon goes down.

Just to get these calcs out of the way cause yes, it does check Ogerpon.

252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Rotom-Mow: 66-78 (21.7 - 25.6%) -- possible 5HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Wellspring Mask Tera Water Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Rotom-Mow: 88-104 (28.9 - 34.2%) -- 99.2% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

But wait a minute, it gets 2HKOd by +2 Ivy.

+2 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Ogerpon-Wellspring Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Rotom-Mow: 131-155 (43 - 50.9%) -- 55.5% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

+2 252 Atk Wellspring Mask Tera Water Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Rotom-Mow: 175-207 (57.5 - 68%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Yes, but, Mowtom gets Will-O-Wisp, allowing it to 1v1 Ogerpon, and giving us these calcs.

+2 252 Atk Wellspring Mask burned Ogerpon-Wellspring Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Rotom-Mow: 65-77 (21.3 - 25.3%) -- possible 5HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

+2 252 Atk Wellspring Mask burned Tera Water Ogerpon-Wellspring-Tera Ivy Cudgel vs. 252 HP / 212+ Def Rotom-Mow: 87-103 (28.6 - 33.8%) -- 1.4% chance to 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

-Ogerpon cannot stay in, and must switch out. This is huge for Balance teams. Not only do they gain an excellent pivot, but a Wogre check as well. What this means is. Balance teams no longer have to burn Tera or risk Pult to burn Wogre.

Mowtom isn’t just a Wogre checking machine, it also deals with other matchups. Some of them better than Washtom.

View attachment 615772
Primarina can be annoying for bulkier builds due to the nature of Calm Mind and AV Flip Turn sets. Washtom does minimal damage with Volt Switch, however Mowtom can deal heavy nuke damage with Leaf Storm. Either OHKOing it after chip or forcing a Tera.

View attachment 615773
Though not an outright counter, Mowtom does much better into Garganacl than Washtom due to Salt Cure not taking 1/4th of its health. Mowtom also has a chance to 2HKO Garg with Leaf Storm if it decides to play recklessly or force a Tera. Mowtom can also force Garg to exhaust Recover pp with strong Leaf Storms and Pain Split.

View attachment 615774
Mowtom can’t really threaten Serperior, but being immune to Glare and resisting Leaf Storm is a helpful trait to prevent it from making any sort of progress. Mowtom can Volt Turn on it and bring in Weavile or Dragapult to finish the job.

View attachment 615775View attachment 615777
Waters like Mola and Dozo can usually shrug off a weak Volt Switch, but Mowtom threatens an OHKO on Mola with Leaf Storm and deals over 80% to Dozo, which is hard to recover off for it.

0 SpA Rotom-Mow Leaf Storm vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Alomomola: 542-638 (101.4 - 119.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO

0 SpA Rotom-Mow Leaf Storm vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Dondozo: 410-486 (81.3 - 96.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

-The value of Volt Switch not only makes Mowtom good on Balance but also BO.

-While BO has excellent responses to Wogre like Dnite, Ironpress Zama, and Sash Pult, having that surefire check that also can grab momentum is huge for these builds. Especially as they want to preserve Multiscale, Sash, or the one-time Defense Boost.

Section VI: Mowtom Partners

View attachment 615778 + View attachment 615779
The best aspect about not being part-Water is that Mowtom can synergize with other bulky Waters, especially Alomomola who it forms an excellent defensive Voltturn core with. Mola also hugely appreciates a Wogre check like Mowtom. This is the best core to make use of it.

View attachment 615780 + View attachment 615781/View attachment 615782
Mowtom also synergizes with offensive Waters on BO. Mowtom lures in Dragons and Fire types that are picked off by Prim. It could also form a voltturn core with AV variants. H-Samu appreciates Mowtom’s ability to lure Gking so it gets the opportunity to click the funny Spike setting move which makes Mowtom’s pivoting more potent.

View attachment 615783 + View attachment 615784 + View attachment 615785
Zap/Ting/Gking vibes. This bread n’ butter remains as a solid defensive backbone for Balance. Ting-Lu covers Mowtom’s bad mus like Raging Bolt and Gking while setting hazards. Gking covers Kyurem and Volc while forming a voltturn core with it.

View attachment 615786 + View attachment 615787
Another solid voltturn core. The combined efforts of Wisp and Intimidate deter several physical threats. Lando also makes great use of Mowtom’s Volt Switch to get up Rocks on Gking or Heatran. Lando also covers G-Fire and Raging Bolt.

View attachment 615788 + View attachment 615789/View attachment 615790
Both Weavile and Kyurem benefit from Mowtom’s pivoting abilities. Allowing them to freely click buttons like there’s no tomorrow.

View attachment 615791 + View attachment 615792
This is a pretty fun Voltturn core. Mowtom threatens checks like Tusk, Mola, and Garg with Leaf Storm while Cinder threatens everything else with big damage.

View attachment 615793 + View attachment 615794
Another solid defensive core. Garg does well into most of the Fire types in the tier while forcing progress with Salt Cure and Rocks. Garg can also 1v1 Gking with Curse sets. Garg also appreciates Mowtom’s ability to check Wogre and other threats.

View attachment 615795 + View attachment 615796
Another Grass/Fire core. Heatran takes heavy appreciation for Rotom-Mow ability to threaten Mola while Heatran covers matchups like Volc, Swipe DD G-Fire, Dragapult, Ghold, and Gking. Pair these two with Mola or Gking and you’re never losing to Specs Kyu again (til Freeze Dry procs).

View attachment 615797 + View attachment 615798
Both of these two are fantastic with Mola. Mowtom is incredibly good at gaining momentum on Fire types and Gking, both of which Ursaluna bullies the shit out of. With Mola supporting both of them with Wish + Flip Turn, you got a nasty core.

View attachment 615800 + View attachment 615801
Say it with me. Everything is a good partner for Kingambit. Mowtom threatens a majority of the physical walls in the tier due to them ironically being weak to Grass. Gambit appreciates its ability to lure in Gking for a chance to click Swords Dance or for Lefties recovery cause it’s built different.

Section VII: Fitting Mowtom On SV OU Builds

-Mowtom can be slapped on BO and Balance teams as a Wogre check and pivot.

-Without showing you the sets, here are four builds where I found myself using Mowtom. One half is Balance, the other half is BO.

View attachment 615802
I wanted to demonstrate what builds Mowtom can be slapped onto, and how. I got a replay showing off Mowtom at work.
(I was up against a Wogre Trick Room team. Not a super meta team, but this replay demonstrates Mowtom’s ability to switch into Wogre and Volt Switch on the Gking to bring in the Samurott. Even after a Tera + unlucky Ivy crit, Mowtom managed to live two hits, burn it, and Pain Split. The only reason Mowtom dies is because of Cress clicking Lunar Dance on the Ogerpon, but thankfully Spikes were enough to put it in range of Close Combat.)

Section VII: Conclusive Thoughts

-While Rotom-W is a solid Pokemon and has its place in the metagame, its role as a pivot/bulky water can be replicated by Mola who packs Regenerator and Wish, while boasting better physically bulk.

-Mowtom, despite its PU status, fills in a gap once filled by Ferrothorn last gen and Amoonguss before DLC2 as a bulky Grass type.

-Despite boasting a different typing from Washtom, it is still a Rotom appliance, being able to fill a similar role with decent bulk, Will-O-Wisp, and Volt Switch to maintain momentum over the course of a match, preventing it from being passive like Amoonguss who gets hard walled by half the tier despite a promising defensive profile.

-I believe it has a niche in the tier and I hope I’ve convinced others that it does.

SV OU is the most interesting metagame we’ve seen in a while. It is like a box of chocolates, you never know what developments or innovations are made within a week or a month.

I feel the reactions to the G-Fire suspect results are overblown. While I am a bit disappointed in the results, there is chance the flames for G-Fire will burn out just like how Kyurem went from being on my radar to not even being close.

A vote ending in DNBs is not the end of the world. We have enough time to figure things out before the eventual Generation 10 rolls around with Mega-Kingambit that gets Speed Boost. You can let go of your conspiracy theories about CTC rigging the vote or whatnot. If you had Spring Break this week, I hope you enjoyed it.
Lovely writeup. Rotom wash is a mon I've been spamming the daylights out of and I genuinely think it's like an A tier mon in the tier. That said, it's rough matchup into Oger is something I feel a lot so Rotom Mow is a very cool innovation to retain that water resistance with wisp spreading and volt switch. I especially like that last core, I've been using Tusk Gking Washtom Heatran like an addict and Mowtom is a very cool alternative. Definitely gonna try this out.